< Daniel 10 >

1 In the third year of Cyrus, king of Persia, a matter, was revealed unto Daniel, whose name was called Belteshazzar; and faithful was the matter, but [concerned] a great warfare, and he marked the word, and had understanding in the revelation.
During the third year that Cyrus was the king of Persia, I Daniel, [who had been given the] name Belteshazzar, received [another] message [from God]. The message was true, but it was very difficult for me to understand it. But [later] I understood the message because of the vision that I had seen.
2 In those days, I, Daniel, was mourning three sevens of days:
At that time I had been sad for three weeks [about what had happened to Jerusalem].
3 food to delight in, did I not eat, neither flesh nor wine, came into my mouth, nor did I so much as, anoint, myself, —until were fulfilled three sevens of days.
I did not eat any tasty food or any meat or drink any wine. I did not even put any perfumed oil on my [face or hair] for those three weeks.
4 And, on the twenty-fourth day of the first month, —when, I, was by the side of the great river, the same, is Tigris,
[When those three weeks ended, ] on April 23, [my companions and] I were standing on the bank of the great Tigris River.
5 then lifted I up mine eyes, and looked, and lo! a man, clothed in linen, —whose loins, were girded with the bright gold of Uphaz;
I looked up and saw someone there who was wearing fine white/linen clothes and a belt [made of] pure gold.
6 whose body, was like Tarshish-stone, and, his face, like the appearance of lightning, and, his eyes, were like torches of fire, and, his arms and his feet, like the look of bronze burnished, —and, the sound of his words, was like the sound of a multitude.
His body [shone] like a precious beryl stone. His face was as [bright as] a flash of lightning. His eyes [were/shone] like flaming torches. His arms and legs [shone] like polished bronze. And his voice was [very loud], like the roar of a huge crowd.
7 And, I, Daniel, alone, beheld the revelation, and, the men who were with me, beheld not the revelation, —in truth, a great terror, had fallen upon them, and they had fled while hiding themselves.
I, Daniel, was the only one who saw this vision. The men who were with me did not see anything, but [they sensed that someone was there, and they] became terrified. They ran away and hid themselves.
8 I, therefore, was left alone, and beheld this great revelation, and there remained in me no strength, —but, my freshness, was turned upon me into disfigurement, and I retained no strength.
So I was left there by myself, looking at this very unusual vision. I had no strength left. My face became very pale, with the result that no one would have recognized me.
9 So then I heard the sound of his words, —and, when I heard the sound of his words, then, I myself, came to be in a deep sleep upon my face, with, my face, to the earth.
I saw a man there, and when I heard him speak, I fell to the ground. I (fainted/became unconscious), [and I lay there] with my face on the ground.
10 And lo! a hand, touched me; and roused me up on my knees and the palms of my hands.
Suddenly someone’s hand took hold of me and lifted me, with the result that I was on my hands and knees, [but I was still] trembling.
11 Then said he unto me, O Daniel! man greatly delighted in! have understanding in the words which, I, am about to speak unto thee, and stand up where thou art, for, now, have I been sent unto thee. And, when he had spoken with me this word, I stood up trembling.
The man said to me, “Daniel, [God] loves you very much. Stand up and listen to what I am going to say to you, because [God] sent me to you.” When he said that, I stood up, [but I was still] trembling.
12 Then said he unto me, Do not fear, Daniel, for, from the first day that thou didst set thy heart to understand and to humble thyself before thy God, thy words were heard; and, I, am come, by reason of thy words.
Then he said to me, “Daniel, do not be afraid. God has heard what you have prayed ever since the first day that you determined to humble yourself in order to understand [the vision]. I have come to you because of what you prayed.
13 But, the ruler of the kingdom of Persia, withstood me twenty-one days, but lo! Michael, one of the chief rulers, came in to help me, —and, I, left him there, beside the kings of Persia.
The [evil spirit who] rules the kingdom of Persia resisted/hindered me for 21 days, but Michael, who is one of God’s chief angels, came to help me. I left him there in Persia [to resist] that evil spirit who rules there.
14 So then I am come to let thee understand that which shall befall thy people in the afterpart of the days, —for yet is the vision for [those] days.
I have come here to enable you to understand what will happen to the Israeli people in the future. [Do not forget that] the vision [that you saw] is about [things that will happen in] the distant future, [not about things that will happen very soon].”
15 And, when he had spoken with me such words as these, —I set my face towards the earth, and was dumb.
While he was saying that, I stared at the ground and was unable to say anything [because I was very afraid].
16 Then lo! like the similitude of the sons of men, one was touching my lips, —so I opened my mouth, and spake, and said unto him who was standing before me, O my lord! By the revelation, my pains have seized me, and I retain no strength.
Suddenly [the angel], who resembled a human, touched my lips. Then [I was able to speak, and] I said to him, “Sir, because [I have seen] this vision, I have become very weak, with the result that I cannot stop trembling.
17 How then can the servant of this my lord speak with this my lord, —seeing that, as for me—henceforth, there remaineth in me no strength, and no, spirit, is left in me?
I am not able [RHQ] to talk to you, my master. I have no strength left, and it is very difficult for me to breathe.”
18 Then again there touched me one like in appearance to a son of earth, and he strengthened me.
But he took hold of me again, and enabled me to become stronger again.
19 And he said, Do not fear, O man greatly delighted in! peace to thee, be strong, yea be strong! And, as he spake with me, I gained strength, and said, Let my lord speak, for thou hast strengthened me.
He said to me, “You human, God loves you very much. [So] do not be afraid. I desire/want things to go well for you and that you will be encouraged.” When he had said that, I felt even stronger, and I said, “Sir, tell me [what you want to tell me]. You have enabled me to feel stronger.”
20 And he said, Knowest thou wherefore I am come unto thee? But, now, must I return to fight with the ruler of Persia; I, therefore am going forth, and lo! the ruler of Greece, is coming.
Then he said, “(Do you know why I came to you?/I will tell you why I came to you.) [RHQ] It is to reveal to you what is written in the book which reveals/contains God’s truth. But now I must return to fight against [the evil spirit] who rules the kingdom of Persia. After I have defeated him, [the evil angel] who guards Greece will appear [and I must defeat him]. Michael, who guards you [Israeli people], will help me, but there is no one else to help me.”
21 Howbeit I will tell thee that which is inscribed in the writing of truth, —but there is no one who holdeth strongly with me concerning these things, save Michael your ruler.

< Daniel 10 >