< Acts 25 >
1 Festus, therefore, having come upon the province, after three days, went up unto Jerusalem from Caesarea;
Fisxoosi kawotidi heedzu gallasappe guye Qisaariyappe Yerusalaame bis.
2 and the High-priest and chiefs of the Jews laid information before him against Paul, and began to beseech him
Yan kahine halaqatinne Ayhudeta kaaletheyssati Phawuloosa mootidosona.
3 asking for themselves as a favour against him, that he would send for him unto Jerusalem, —making, an ambush, to kill him on the way.
Phawuloosa Yerusalaame ehishin ogen qosettidi iya wodhanaw enttaw injjetana mela bantana maaddo gidi Fisxoosa woossidosona.
4 Festus, therefore, answered, that Paul should be kept in Caesarea, and that, he himself, was about, shortly, to be going out [thither].
Fisxoosi enttako, “Phawuloosi, Qisaariyan qasho keethan de7ees; taani ta huu7enkka ellesada guye simmana hanays.
5 They, therefore, among you (saith he) who are in power, let them go down with me; and, if there is in the man, anything amiss, let them accuse him.
I balidabay de7ikko hintte giddon aawateyssati taara Qisaariya bidi iya mootona” yaagidi zaaris.
6 And, spending among them, not more than eight or ten days, he went down unto Caesarea; and, on the morrow, taking his place upon the judgment-seat, ordered Paul to be brought.
Fisxoosi entta matan hosppun woykko tammu gallasa mela gam77idaappe guye Qisaariya bis. Wonttetha gallas pirdda oydiyan uttidi Phawuloosa ehana mela kiittis.
7 And, when he presented himself, the Jews who, from Jerusalem, had come down, stood round about him, many and grievous charges, bringing against [him], which they were not able to prove, —
I yin Yerusalaameppe yida Ayhudeti iya yuushuwan eqqidi entti lathanaw dandda7onna daro deexo mooto iya bolla shiishidosona.
8 Paul saying in defence—Neither against the law of the Jews, nor against the temple, nor against Caesar, have I in anything sinned.
Phawuloosi zaaridi, “Taani Ayhude higgiya gidin Xoossa Keethaa woykko Roome Kawuwa Qeesare naaqqabiikke” yaagis.
9 But, Festus, wishing, with the Jews, to gain, favour, answered Paul, and said—Art thou willing, unto Jerusalem, to go up, and, there, concerning these things, be judged before me?
Shin Fisxoosi Ayhudeta ufayssanaw koyidi Phawuloosakko, “Yerusalaame bada ha mootuwabaa yan ta sinthan pirddettanaw koyay?” yaagidi oychchis.
10 But Paul said—Standing before the judgment-seat of Caesar, am I, where, I, ought to be judged. Unto the Jews, have I done no wrong, as, even thou, right well, art discovering.
Shin Phawuloosi, “Taani pirddettanaw bessiya Qeesare pirdda keethan eqqa kichchas. Neeni loytha ereyssada taani Ayhudeta aybinkka naaqqabiikke.
11 If then, on the one hand, I am doing wrong, and, anything worthy of death, have committed, I excuse not myself from dying; but, on the other hand, if there is, nothing, in the things whereof these are accusing me, no man, hath power to give, me, unto them as a favour: —Unto Caesar, I appeal!
Hiza, taani naaqqidabay woykko hayqos gathiyabaa oothidabaa gidikko hayqoppe tana ashsha giikke. Shin entti tana mootiya mootoy mela gididaappe guye oonikka tana enttaw aathi immanaw dandda7enna. Qeesarey tabaa pirddo gada oychchays” yaagis.
12 Then Festus, having conversed with the council, answered—Unto Caesar, hast thou appealed? Unto Caesar, shalt thou go.
He wode Fisxoosi ba zoranchchotara zorettidi, “Neeni Qeesarey tabaa pirddo gada oychchadasa; Qeesarekko baasa” yaagidi zaaris.
13 And, some days having gone by, Agrippa the king and Bernice came down to Caesarea, to salute Festus.
Guutha gallasappe guye Kawoy Agriphphinne Barnniiqey Fisxoosa sarothanaw Qisaariya bidosona.
14 And, as they were spending more days there, Festus, repeated, unto the king, the things relating to Paul, saying—A certain man, hath been left behind by Felix, as a prisoner;
Yan entti daro gallas gam77in, Fisxoosi Kawuwas Phawuloosabaa hayssada yaagidi odis; “Filkkisi billonna aggidi bida issi addey hayssan de7ees.
15 concerning whom, when I happened to be in Jerusalem, the High-priests and the Elders of the Jews laid information, claiming against him a condemnation:
Taani Yerusalaamen bida wode kahine halaqatinne Ayhude cimati iya bolla pirddana mela tana woossidi iyabaa taw odidosona.
16 unto whom made answer—That it is not a custom with Romans, to grant as a favour any man, before the accused, face to face, should have his accusers, and, opportunity of defence, should receive, concerning the charge.
Taani, ‘Mootettida uray bana mooteyssata sinthan eqqidi ba mootidabaas zaaro immonnashin, oona gidikkoka aadhdhidi imetteyssi Roome higge gidenna’ yaagada enttaw zaaras.
17 When, therefore, they had come together here, no delay whatever, making, on the next day, taking my place upon the judgment-seat, I ordered the man to be brought:
“Hessa gisho, entti hayssan shiiqida wode taani gam77onna wonttetha gallas pirdda keethaa gelada Phawuloosa ehana mela kiittas.
18 Concerning whom, taking their stand, his accusers, no accusation at all, were bringing, of the evil things which, I, had been suspecting;
Iya mooteyssati iya matan eqqidi, iitaban iya mootonna aggokona gada taani qoppidayssa mela iya mootibookkona.
19 but, certain questions concerning their own demon-worship, had they against him, and concerning one Jesus, who had died, whom Paul was affirming to be alive.
Shin entti bantta ammanobaanne Phawuloosi, ‘Paxa de7ees’ giya issi hayqqida Yesuusa geetettiya addiyabaa iyara palamoosona.
20 And, I, being at a loss as to the inquiry into these things, was asking—whether he might be minded to go unto Jerusalem, and, there, be judged concerning these things.
Ha oday tana shaakkanaw metida gisho, Phawuloosi Yerusalaame bidi, yan pirddettanaw koyakko gada iya oychchas.
21 But, Paul, having appealed to be kept for the decision of the Emperor, I ordered him to be kept, until I could send him up unto Caesar.
Shin Phawuloosi ba oda Qeesarey iyabaa be7ana gakkanaw qasho keethan gam77anaw oychchis. Taani iya Qeesarekko yeddana gakkanaw I qashettana mela kiittas” yaagis.
22 And, Agrippa, [said] unto Festus—I could wish, myself also, to hear, the man. To-morrow, (saith he) thou shalt hear him.
Hessa gisho, Agriphphi Fisxoosakko, “Taani ta huu7enkka he uray giyabaa si7anaw koyays” yaagis. Fisxoosi iyaakko, “Neeni wontto I giyabaa si7ana” yaagis.
23 On the morrow, therefore, when Agrippa had come, and Bernice, with great display, and they had entered into the audience-chamber, with the captains of thousands and men of distinction of the city, —and Festus had given orders, Paul was brought.
Wonttetha gallas Agriphphinne Barnniiqey gita bonchchon shaalaqataranne kataman de7iya gita asatara yidi pirdda keethi gelidosona. Fisxoosi Phawuloosa xeegisidi ehis.
24 And Festus saith—King Agrippa! and all ye men, here present with us: Ye observe this person, concerning whom, one and all the throng of the Jews, have interceded with me, both in Jerusalem and here, crying aloud that he ought not to be living any longer.
Fisxoosi, “Kawaw Agriphpha, hayssan nuura de7iya asaw, Ayhudeti Yerusalaamenkka hayssankka waassidi, ‘I hizappe guye paxa daanaw bessenna’ yaagidi, tana woossida uraa hayssa be7eeta.
25 But, I, gathered, that, nothing worthy of death, had he committed; and, this man himself, having appealed unto the Emperor, I decided to send him: —
Shin iya hayqos gathiyabaa aybibaakka taani demmabiikke. I ba huu7en, ‘Qeesarey tabaa pirddo yaagada oychchays’ gida gisho, Qeesarekko iya yeddanaw qofa qachchas.
26 Concerning whom, anything certain to write unto my lord, I have not; wherefore, I have brought him forth before you, —and especially before thee, King Agrippa! in order that, after examination had, I might have something I could write;
Taani iyabaa ta godaa Qeesares xaafanaw gidiya gaasoy aybikka baawa. Hessa gisho, iyabaa hintte be7ikko ta xaafiyabay benttaneekko gada hintte sinthe ubbarakka Kawaw, Agriphpha, ne sinthe iya ehas.
27 For, unreasonable, unto me, it seemeth, when sending a prisoner, not also, the accusations against him, to signify.
Ays giikko, qashettida asi bolla daynnas aathiya wode I ays mootettidaakko Qonccisonna aggeyssi taw eeyatethi daanees” yaagis.