< Acts 2 >

1 And, when the day of pentecost was filling up [the number of days] they were all together with one intent; —
Nibwakasika buzuba bwa Pentekosita, boonse bakali aantomwe aabusena bomwe.
2 When there came suddenly out of heaven a sound, just as of a mighty rushing wind, —and it filled all the house where they were sitting;
Mpawaawo kwakasikka muzuzumo wakazwa kujulu ulimbuli kuunga waguwo pati, wakazuzya ng'anda yoonse mubakabede.
3 And there appeared unto them—parting asunder—tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each one of them;
Mpawaawo kwakalibonia ndimi zilimbuli zyamulilo zyakabakkala, alimwi zyakabakkala umwi awumwi.
4 And they were all filled with Holy Spirit, and began to be speaking with other kinds of tongues just as the Spirit was giving unto them to be sounding forth.
Boonseni bakazula aMuuya Uusalala mpawo bakatalika kwaambuula mumilaka, mbuli mbubakazumininwa aMuuya.
5 Now there were in Jerusalem sojourning Jews, reverent men from every nation who were under heaven;
Lino kwakali baJuda bakali kukkala mu Jelusalemu, bakalo aabuna leza, balikuzwa kumanyika woonse alimunsejulu.
6 And this sound occurring the throng came together and was thrown into confusion, because each one severally heard in his own language them who were speaking;
Ooyu muzuzumo niwakamvwigwa, makamu makamu aabantu akaboola aamwi alubo bakagamba nkaambo bakabamvwa kabaambuula mumilaka yabo.
7 Yea they were beside themselves and did marvel, saying—Lo! are not all these who are speaking Galilaeans?
Bakayoowa akugamba; bakati sena aaba boonse balikwaambula tabali bamu Galilii na?
8 How then do, we, hear each one in our own language in which we were born?
Nkamboonzi nitulikubamvwa, umwi awumwi mumilaka yabuzyalwe bwesu?
9 Parthians and Medes and Elamites, and those dwelling in Mesopotamia, Judaea also and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia,
Baku Patiya abaku Medesi abaku Elamiya, abaabo bakkala ku Mesopotamiya, mu Judiya abaku Kkapadokkiya, ku Pontasi aku Ezhia,
10 Phrygia also and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of the Libya that is towards Cyrene, and the sojourning Romans, —both Jews and proselytes,
ku Pirigiya aku Pamfiliya, ku Ejipiti aamwi mabazu a Libbiya aku Sayilini, abeenzu bakalikuzwa ku Roma,
11 Cretans and Arabians, we do hear them speaking in our own tongues the magnificent things of God.
baJuda abakasanduka baku Kkilete abana Arabiya, twabamvwa balaambuula mumilaka yesu aatala amilimu iigambya yaLeza.”
12 But they were all beside themselves and were utterly at a loss, saying one to another—What doth this please to be?
Boonse bakakankama akuyoowa kupati, bakambuula umwi kuluumwi, “Eechi chaambaanzi?”
13 While, others, in mockery were saying—With sweet wine, are they drunken!
Pesi bamwi bakabaniaka bati, “Bakkuuta wayini mupya.”
14 But, taking his stand, Peter with the eleven lifted up his voice, and sounded out unto them—Ye men of Judaea, and all ye who are sojourning in Jerusalem! Let, this, unto you be known, and give ear unto my declarations; —
Pesi Pita wakayimikila abalikumi awumwi, wakatola muju jwi lyakwe, wakabaambila kuti, “Nobaalumi bamu Judiya, antoomwe amoonse nimukkala mu Jelusalema, eechi achizibinkane kulindinywe; amuteelele loko kumajwi aangu.
15 For not, as, ye, suppose, are these men drunken, for it is the third hour of the day; —
Nkaambo aaba bantu tabakoledwe pe mboli mbumulikubayeyela, nkaambo lichili biyo wola lyatatu lyabuzuba.
16 But this is that which hath been spoken through the prophet Joel—
Pesi eechi nchenchicho chakaambidwe kuzwa kumusinsimi Jowelu:
17 And it shall be, in the last days saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and, your young men, visions shall see and, your elders, in dreams shall dream, —
'Kuyooba kumazuba akumamanino,' Leza uwamba oobo, 'Ndiyotila muuya wangu aatala anyama yoonse, bana benu balombe abasimbi bayoosinsima, bakubusi bayoobona zilengaano, abamanene benu bayoolota ziloto.
18 And, even upon my men-servants and upon my maid-servants in those days, will I pour out of my Spirit, and they shall prophesy;
Chanchoonzyo balanda bangu bachaalumi abalanda bachanakazi mumazuba aayo nindiyotila Muuya wangu, bayoosinsima.
19 And I will set forth wonders in the heaven above, and signs upon the earth beneath, —blood and fire and vapour of smoke:
Ndiyotondezya zigambyo kujulu azitondezyo aanyika, bulowa, mulilo, akawuntumusi kabusi.
20 The sun, shall be turned into darkness and, the moon, into blood, —before the coming of the day of the Lord, the great and manifest [day];
Zuba liyoosiya amweezi uyooba bulowa, kabutana kusika buzuba bupati bwakuboola kwa Mwami.
21 And it shall be—Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved.
Kuyoba kuti boonse bayita muzina lya Mwami bayofutulwa.
22 Ye men of Israel! hear these words: —Jesus the Nazarene, a man pointed out of God unto you by mighty works and wonders and signs, which God did through him in your midst, just as ye yourselves know,
Nobaalumi baku Izilayeli, amumvwe majwi aaya: Jesu muNazalata, wakali mwaalumi ngumwakasalilwa a Leza amanguzu mapati antoomwe azigambyo azitondezyo nzyakachita Leza kwiinda mulinguwe akaki kenu, mbubonya mbuli mbomuzi.
23 The same, by the marked out counsel and foreknowledge of God given up, through the hands of lawless men, suspending, ye slew,
Ooyu mwaalumi mwakamupegwa kwiinda mumakanze amuluzibo; andinywe, kwiinda mumaanza aabatalemeki mulawu, mwakamubambula akumujeya;
24 Whom, God, raised up, loosing the pangs of death, inasmuch as it was, not possible, for him to continue held fast by it.
pesi Leza wakamubusya, wakamwaangununa kumachise aalufu, nkaambo teensi chakalikukonzeka kuti akkalilile mulindulo.
25 For, David, saith concerning him—I foresaw the Lord before me continually, because he is, on my right hand, that I may not be shaken;
Nkaambo Devidi waamba boobu aatala anguwe, 'Ndakabona Mwami lyoonse kubusyu bwangu, nkaambo uliko kulubazu lwakululyo kuti nsikasunzulusigwi.
26 For this reason, was my heart made glad and my tongue exulted, —ye further, even my flesh, shall encamp on hope:
Nkenkaako moyo wangu wakabotelwa alulimi lwangu lwakakondwa. Alubo, nyama yangu iyookkala mubusichaamba.
27 Because thou wilt not abandon my soul unto hades, neither wilt thou give thy man of lovingkindness to see corruption; (Hadēs g86)
Nkaambo tokoyoolekela muuya wangu mu Hadesi, nikuba kuyozumina Musalali wako kuti akabone bubozi. (Hadēs g86)
28 Thou madest known unto me paths of life, thou wilt make me full of gladness with thy countenance.
Wakachita kuti zizibwe kulindime nzila zyabuumi; uyondipa kuti ndikazule lukondo kubusyu bwako.'
29 Brethren! it is, allowable, to say with freedom of speech unto you, concerning the patriarch David, —that he both died and was buried, and, his tomb, is among us until this day.
Nobayandwa, eechi chililuleme kulindime kuti ngambuule aatala asikale Devidi, wakafwa akuvwikwa, kabanda kakwe mpukachili ambulisunu akati kesu.
30 Being then, a prophet, and knowing that, with an oath, God had sworn unto him, of the fruit of his loins, to seat on his throne,
Nekubaboobo, wakalimusinsimi alubo wakalizi kuti Leza wakali wasyomezya muchikonke kulinguwe kuti, uyoonanika umwi wamumazyalane aakwe uutakakkale aachuuno chakwe.
31 With foresight, spake he concerning the resurrection of the Christ—that neither was he abandoned unto hades, nor did his flesh see corruption. (Hadēs g86)
Wakabona zyakali kuyanda kuchitika muchiindi chiboola kwaamba aatala abubuke bwa Kkilisito, 'Taakwe pe anakalekelwa mu Hadesi, nuuba amubili wakwe taakwe niwakabola pe.' (Hadēs g86)
32 The same Jesus, hath God raised up, whereof, all we, are witnesses!
Ooyu Jesu, Leza ngwaakabusya, uuli ngonguwe toonse ngotuli kaamboni.
33 By the right hand of God, therefore, having been exalted, also, the promise of the Holy Spirit, having received from the Father, He hath poured out this which, yourselves, do see and hear.
Nkenkaako kwiinda mukusumpulwa akubikwa kujanza lyalulyo lwa Leza alubo amukutambula Muuya Uusalala wachisyomezyo kuzwa kuli Wisi, wakatila eechi, eecho nchimubona akumvwa.
34 For, David, hath not ascended into the heavens; but he saith, himself, —Said the Lord unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand,
Nkaambo Devidi taakwe pe naakatanta kuya kujulu, pesi uwamba kuti, 'Mwami wakati kuMwami wangu,'”Kokkala kujanza lyakuulyo lwangu
35 Until I make thy foes thy footstool.
mane ndikachite basinkondonyokwe chilyatilizyo chandyatyo zyamawulu aako.”'
36 Assuredly, then, let all the house of Israel know: that, both Lord and Christ, hath God made him, even the same Jesus whom, ye, crucified!
Aboobo, akube kuti yoonse ng'anda ya Izilayeli izibe kuti Leza nguwakamuchita kuba Mwami a Kkilisito, ooyu Jesu ngumwakabambula.”
37 And, when they heard this, they were pricked to the heart, and said unto Peter and the rest of the apostles—What are we to do, brethren?
Lino nibakamvwa eezi zyoonse, bakayaswa mumyoyo yabo, bakaambila Pita antoomwe abatumwa boonse bati, “Nobakwesu, tuchite biyeni?”
38 And Peter [said] unto them—Repent ye, and let each one of you be immersed, in the name of Jesus Christ, into the remission of your sins, —and ye shall receive the free-gift of the Holy Spirit;
Mpawo Pita wakabaambila kuti, “Amusanduke, alubo mubbabbatizigwe, umwi awumwi wenu muzina lya Jesu Kkilisito kuti mulekelelwe zibi zyenu, mpawo muyootambula chipo cha Muuya Uusalala.
39 For, unto you, is the promise, and unto your children, —and unto all them who are afar off: as many soever as the Lord our God shall call unto him.
Nkaambo chisyomezyo nchichanu abana banu aboonse bazwa kule, abuvule bwabantu boonse mbatanoli wiita Mwami Leza.”
40 And, with many different words, bare he frail witness, and went on exhorting them saying—Be saved from this perverse generation!
Aambi majwi miingi wakabapa bukamboni akubalayilila, akwaamba kuti, “Amulifutule kuzwa kuli eeli zyalane lyabubi.”
41 They, therefore, who welcomed his word, were immersed; and there were added, on that day, about three thousand souls.
Mpawo bakatambula ijwi lyakwe, bakabbabbatizigwa, bakayungizigwa oobo buunsi bakasanduka kabayeyelwa kusika kuzyuulu zitatu.
42 And they went on to give constant attention—unto the teaching of the apostles, and unto the fellowship, unto the breaking of bread, and unto the prayers.
Bakalipeda kunjiisyo zyabatumwa, akubulyidilano, mukukwamuna chinkwa amukukomba.
43 And there came on every soul, fear, and, many wonders and signs, through means of the apostles, were coming to pass.
Kuyoowa kwakabawo kumuntu amuntu, antoomwe azigambyo azitondeezyo zyiingi zyakachitwa kwiinda mubatumwa.
44 And, all who believed, with one accord, began to hold all things common;
Boonse bakazumina bakali antoomwe kabali aazintu zyoose mukuba aamwi,
45 and, their possessions and goods, were they selling and distributing them unto all, in so far as anyone had need.
mpawo bakawuzya nzibakali aazyo ambono zyabo, akuzyaabana boonse akati kabo, umwi awumwi mbuli kubula kwabo.
46 And, daily giving attendance with one intent in the temple and, at home, breaking bread, they were partaking of food with exultation and singleness of heart;
Mubuzuba abuzuba bakalikulipeda lwabo amaboneno omwe muchikombelo, alimwi bakali kukwamuna chinkwa mumaanda aabo, kabaabana chakulya antoomwe chakukondwa amyoyo iwangunukide;
47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And, the Lord, was adding them who were being saved, daily, together.
bakatembawula Leza akuba aaluzyalo kubantu boonse, alubo mazuba woonse Mwami wakayujngizya mweelwe wabaabo bakalikufutulwa.

< Acts 2 >