< Daniel 8 >

1 In the third year of the reign of Belshazzar the king, a vision, appeared unto me Daniel, after that which appeared unto me at the beginning.
Treæe godine carovanja Valtasarova pokaza se meni Danilu utvara poslije one koja mi se pokazala prije.
2 So then I saw, in the vision, and it came to pass, when I saw, that I was in Shusan the fortress, which is in Persia the province, —yea I saw it in a vision, when, I, was by the river Ulai.
I vidjeh u utvari; a bjeh u Susanu u gradu koji je u zemlji Elamu, kad vidjeh, i vidjeh u utvari i bjeh na vodi Ulaju.
3 So then I lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and lo! a ram, standing before the river, and, it, had two horns, —and, the two horns, were high, but, the one, was higher than the other, and, the higher, had come up, last.
I podigoh oèi svoje i vidjeh, i gle, stajaše kraj vode ovan, koji imaše dva roga, a rogovi bjehu visoki, ali jedan viši od drugoga, i viši naraste poslije.
4 I saw the ram, pushing strongly westward and northward and southward, so that no wild beast could stand before him, and none could deliver out of his hand, —but he did according to his own pleasure, and shewed himself great.
Vidjeh ovna gdje bode na zapad i na sjever i na jug, i nijedna zvijer ne mogaše mu odoljeti, i ne bijaše nikoga ko bi izbavio od njega, nego èinjaše što hoæaše, i osili.
5 Now, I, was observing, when lo! a he-goat, coming in out of the west, over the face of all the earth, but it meddled not with the earth, —and, the goat, had a conspicuous horn between his eyes.
A kad ja motrah, gle, iðaše jarac od zapada povrh sve zemlje a ne doticaše se zemlje; i taj jarac imaše rog znamenit meðu oèima svojim.
6 So then he came up to the ram having the two horns, which I had seen, standing before the river, —and ran unto him, in the fury of his strength.
I doðe do ovna koji imaše dva roga, kojega vidjeh gdje stoji kraj vode, i potrèa na nj gnjevno silom svojom.
7 Yea I saw him coming close upon the ram, and he was enraged at him, and smote the ram, and brake in pieces both his horns, and there was no strength in the ram to stand before him, —but he cast him down to the ground, and trampled him underfoot, and there was none could deliver the ram out of his power.
I vidjeh ga gdje doðe do ovna, i razgnjeviv se na nj udari ovna, te mu slomi oba roga i ne bješe sile u ovnu da mu odoli, nego ga obori na zemlju i pogazi ga, i ne bješe nikoga da izbavi ovna od njega.
8 But, the he-goat, shewed himself very great, —and, when he had become mighty, the great horn, was broken in pieces, and there came up afterwards four, in its stead, towards the four winds of the heavens;
I jarac posta vrlo velik; a kad osili, slomi se veliki rog, i mjesto njega narastoše znamenita èetiri roga prema èetiri vjetra nebeska.
9 and, out of the first of them, came forth a little horn, —which became exceedingly great, against the south and against the east, and against the beautiful [land];
I iz jednoga njih izide jedan rog malen i naraste vrlo velik prema jugu i istoku i prema krasnoj zemlji.
10 yea it became great as far as the host of the heavens, —and caused to fall, to the earth, some of the host and some of the stars, and trampled them underfoot;
I naraste dori do vojske nebeske, i obori na zemlju neke od vojske i od zvijezda, i pogazi ih.
11 even as far as the ruler of the host, shewed he his greatness, —and, because of him, was taken away the continual [ascending-sacrifice], and the place of the sanctuary, was cast down;
I naraste dori do poglavara toj vojsci, i uze mu svagdašnju žrtvu, i sveti stan njegov obori.
12 and, a host, was set over the continual [ascending-sacrifice], by transgression, —and faithfulness, was cast down, to the ground, and so he acted with effect, and succeeded.
I vojska bi dana u otpad od žrtve svagdašnje, i obori istinu na zemlju, i što èinjaše napredovaše mu.
13 Then heard I a certain holy one, speaking, —and another holy one said to that certain holy one who was speaking—How long is the vision of the continual [ascending-sacrifice] as taken away, and the transgression which astoundeth, for both sanctuary and host to be given over to be trampled underfoot?
Tada èuh jednoga sveca gdje govoraše, i jedan svetac reèe nekome koji govoraše: dokle æe trajati ta utvara za svagdašnju žrtvu i za otpad pustošni da se gazi svetinja i vojska?
14 And he said unto him, Until two thousand and three hundred evening-mornings, —then shall the sanctuary, be vindicated.
I reèe mi: do dvije tisuæe i tri stotine dana i noæi; onda æe se svetinja oèistiti.
15 And it came to pass, when, I Daniel, had seen the vision, —and had sought discernment, that lo! there was standing before me, as the appearance of a man.
A kad vidjeh ja Danilo ovu utvaru, i zaiskah da razumijem, gle, stade preda me kao èovjek.
16 Then heard I a human voice, between [the banks of] the Ulai, —which cried out, and said, Gabriel! cause this man to understand the revelation.
I èuh glas èovjeèji nasred Ulaja, koji povika i reèe: Gavrilo, kaži ovome utvaru.
17 So he came near where I stood, and, when he came, I was terrified, and fell upon my face, —but he said unto me, Understand, O son of man, that, to the time of the end, belongeth the vision.
I doðe gdje ja stajah; i kad doðe uplaših se, i padoh na lice svoje; a on mi reèe: pazi, sine èovjeèji, jer je ova utvara za pošljednje vrijeme.
18 And, when he spake with me, I fell stunned upon my face, to the earth, —but he touched me, and caused me to stand up where I was.
A dok mi on govoraše, ja bijah izvan sebe ležeæi nièice na zemlji; a on me se dotaèe, i ispravi me, te stadoh.
19 Then said he, Behold me! causing thee to know, that which shall come to pass in the afterpart of the indignation, —for, at an appointed time, shall be an end.
I reèe: evo, ja æu ti kazati šta æe biti na kraju gnjeva; jer æe u odreðeno vrijeme biti kraj.
20 The ram which thou sawest, having the two horns, representeth the kings of Media and Persia;
Ovan što si ga vidio, koji ima dva roga, to su carevi Midski i Persijski.
21 and, the he-goat, is the king of Greece, —and, the great horn which was between his eyes, the same, is the first king.
A runjavi je jarac car Grèki; i veliki rog što mu bješe meðu oèima, to je prvi car.
22 Now, as for its being broken in pieces, whereupon there stood up four in its stead, four kingdoms, out of his nation, shall stand up, but not with his strength;
A što se on slomi, i mjesto njega narastoše èetiri, to su èetiri carstva, koja æe nastati iza toga naroda, ali ne s njegovom silom.
23 but, in the aftertime of their kingdom, when transgressions, have filled up their measure, —there will stand up a king of mighty presence, and skilful in dissimulation;
A na pošljedak carovanja njihova, kad bezakonici navrše mjeru, nastaæe car bestidan i lukav.
24 and his strength, will be mighty, but not through his own strength, and, wonderfully, will he destroy, and succeed and act with effect, —and will destroy mighty ones, and the people of holy ones;
Sila æe mu biti jaka, ali ne od njegove jaèine, i èudesno æe pustošiti, i biæe sreæan i svršivaæe, i gubiæe silne i narod sveti.
25 and, by his cunning, will he both cause deceit to succeed in his hand, and, in his own heart, will he shew himself to be great, and, by their careless security, will he destroy many, —and, against the ruler of rulers, will he stand up, but, without hand, shall be broken in pieces.
I lukavstvom njegovijem napredovaæe prijevara u njegovoj ruci, i podignuæe se u srcu svom, i u miru æe pogubiti mnoge, i ustaæe na kneza nad knezovima, ali æe se potrti bez ruke.
26 Now, the revelation of the evening and the morning which hath been told, faithful, indeed it is, —but, thou, close up the vision, because it is for many days.
A reèena utvara o danu i noæi istina je; zato ti zapeèati utvaru, jer je za mnogo vremena.
27 Now, as for me Daniel, then was I sick for days, but I arose and did the business of the king, —and, though I was confounded concerning the revelation, yet could no one discern it.
Tada ja Danilo zanemogoh, i bolovah neko vrijeme; poslije ustah i vrših poslove careve; i èudih se utvari, ali niko ne dozna.

< Daniel 8 >