< Acts 15 >

1 And, certain persons, coming down from Judea, began to teach the brethren—Except ye be circumcised according to the custom of Moses, ye cannot be saved.
Leleꞌ naa, atahori Kristen Yahudi hira rema mia dodꞌooꞌ mia nusa Yudea risiꞌ Antiokia. Losa naa ma, ranori Lamatuaꞌ Yesus atahori Nara rae, “Hei mimihere Yesus ena o, malole boe. Te naa nda feꞌe dai sa. Mete ma hei tebꞌe-tebꞌeꞌ mae misodꞌa, hei musi sunat dei, tungga hita adat na, fo Lamatualain fee neu baꞌi Musa.”
2 And, when Paul and Barnabas had had no little dissension and discussion with them, it was arranged that Paul and Barnabas and certain others from among them should go up unto the Apostles and Elders in Jerusalem concerning this question,
Te Paulus no Barnabas labꞌan rahereꞌ ro atahori naa ra oꞌola nara. Rareresi rala seli. Paulus se rae, “Naa sala! Atahori feaꞌ nda Yahudi ra sa, mana ramahere Yesus, nda parlu sunat tungga atahori Yahudi ra adat sunat na sa!” Huu ara balaban taꞌo naa, de raꞌetuꞌ denu Paulus no Barnabas, ma nonoo nara hira mia Antiokia, fo reu rendi dedꞌeat ia fee neu Lamatuaꞌ dedenu Nara, ro lasi Kristen feaꞌ mana sia Yerusalem.
3 They, therefore, being set forward by the Assembly, began passing through Phoenicia and Samaria, fully relating the conversion of them of the nations, and were causing great joy unto all the brethren.
Naa de, atahori Kristen mana sia Antiokia ra denu Paulus se Yerusalem reu. Ara tungga madꞌaꞌ ata, seli nusaꞌ Finisia ma Samaria. Sia dalaꞌ a, ara tuli atahori mamahereꞌ ra ume nara. Ara dui lutuꞌ-leloꞌ rae, “Atahori nda Yahudi ra sa, rema ramahere Lamatuaꞌ boe!” Rena taꞌo naa ma, basa se ramahoꞌo.
4 And, having arrived in Jerusalem, they were welcomed by the Assembly and the Apostles and the Elders; and they recounted all things God had done with them.
Losa Yerusalem, Yesus atahori nara simbo se no maloleꞌ. Lamatuaꞌ Yesus dedenu Nara, ro lasi Kristen fea ra, simbo se boe. Basa naa ma, Paulus se dui basa saa fo Lamatuaꞌ tao fee sira, losa atahori feaꞌ naeꞌ o tungga Lamatuaꞌ Yesus. Ara o dui sira rareresi soꞌal sunat.
5 But there [had] stood forth some of those who, from the sect of Pharisees, had believed, saying—It is needful to be circumcising them, also to charge them to be keeping the law of Moses.
Atahori mana rena Paulus se dudꞌui na, hambu atahori Yahudi Kristen hira mia partei Farisi. Ara fela rambariiꞌ de olaꞌ rahereꞌ rae, “Rena malolole, e! Mete ma atahori nda Yahudi sa nau tungga Yesus, musi tungga hita adat sunat, ma atoran adat feaꞌ, fo Lamatualain fee neu baꞌi Musa.”
6 And the Apostles and Elders were gathered together to see about this matter.
Basa de, atahori saraniꞌ ra rala haraꞌ esa rae, Lamatuaꞌ Yesus dedenu Nara ro lasi Kristen ra, raꞌabꞌue fo dudꞌuꞌa dalaꞌ naa.
7 And, when much discussion had arisen, Peter standing up, said unto them—Brethren! Ye yourselves, well know that, in days long past, amongst you, God chose that, through my mouth, the nations should hear the word of the glad tidings, and believe.
Ara duꞌa neu-nema esa no esa. Boe ma Petrus fela nambariiꞌ, de olaꞌ nae, “Toronoo nggare! Hei bubꞌuluꞌ, dalahulu na, Lamatualain dudꞌu au, mia hei taladꞌa mara, fo uu ufadꞌe Yesus Dudꞌui Malole na neu atahori nda Yahudi ra sa. Te Lamatualain o nau fo ara ramahere Yesus boe.
8 And, the heart-observing God, bare witness, —unto them, giving the Holy Spirit, just as, even unto us;
Lamatualain nahine hita esa-esaꞌ rala nara. Ana fee Dula-dale Meumare Na neu se, onaꞌ fee nema hita boe. No taꞌo naa, hita tahine tae Lamatualain o simbo se.
9 and made no distinction at all betwixt us and them, by their faith, purifying their hearts.
Ana nda pili-tadꞌa sira ro hita sa. Ana nda bingga-banggi se ro hita sa. Ana tao nameu rala nara, huu ramahere Yesus, onaꞌ Ana o tao nameu rala tara boe.
10 Now, therefore, why are ye proving God, that ye should put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which, neither our fathers, nor we, have been able to bear.
De taꞌo bee? Mete ma Lamatualain simbo se ena, taꞌo bee de hita feꞌe fua bꞌerat neu se no adat sunat? Mete ma tae olaꞌ tetu-tetu, hita to bei-baꞌi tara, nda lemba beꞌi basa horo-lalane agama naa ra sa. De afiꞌ taꞌasususaꞌ se taꞌo naa! Au ae utane taꞌo ia: Lamatualain fee masodꞌaꞌ neu hita, huu hita tungga horo-lalane agama, do? Hokoꞌ! Ana fee masodꞌaꞌ, huu Lamatuaꞌ Yesus sue ma kasian hita. De afiꞌ liliiꞌ! Lamatuaꞌ o sue ma kasian atahori feaꞌ ra boe.”
11 But, through the favour of the Lord Jesus, we believe we shall be saved, in like manner as, even they.
12 And all the throng held their peace, and began to hearken unto Barnabas and Paul relating how many signs and wonders God had done among the nations, through them.
Rena taꞌo naa ma, nda hambu esa nau fee dudꞌuꞌat seluꞌ sa ena. Basa ma, Paulus no Barnabas dui seluꞌ, taꞌo bee fo Lamatualain pake se. Ara dui manadadꞌiꞌ ra, no manaseliꞌ ra fo Lamatualain tao mia atahori nda Yahudi ra taladꞌa nara sa.
13 And, after they held their peace, James answered, saying—Brethren! hearken unto me.
Dꞌui basa ma, atahori sa, naran Yakobis, nambariiꞌ de olaꞌ nae, “Toronoo nggare! Rena au dei!
14 Symeon, hath fully told how God, first visited, to take out of the nations, a people for his name.
Aꞌa Petrus feꞌe dui basa hita, nae Lamatualain soꞌu atahori nda Yahudi ra sa, fo dadꞌi Lamatuaꞌ Yesus bobꞌonggi Na.
15 And, with this, agree the words of the prophets, according as it is written—
Naa, ndaa no saa fo Lamatualain mana ola-ola Nara rafadꞌe eniꞌ a dalahulu na. Te ara suraꞌ rae:
16 After these things, will I return, and will rebuild the tent of David that hath fallen, and, the ruins thereof, will I rebuild, and will set it up again:
‘Losa fai na, Au baliꞌ. Huu Au ae ufefela baliꞌ mane Daud parenda na. Eni tititi-nonosi nara sea-saranggaa. Ma Au ae ufefela baliꞌ, ma tao manggatetee e fai.
17 That the residues of men may seek out the Lord, and all the nations upon whom my name hath been called, saith the Lord that doeth these things,
No taꞌo naa, atahori mia nusa feaꞌ ra rema randaa ro Au. Te Au o tengga se, dadꞌi atahori Nggara. Lamatualain olaꞌ taꞌo naa mia dalahulu na!’
18 Known from age-past times. (aiōn g165)
De mia au, Yakobis, taꞌo ia: Mete ma atahori mia leo feaꞌ ra rae tungga Lamatualain, hita atahori Yahudi ra afiꞌ tao neꞌesususaꞌ se. Hita afiꞌ tao bꞌerat ma denu se tungga hita adat sunat na. De hita musi suraꞌ susura esa, haitua fee se tae, sira nda parlu tungga basa hita horo-lalane adat Yahudi nara sa. Hita o fee se nesenenedꞌaꞌ, afiꞌ tao leli ro touꞌ do inaꞌ. Afiꞌ raa sisi sosonggoꞌ. Afiꞌ raa sisi raaꞌ. Afiꞌ raa sisi mia banda mana neneꞌee nisaꞌ. (aiōn g165)
19 Wherefore, I, judge, not to be troubling them who, from the nations, are turning unto God;
20 but to write unto them, to abstain from the pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from what is strangled, and from blood.
21 For, Moses, out of ancient generation, hath, in every city, them who proclaim him; seeing, that in the synagogues, every sabbath, he is read.
Dadꞌi mete ma hita tao dalaꞌ taꞌo ia, naa nda dala feuꞌ sa. Atahori hetar bubꞌuluꞌ ena, hita atahori Yahudi ra adat na memaꞌ taꞌo naa ena. Tungga fai hahae aoꞌ hita baca baꞌi Musa se horo-lalanen naa sia ume hule-oꞌe ra sudꞌiꞌ a sia bee-bꞌee. De atahori leo feaꞌ ra basa se bubꞌuluꞌ. Au oꞌola ngga taꞌo naa ena. Makasi!”
22 Then, seemed it good unto the Apostles and the Elders with the whole Assembly to send chosen men from among them unto Antioch, with Paul and Barnabas, —even Judas who is called Barsabbas, and Silas, men taking a lead among the brethren:
Basa ma, Lamatuaꞌ Yesus dedenu Nara ro lasi feaꞌ ra ro basa atahori sarani ra sia Yerusalem, rala haraꞌ sa fo denu atahori rafadꞌe sira neꞌetu na neu atahori saraniꞌ sia mamanaꞌ feaꞌ. De ara sangga atahori nemehereꞌ nandaa no ues naa. Ara tengga atahori rua. Esa naran Silas, esa fai, naran Yudas (fo roꞌe rae Barsabas). Ara denu ruꞌa se tungga Paulus ma Barnabas sudꞌiꞌ a bee reu.
23 writing through their hand—The Apostles and the Elder Brethren, unto the brethren throughout Antioch and Syria and Cilicia, who are from among the nations, wish joy!
Ara rendi susura fee atahori nda Yahudi sa sia kota Antiokia sia nusa Siria, losa nusa Kilikia. Susura naa, lii na taꞌo ia: “Sodꞌa-moleꞌ mia hai, Lamatuaꞌ Yesus dedenu Nara, ma lasi feaꞌ sia Yerusalem ia. Hai suraꞌ susura fee hei, fo hai sue onaꞌ odꞌi-aꞌa bonggiꞌ e.
24 Inasmuch as we had heard that, certain from among us, had troubled you with words, dismantling your souls, —unto whom we had given no instructions,
Hai suraꞌ susura ia, huu hai rena mae, atahori hira mia Yerusalem ia reti randaa ro hei ena. Ara ranori leli losa raꞌasususaꞌ ma tao hei bingun. Sadꞌi hei bubꞌuluꞌ, hai nda denu atahori naa ra sa.
25 It seemed good unto us, coming to be of one accord, that we should choose men and send them unto you, with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, —
Hai rena atahori tao raꞌasususaꞌ hei taꞌo naa ma, hai miꞌibꞌue de duꞌa dalaꞌ naa. Hai ralaꞌ esa, ma miꞌetuꞌ basa dalaꞌ naa ena. De hai tengga atahori reti rafadꞌe hei, hai neꞌetu ma naa. Ara rema ro Paulus ma Barnabas fo hai sueꞌ ra.
26 men who have given up their lives in behalf of the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Hita atahori karuaꞌ nara naa ra, lemba doidꞌoso raeꞌ a mate ena, huu tungga hita Malangga na, Yesus Kristus.
27 We have sent, therefore, Judas and Silas, who also, themselves, by word of mouth, can tell you the same things.
Naa de, hai denu Yudas no Silas, fo rafadꞌe hei susura ia lii na.
28 For it hath seemed good unto the Holy Spirit and unto us, no greater burden, to be laying upon you, than these necessary things: —
Lamatualain Dula-dale Meumare Na nafadꞌe hai, de mitaa taꞌo naa mae, hei nda parlu tungga basa hai adat Yahudi mara, onaꞌ adat sunat a. Te adat naa tao namaberaꞌ a hei. Te hambu dalaꞌ esa do rua, fo memaꞌ hei musi misinedꞌa:
29 To be abstaining from idol sacrifices, and from blood, and from what is strangled, and from fornication, —From which, if ye keep yourselves, ye shall prosper. Fare ye well.
Afiꞌ tao leli mo touꞌ do inaꞌ. Afiꞌ mia sisi sosonggoꞌ. Afi mia raaꞌ. Ma afiꞌ raa sisi mia banda mana neneꞌee nisaꞌ. Mete ma hei minea ao mara mia basa dalaꞌ naa ra, hei nda tao melumudꞌu toronooꞌ atahori Yahudi Kristen ra sa. No onaꞌ naa, hei miꞌibꞌue malolole mo se. Susura ia lii na, taꞌo a naa. Sodꞌa-moleꞌ.”
30 They, therefore, being let go, came down unto Antioch; and, having gathered together the throng, delivered the letter,
Ara simbo rala susura naa ma, Paulus se ratea, de lao risiꞌ kota Antiokia. Losa naa ma, ara raꞌabꞌue basa atahori saraniꞌ ra, de fee susura a neu se.
31 and, when they read it, they rejoiced for the consolation.
Baca basa susura ma, basa atahori ra ramahoꞌo, huu susura lii na tao rala nara manggatee ena.
32 And, both Judas and Silas, being themselves also prophets, with much discourse, consoled and confirmed the brethren.
Lamatualain o pake Yudas no Silas, dadꞌi mana ola-olaꞌ Na. Ruꞌa se, dui-bꞌengga naeꞌ neu atahori mamahereꞌ sia naa. Ara fee nenoriꞌ ma tao manggatee rala nara.
33 And, when they had spent a time, they were let go, in peace, from the brethren, unto them who had sent them.
Ruꞌa se leo mia naa nda dooꞌ sa ma, atahori saraniꞌ sia Antiokia ra fee se baliꞌ risiꞌ atahori mana denu se. Ara mboꞌi ruꞌa se no sodꞌa-moleꞌ.
[Te Silas nae leo nakandoo sia Antiokia.]
35 But, Paul and Barnabas, tarried in Antioch, teaching and telling the joyful tidings, —along with many others also, —of the word of the Lord.
Paulus no Barnabas leo dodꞌoo mia naa. Ara o tulu-fali atahori feaꞌ mana ranori Lamatuaꞌ Yesus Dala Masodꞌa Na.
36 And, after certain days, Paul, said unto Barnabas—Let us now return, and visit the brethren in every city in which we have declared the word of the Lord, and see how they are.
Paulus no Barnabas leo nda dooꞌ sa sia Antiokia ma, Paulus olaꞌ no Barnabas nae, “Aꞌa! Uma fo baliꞌ teu sia basa mamanaꞌ feꞌesaꞌan hita tuliꞌ ra. Teu seꞌu sobꞌa toronooꞌ ra masodꞌa na ra. Ara taꞌo bee, e? Ara ramahere Lamatuaꞌ Yesus nda feꞌe dooꞌ sa. Feꞌe saꞌa naa, hita tanori se. De uma fo teu seꞌu se dei.”
37 And, Barnabas, was minded to take with them John also, called Mark;
Barnabas rena Paulus naꞌo naa ma, ana naꞌaheiꞌ a. Ana nae no Yohanis (fo roꞌe rae Markus) fo tungga no se.
38 but Paul deemed it right, as to him who had withdrawn from them, back from Pamphylia, and had not gone with them unto the work, not to be taking with them, this, man.
Te Paulus nda nau saa. Huu maꞌahulu na, Markus fela lao hela se mia nusa Pamfilia.
39 And there arose an angry feeling, so that they separated one from the other: and, Barnabas, taking Mark, sailed away unto Cyprus, —
Paulus no Barnabas rareresi seli losa ruꞌa se saranggaa. De Barnabas no Markus sae ofaꞌ risiꞌ pulu Siprus.
40 whereas, Paul, choosing Silas, went forth, committed unto the favour of the Lord by the brethren,
Te Paulus noꞌe no Silas. Ara rae lao ma, atahori mamahereꞌ sia Antiokia ra hule-oꞌe roꞌe Lamatualain nanea se, ma natudꞌu rala malole Na neu se. Hule-oꞌe basa ma, ruꞌa se lao.
41 and proceeded to pass through Syria and Cilicia, confirming the assemblies.
Ara reu ndule nusa Siria ma nusa Kilikia. Ara tao manggatee atahori mamahereꞌ ra rala nara, sia sudꞌi a bee-bꞌee.

< Acts 15 >