< Acts 1 >

1 The first narrative, indeed, made I, concerning all things, O Theophilus, which Jesus began both to do and teach, —
Encwadini yami yakuqala, Theyofelasi, ngalandisa ngakho konke uJesu akwenzayo lakufundisayo
2 Until the day when, having given command unto the apostles, whom through Holy Spirit he had chosen, he was taken up;
kwaze kwafika usuku enyukiswa ngalo esiya ezulwini, esenike izeluleko ngoMoya oNgcwele kubapostoli ayebakhethile.
3 Unto whom he also presented himself alive, after he had suffered, by many sure tokens, throughout forty days making himself visible unto them, and speaking the things concerning the kingdom of God.
Ngemva kokuhlupheka kwakhe, waziveza kubo, wabapha iziqiniseko ezinengi njengobufakazi bokuthi wayephila. Wabonakala kubo okwensuku ezingamatshumi amane, ekhuluma ngombuso kaNkulunkulu.
4 And being in company with them he charged them, from Jerusalem, not to absent themselves, but—To abide around the promise of the Father which ye have heard of me,
Wathi esidla labo ngelinye ilanga wabalaya wathi, “Lingasuki eJerusalema, lilindele isipho esathenjiswa nguBaba, elangizwa ngikhuluma ngaso.
5 Because, John, indeed, immersed with water; but, ye, in Holy Spirit shall be immersed, —after not many of these days.
Ngoba uJohane wabhaphathiza ngamanzi, kodwa ngemva kwensuku ezimbalwa lizabhaphathizwa ngoMoya oNgcwele.”
6 They, therefore, having come together, began to question him, saying—Lord! art thou at this time duly establishing the kingdom unto Israel?
Basebesithi gwaqa ndawonye bambuza bathi, “Nkosi, khathesi usuzabuyisela umbuso ko-Israyeli na?”
7 He said unto them—It is not yours to get to know times or seasons which the Father hath put in his own authority;
Wathi kubo: “Kakusikho kwenu ukwazi izikhathi loba insuku uBaba azimisileyo ngamandla akhe.
8 But ye shall receive power when the Holy Spirit cometh upon you, and ye shall be my witnesses, both in Jerusalem and [in] all Judaea and Samaria and as far as the uttermost part of the land.
Kodwa lina lizakwamukela amandla nxa uMoya oNgcwele esefikile kini, njalo lizakuba ngofakazi bami eJerusalema lakulo lonke eleJudiya laseSamariya kanye lasemikhawulweni yomhlaba.”
9 And having said these things, as they were beholding, he was lifted up, and a cloud caught him away from their eyes.
Esekutshilo lokhu, wenyukiswa phambi kwamehlo abo, iyezi lamfihla, abazabe besambona.
10 And, while they were looking steadfastly into heaven as he was going his way, then lo! two men had taken their stand beside them, in white garments, —
Babejolozele esibhakabhakeni ngesikhathi esenyuka, masinyazana nje kwema amadoda amabili eduze kwabo egqoke okumhlophe.
11 Who also said—Men of Galilee! why stand ye looking into heaven? This Jesus who hath been taken up from you into heaven, shall so come, in like manner as ye yourselves have gazed upon him going into heaven.
Athi kubo, “Madoda aseGalile, limeleni lapha lijolozele esibhakabhakeni na? UJesu lo osethethwe kini wasiwa ezulwini uzabuya ngayonale indlela elimbone esenyuka ngayo esiya ezulwini.”
12 Then returned they into Jerusalem, from a mountain called Olivet, which is nigh unto Jerusalem a Sabbath day’s journey.
Basebebuyela eJerusalema besuka eNtabeni yama-Oliva, okungumango ongaba likhilomitha kusuka edolobheni.
13 And, when they had entered, into the upper-story went they up, where remained behind—both Peter and John and James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus and Simon the zealot, and Judas the son of James.
Ekufikeni kwabo bakhuphukela endlini ephezulu lapho ababehlala khona. Ababelapho babebalisa: uPhethro, uJohane, uJakhobe lo-Andreya; uFiliphu loThomasi; uBhatholomewu loMatewu; uJakhobe indodana ka-Alifewu, uSimoni umZilothi, loJudasi indodana kaJakhobe.
14 These all were giving constant attention with one accord unto the prayer, with [certain] women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren.
Bonke laba bahlangana kokuphela bekhuleka, bendawonye labesifazane loMariya unina kaJesu kanye labafowabo bakaJesu.
15 And, in these days, Peter, standing up in the midst of the brethren, said, —and there was a multitude of names, of one accord, about a hundred and twenty, —
Ngalezonsuku uPhethro wasukuma phakathi kwamakholwa (ixuku elalingafika ikhulu elilamatshumi amabili)
16 Brethren! It was needful for the Scripture to be fulfilled which the Holy Spirit spake beforehand through the mouth of David, concerning Judas, —who became guide unto them who apprehended Jesus;
wathi, “Bazalwane, uMbhalo kwakumele ugcwaliseke, lokho okwakhulunywa nguMoya oNgcwele endulo ngomlomo kaDavida mayelana loJudasi owaba ngumkhokheli walabo ababopha uJesu.
17 For that he had come to be reckoned among us and obtained the lot of this ministry.—
Wayengomunye wenani lethu njalo waba lengxenye emsebenzini wethu wobuvangeli.”
18 This man therefore had possessed himself of a field out of the reward of unrighteousness, —and falling headlong burst asunder in the midst, and forth gushed all his bowels;
(Ngomvuzo awuzuzayo ngenxa yobubi bakhe, uJudasi wathenga isiqinti; khonapho wawa ngekhanda, isidumbu sakhe sadubuka, amathumbu akhe wonke agcwala phansi.
19 And it became known unto all them who were dwelling in Jerusalem, so that that field was called, in their language, Akeldama, that is, Field of Blood.—
Bonke eJerusalema bezwa ngalokho, yikho babiza isiqinti leso ngolimi lwabo bathi yi-Akhelidama, okutsho iSiqinti seGazi.)
20 For it is written in the book of Psalms: Let his encampment become desolate, and let there be none to dwell therein! And—his overseership, let a different man take!
UPhethro wathi, “Ngoba kulotshiwe encwadini yamaHubo ukuthi: ‘Sengathi indawo yakhe ingaba ngamanxiwa; kungabi lamuntu ozahlala kuyo,’ njalo, ‘Kakube lomunye ozathatha isikhundla sakhe sobukhokheli.’
21 It is needful then that, of the men who companied with us during all the time in which the Lord Jesus came in and went out over us,
Ngakho kufanele ukuba sikhethe omunye wamadoda abekade elathi isikhathi sonke iNkosi uJesu isesephakathi kwethu,
22 Beginning from the immersion by John until the day when he was taken up from us, that, a witness of his resurrection along with us, should one of these become.
kusukela ekubhaphathizweni kwakhe nguJohane kuze kufike esikhathini lapho uJesu athathwa khona kithi. Ukuze omunye wabo laba abe ngufakazi kanye lathi ngokuvuka kwakhe kwabafileyo.”
23 And they appointed two, —Joseph, called Barsabbas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias.
Ngakho basebemisa amadoda amabili, uJosefa owayethiwa nguBhasabhasi (esaziwa njalo ngokuthi nguJustusi) loMathiyasi.
24 And, praying, they said—Thou Lord! observer of the hearts of all men! shew forth whom thou hast chosen, —of these two, one; —
Basebekhuleka bathi, “Nkosi, uyayazi inhliziyo yomuntu munye ngamunye. Sitshengise ukuthi nguphi phakathi kwalaba ababili omkhethileyo
25 To take the place of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas went aside, to go his way unto his own place.
ukuba athathe lesisikhundla sobupostoli, uJudasi asitshiyayo esiya lapho ayefanele khona.”
26 And they gave lots for them; and the lot fell upon Matthias, and he was numbered with the eleven apostles.
Basebesenza inkatho, yadla uMathiyasi, wasesengezwa kubapostoli abalitshumi lanye.

< Acts 1 >