< Daniel 5 >

1 Belshazzar the king, made a great feast, to a thousand of his nobles, —and, before the thousand, was drinking, wine.
Tsiku lina mfumu Belisazara anakonza phwando lalikulu la akalonga ake 1,000 ndipo anamwa vinyo pamodzi ndi iwo.
2 Belshazzar, gave word, at the flavour of the wine, to bring the vessels of gold and silver, which Nebuchadnezzar his father, had brought forth, out of the temple which was in Jerusalem, —that the king and his nobles, his wives and his concubines, might drink therein.
Pamene Belisazara ankamwa vinyo, analamula kuti ziwiya zagolide ndi zasiliva zimene Nebukadinezara abambo ake anakatenga mʼNyumba ya Mulungu ku Yerusalemu zikatengedwe kuti mfumu ndi akalonga ake, akazi ake ndi azikazi amweremo.
3 Then brought they the vessels of gold which had been taken out of the temple of the house of God, which was in Jerusalem, —and the king and his nobles, his wives and, his concubines, drank therein:
Choncho anabweretsa ziwiya zagolide zimene anazitenga mʼNyumba ya Mulungu; ndipo mfumu ndi akalonga ake, akazi ake ndi azikazi ake anamweramo.
4 they drank wine, —and praised the gods of gold and silver, bronze, iron, wood and stone.
Akumwa vinyo, anatamanda milungu yagolide ndi siliva, yamkuwa, chitsulo, yamtengo ndi mwala.
5 Immediately, came forth the fingers of the hand of a man, and wrote, over against the chandelier, upon the plaster of the wall of the palace of the king, —and, the king, saw the part of the hand which was writing,
Mwadzidzidzi zala za dzanja la munthu zinaonekera ndi kulemba pa khoma, pafupi ndi choyikapo nyale mʼnyumba yaufumu. Mfumu inapenyetsetsa dzanjalo pamene limalemba.
6 Then, as for the king, his bright looks, changed in him, and, his thoughts, terrified him, —and, the joints of his loins, were loosed, and, his knees, smote, one against another.
Nkhope yake inasandulika ndipo inachita mantha, nkhongono zii, mawondo gwedegwede.
7 The king began crying out again, to bring in the magicians, the Chaldeans and the astrologers, —the king spake and said to the wise men of Babylon, Whosoever it is that shall read this writing, and, the interpretation thereof, shall declare unto me, with purple, shall he be clothed, and have a chain of gold upon his neck, and, as the third in the kingdom, shall he have dominion.
Mfumu inafuwula kuyitana owombeza, alawuli ndi amawula kuti abwere. Ndipo anawawuza anthu anzeru a ku Babuloni kuti, “Aliyense amene awerenge malembawa ndi kundiwuza tanthauzo lake adzavekedwa chovala cha pepo ndi mkanda wa golide udzavekedwa mʼkhosi mwake, ndipo adzakhala wolamulira wachitatu mu ufumuwu.”
8 Then were coming in all the wise men of the king, —but, the writing, could they not read, nor, the interpretation, make known to the king.
Pamenepo anzeru onse a mfumu anabwera, koma sanakwanitse kuwerenga malembawo kapena kumutanthauzira mfumu.
9 Then, King Belshazzar, was greatly terrified, and, his bright looks, were changed upon him, —and, his nobles, were perplexed.
Choncho mfumu Belisazara anachita mantha koposa ndipo nkhope yake inapitirira kusinthika. Akalonga ake anathedwa nzeru.
10 The queen, by reason of the words of the king and his nobles, into the house of banqueting, entered, —the queen spake and said, O king! for ages, live! Let not thy thoughts, terrify thee, and, as for thy bright looks, let them not be changed.
Mfumukazi, pakumva mawu a mfumu ndi akalonga ake, analowa mʼchipinda cha phwando ndipo anati, “Mfumu mukhale ndi moyo wautali! Musavutike! Nkhope yanu isasinthike!
11 There is a man in thy kingdom in whom is the spirit of the holy gods, and, in the days of thy father, light, and intelligence, and wisdom like the wisdom of the gods, were found in him, —and, King Nebuchadnezzar thy father, appointed him, chief of the sacred scribes, the magicians, the Chaldeans, and the astrologers, —thy father, O king!
Pali munthu wina mu ufumu wanu uno amene mwa iye muli mzimu wa milungu yoyera. Pa nthawi ya ulamuliro wa abambo anu iye anapezeka kuti ali ndi chidziwitso, luntha ndi nzeru zonga za milungu. Mfumu Nebukadinezara, abambo anu, Ine ndikukuwuzani anamusankha iye kukhala mkulu wa amatsenga, owombeza, alawuli ndi amawula.
12 Forasmuch as, a distinguished spirit, and knowledge and intelligence, ability to interpret dreams and solve riddles and unravel knotty points, were found in the same Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar, now let, Daniel, be called, and, the interpretation, will he declare.
Munthu ameneyu dzina lake ndi Danieli, koma mfumu inamutcha Belitesezara ndipo ali ndi nzeru zapadera, ndi wodziwa ndi kuzindikira zinthu, ndiponso luso lakutanthauzira maloto, kufotokozera miyambi ndi kuthetsa mavuto osautsa. Muyitaneni Danieli, ndipo adzakuwuzani chomwe mawuwa akutanthauza.”
13 Then, Daniel, was brought in before the king, —the king spake and said unto Daniel, Art, thou, that Daniel, that is of the sons of the exile of Judah, whom the king my father brought out of Judah?
Choncho anabwera naye Danieli pamaso pa mfumu ndipo inati kwa iye, “Kodi ndiwe Danieli, mmodzi mwa akapolo omwe abambo anga mfumu anabwera nawo kuchoka ku Yuda?
14 Then, I have heard concerning thee, that, the spirit of the gods, is in thee, —and, light and intelligence and distinguished wisdom, are found in thee.
Ndamva kuti mzimu wa milungu uli mwa iwe ndi kuti uli ndi chidziwitso, luntha ndi nzeru zapadera.
15 Now, therefore, have been brought in before me, the wise men, the magicians, that, this writing, they might read, and, the interpretation thereof, might make known unto me, —but they were not able, the interpretation of the thing, to declare.
Anzeru ndi owombeza anabwera pamaso panga kuti awerenge zolembedwazi ndi kundiwuza tanthauzo lake koma sanakwanitse kundifotokozera.
16 I, however, have heard concerning thee, that thou art able, interpretations, to unfold, and, knotty points, to unravel, —Now, if thou be able, the writing, to read, and, the interpretation thereof, to make known unto me, with purple, shalt thou be clothed, and, a chain of gold, shalt thou have upon thy neck, and, as the third in the kingdom, shalt thou have dominion.
Tsopano ndamva kuti iwe ukhoza kupereka matanthauzo ndi kuthetsa mavuto. Ngati ungawerenge zolembedwazi ndi kundiwuza tanthauzo lake, udzavekedwa chovala cha pepo ndi kuyikidwa mkanda wa golide mʼkhosi mwako, ndipo udzakhala wolamulira wachitatu mu ufumu uno.”
17 Then spake Daniel, and said before the king, As for thy gifts, thine own let them remain, and, thy presents, on another, bestow, —howbeit, the writing, will I read to the king, and, the interpretation thereof, will I make known to him.
Pamenepo Danieli anayankha mfumu kuti, “Inu musunge mphatso zanuzo kwa inu nokha ndipo mupereke mphothoyo kwa wina aliyense. Komabe ine ndi kuwerengerani malembawa mfumu; ndikukuwuzani tanthauzo lake.
18 As for thee, O king, the Most High God, gave, kingship and greatness and honour and majesty, unto Nebuchadnezzar thy father;
“Inu mfumu, Mulungu Wammwambamwamba anapatsa abambo anu Nebukadinezara mphamvu ndi ukulu ndi ulemerero ndi ufumu.
19 and, for the greatness that he gave him, all peoples, races and tongues, used to tremble and to withdraw falteringly from before him, —Whom he would, he slew, and, whom he would, he kept alive, and, whom he would, he set up, and, whom he would, he put down.
Chifukwa cha udindo waukulu umene anapatsidwanso, anthu onse ndi mitundu ndi anthu aziyankhulo zosiyanasiyana ankanjenjemera ndikumuopa iye. Amene mfumu inafuna anawaphadi; amene inafuna kuwasunga, inawasunga; amene inafuna kuwakweza, inawakweza; ndipo amene inafuna kuwatsitsa, inawatsitsa.
20 But, when uplifted was his heart and, his spirit, became obstinate so as to act arrogantly, he was put down from the throne of his kingdom, and, his dignity, took they from him;
Koma pamene inayamba kudzitama ndi kuwumitsa mtima wake ndi kuyamba kunyada, inachotsedwa pa mpando wake waufumu ndi kulandidwa ulemerero wake.
21 And, from among the sons of men, was he driven, and, his heart, to a wild beast’s, became equal, and, with the wild asses, was his dwelling, and, grass—like oxen, they suffered him to eat, and, with the dew of the heavens, his body, was drenched—until that he came to know that the Most High God, hath dominion, over the kingdom of men, and, whomsoever he pleaseth, he setteth up over it.
Iyo inachotsedwa pakati pa anthu ndi kupatsidwa mtima ngati wa nyama; inakhala pamodzi ndi abulu akutchire ndi kudya udzu ngati ngʼombe; ndipo thupi lake linanyowa ndi mame akumwamba, mpaka pamene anavomereza kuti Mulungu Wammwambamwamba ndiye wolamulira maufumu a anthu ndipo amawupereka kwa aliyense amene Iye wafuna.
22 And yet, thou, his son, O Belshazzar! hast not humbled thy heart, though, all this, thou knewest;
“Koma inu mwana wake, Belisazara, simunadzichepetse, ngakhale kuti mumadziwa zonsezi.
23 but, against the Lord of the heavens, hast uplifted thyself, and, the vessels of his house, have they brought before thee, and, thou, and thy nobles, thy wives and thy concubines, have been drinking, wine, therein, and, gods of silver and gold, of bronze, iron, wood and stone, which see not nor hear nor know, hast thou praised, —whereas, God, in whose hand thy breath is and whose are all thy ways, him, hast thou not glorified.
Mʼmalo mwake, mwadzikweza nokha kutsutsana ndi Ambuye wakumwamba. Inu mwatenga ziwiya za mʼNyumba mwake, ndipo inu ndi akalonga anu, akazi anu ndi azikazi anu mwamwera vinyo mu zimenezi. Inu munatamanda milungu yasiliva ndi golide, yamkuwa, chitsulo, mtengo ndi mwala, imene singaone kapena kumva kapena kuzindikira. Koma simunamupatse ulemu Mulungu amene asunga mʼmanja mwake moyo wanu ndi njira zanu zonse.
24 Then was there put forth from before him the part of the hand, —and, this writing, was inscribed:
Choncho Iye watumiza dzanja limene lalemba mawu amenewa.
25 And this is the writing which was inscribed, M’ne, M’ne, T’kel, u-Pharsin.
“Mawu amene analembedwa ndi awa: MENE, MENE, TEKELI, PARASINI.
26 This, is the interpretation of the thing, —M’ne ["Reckoned-up"], God hath reckoned up thy reign, and ended it:
“Zimene mawuwa akutanthauza ndi izi:
27 T’kel, —thou art weighed ["Weighed"] in the balances, and found wanting;
Tekeli: Inu mwayesedwa pa sikelo ndipo mwapezeka kuti mukuperewera.
28 P’res ["Snatched-away"], —snatched away is thy kingdom, and given to the Medes and Persians.
Parasini: Ufumu wanu wagawidwa ndi kupatsidwa kwa Amedi ndi Aperezi.”
29 Then Belshazzar, gave word, that they should clothe Daniel with purple, and put a chain of gold upon his neck, —and should make a proclamation concerning him, that he should be the third ruler over the kingdom.
Mwa lamulo la Belisazara, Danieli anavekedwa chovala cha pepo, mkanda wagolide unayikidwa mʼkhosi mwake, ndipo analengeza kuti anali wachitatu mu ulamuliro mu ufumuwo.
30 In that night, was slain—Belshazzar, the king of the Chaldeans.
Usiku womwewo Belisazara, mfumu ya anthu a ku Babuloni, inaphedwa,
31 And, Darius the Mede, received the kingdom, —when about sixty-two years of age.
ndipo Dariyo Mmedi analanda ufumuwo ali ndi zaka 62.

< Daniel 5 >