< Deuteronomy 14 >

1 Sons, are ye unto Yahweh your God, —ye shall not cut yourselves, neither shall ye put baldness between your eyes for the dead.
Unu onwe unu bụ ụmụ Onyenwe anyị Chineke unu, ya mere unu egbula onwe unu mma, maọbụ kpụchapụ agịrị isi dị nso nso egedege ihu unu nʼihi onye nwụrụ anwụ.
2 For, a holy people, thou art unto Yahweh thy God, —and, of thee, did Yahweh make choice, that thou shouldest become his people as a treasure, above all the peoples that are on the face of the ground.
Nʼihi na onye dị nsọ ka ị bụ nye Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị. Ọ bụkwa gị ka Onyenwe anyị họọrọ site na ndị niile nọ nʼelu ụwa, ị bụ ihe oke ọnụahịa nye ya.
3 Thou shalt not eat any abominable thing.
Erila ihe ọbụla m kwuru na ọ bụ ihe rụrụ arụ.
4 These, are the beasts which ye may eat, —the ox, the young of sheep, and the young of goats;
Ndị a bụ anụmanụ unu ga-eri: ehi, atụrụ, na ewu,
5 the hart and the gazelle and the roebuck, —and the wild goat and the mountain goat, and the wild ox, and the mountain sheep.
na ele nta, na mgbada, na atụrụ ọhịa, na ewu ọhịa, ele ukwu, na anịgọ bi nʼelu ugwu.
6 And every beast that parteth the hoof and cleaveth the cleft into two claws, chewing the cud, among beasts, the same, shall ye eat.
Anụmanụ ọbụla ụkwụ ya wara njakpa, nke na-atagharị ọnụ ka unu ga-eri.
7 Nevertheless these, shall ye not eat, of them that chew the cud, and of them that divide the cloven hoof, —the camel and the hare and the rabbit for, though they do chew the cud, yet the hoof, do they not part, unclean, they are unto you.
Ma otu ọ dị, nʼetiti anụ ndị ahụ na-atagharị nri maọbụ ndị ụkwụ ha wara njakpa, ndị a ka unu na-agaghị eri, ịnyịnya kamel, na ewi maọbụ ewi nkume, na anụ ndị ọzọ yiri ha, ọ bụ ezie na ha na-atagharị ọnụ, ma ha enweghị ụkwụ wara njakpa. Ha bụ ihe na-adịghị ọcha nye unu.
8 And, the swine, because though he doth divide the hoof, yet he cheweth not the cud, unclean, he is unto you, —of their flesh, shall ye not eat, and their carcases, shall ye not touch.
Ezi bụkwa anụ na-adịghị ọcha; ọ bụ ezie na o nwere ụkwụ wara njakpa, ma ọ dịghị atagharị nri. Unu agaghị emetụla ozu ha aka maọbụ rie anụ ha.
9 These, may ye eat of all that that are in the waters, —whatsoever hath fins and scales, ye may eat;
Nʼime ihe niile e kere eke, dị ndụ, biri na mmiri, unu nwere ike iri nke ọbụla nwere ntu na akpịrịkpa,
10 and, whatsoever hath not, fins and scales, ye may not eat, —unclean, it is unto you.
ma ihe ọbụla nke na-enweghị ntu na akpịrịkpa, unu erila ha, nʼihi na ha rụrụ arụ.
11 Of every clean bird, ye may eat;
Unu ga-eri nnụnụ ọbụla dị ọcha,
12 saving these, of which ye may not eat, —the eagle and the ossifrage and the osprey;
ma unu agaghị eri ndị a: ugo, na udele, na udele ojii,
13 and the vulture and the kite, and the falcon after its kind;
na ndagbụ, na ọgankwọ, na ndagbụ dị iche iche,
14 and every raven after its kind;
na ugolọma ọbụla dị iche iche,
15 and the female ostrich, and the male ostrich and the sea-gull, —and the hawk, after its kind;
na enyi nnụnụ, na egbe abalị, na nnụnụ oke osimiri, na egbe dị iche iche,
16 and the pelican and the bittern, and the swan;
na okwukwu nta, na okwukwu ukwu, na okwukwu nwere mpi,
17 and the vomiting pelican and the little vulture and the gannet;
na okwolo na udele, na komorant,
18 and the stork, and the parrot, after its kind, —and the mountain-cock, and the bat.
na ụgbala, na utù dị iche iche, na nnụnụ ọdụ nta, na ụsụ.
19 And, as for every creeping thing that flieth, unclean, it is unto you, —they, shall not be eaten.
Ụmụ ahụhụ niile na-efe efe rụrụ arụ nye unu, unu erila ha,
20 All clean fowls, ye may eat.
Ma unu nwere ike iri ụmụ ahụhụ ndị ahụ nwere nku, ndị dị ọcha.
21 Ye shall not eat any thing that dieth of itself: to the sojourner who is within thy gates, mayest thou give it and he may eat it or thou mayest sell it to a foreigner, for a holy people, art thou unto Yahweh thy God. Thou shalt not boil a kid, in the milk of its dam.
Unu erila anụ ọbụla nwụrụ anwụ. Ma otu o si dị, onye ọbịa nʼetiti unu nwere ike rie ya. I nwere ike inye ya, maọbụ resi ya onye ahụ, ma erila ya, nʼihi na onye dị nsọ nye Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị ka ị bụ. Esila nwa ewu maọbụ nwa atụrụ nʼime mmiri ara nne ya.
22 Thou shalt surely tithe, all the increase of thy seed, —which the field bringeth forth year by year.
Ị ghaghị inye otu ụzọ nʼụzọ iri nke mkpụrụ ubi gị afọ niile.
23 And thou shalt eat before Yahweh thy God—in the place which he shall choose to make a habitation for his name there, —the tithe of thy corn thy new wine and thine oil, and the firstlings of thy herd and of thy flock, —that thou mayest learn to revere Yahweh thy God all the days.
Ị ga-erikwa mkpụrụ ndị a nʼihu Onyenwe anyị, bụ Chineke gị, nʼebe ahụ ọ ga-ahọpụta ka ọ bụrụ ebe obibi ya, ị ga-anọ nʼebe ahụ rie otu ụzọ nʼụzọ iri nke ọka gị, na mmanya vaịnị ọhụrụ gị, na mmanụ oliv gị, na nwa mbụ nke igwe ehi gị, na igwe ewu na atụrụ gị. Ihe e ji eme nke a bụ ka ị mụta ịtụ egwu Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị ụbọchị ndụ gị niile.
24 But, when the way becometh too long for thee because thou canst not carry it, because the place is too far for thee which Yahweh thy God shall choose to put his name there, —because Yahweh thy God blesseth thee,
Ọ bụrụ na ebe Onyenwe anyị họpụtara dị anya, ọ bụrụkwa na Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị agọziela gị ruo na ị pụghị ibu otu ụzọ nʼụzọ iri gị gaa nʼebe ahụ (nʼihi na ebe ahụ Onyenwe anyị họpụtara dị anya),
25 then shalt thou turn it into silver, —and shalt bind up the silver in thy hand, and shalt journey unto the place, which Yahweh thy God shall choose;
mgbe ahụ, gbanwee otu ụzọ nʼụzọ iri nata ọlaọcha, were ọlaọcha ahụ jee nʼebe ahụ Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị họpụtara.
26 and shalt turn the silver into whatsoever thy soul desireth—of the herd or of the flock, or of wine or of strong drink, or of whatsoever thy soul shall ask thee for, —and shalt eat it there, before Yahweh thy God, and shalt rejoice, thou and thy household,
Were ọlaọcha ahụ zụọ ihe ọbụla ị chọrọ: ehi, na atụrụ, na mmanya, maọbụ mmanya siri ike na-aba nʼanya maọbụ ihe ọbụla ọzọ nke ị chọrọ. Mgbe ahụ, gị na ezinaụlọ gị ga-eri nri nʼihu Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị, ṅụrịakwa ọṅụ.
27 and, the Levite who is within thy gates, thou shalt not forsake him, —for he hath neither portion nor inheritance with thee.
Echefukwala ime ka ndị Livayị soro gị rie ihe ị kpatara, nʼihi na ha enweghị ihe nketa ọbụla, maọbụ ihe ubi dịka gị.
28 At the end of three years, shalt thou bring forth all the tithe of thine increase in that year, —and shalt lay it up within thy gates;
Nʼọgwụgwụ afọ atọ ọbụla, ị ga-eweta otu ụzọ nʼụzọ iri nke ihe ubi gị, chịkọta ha nʼebe a ga-echebe ha nʼobodo gị,
29 and the Levite shall come in—because he hath neither portion nor inheritance with thee—and the sojourner and the fatherless and the widow who are within thy gates, and they shall eat and be satisfied, —that Yahweh thy God may bless thee, in all the work of thy hand which thou shalt do.
ka ndị Livayị, ndị na-enweghị ihe nketa nʼetiti gị, na ndị ọbịa, na ndị inyom di ha nwụrụ anwụ, na ụmụ mgbei niile nọ nʼobodo gị, bịa nʼebe ahụ were nri ha ga-eri, rijuokwa afọ. Nʼụzọ dị otu a, Onyenwe anyị Chineke gị ga-agọzi gị, gọziekwa ọrụ aka gị niile.

< Deuteronomy 14 >