< Acts 3 >

1 Now, Peter and John, were going up into the temple, for the hour of prayer—the ninth;
Erile maitsiboa mangwe Petere le Johane ba ya kwa Tempeleng go ya go kopanela merapelo e e neng e nna ka nako ya boraro malatsi otlhe.
2 And, a certain man, who had been, lame from his mother’s womb, was being carried, —whom they used to lay daily at the door of the temple—the [door] called Beautiful, that he might ask alms of them who were entering into the temple:
Ya re ba atamela Tempele, ba bona monna yo o neng a sale a nnanye go tsweng mo sebopelong sa ga mmaagwe a rwelwe mo tseleng mme a bewa fa thoko ga kgoro ya Tempele e e neng e bidiwa Bontle, ka e ne e le tlwaelo ya gagwe ya malatsi otlhe.
3 Who, seeing Peter and John about to enter into the temple, was requesting to receive, an alms.
Ya re Petere le Johane ba feta gaufi nae a ba kopa madi.
4 But Peter looking steadfastly at him—with John—said: Look on us!
Ba mo tlhoma matlho, mme Petere a re, “Leba kwano!”
5 And, he, gave heed unto them, expecting to receive, something from them.
Segole sa ba tlhoma matlho ka tlhoafalo, se solofetse mpho nngwe.
6 But Peter said—Silver and gold, have none, but, what I have, the same, unto thee do I give: —In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, Walk!
Mme Petere a mo raya a re, “Ga re na madi a re ka go a nayang! Mme ke tlaa go naya sengwe! Ke go laola ka leina la ga Jesu Keresete wa Nasaretha ka re, Ema o tsamaye!”
7 And, laying hold of him by the right hand, he raised him up; and, instantly, were his feet and ankles strengthened; —
Petere a tshwara segole ka seatla a se emisa ka dinao. Mme ya re a dira jalo, maoto a monna yoo le magwejana a fodisiwa a bo a nonotshiwa mo e leng gore o ne a ba a kgona go tlolaka, a ema foo lobakanyana mme a simolola go tsamaya! Mme a tsamaya a tlolaka a baka Modimo a tsena le bone mo Tempeleng.
8 And, leaping forward, he stood and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking and leaping and praising God.
9 And all the people saw him, walking and praising God;
Erile fa batho ba ba mo Tempeleng ba mmona a tsamaya ebile ba utlwa a galaletsa Modimo,
10 And they began to recognise him, that, the same, was he who, for the alms, used to sit at the Beautiful Gate of the temple; —and they were filled with amazement and transport at what had happened unto him.
ebile ba lemoga fa e le mokopi yo ba mmoneng gantsi fa kgorong e e bidiwang Bontle, ba hakgamadiwa ke se se diragetseng.
11 And, as he held fast Peter and John, all the people ran together unto them, in the portico which is called Solomon’s, —greatly amazed.
Ya re a ntse a ngaparetse Petere le Johane, batho botlhe ba taboga ba ba kgobokanela kwa loobong lo lo bidiwang lwa ga Solomone ba hakgametse thata.
12 And Peter, seeing it, made answer unto the people: —Ye men of Israel! Why marvel ye at this man? Or, upon us, why are ye intently looking, as though, by our own power or godliness, we had made him walk?
Mme Petere a bona sebaka sa go bua le batho a ba raya a re, “Batho ba Iseraele, ke eng se se hakgamatsang thata kaga se? Ke eng fa lo re lebile thata jaaka o ka re re fodisitse monna yo ka nonofo le ka bo-Modimo jwa rona re dirile gore a tsamaye?
13 The God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, —the God of our fathers, hath glorified his servant Jesus: —whom, ye, indeed, delivered up and denied to Pilate’s, face when he had adjudged to release him;
Gonne ke Modimo wa ga Aberahame, Isake, Jakobe le Modimo wa borra-a-rona mogolwagolwane o o lerileng kgalalelo mo motlhankeng wa one Jesu Keresete ka go dira jalo. Ke raya Jesu yo lo mo itatotseng fa pele ga ga Pilatwe, mo godimo ga maikaelelo a ga Pilatwe a go mo golola.
14 But, ye, denied, the Holy and Righteous One, and claimed a man that was a murderer to be granted you;
Ga lo aka lwa batla gore moitshepi yo o siameng yo a gololwe. Mo boemong jwa gagwe lwa lopa gore go gololwe mmolai.
15 But, the Princely Leader of Life, ye slew: —whom, God, raised from among the dead, whereof, we, are witnesses.
Mme lwa bolaya Motlhodi wa botshelo; mme Modimo wa mo rudisa mo losong. Mme nna le Johane re basupi ba selo se se diragetseng se, gonne, erile lo sena go mmolaya ra mmona a tshela!
16 And, by the faith of his name, unto this man whom ye see and know, hath his name given strength, —yea, the faith which is through him, hath given unto him this perfect soundness, over against you all!
Leina la ga Jesu le fodisitse monna yo, mme lo itse gore o ne a le segole jang pele. Go fola mo go itekanetseng mo go dirilwe ke go dumela mo leineng la ga Jesu le tumelo e re e neilweng ke Modimo.
17 And now brethren, I know that by way of ignorance ye acted, —just as even your rulers.
“Bakaulengwe ba ba rategang, ke lemoga gore se lo se dirileng mo go Jesu lo se dirile ka go tlhoka kitso; mme le baeteledipele ba lona ba ka bolelwa fela jalo.
18 Howbeit, God—what things he had before declared, through the mouth of all the prophets, for his Christ to suffer, —did thus fulfill!
“Mme Modimo o ne o diragatsa seporofeso sa gore Mesia o tshwanetse go boga dilo tse tsotlhe.
19 Repent ye, therefore, and turn, —unto the blotting out of your sins; to the end that in that case, there may come seasons of refreshing from the face of the Lord,
Ke gone sokololelang ditlhaloganyo le megopolo ya lona kwa Modimong, lo sokologele kwa go one gore o tlose maleo a lona o bo o lo leretse metlha ya boitumelo jo bo tswang kwa Moreneng,
20 And he may send forth him who had been fore-appointed for you—Christ Jesus:
le go re a bo a lo romelele Jesu Mesia wa lona gape.
21 Unto whom, indeed, heaven must needs give welcome, until the times of the due establishment of all things, of which God hath spoken through the mouth of his holy age-past prophets. (aiōn g165)
Gonne o tshwanetse go nna kwa legodimong go fitlhelela nako e Modimo o busetsang dilo tsotlhe mo maemong a tsone, jaaka go porofitilwe mo dinakong tsa bogologolo. Fela jaaka Moshe a kile a bua bogologolo a re, ‘Morena Modimo o tlaa tsosa Moporofiti mo gare ga lona yo o tlaa tshwanang le nna! Lo mo reetseng ka kelo-tlhoko mo go sengwe le sengwe se o se lo bolelelang. (aiōn g165)
22 Moses, indeed, said—A prophet, unto you, shall the Lord God raise up among your brethren, like unto me: unto him, shall ye hearken respecting all things whatsoever he shall speak unto you.
23 And it shall be—every soul, whatsoever, which shall not hearken unto that prophet, shall be utterly destroyed from among the people.
Lefa e le mang yo o se kitlang a mo reetsa o tlaa senyediwa ruri.
24 But, indeed, all the prophets, —from Samuel and those following after, as many as have spoken, have even announced these days.
Samuele le moporofiti mongwe le mongwe ga ba bolo go bolela kaga se se diragalang gompieno.’
25 Ye, are the sons of the prophets, and of the covenant which God covenanted unto your fathers, saying unto Abraham—And, in thy seed, shall be blessed, all the families of the ground.
“Lo bana ba baporofiti bao; mme lo baletswe mo tsholofetsong ya Modimo e o e diretseng bagologolwane ba lona go segofatsa lotlhe ka Bajuta, eo ke tsholofetso e Modimo o e neileng Aberehame.
26 Unto you first, God—having raised up his Servant—hath sent him forth, ready to bless you, when ye are turning away, each one, from your wickednesses.
Mme erile fela fa Modimo o sena go rudisa motlhanka wa one mo baswing, o ne wa mo roma pele kwa go lona batho ba Iseraele, go lo segofatsa ka go lo sokolola mo dibeng tsa lona.”

< Acts 3 >