< Acts 4 >

1 But, as they were speaking unto the people, the High-priests and the Captain of the temple and the Sadducees came upon them,
Ba Pitrosi ni Johani ha va bakwete kuwamba kuvantu, bapurisita ni induna we tempele ni basaduki ni chivasika kuvali.
2 Being tired out because of their teaching the people, and announcing, in Jesus, the resurrection from among the dead;
ba va kukatazehete chevaka lya Pitrosi ni Johana va vakuruta bantu mi va bakuwamba za kuvuka kwa Jesu kuzwilila kuvafwile.
3 And they thrust on them their hands, and put them in custody for the morrow, for it was evening, already.
Ba va basumini mi va vavika mwitolongo kuhitila kakusasana lichilila chakuti chivali chitengu.
4 Howbeit, many of them that heard the word, believed; and the number of the men became about five thousand.
Kono bungi bwa vantu bavazuwi iñusa lyo ba bazumini; mi inombolo za vakwame va babazumini zi va kusika muzikiti zikwanisa iyanza.
5 And it came to pass, upon the morrow, that there were gathered together of them, the rulers and the elders and the scribes, in Jerusalem;
I bezi buti mwizuva licilila, chakuti manduna bavo, bakulwana ni bañoli ba va kungene mwa Jerusalema.
6 Also Annas, the high-priest, and Caiaphas, and John, and Alexander, and as many as were of high-priestly descent; —
Annas muprisita mukando, ni Kayafa, ni Johani, ni Alexandere na vo vonse bakwavo va muprisita mukando.
7 And, setting them in the midst, they began to enquire—In what manner of power, or in what manner of name, did, ye, do this?
Ha va kaleta va Pitrosi ni Johana mukati kavo, ni chibaba vuza, “Çha maata ani, kapa chezina lyani, ha muchita ezi?”
8 Then Peter, filled with Holy Spirit, said unto them—Ye rulers of the people, and elders!
Linu Pitrosi, ne zwile Luhuho Lujolola, ni chawamba kuvali, “Manduna ba vabantu, ni bakulwana,
9 If, we, this day, are to be examined for doing good to a sick man, —in whom, this, man hath been made well,
haiva iswe sinu mwikalile kutubuza chakuya cha musevezi mulutu wo tuvapangi kumuntu yo lwala -mi chenzila ihi uzu muntu a vaholi?
10 Be it known unto you all, and unto all the people of Israel: that, in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, —whom, ye, crucified, whom, God, raised from among the dead, in him, doth, this man stand by, in your presence, whole.
Chinu chiswanela kwizibwa kwenu ni kuvantu vonse va Isilaele, chakuti chezina la Jesu wa Nazareta, uzo ye muvakokoteli, uzo Ireeza a va muvusi kuvafwile - Nji kwakwe u zu mukwame hazimene aha havusu bwenu na liketete.
11 This, is the stone, set at nought by you the builders, which became the head of the corner;
Jesu Keresite ibwe inwe muvazaki le muvanyansi kono livapangwa mutomo we mota.
12 And there is in no one else, salvation, for, neither is there any other name, under heaven, which hath been set forth among men, in which we must needs be saved.
ka kwina impuluso cha muntu zumwi; chakuti kakwina izina limwi mwikonde lye ulu, li vahewa muntu zumwi, ilyo lituswanelwa kuhazwa.”
13 And, looking at Peter’s boldness of speech, and John’s, and having discovered that they were unlettered and obscure men, they began to marvel, recognising them also, that they had been with Jesus;
Linu cwale hachi vabwene vundume bwa Pitorosi ni Johani, ni kulemuha kuti avali vantu vulyo vasana vavalitutite, vava komokwa, cho kwiza kulemuha kuti Pitorosi ni Johani vavena ni Jesu.
14 Seeing, the man also standing, with them, even the [man] who had been cured, they had nothing wherewith to contradict.
Kakuli vava voni mukwame yava hozwa na zimene navo, kakwina chimwi chivava woli kuwamba kuamana nechi.
15 Howbeit, ordering them to go forth outside the high-council, they began to confer one with another,
Kono hachi vamana kulaya ba Apositola kuzwa mumu kopano wavo, chiva tanga kuwamba mukati kavo vene.
16 Saying—What are we to do with these men? For, indeed, that a notable sign hath come to pass through their means, unto all who are dwelling in Jerusalem, is manifest, and we cannot deny [it]!
Chivati, “Mutupange vule kwava vakwame? Cho vuniti vokuti imakazo ivoneka yapangahala chavo iziveka kuzumwi ni zumwi wikala mwa Jerusalema; katuwoli kuisampula.
17 Nevertheless, lest it further spread abroad among the people, let us charge them with threats, to be no more speaking upon this name, to any soul of man.
Kono iri kuti kanji iyambuluki mukati kavantu, twende tuva kalimere kanji vawambi kuzumwi ni zumwi mweli izina.”
18 And, calling them, they gave them the sweeping charge, —not to be sounding aloud, nor even to be teaching, upon the name of Jesus.
Chiva sumpa Pitorosi ni Johani kwiza mukati ni vaha itayero kuti kanji bawambi hape kamba kuruta hape che zina lya Jesu.
19 But, Peter and John, answering, said unto them—Whether it be right in presence of God, unto you, to be hearkening, rather than unto God, judge!
Kono Pitorosi ni Johani chivali tavirila ni kuwamba kuvali, “Kamba kulukite mumenso a Ireeza kuti tuzuwe inwe isiñi iye, mu atule.
20 For, we, cannot but be speaking the things which we have seen and heard.
Kakuli katuwoli kulihaza kukuwamba kuyamana nezi zintu zituba voni ni kuzuwa.”
21 They, however, further charging them with threats, let them go, finding nothing as to how they might chastise them, on account of the people; because, all, were glorifying God for that which had come to pass; —
Kasamulaho o kuva kalimera ahulu Pitorosi ni Johani, chivava siya nivaliyendeza. Kena vava wani ivaka liva wola kuva nyansa chalyo kuti vavahe inkoto, kakuli vantu vonse vavali kulumba Ireeza kwi makazo iva pangahali.
22 For, more than forty years old, was the man, upon whom had taken place, this healing sign.
Mukwame ava tambuli iyi imakazo yo kuzwa chavali we zirimo zilikana makumi one ni kuhitirila kukuzalwa.
23 But, when they had been let go, they came unto their own [friends], and told as many things as, unto them, the High-priests and Elders, had said.
Hachiva mana kuva lukulula, Pitorosi ni Johani chiveza kuvantu vavo ni kwiza kuva wambira zonse inzo vakulwana vamaPurisita zivaka va wambira ni manduna ve tempere zivava wambi.
24 And, they, having heard, with one accord, uplifted voice unto God, and said—O Sovereign! Thou, art he that made the heaven, and the earth, and the sea, and all things that are herein:
Hachi va zuwa ichi, chiva katula manzwi avo hamwina kwa Ireeza ni kiuwamba, “” Simwine, iwe uva vumbi mawulu ni kanda ni wate, ne zina zonse zina mwa teni,
25 Who, by our father, through means of the Holy Spirit, even by the mouth of David thy servant, said—Unto what end did nations rage, and, peoples, busy themselves with empty things?
Inwe cho Luhuho lu Jolola, cho kaholo ka tayo Davida muhikana wako, ava cho, “' Chinzi inkanda za machava hava lwa, ni maswaniso a sena ituso?
26 The kings of the earth stationed themselves, and, the rulers, were gathered together, with one intent, against the Lord, and against his Christ.
Basimwine va hansi va balikunganyi hamwina, ni bayendisi ba vakopani hamwina kulwisa Simwine, ni kulwisa Keresite wakwe;
27 For they were gathered together, of a truth, in this city, against thy holy servant Jesus, whom thou hadst anointed, —both Herod, and Pontius Pilate, with them of the nations, and peoples of Israel; —
Cheniti, bonse Heroda ni Ponse Pilato, hamwina ni va chisi ni vantu va Isilaele, va bakopani hamwina mumuleneñi uwo kulwisa muhikana wako Jesu, iye yo va iketeli.
28 To do whatsoever, thy hand and thy counsel, marked out beforehand to come to pass.
Ba vakopani hamwina kuchita zonse izo ni mayanza ako ni maikuto ako zi vahupulwi pili kuti kazichitahale.
29 As to the present things, then, O Lord, —look upon their threats, and grant unto thy servants, with all freedom of utterance, to be speaking thy word,
Linu, Simwine, lole kumifumbo yabo mi uhe mwihikana wako kuwamba inzwi lyako cha kukola.
30 By stretching forth thy hand for healing, and by the coming to pass of both signs and wonders, through the name of thy holy servant Jesus.
chakuti ha cha namulula iyanza lyako mukuholisa, iponiso ni imakazo ziva kuchitahala che zina la muhikana wako yo jolola Jesu.”
31 And, when they had made supplication, the place was shaken in which they were gathered together, and they were filled, one and all, with the Holy Spirit, and began speaking the word of God with freedom of utterance.
Ha chi bamana kulapela, chivaka ha vakopanela hamwina chi va zikinyehi, mi vonse ni chebezuzwa cha Luhuho Lujolola, mmi va bakuwamba inzi la reeza cha kukola.
32 And, the throng of them that believed, had one heart and soul, and not so much as one was saying that, aught of his goods, was, his own, but they had all things common.
Inombolo inkando ya vo ba bazumini ba vena chenkulo yonke ni luhulo: mi kakwina zumwi wa bo ya vakuwamba chimwi chamunite kuti luli njichakwe; nihakwinavulyo, ba vena zintu zonse chakuswana.
33 And, with great power, were the apostles giving forth their witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus; great favour also was upon them all.
Cha maata makando bapositola ba ba kuwamba ze va baboni kuamana ni nzuho ya Simwine Jesu, mi chisemo chikando chivena heulu lyabo.
34 For there was not so much as anyone, lacking, among them; for, as many as were possessors of lands or houses, selling them, were bringing the prices of the things that were being sold,
Kakwina muntu mukati kavo ya va bulite chimwi chintu, kwavo vavali kuluwite ivu ini kamba mazuvo zana vava a uzi ni kuleta mali e zintu zivava uzi.
35 And laying them at the feet of the Apostles, while on the other hand they were distributing unto each one, in so far as any one had, need.
ni kwiza kuavika ha mantende'. Mi vantu babahewa kwavo vavali kuzumine, cho kuya zumwi ni zumwi mwavali kusakira.
36 And, Joseph, who had been surnamed Barnabas by the Apostles, which is to be translated Son of Exhortation, —a Levite, a Cyprian by nation,
Josefa, yavali Mulevi, mukwame yavali kuzwa kwa Cyprusi, ava hewa inzina lya Banabansi kuva Apositola( iri kuti, chikutolokiwa, mwana wu susuweza).
37 Having a field, sold it, and brought the money and laid it at the feet of the Apostles.
Chokuva newa, chali wuza ni kuleta mashereñi niwiza kuavika hamatende ava apostola.

< Acts 4 >