< 2 Samuel 11 >

1 And it came to pass, at the return of the year, at the time of the going forth of kings, that David sent Joab, and his servants with him, and all Israel, and they destroyed the sons of Ammon, and laid siege to Rabbah, —but, David, was remaining in Jerusalem.
Munguva yechirimo, madzimambo paanoenda kundorwa, Dhavhidhi akatuma Joabhu navaranda vamambo nehondo yose yeIsraeri. Vakandoparadza vaAmoni uye vakakombawo Rabha. Asi Dhavhidhi akasara muJerusarema.
2 And it came to pass that, at eventide, David arose from his couch, and walked to and fro on the roof of the king’s house, when, from the roof, he saw a woman bathing herself, —the woman being exceeding beautiful to look upon.
Zvino rimwe zuva madekwana Dhavhidhi akamuka pamubhedha wake akafamba pamusoro pedenga romuzinda. Aripo padenga akaona mukadzi aishamba. Mukadzi uyu akanga akanaka kwazvo,
3 And David sent and enquired after the woman, —and one said—Is not, this, Bath-sheba, daughter of Eliam, wife of Uriah the Hittite?
uye Dhavhidhi akatuma munhu kundobvunza nezvomukadzi uyu. Murume akatumwa akati, “Ko, uyu haasi Bhatishebha here mwanasikana waEriamu mukadzi waUria muHiti?”
4 And David sent messengers, and fetched her, and she came in unto him, and he lay with her, she having purified herself from her uncleanness, —and she returned unto her own house.
Ipapo Dhavhidhi akatuma nhume kundomutora. Akauya kwaari, iye akarara naye; nokuti akanga azvinatsa pakusachena kwake. Ipapo akadzokera kumba kwake.
5 And the woman, having conceived, sent and told David, and said, I am with child.
Mukadzi uyu akabata pamuviri ndokubva atuma shoko kuna Dhavhidhi achiti, “Ndava nemimba.”
6 Then sent David unto Joab, Send unto me Uriah the Hittite. So Joab sent Uriah unto David.
Saka Dhavhidhi akatuma shoko kuna Joabhu akati, “Nditumire Uria muHiti.” Saka Joabhu akamutumira kuna Dhavhidhi.
7 And, when Uriah had come in unto him, David asked—how Joab prospered, and how the people prospered, and how the war prospered.
Uria akati asvika kwaari, Dhavhidhi akamubvunza kuti Joabhu aiva akadini hake, zvose navarwi uye kuti hondo yaifamba sei.
8 Then said David unto Uriah, Go down unto thy house, and bathe thy feet. And, when Uriah went out of the house of the king, there followed him, a present from the king.
Ipapo Dhavhidhi akati kuna Uria, “Enda hako kuimba yako unoshamba tsoka dzako.” Naizvozvo Uria akabva pamuzinda wamambo, uye achangoenda, mambo akamutumira chipo.
9 But Uriah slept at the entrance of the king’s house, with all the servants of his lord, —and went not down unto his own house.
Asi Uria akarara pasuo romuzinda navaranda vose vatenzi wake akasaenda kumba kwake.
10 And it was told David, saying, Uriah went not down, unto his own house. So David said unto Uriah—Was it not, from a journey, thou didst come? why, then, hast thou not been down unto thine own house?
Zvino Dhavhidhi paakaudzwa kuti, “Uria haana kuenda kumba kwake,” akamubvunza akati, “Hauna kubva parwendo here? Sei usina kuenda kumba kwako?”
11 And Uriah said unto David—The ark, and Israel and Judah, are dwelling in huts and, my lord Joab, and the servants of my lord, on the face of the field, are encamped, Was, I, then, to enter my own house, to eat and to drink and to lie with my wife? By thy life, yea by the life of thy soul, I could not do this thing.
Uria akati kuna Dhavhidhi, “Areka navaIsraeri pamwe chete navaJudha vagere mumatende, uye tenzi wangu Joabhu navanhu vaishe wangu vari mumisasa kusango. Ko, ini ndaigozoenda sei kumba kwangu kuti ndidye ndichinwa nokurara nomudzimai wangu? Zvirokwazvo noupenyu hwenyu, handingaiti chinhu chakadaro!”
12 Then said David unto Uriah—Abide here to-day also, and, to-morrow, will I let thee go. So Uriah abode in Jerusalem that day, and the morrow.
Ipapo Dhavhidhi akati kwaari, “Chigara hako pano kwezuva rimwe chete, mangwana ndigokutendera hangu kuti udzokere.” Naizvozvo Uria akagara muJerusarema zuva iroro neraitevera.
13 And David called him, and he did eat before him, and drank, and he made him drunk, —and he went forth in the evening to lie down on his bed, with the servants of his lord, but, unto his own house, went he not down.
Akakokwa naDhavhidhi, akadya nokunwa naye, uye Dhavhidhi akaita kuti adhakwe. Asi ava madekwana Uria akabuda akandovata panhoo yake pamwe chete navaranda vatenzi wake; haana kuenda kumba kwake.
14 And so it was, in the morning, that David wrote a letter unto Joab, —and sent it by the hand of Uriah;
Chifumi chamangwana Dhavhidhi akanyora tsamba kuna Joabhu akaituma naUria.
15 and he wrote in the letter, saying, —Set ye Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle, and retire ye from him, that he be smitten and die.
Akanyora mairi achiti, “Isa Uria pamberi paya panorwiwa zvinotyisa zvikuru. Ipapo iwe umusiye ari oga kuti abayiwe afe.”
16 So it came to pass, when Joab was laying siege to the city, that he put Uriah in the place where he knew that the men of valour, were.
Saka Joabhu paakanga akakomba guta, akaisa Uria panzvimbo yaaiziva kuti ndipo paiva navarume voumhare.
17 And forth sallied the men of the city, and fought with Joab, and there fell some of the people, of the servants of David, —then died also, Uriah the Hittite.
Varume veguta pavakabuda vakarwa naJoabhu, vamwe vevarume vehondo yaDhavhidhi vakakundwa; uye Uria muHiti akafawo.
18 So Joab sent and told David all the news of the battle;
Joabhu akatumira Dhavhidhi mashoko amafambiro akanga aita hondo.
19 and he charged the messenger saying, —When thou hast ended all the news of the battle, in speaking unto the king,
Akarayira nhume achiti, “Kana wapedza kurondedzera kuna mambo mafambiro aita hondo,
20 then shall it be, if the king’s anger arise, and he say unto thee, Why came ye near unto the city, to fight? Knew ye not, that they would shoot from off the wall?
hasha dzamambo dzingakwira, uye angangokubvunza achiti, ‘Ko, sei maswedera pedyo zvakadaro neguta muchirwa? Manga musingazivi here kuti vaizokupfurai nemiseve vari parusvingo?
21 Who smote Abimelech son of Jerubbaal? Did not, a woman, cast on him an upper millstone from off the wall, that he died, in Thebez? Wherefore came ye near unto the wall? Then shalt thou say—Moreover, thy servant, Uriah the Hittite, died.
Ndianiko akauraya Abhimereki mwanakomana waJerubhi-Bhesheti? Haasi munhukadzi here akakanda guyo pamusoro pake richibva parusvingo, zvokuti akafira paTebhezi? Sei maswedera pedyo norusvingo?’ Kana akakubvunza izvi, ipapo uti kwaari, ‘Muranda wenyu Uria muHiti afawo.’”
22 And the messenger went his way, —and came in, and told David, all that Joab had sent him [to tell].
Nhume yakaenda, uye yakati yasvika, yakaudza Dhavhidhi zvose zvayakanga yarayirwa naJoabhu.
23 And the messenger said unto David, The men were too strong for us, and sallied forth against us, in the field, —so we were drawn against them as far as the opening of the gate.
Nhume yakati kuna Dhavhidhi, “Varume avo vatikurira vakatibudira pachena, asi isu tavasairira kusvikira vasvika pasuo reguta.
24 Then did the archers shoot upon thy servants, from off the wall, and there died some of the servants of the king, —moreover also, thy servant, Uriah the Hittite, died.
Ipapo vapfuri vapfura varanda venyu vari parusvingo, uye vamwe vavaranda vamambo vafa. Uyewo, muranda wenyu Uria muHiti afa.”
25 Then said David unto the messenger—Thus, shalt thou say unto Joab, —Let not this thing be grievous in thine eyes, for, now this one, and then that one, doth the sword devour, —make hot thy battle against the city, and overthrow it; Thus embolden thou him.
Dhavhidhi akarayira nhume achiti, “Uti kuna Joabhu, ‘Izvi ngazvirege kukushungurudza; munondo haubayi rutivi rumwe asi nokunouyawo wabaya. Ramba uchirwisa guta uriparadze.’ Taura izvi kuna Joabhu kuti umukurudzire.”
26 And, when Uriah’s wife heard that Uriah her husband was dead, she made loud lamentation over her lord.
Zvino mukadzi waUria paakanzwa kuti murume wake akanga afa, akamuchema.
27 And, when the time of mourning had passed, David sent and received her into his house, and she became his wife, and bare him a son. But the thing which David had done was wicked in the eyes of Yahweh.
Zvino mazuva okuchema akati apera, Dhavhidhi akamuuyisa kumba kwake, akava mukadzi wake, uye akamuberekera mwanakomana. Asi chinhu ichi chakaitwa naDhavhidhi hachina kufadza Jehovha.

< 2 Samuel 11 >