< 2 Corinthians 1 >

1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus, through the will of God, and Timothy the brother, —unto the assembly of God which is in Corinth, together with all the saints who are in the whole of Achaia:
اِیشْوَرَسْییچّھَیا یِیشُکھْرِیشْٹَسْیَ پْریرِتَح پَولَسْتِمَتھِرْبھْراتا چَ دْواویتَو کَرِنْتھَنَگَرَسْتھایَے اِیشْوَرِییَسَمِتَیَ آکھایادیشَسْتھیبھْیَح سَرْوّیبھْیَح پَوِتْرَلوکیبھْیَشْچَ پَتْرَں لِکھَتَح۔
2 Favour unto you, and peace, from God [our] Father, and Lord Jesus Christ.
اَسْماکَں تاتَسْییشْوَرَسْیَ پْرَبھورْیِیشُکھْرِیشْٹَسْیَ چانُگْرَہَح شانْتِشْچَ یُشْماسُ وَرْتَّتاں۔
3 Blessed, be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassions, and God of all encouragement,
کرِپالُح پِتا سَرْوَّسانْتْوَناکارِیشْوَرَشْچَ یوسْمَتْپْرَبھورْیِیشُکھْرِیشْٹَسْیَ تاتَ اِیشْوَرَح سَ دھَنْیو بھَوَتُ۔
4 Who encourageth us in all our tribulation, to the end we may be able to encourage them who are in any tribulation—through means of the encouragement wherewith we, ourselves, are encouraged by God.
یَتو وَیَمْ اِیشْوَراتْ سانْتْوَناں پْراپْیَ تَیا سانْتْوَنَیا یَتْ سَرْوَّوِدھَکْلِشْٹانْ لوکانْ سانْتْوَیِتُں شَکْنُیامَ تَدَرْتھَں سوسْماکَں سَرْوَّکْلیشَسَمَیےسْمانْ سانْتْوَیَتِ۔
5 Because, even as the sufferings of the Christ overflow unto us, so, through the Christ, overfloweth, our encouragement also.
یَتَح کھْرِیشْٹَسْیَ کْلیشا یَدْوَدْ باہُلْییناسْماسُ وَرْتَّنْتے تَدْوَدْ وَیَں کھْرِیشْٹینَ بَہُسانْتْوَناڈھْیا اَپِ بھَوامَح۔
6 But, whether we are in tribulation, it is for your encouragement and salvation; whether we are encouraged, it is for your encouragement, which worketh inwardly by the endurance of the same sufferings which, we also, suffer; —
وَیَں یَدِ کْلِشْیامَہے تَرْہِ یُشْماکَں سانْتْوَناپَرِتْرانَیوح کرِتے کْلِشْیامَہے یَتوسْمابھِ رْیادرِشانِ دُحکھانِ سَہْیَنْتے یُشْماکَں تادرِشَدُحکھاناں سَہَنینَ تَو سادھَیِشْییتے اِتْیَسْمِنْ یُشْمانَدھِ مَمَ درِڈھا پْرَتْیاشا بھَوَتِ۔
7 And so, our hope, is sure in your behalf, —knowing that, —as ye are sharers of the sufferings, so, also of the encouragement.
یَدِ وا وَیَں سانْتْوَناں لَبھامَہے تَرْہِ یُشْماکَں سانْتْوَناپَرِتْرانَیوح کرِتے تامَپِ لَبھامَہے۔ یَتو یُویَں یادرِگْ دُحکھاناں بھاگِنوبھَوَتَ تادرِکْ سانْتْوَنایا اَپِ بھاگِنو بھَوِشْیَتھیتِ وَیَں جانِیمَح۔
8 For we do not wish you to be ignorant, brethren, as to our tribulation which happened in Asia, —that, exceedingly, beyond power, were we weighed down, so that we despaired, even of life.
ہے بھْراتَرَح، آشِیادیشے یَح کْلیشوسْمانْ آکْرامْیَتْ تَں یُویَں یَدْ اَنَوَگَتاسْتِشْٹھَتَ تَنْمَیا بھَدْرَں نَ مَنْیَتے۔ تیناتِشَکْتِکْلیشینَ وَیَمَتِیوَ پِیڈِتاسْتَسْماتْ جِیوَنَرَکْشَنے نِرُپایا جاتاشْچَ،
9 But, we ourselves, within ourselves, have had the sentence of death, that we might not rest our confidence upon ourselves, but upon God, who raiseth the dead,
اَتو وَیَں سْویشُ نَ وِشْوَسْیَ مرِتَلوکانامْ اُتّھاپَیِتَرِیشْوَرے یَدْ وِشْواسَں کُرْمَّسْتَدَرْتھَمْ اَسْمابھِح پْرانَدَنْڈو بھوکْتَوْیَ اِتِ سْوَمَنَسِ نِشْچِتَں۔
10 Who, out of so great a death, rescued us, and will rescue, —unto whom we have turned our hope, [that], even yet, he will rescue:
ایتادرِشَبھَیَنْکَراتْ مرِتْیو رْیو سْمانْ اَتْرایَتیدانِیمَپِ تْرایَتے سَ اِتَح پَرَمَپْیَسْمانْ تْراسْیَتے سْماکَمْ ایتادرِشِی پْرَتْیاشا وِدْیَتے۔
11 Ye also labouring together on our behalf, by your supplication, that, unto many persons, being due the gift of favour, unto us, through means of many, might thanks be given in our behalf.
ایتَدَرْتھَمَسْمَتْکرِتے پْرارْتھَنَیا وَیَں یُشْمابھِرُپَکَرْتَّوْیاسْتَتھا کرِتے بَہُبھِ رْیاچِتو یونُگْرَہوسْماسُ وَرْتِّشْیَتے تَتْکرِتے بَہُبھِرِیشْوَرَسْیَ دھَنْیَوادوپِ کارِشْیَتے۔
12 For, our boasting, is, this, —the witness of our conscience, that, in sanctity and sincerity of God, [and] not in fleshly wisdom, but in God’s favour, have we behaved ourselves in the world, —and more abundantly towards you.
اَپَرَنْچَ سَںسارَمَدھْیے وِشیشَتو یُشْمَنْمَدھْیے وَیَں ساںسارِکْیا دھِیا نَہِ کِنْتْوِیشْوَرَسْیانُگْرَہیناکُٹِلَتامْ اِیشْوَرِییَسارَلْیَنْچاچَرِتَوَنْتوتْراسْماکَں مَنو یَتْ پْرَمانَں دَداتِ تینَ وَیَں شْلاگھامَہے۔
13 For, no other things, are we writing unto you, than what ye are either reading or even acknowledging, —I hope, moreover, that, throughout, ye will acknowledge,
یُشْمابھِ رْیَدْ یَتْ پَٹھْیَتے گرِہْیَتے چَ تَدَنْیَتْ کِمَپِ یُشْمَبھْیَمْ اَسْمابھِ رْنَ لِکھْیَتے تَچّانْتَں یاوَدْ یُشْمابھِ رْگْرَہِیشْیَتَ اِتْیَسْماکَمْ آشا۔
14 According as ye have also acknowledged us, in part, —that, your theme of boasting, we are, even indeed as, ye, also [shall be], ours, in the day of our Lord Jesus.
یُویَمِتَح پُورْوَّمَپْیَسْمانْ اَںشَتو گرِہِیتَوَنْتَح، یَتَح پْرَبھو رْیِیشُکھْرِیشْٹَسْیَ دِنے یَدْوَدْ یُشْماسْوَسْماکَں شْلاگھا تَدْوَدْ اَسْماسُ یُشْماکَمَپِ شْلاگھا بھَوِشْیَتِ۔
15 And, in this confidence, I purposed, before, to come unto you, —in order that, a second joy, ye might have, —
اَپَرَں یُویَں یَدْ دْوِتِییَں وَرَں لَبھَدھْوے تَدَرْتھَمِتَح پُورْوَّں تَیا پْرَتْیاشَیا یُشْمَتْسَمِیپَں گَمِشْیامِ
16 And, by your means, to pass into Macedonia, and, again, from Macedonia, to come unto you, and, by you, be set forward unto Judea: —
یُشْمَدّیشینَ ماکِدَنِیادیشَں وْرَجِتْوا پُنَسْتَسْماتْ ماکِدَنِیادیشاتْ یُشْمَتْسَمِیپَمْ ایتْیَ یُشْمابھِ رْیِہُودادیشَں پْریشَیِشْیے چیتِ مَمَ وانْچھاسِیتْ۔
17 This, then, being my purpose, perhaps, after all, with lightness, I dealt [with the matter]? or, the things that I purpose, according to the flesh, I purpose, —that, with me, should be the Yea, yea, and the Nay, nay?
ایتادرِشِی مَنْتْرَنا مَیا کِں چانْچَلْیینَ کرِتا؟ یَدْ یَدْ اَہَں مَنْتْرَیے تَتْ کِں وِشَیِلوکَاِوَ مَنْتْرَیانَ آدَو سْوِیکرِتْیَ پَشْچادْ اَسْوِیکُرْوّے؟
18 Faithful, however, is God, in that, our discourse, which was [delivered] unto you, is not Yea and Nay;
یُشْمانْ پْرَتِ مَیا کَتھِتانِ واکْیانْیَگْرے سْوِیکرِتانِ شیشےسْوِیکرِتانِ نابھَوَنْ ایتینیشْوَرَسْیَ وِشْوَسْتَتا پْرَکاشَتے۔
19 For, the Son of God, Christ Jesus—who, among you, through us, was proclaimed, —through me, and Silvanus, and Timothy, became not Yea and Nay, —but Yea, in him, hath it become;
مَیا سِلْوانینَ تِمَتھِنا چیشْوَرَسْیَ پُتْرو یو یِیشُکھْرِیشْٹو یُشْمَنْمَدھْیے گھوشِتَح سَ تینَ سْوِیکرِتَح پُنَرَسْوِیکرِتَشْچَ تَنَّہِ کِنْتُ سَ تَسْیَ سْوِیکارَسْوَرُوپَایوَ۔
20 For, how many soever be the promises of God, in him, is the Yea, —wherefore also, through him, [be] the Amen, unto God, for glory, through us.
اِیشْوَرَسْیَ مَہِما یَدْ اَسْمابھِح پْرَکاشیتَ تَدَرْتھَمْ اِیشْوَرینَ یَدْ یَتْ پْرَتِجْناتَں تَتْسَرْوَّں کھْرِیشْٹینَ سْوِیکرِتَں سَتْیِیبھُوتَنْچَ۔
21 Now, he that confirmeth us, together with you, for Christ, and hath anointed us, is God:
یُشْمانْ اَسْماںشْچابھِشِچْیَ یَح کھْرِیشْٹے سْتھاسْنُونْ کَروتِ سَ اِیشْوَرَ ایوَ۔
22 Who also hath sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.
سَ چاسْمانْ مُدْرانْکِتانْ اَکارْشِیتْ سَتْیانْکارَسْیَ پَنَکھَرُوپَمْ آتْمانَں اَسْماکَمْ اَنْتَحکَرَنیشُ نِرَکْشِپَچَّ۔
23 But, I, call upon God, as a witness, against my own soul, —that, to spare you, not yet, have I come unto Corinth:
اَپَرَں یُشْماسُ کَرُناں کُرْوَّنْ اَہَمْ ایتاوَتْکالَں یاوَتْ کَرِنْتھَنَگَرَں نَ گَتَوانْ اِتِ سَتْیَمیتَسْمِنْ اِیشْوَرَں ساکْشِنَں کرِتْوا مَیا سْوَپْراناناں شَپَتھَح کْرِیَتے۔
24 Not that we have lordship over your faith, but are, helpers, of your joy, for, by your faith, ye stand.
وَیَں یُشْماکَں وِشْواسَسْیَ نِیَنْتارو نَ بھَوامَح کِنْتُ یُشْماکَمْ آنَنْدَسْیَ سَہایا بھَوامَح، یَسْمادْ وِشْواسے یُشْماکَں سْتھِتِ رْبھَوَتِ۔

< 2 Corinthians 1 >