< 2 Timothy 2 >
1 Thou, therefore, my child, be empowering thyself in the favour that is in Christ Jesus,
Haddaba, wiilkaygiiyow, ku xoogayso nimcada Ciise Masiix ku jirta.
2 And, the things which thou hast heard from me among many witnesses, the same, entrust thou unto faithful men, such as shall be, competent, to teach, others also.
Oo waxyaalihii aad markhaatiyaal badan dhexdood igaga maqashay ku ammaanee niman aamin ah oo awooda inay kuwa kaleeto baraan.
3 Take thy part in suffering hardship, as a brave soldier of Christ Jesus: —
Dhibaato ka qayb qaado sida askari wanaagsan oo Ciise Masiix.
4 No one that is serving as a soldier, entangleth himself with the matters of his livelihood, that he may please him that hath summoned him to serve as a soldier;
Nin askari ahi, si uu uga farxiyo kii isaga askari ahaanta u qortay, iskuma murgiyo axwaasha noloshan,
5 If, moreover, any man, contend even in the games, he is not crowned, unless, lawfully, he contend;
weliba haddii nin galo cayaaraha loo loollamo, taaj looma saaro hadduusan sida qaynuunka ah u loollamin.
6 The toiling husbandman, ought, first, of the fruits, to partake:
Ninka beerta leh ee hawshoodaa waa inuu ahaadaa kan ugu horreeya oo midhaha ka qayb qaata.
7 Think, as to what I am speaking; for the Lord will give thee discernment in all things.
Waxaan leeyahay ka fiirso, waayo, Rabbigu wuxuu ku siin doonaa wax walba garashadooda.
8 Keep in mind Jesus Christ—raised from among the dead, of the seed of David, —according to my joyful message:
Bal xusuuso Ciise Masiix, kan kuwii dhintay ka soo sara kacay, oo Daa'uud ka soo farcamay, sida uu leeyahay injiilka aan idinku wacdiyo,
9 In which I am suffering hardship, even unto bonds, as an evil-doer; but, the word of God, is not bound.
kan aan u dhibtoodo oo aan u xidhnahay sidii mid wax xun falay; laakiinse erayga Ilaah ma xidhna.
10 For this cause, am I enduring, all things, for the sake of the chosen, in order that, they also, may obtain, the salvation, which is in Christ Jesus along with glory age-abiding. (aiōnios )
Haddaba wax walba waxaan ugu adkaystaa kuwa la doortay aawadood inay iyana helaan badbaadada ammaanta weligeeda leh oo ku jirta Ciise Masiix. (aiōnios )
11 Faithful, the saying—for, If we have died together, we shall also live together,
Hadalkanu waa dhab, Haddii aynu isaga la dhimannay, dee haddana waynu la noolaan doonnaa,
12 If we endure, we shall also reign together; If we shall deny, he also, will deny us,
haddii aynu adkaysanno, dee haddana wax baynu la xukumi doonnaa; haddii aynu isaga inkirnona, dee isna wuu ina diidi doonaa;
13 If we are faithless, he, faithful, abideth, —for, deny himself, he cannot!
haddii aynu nahay aaminlaawayaal, isagu weli waa aamin; waayo, isagu isma burin karo.
14 Of these things, be putting [them] in remembrance, adjuring [them] before God not to be waging word-battles, —useful, for nothing, occasioning a subversion of them that hearken.
Waxyaalahan iyaga xusuusi oo Rabbiga hortiisa ku amar inayan hadal ku murmin, waayo, kaasu faa'iido ma leh, laakiinse kuwa maqla ayuu sii kharribaa.
15 Give diligence, thyself, approved, to present unto God, —a workman not to be put to shame, skillfully handling the word of truth.
Ku dadaal inaad nafsaddaada loo bogay Ilaah siisid, adigoo ah shaqeeye aan dadka ka xishoonin, oo hadalka runta ah si hagaagsan u wada.
16 But, the profane pratings, shun; for, unto more ungodliness, will they force themselves on;
Laakiinse ka fogow hadalka aan micnaha lahayn, oo nijaasta ah, waayo, kuwaas waxay hore u sii wadi doonaan cibaadola'aanta,
17 And, their discourse, as a gangrene, will eat its way; —of whom are Hymenaeus and Philetus,
oo hadalkoodu sida waraabowgu u faafo ayuu u sii faafi doonaa; iyaga waxaa ka mid ah Humenayos iyo Fileetos,
18 Men who, concerning the truth, have erred, affirming, a resurrection, already, to have taken place, and are overthrowing the faith, of some.
oo ah kuwa xagga runta ka gefay iyagoo leh, Sarakicidda waa horaa la soo dhaafay, oo qaar bay iimaanka ka halleeyaan.
19 Howbeit, the firm foundation of God, standeth, having this seal—The Lord hath acknowledged them who are his, and, Let every one that nameth the name of the Lord stand aloof from unrighteousness.
Habase yeeshee aasaaskii adkaa oo Ilaah dhigay wuu taagan yahay, isagoo leh sumaddan, Rabbigu wuu yaqaan kuwiisa; oo mid kasta oo magaca Rabbiga soo qaada xaqnimola'aanta ha ka tago.
20 But, in a great house, there are not only gold and silver vessels, but, also wooden and earthen: and, some, indeed, for honour, while, some, are for dishonour:
Haddaba kuma jiraan guri weyn weelal dahab iyo lacag keliya ahi, laakiinse waxaa kaloo yaal kuwo qoryo iyo dhoobo ah; oo qaarkoodna wax sharaf leh ayay taraan, qaarna wax aan sharaf lahayn.
21 If, therefore, anyone will, for pureness, sever himself from these, he shall be a vessel for honour, hallowed, meet for the Master’s use, for every good work, prepared.
Sidaas daraaddeed haddii nin iska daahirsho kuwan, kaasu wuxuu ahaan doonaa weel sharaf leh, oo quduus laga dhigay, oo sayidka wax u tara, oo shuqul kasta oo wanaagsan loo diyaariyey.
22 But, from the youthful covetings, flee! and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace, along with them who call upon the Lord out of a pure heart.
Haddaba ka fogow damacyada xunxun ee dhallinyaronimada, laakiinse xaqnimo, iyo rumaysad, iyo jacayl, iyo nabad la raac kuwa Rabbiga uga yeedha qalbi daahir ah.
23 But, from the foolish and undisciplined questionings, excuse thyself, knowing that they gender strifes;
Iska diid su'aalaha nacasnimada iyo jaahilnimada ah, adigoo og inay dagaallo dhalaan.
24 And, a servant of the Lord, ought not to strive, but to be, gentle, towards all, apt in teaching, ready to endure malice, —
Addoonka Rabbigu waa inuusan ilaaqtamin, laakiin waa inuu ahaado mid dadka u wada roon, oo waxbaridda ku wanaagsan, oo dulqaadasho badan,
25 In meekness, bringing under discipline them that oppose themselves, lest at any time God should give them repentance unto a personal knowledge of truth,
oo si qabow u edbiya kuwa isaga diida; mindhaa Ilaah waa siin doonaa toobadkeenid inay runtay gartaan,
26 And they should wake up to sobriety out of, the adversary’s, snare, —though they have been taken alive by him for, that one’s, will.
oo ay dabinka Ibliiska ka baxsadaan, iyagoo lagu qabtay si ay muraadkiisa u yeelaan.