< 2 Samuel 13 >

1 And it came to pass, after this, that, Absolom, son of David, having a beautiful sister, whose name, was Tamar, Amnon son of David loved her.
Nɔvinyɔnu dzetugbe aɖe nɔ Absalom, David ƒe viŋutsu si. Eŋkɔe nye Tamar eye eƒe nu nyo David viŋutsu bubu si woyɔna be Amnon la ŋu, evɔ Amnon kple Tamar nye atsusiviwo.
2 And it so troubled Amnon, that he made himself ill on account of Tamar his sister, for, a virgin, was she, and it was monstrous in Amnon’s own eyes, to do, anything, unto her.
Amnon ƒe lɔlɔ̃ na Tamar va ɖe fu nɛ ale gbegbe be wòdze dɔ. Amnon mekpɔ mɔnu aɖeke awɔ naneke kplii o, elabena Tamar menya ŋutsu haɖe o.
3 But, Amnon, had a friend, whose name, was Jonadab, son of Shimeah, David’s brother, —and, Jonadab, was a very cunning man.
Xɔlɔ̃ dzeaye aɖe nɔ Amnon si; eŋkɔe nye Yonadab, ame si nye David nɔviŋutsu, Simea ƒe vi.
4 So he said to him, —Why art thou looking so wretched—a king’s son too—morning by morning? Wilt thou not tell me? And Amnon said to him, With Tamar, my brother Absolom’s sister, am I in love.
Gbe ɖeka la, Yonadab bia Amnon be, “Nya kae dzɔ? Nu ka ta wò, fiavi, nàlé blanui ale ŋdi sia ŋdi?” Amnon gblɔ nɛ be, “Tamar, nɔvinye nyɔnu, ame si dzɔ ɖe Absalom yome la ƒe vi la ƒe nu lé dzi nam.”
5 And Jonadab said unto him: Take to thy bed, and feign thyself ill, —and, when thy father cometh in to see thee, then shalt thou say unto him—I pray thee, let Tamar my sister come, that she may give me food, and let her prepare, before mine eyes, some delicacy, to the end that I may see [it made], and so eat at her hand.
Yonadab gblɔ nɛ be, “Enyo, magblɔ nu si nàwɔ la na wò. Yi ɖamlɔ anyi eye nàwɔ abe ɖe nèdze dɔ ene. Ne fofowò va be yeakpɔ wò ɖa la, gblɔ nɛ be wòana Tamar nava wɔ nuɖuɖu aɖe na ye. Na wòanya be yeahaya ne Tamar va ɖa nu na ye.”
6 So Amnon took to his bed, and feigned himself ill, —and, when the king came in to see him, Amnon said unto the king—I pray thee, let Tamar my sister come, and make ready before mine eyes a couple of cakes, that I may eat at her hand.
Amnon wɔ alea. Esi David va kpɔe ɖa la, eɖe kuku nɛ be wòaɖe mɔ na ye nɔvinyɔnu, Tamar, wòava ɖa nu na ye yeaɖu.
7 So David sent unto Tamar, in the house—saying, —Come, I pray thee, to the house of Amnon thy brother, and prepare him enticing food.
David lɔ̃ eye wòɖo du ɖe Tamar be wòayi Amnon ƒe xɔ me eye wòaɖa nane nɛ.
8 And Tamar went to the house of Amnon her brother, he having taken to his bed, —and took dough and kneaded it, and folded it before his eyes, and baked the cakes.
Ale Tamar yi Amnon ƒe xɔ me ale be Amnon nakpɔ ale si wòablu amɔ lae.
9 Then took she the pan and put them out before him, but he refused to eat. And Amnon said—Have forth every one from me. And they went out every one from him.
Etɔ tatalĩ tɔxɛ aɖe nɛ, ke esi wòɖo kplɔ̃ nɛ la, egbe nua ɖuɖu! Eɖe gbe na eƒe subɔlawo be woadzo le yewo gbɔ eye subɔlawo katã do go le xɔa me.
10 Then said Amnon unto Tamar—Bring the food into the chamber, that I may eat out of thine own hand. So Tamar took the cakes which she had made, and brought them in to Amnon her brother, in the chamber.
Amnon gblɔ na Tamar be, “Tsɔ nuɖuɖu la va nye dɔƒe eye nàdoe nam.” Ale Tamar tsɔ nuɖuɖu la yii.
11 And, when she brought them unto him to eat, he took hold of her, and said to her, Come lie with me, my sister!
Esi wòtsi tsitre ɖe eŋkume la, Amnon gblɔ nɛ be, “Lɔlɔ̃tɔ, va mlɔ gbɔnye.”
12 But she said to him—Nay! my brother, do not force me, for it should not be done so in Israel, —do not commit this vileness.
Tamar do ɣli be, “Oo, Amnon, èdzɔ movi loo! Mègawɔ nu sia tɔgbi o. Wò ŋutɔ ènya be nu sia tɔgbi medzɔna le Israel o.
13 And, I,—whither could I take my reproach? Thou, too, wouldest be as one of the vile fellows, in Israel. Now, therefore, speak, I pray thee, unto the king, for he would not withhold me from thee.
Afi ka mayi kple ŋukpe gã sia? Woayɔ wò be abunɛtɔ gãtɔwo dometɔ ɖeka le Israel! Meɖe kuku, ƒo nu kple fia la, ekema aɖe mɔ na wò nàɖem.”
14 But he would not hearken unto her voice, —and, being stronger than she, forced her, and lay with her.
Amnon gbe meɖo toe o, ke boŋ esi wòsẽ wu Tamar ta la, elée sesẽtɔe hedɔ egbɔ.
15 Then did Amnon hate her with a very great hatred, for, greater, was the hatred wherewith he hated her, than the love wherewith he had loved her, —so Amnon said to her—Rise—begone!
Enumake lɔlɔ̃ si wòtsɔ nɛ la trɔ zu fuléle. Amnon lé fu Tamar azɔ wu ale si wòlɔ̃e tsã. Eblu ɖe eta be, “Do go nàdzo le afi sia!”
16 But she said to him—No occasion for this greater wrong, after what thou hast done with me, to put me away! Nevertheless he would not hearken unto her;
Tamar de asi avifafa me hegblɔ be, “Ne ègbem la, evɔ̃ɖi wu nu si nèwɔ kplim gɔ̃ hã.” Ke Amnon meɖo to Tamar ƒe nya siawo o.
17 but called his young man who waited on him, and said—I pray you, put forth this woman from me, outside, —and bolt the door after her.
Eyɔ eƒe subɔla eye wògblɔ nɛ be, “He nyɔnu sia do goe le afi sia eye nàtu ʋɔa ɖe eyome.”
18 Now she had upon her a long tunic, for, so, used king’s daughters to apparel themselves, when they were virgins, in robes. And his attendant took her forth, outside, and bolted the door, after her.
Ale subɔla la hee do goe eye wòtu ʋɔ la ɖe eyome. Edo awu ʋlaya nyui aɖe si fiavinyɔnu siwo menya ŋutsu haɖe o la dona.
19 And Tamar put ashes upon her head, and, the long tunic that was upon her, she rent, —and put her hand upon her head, and went her way, crying out as she went.
Tamar dze awu la le eɖokui ŋuti, lɔ dzowɔ kɔ ɖe tame, kpla asi ta, henɔ avi fam kple ɣli eye wòdzo.
20 And Absolom her brother said unto her—Hath, Amnon thy brother, been with thee? Now, therefore, my sister, hold thy peace—thy brother, he is, do not lay to thy heart, this thing. But Tamar remained, and was desolate in the house of Absolom her brother.
Nɔvia Absalom biae be, “Nyateƒee be Amnon gblẽ wòa? Mègana wòave wò nenema kura o, elabena ƒome ɖeka sia me ko nya la dzɔ le. Esia menye nya aɖeke si ŋu nàtsi dzi le alea o!” Ale Tamar nɔ nɔvia Absalom gbɔ abe nyɔnu si ɖi gbɔ̃ eɖokui ene.
21 And, King David, heard all these things, —and it angered him greatly.
Esi Fia David se nya si dzɔ la, edo dɔmedzoe ŋutɔ.
22 And Absolom spake not with Amnon, either bad or good, —though Absolom hated Amnon, because he had forced Tamar his sister.
Absalom lé fu Amnon le esi wògblẽ nɔvia, Tamar ta ale gbegbe be megaƒoa nu kplii gɔ̃ hã o.
23 And it came to pass, after two years of days, that Absolom had, sheepshearers in Baal-hazor, which is beside Ephron, —and Absolom invited all the king’s sons.
Le ƒe eve megbe la, wonɔ fu kom na Absalom ƒe alẽwo le Baal Hazor, le Efraim du la gbɔ. Absalom kpe fiaviŋutsuwo katã be woava afi ma.
24 Absolom came also unto the king, and said, See, I pray thee, thy servant hath, sheepshearers, —I pray thee, let the king and his servants go with thy servant.
Eyi fofoa David gbɔ hekpe eya hã kple eŋumewo be woava kpɔ dzidzɔ kple ye.
25 And the king said unto Absolom—Nay! my son, do not, I pray thee, let us all go, lest we be burdensome upon thee. And, though he urged him, he would not go, but blessed him.
Ke fofoa gblɔ nɛ be, “Ao, vinye, ne mí katã míeva la, míanye agba na wò akpa.” Absalom ƒoe ɖe enu gake melɔ̃ ɖe yiyi dzi o; ɖeko wòda akpe nɛ ɖe eƒe amekpekpe la ta.
26 Then said Absolom, If not, then, I pray thee, let Amnon my brother go with us. And the king said unto him, Wherefore should he go with thee?
Absalom gblɔ be, “Enyo; ne wò ŋutɔ màte ŋu ava o hã la, màɖo nɔvinye, Amnon ɖa ɖe tewòƒe oa?” Fia la biae be, “Nu ka ta maɖo Amnon ɖa?”
27 And Absolom urged him, —so he let Amnon and all the king’s sons go with him.
Absalom yi nya la ƒoƒo ɖe fia la nu dzi va se ɖe esime wòlɔ̃ eye wòna via ŋutsuwo katã, ame siwo dome Amnon hã nɔ la yi.
28 Now Absolom had commanded his young men, saying—Mark, I pray you, when the heart of Amnon is merry with wine, and I say unto you—Smite ye Amnon, then shall ye put him to death, do not fear, —have not, I myself, commanded you? Be bold, and show yourselves to be sons of valour.
Absalom gblɔ na eƒe amewo be, “Milala va se ɖe esime Amnon namu aha, ekema ne mewɔ dzesi aɖe na mi ko la, miawui! Migavɔ̃ o, nyee nye miaƒe aƒetɔ eye esiae nye nye ɖoɖo. Milé dzi ɖe ƒo ne miawɔe!”
29 So Absolom’s young men did to Amnon as Absolom had commanded. Then arose all the king’s sons, and rode away—each man on his mule, and fled.
Ale Absalom ƒe amewo wɔ Amnon abe ale si Absalom ɖo na wo ene. Tete fia la ƒe viwo katã lia woƒe tedzisɔwo dzi eye wosi dzo.
30 And it came to pass, while, they, were yet on the road, that, the report, reached David, saying, —Absolom hath smitten all the king’s sons, and there is not left of them, one.
Esi wonɔ mɔa dzi la, David se be, “Absalom wu fia la ƒe viwo katã eye wo dometɔ ɖeka pɛ gɔ̃ hã mesusɔ o.”
31 And the king arose, and rent his garments, and lay on the ground, —and all his servants who stood by rent their garments.
Fia la tsi tsitre, dze eƒe awuwo eye wòmlɔ anyigba, le konyifafa me, eŋumewo hã dze woƒe awuwo le ŋɔdzi kple konyifafa ta.
32 Then responded Jonadab son of Shimeah David’s brother, and said—Let not my lord say that they have put, all the young men—the king’s sons, to death; for, Amnon alone, is dead; for, by the bidding of Absolom, was it appointed, from the day that he forced Tamar his sister.
Ke Yonadab, David nɔviŋutsu, Simea ƒe viŋutsu gblɔ be, “Mele be nye aƒetɔ nabu be wowu fiaviŋutsuawo katã o. Amnon ko wowu! Esiae nye Absalom ƒe tameɖoɖo si wògblɔna tso gbe si gbe ke Amnon gblẽ nɔvia nyɔnu Tamar.
33 Now, therefore, let not my lord the king lay to his heart such a thing—to say, All the king’s sons, are dead, —but, Amnon alone, is dead.
Mele be nye aƒetɔ, fia la naƒo to nya sia bena fiaviŋutsuawo katã ku o. Amnon koe ku.”
34 Now Absolom had fled. And the young man that was watching lifted up his eyes and looked, and lo! much people, coming on the road behind him, on the mountain-side.
Ke Absalom si le teƒea. Azɔ, dzɔla si le Yerusalem ƒe gli la dzi la, kpɔ ameha gã aɖe le togbɛ la ŋu wogbɔna Yerusalem.
35 So Jonadab said unto the king, Lo! the king’s sons, are come, —according to the word of thy servant, so hath it come to pass.
Yonadab gblɔ na fia la be, “Kpɔ ɖa, woawoe nye emawo! Viwò ŋutsuwo gbɔna ɖa abe ale si megblɔ ene.”
36 And so it was, as he made an end of speaking, that lo! the king’s sons, came, and lifted up their voice and wept, —the king also, and all his servants, wept with an exceeding great weeping.
Eteƒe medidi o la, wova do henɔ avi fam. Fia la kple eŋumewo hã fa avi vevie.
37 But, Absolom, had fled, and had taken his journey unto Talmai son of Ammihud, king of Geshur. And David the king mourned for his son continually,
Absalom si yi Talmai, Amihud ƒe vi Gesuri fia gbɔ. Ke Fia David faa via ŋutsu la gbe sia gbe.
38 But, Absolom, had fled, and had taken his journey to Geshur, —and it came to pass that he was there three years.
Absalom si yi Gesur eye wònɔ afi ma ƒe etɔ̃.
39 And the spirit of the king pined to go forth unto Absolom, —for he had consoled himself over Amnon, in that he was dead.
Esi Fia David dzudzɔ Amnon fafa la, edi vevie be yeagakpɔ ye vi Absalom.

< 2 Samuel 13 >