< 2 Kings 4 >

1 Now, a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets, made outcry unto Elisha, saying—Thy servant, my husband, is dead, and, thou, knowest that, thy servant, was one who revered Yahweh, —now, the creditor, hath come to take my two boys to himself as bondmen.
Kwasekukhala kuElisha umfazi othile wabafazi bamadodana abaprofethi esithi: Inceku yakho umkami sewafa; lawe uyazi ukuthi inceku yakho yayiyesaba iNkosi; sekufikile umkweledisi ukuzithathela abantwana bami ababili babe yizigqili.
2 And Elisha said unto her—What shall I do for thee? tell me what thou, hast, in the house. And she said—Thy maid-servant hath, nothing at all, in the house, save a flask of oil.
UElisha wasesithi kuye: Ngingakwenzelani? Ngitshela, ulani endlini? Wasesithi: Incekukazi yakho kayilalutho endlini, ngaphandle kwesiphiso samafutha.
3 And he said—Go, ask thee vessels, from without, of all thy neighbours, —empty vessels, let them not be few.
Wasesithi: Hamba uyezebolekela izitsha ezivela phandle, kubomakhelwane bakho bonke, izitsha ezingelalutho, zingabi nlutshwana.
4 And, when thou hast come in, then shalt thou shut the door behind thee and behind thy sons, and shalt pour out into all these vessels, —and, that which is full, shalt thou set aside.
Nxa usungenile uzivalele wena lamadodana akho umnyango, uthele kulezizitsha zonke; lokugcweleyo ukubeke eceleni.
5 So she went out from his presence, and shut the door behind her, and behind her sons, —they bringing near to her, and she pouring out.
Wasesuka-ke kuye wazivalela yena lamadodana akhe umnyango; bazisondeza kuye, wathulula.
6 And it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said unto her son—Bring me a vessel more. And he said unto her—There is not a vessel more. And the oil stayed.
Kwasekusithi izitsha sezigcwele wathi endodaneni yakhe: Ngilethela njalo isitsha. Yasisithi kuye: Kakuselasitsha. Amafutha asesima.
7 Then came she in, and told the man of God, and he said—Go, sell the oil, and pay thy creditor, —and, thou and thy sons, shall live of the rest.
Wasesiza wamazisa umuntu kaNkulunkulu; wasesithi: Hamba uyethengisa amafutha, uhlawule isikwelede sakho; wena-ke lamadodana akho liphile ngaseleyo.
8 And so it was, on a day, that Elisha passed over unto Shunem, where was a woman of position, and she constrained him to eat bread, —and so it came about, whensoever he passed that way, that he turned aside thither, to eat bread.
Kwasekusithi ngolunye usuku uElisha wedlulela eShunemi lapho okwakulowesifazana oyisikhulu owamcindezela ukuthi adle isinkwa. Kwakusithi-ke lanini esedlula, aphambukele khona ukuthi adle isinkwa.
9 Then said she unto her husband, Lo! I pray thee—I perceive that, a holy man of God, he is, —passing our way continually.
Wasesithi kumkakhe: Khangela-ke, ngiyazi ukuthi lo ungumuntu ongcwele kaNkulunkulu, owedlula kithi njalonjalo.
10 I pray thee, let us make a little upper chamber on the wall and set for him there—a bed, and a table, and a seat, and a lampstand, —so shall it be, when he cometh to us, that he can turn in thither.
Ake senze ikamelo elincinyane eliphezulu emdulini, simfakele lapho umbheda letafula lesihlalo lesiqobane sesibane; kuzakuthi-ke lapho efika kithi aphambukele khona.
11 And it came to pass, on a day, that he came thither, —so he turned aside into the upper chamber, and slept there.
Kwasekusithi ngolunye usuku wafika khona, waphambukela ekamelweni eliphezulu, walala khona.
12 Then said he unto Gehazi, his young man, Call this Shunammitess. And he called her, and she stood before him.
Wasesithi kuGehazi inceku yakhe: Biza lo umShunamikazi. Esembizile, wema phambi kwakhe.
13 And he said to him—I pray thee, say unto her—Lo! thou hast cared for us with all this anxious care, what can be done for thee? Is it, that we should speak for thee, unto the king, or unto the general of the army? But she said, In the midst of mine own people, do, I, dwell.
Wasesithi kuyo: Tshono kuye-ke uthi: Khangela, usinakekele ngakho konke lokhukunaka; kuyini ongakwenzelwa? Kukhona ongakukhulunyelwa enkosini kumbe enduneni yebutho yini? Wasesithi: Ngihlala phakathi kwabantu bakithi.
14 So he said, What then can be done for thee? And Gehazi said, Verily, she hath no, son, and, her husband, is, old.
Wasesithi: Kuyini-ke angakwenzelwa? UGehazi wasesithi: Qiniso, kalamntwana, lomkakhe usemdala.
15 And he said—Call her. So he called her, and she stood in the doorway.
Wasesithi: Mbize. Esembizile, wema emnyango.
16 Then said he—At this season, about the time of spring, thou, shalt be embracing a son. And she said—Nay! my lord, thou man of God, do not delude thy maid-servant.
Wasesithi: Ngalesisikhathi esimisiweyo njengokwesikhathi sempilo uzagona umntwana. Kodwa wathi: Hatshi, nkosi yami, muntu kaNkulunkulu, ungayiqambeli amanga incekukazi yakho.
17 And the woman conceived, and bare a son, at this season, about the time of spring, when Elisha, had spoken unto her.
Owesifazana wasekhulelwa, wabeletha umntwana ngalesosikhathi esimisiweyo njengokwesikhathi sempilo uElisha ayesitshilo kuye.
18 And, when the child was grown, it came to pass, on a certain day, that he went out unto his father, unto the reapers;
Esekhulile umntwana, kwathi ngosuku oluthile waphuma waya kuyise kubavuni.
19 and he said unto his father—My head! my head! So he said unto the young man, Carry him to his mother.
Wasesithi kuyise: Ikhanda lami! Ikhanda lami! Wasesithi encekwini: Mthwale umuse kunina.
20 And, when he had carried him, and brought him in unto his mother, he sat on her knees until noon, and then died.
Isimthwele yamusa kunina, wahlala emadolweni akhe kwaze kwaba semini, wasesifa.
21 And she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of God, —and shut him in, and then went out.
Wasesenyuka, wamlalisa embhedeni womuntu kaNkulunkulu, wamvalela, waphuma.
22 And she called unto her husband, and said—Send me, I pray thee, one of the young men, and one of the asses, —that I may run unto the man of God, and return!
Wasememeza umkakhe wathi: Ake uthume kimi enye yezinceku lomunye wabobabhemi, ukuze ngigijime ngiye emuntwini kaNkulunkulu, ngibuye futhi.
23 And he said—Wherefore art thou going unto him, to-day, neither new moon nor sabbath? And she said—Peace!
Wasesithi. Uyelani kuye lamuhla? Kakusikuthwasa kwenyanga njalo kakusisabatha. Owesifazana wasesithi: Kulungile.
24 Then saddled she the ass, and said unto her young man—Lead on, and go forward, —do not slacken, for my sake, the riding, except I have bidden thee.
Esembophelele isihlalo ubabhemi, wathi encekwini yakhe: Tshaya uhambe, ungangibambeleli ekuhambeni, ngaphandle ngikutshele.
25 So she went her way, and came unto the man of God, unto Mount Carmel. And it came to pass, when the man of God saw her, opposite, that he said unto Gehazi young man, Lo! this Shunammitess!
Wahamba-ke, weza emuntwini kaNkulunkulu entabeni iKharmeli. Kwasekusithi umuntu kaNkulunkulu embona esiza, wathi kuGehazi inceku yakhe: Khangela, nanguyana umShunamikazi.
26 Now, run, I pray thee, to meet her, and say to her—Is it well with thee? is it well with thy husband? is it well with the child? And she said, Well!
Khathesi akugijime umhlangabeze, uthi kuye: Kulungile yini kuwe? Kulungile yini ngomkakho? Kulungile yini ngomntwana? Wasesithi: Kulungile.
27 But, when she came unto the man of God, on the mount, she caught hold of his feet, —and Gehazi drew near to thrust her away, when the man of God said—Let her alone! for, her life, is embittered to her, howbeit, Yahweh, hath hidden it from me, and hath not told me.
Esefikile entabeni kumuntu kaNkulunkulu wabamba inyawo zakhe. Kodwa uGehazi wasondela ukumsunduza asuke. Kodwa umuntu kaNkulunkulu wathi: Myekele, ngoba umphefumulo wakhe umunyu kuye, leNkosi ingifihlele lokhu, kayingitshelanga.
28 Then said she, Did I ask a son, of my lord? Said I not, Thou must not mislead me?
Wasesithi: Ngangicelile indodana enkosini yami yini? Kangitshongo yini ukuthi: Ungangikhohlisi?
29 And he said to Gehazi—Gird thy loins, and take my staff in thy hand, and go thy way, if thou meet with any man, thou must not bless him, and, if any man bless thee, thou must not respond to him, —then shalt thou lay my staff upon the face of the boy.
UElisha wasesithi kuGehazi: Bopha ukhalo lwakho, uthathe udondolo lwami esandleni sakho, uhambe. Uba uhlangana lomuntu ungambingeleli, njalo uba umuntu ekubingelela ungamphenduli; ubeke udondolo lwami ebusweni bomntwana.
30 But the mother of the boy said, By the life of Yahweh and by the life of thine own soul, I will not leave thee. So he arose and followed her.
Unina womntwana wasesithi: Kuphila kukaJehova lokuphila komphefumulo wakho, kangiyikukutshiya. Wasesukuma wamlandela.
31 Now, Gehazi, had passed on before them, and laid the staff on the face of the boy, but there was neither voice, nor attention, —so he returned to meet him, and told him, saying—The boy hath not awaked.
UGehazi wedlulela phambi kwabo, walubeka udondolo ebusweni bomntwana, kodwa kakubanga khona ilizwi njalo kwakungelakunaka. Wasebuyela ukumhlangabeza, wamtshela esithi: Umntwana kavukanga.
32 And, when Elisha had come into the house, lo! the boy, was dead, laid upon his bed.
UElisha esengenile endlini, khangela, umntwana wayefile, elaliswe embhedeni wakhe.
33 So he went in, and shut the door upon them two, —and prayed unto Yahweh.
Wasengena, wavala umnyango emva kwabo bobabili, wakhuleka eNkosini.
34 Then gat he up, and lay upon the child, and put his own mouth upon his mouth, and his own eyes upon his eyes, and his own hands upon his hands, and bowed himself upon him, —and the flesh of the child, waxed warm.
Wenyuka walala phezu komntwana, wabeka umlomo wakhe phezu komlomo wakhe lamehlo akhe phezu kwamehlo akhe lezandla zakhe phezu kwezandla zakhe, wacambalala phezu kwakhe; inyama yomntwana yasikhudumala.
35 Then retraced he, and walked in the house—once to and fro, and then went up and bowed himself upon him, —and the boy sneezed as many as seven times, and the boy opened his eyes.
Wasebuyela, wahambahamba endlini waya kanye ngapha lakanye le, wasesenyuka wacambalala phezu kwakhe; umntwana wasethimula kwaze kwaba kasikhombisa, umntwana wasevula amehlo akhe.
36 Then called he Gehazi, and said—Call this Shunammitess. So he called her, and, when she was come in unto him, he said—Take up thy son.
Wasebiza uGehazi wathi: Mbize lo umShunamikazi. Wasembiza. Esefikile kuye, wathi kuye: Thatha umntanakho.
37 So she came in, and fell at his feet, and bowed herself to the ground, —and took up her son, and went forth.
Wasengena, wawela ezinyaweni zakhe, wakhothamela emhlabathini, waphakamisa umntanakhe, waphuma.
38 Now, Elisha, returned to Gilgal, and there was, a famine, in the land, and, the sons of the prophets, being seated before him, he said to his young man—Put on the large pot, and boil a mess of food, for the sons of the prophets.
UElisha wasebuyela eGiligali, njalo kwakukhona indlala elizweni, amadodana abaprofethi ayehlezi-ke phambi kwakhe, wathi encekwini yakhe: Beka imbiza enkulu eziko, uphekele abaprofethi ukudla okuphekiweyo.
39 And one went out into the field, to gather herbs, and found a vine in the field, and gathered thereof wild gourds, his lap full, and came in, and sliced them into the pot; for they knew them not.
Omunye wasephuma waya egangeni ukukha imibhida, wathola intandela yeganga, wakha amajodwana ayo eganga, isembatho sakhe sagcwala, weza wawaqobelela embizeni yokudla okuphekiweyo, ngoba ayengawazi.
40 So they poured out for the men to eat, —and it came so pass, as they were eating of the mess, that, they, made outcry and said—Death in the pot, O man of God! And they could not eat.
Basebethululela abantu ukuze badle; kwasekusithi besadla okokudla okuphekiweyo bona bamemeza bathi: Ukufa embizeni, muntu kaNkulunkulu! Njalo babengelakukudla.
41 And he said—Then fetch meal. And he cast it into the pot, —and then said—Pour out for the people, that they may eat. And there was no harm in the pot.
Wasesithi: Lethani-ke impuphu. Waseyithela embizeni wathi: Thululela abantu, ukuze badle. Kwakungaselalutho oluyingozi embizeni.
42 And, a man, came in from Baal-Shalisha, and brought for the man of God firstfruit bread, twenty barley loaves, and garden grain in the husk thereof. And he said—Give to the people, that they may eat.
Kwasekufika umuntu evela eBhali-Shalisha, walethela umuntu kaNkulunkulu ukudla kwezithelo zokuqala, izinkwa zebhali ezingamatshumi amabili, lezikhwebu zamabele amatsha emgodleni wakhe. Wasesithi: Banike abantu ukuze badle.
43 But his attendant said—How can I set this before a hundred men? And he said—Give to the people, that they may eat, for, Thus, saith Yahweh, They are about to eat and to leave remaining.
Kodwa inceku yakhe yathi: Ini, ngibeke lokhu phambi kwabantu abalikhulu? Wasesithi: Banike abantu ukuze badle, ngoba itsho njalo iNkosi: Bazakudla, batshiye.
44 So he set before them, and they did eat and left remaining, according to the word of Yahweh.
Yasikubeka phambi kwabo, badla, batshiya, njengokwelizwi leNkosi.

< 2 Kings 4 >