< 2 Chronicles 20 >

1 And it came to pass, after this, that the sons of Moab and the sons of Ammon, and, with them, some of the Meunim, came against Jehoshaphat, to battle.
Phat chomkhat jouhin Moab mite leh Ammon mite chuleh apanpi Meun mite chu Jehoshaphat doudingin ahung kon taovin ahi
2 And there came [some] and told Jehoshaphat, saying, There is coming against thee, a great multitude from beyond the sea, from Syria, —and lo! they are in Hazazon-tamar, the same, is Engedi.
Thupole hon jong Jehoshaphat lengpa komma chun “Twikhanglen gal lang Edom ma kon in galmi alei limmin nang ma douding ngin ahung kitol uve” tin ahung seipeh taovin ahi, amahon Hazazon Tamar jong atou pha taovin ahi (Hichehi Engedy tina ahi).
3 And Jehoshaphat was afraid, and set his face to seek unto Yahweh, —and proclaimed a fast for all Judah.
Jehoshaphat chu akicha lheh jengtan Pakai kommah ataovin ikati ding hitam tin adong tan ahi. hijou chun aman gamsung pumpin an ngoldingin thu ape tan ahi
4 And Judah gathered themselves together, to enquire of Yahweh, —even, out of all the cities of Judah, came they in, to seek Yahweh.
Judah khopiho jousea kon in mijouse chu Jerusalem mah Pakai komma taodingin ahung taovin ahi.
5 And Jehoshaphat stood, in the convocation of Judah and Jerusalem in the house of Yahweh, —before the new court;
Hitichun Jerusalem ma Judah mipite jousechu Pakai houinsung indan thah kisem maija chun akikhom mun, Jehoshaphat lengpa jong achen amasang uvah adingin ahi
6 and said, O Yahweh, God of our fathers, art not, thou, God in the heavens? and art, thou, not ruling throughout all the kingdoms of the nations? and, in thy hand, [are there not] strength and might? and is there any who, against thee, can stand?
Amaho okithong leovin ataovun, “Vo Kapu Kapa teo Pathen vanna konin vannoi leiset chitin namtin chungah vai nahommin ahi, nangma hi thanei tahleh thahattah nahin koiman na ki dou pi joupon ahi.
7 Art not, thou, our God, who didst dispossess the inhabitants of this land, from before thy people Israel, —and didst give it unto the seed of Abraham who loved thee, unto times age-abiding?
Nangma hi ka Pathennu nahin, namite Israel te hiche gamsunga ahunglut phatnun nangin hiche gamma anacheng hochu nanodoh in nagolpa Abraham chilhah te atonsot na achen nadiuvin nanapen ahi
8 and they have dwelt therein, —and have built for thee therein, a sanctuary for thy Name, saying:
Amaho anachenglut nun nangma janan houin khat anatung doh un chuleh hitin ana seijun,
9 If there come upon us calamity, the sword of judgment or pestilence or famine, we will stand before this house and before thee, for, thy Name, is in this house, —that we may make outcry unto thee out of our distress, that thou mayest hear and save.
“ijemtia amaho chungahi engbol na a hise – nat ahilouleh kel lhahna ahung chuh a ahileh keihon nangma angsunga hi Houin maija kadindiu (Ajeh chu namin jaum hi hiche houin nahi umma ahi) chuleh hamset na kato teng ujongleh kahung pendiu nangin neihin ngaipehdiu neihin huhdoh diu ahi.
10 Now, therefore, lo! the sons of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir, whom thou didst not suffer Israel to invade, when they came out of the land of Egypt, —but they turned away from them and destroyed them not,
Chuleh tuhin Ammon mite, Moab mite, chuleh molchunga um Seir mite aummun ahi, amahohi Egyptma konna Israel tea hung dohuva chu amato kisatding neina phalpeh lou ahi hijeha chu amahochu sumang louva ana otdohu ahi.
11 yea lo! they, are requiting us, —by coming to drive us out, from thy possession, which thou didst cause us to possess.
“Tuhin amahohin nangin katoupha diuva neinapehu gamma konna paidoh ding eigotnu ahitai.”
12 O our God, wilt thou not bring judgment upon them, seeing that there is, in us, no strength, before this great multitude, that is coming against us, —we, therefore, know not what we shall do, but, unto thee, are our eyes.
“Vo ka Pathennu nangman amaho chunga hi thu natan louding hitam? Ajeh chu eidoudiuva hunghohi atambehseh jengun keihon amaho douna dingin tha kanei jou pouve, tuhin etiding hitam kahatapouve hitia chu nangma jengbou kavetnu ahitaan ahi.”
13 And, all Judah, were standing before Yahweh, —also their little ones, their wives and their children.
Tuhin Judah te jouse chu chapang senholeh aji achateo toh Pakai angsungah ading taovin ahi.
14 Now, as for Jahaziel son of Zechariah son of Benaiah son of Jeiel son of Mattaniah a Levite, of the sons of Asaph, there came upon him the spirit of Yahweh, in the midst of the convocation:
Hichun Pakai lhagao chu khoppilah achun Asaph chatelaha konna Levi mipa Mattaniah chapa, Jeiel chapa Benaiah chapa Zechariah chapa Jahaziel chunga Pakai lhagao ahung chun,
15 and he said, Give ye heed, all Judah and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and King Jehoshaphat! Thus, saith Yahweh unto you. As for you, do not fear nor be dismayed, by reason of this great multitude, for, not yours, is the battle, but, God’s.
Hiti hin ahinseije “Judah mipite holeh Jerusalemma cheng jousen chuleh Jehoshaphat lengpa nangman jong ngaijin! Pakaiyin nangho komah hitin aseije: Hiche mihonpi jehkhun kicha hih un tijatna jong neihihun ajeh chu hiche galhi nanghoa ahipoi Pathenna joh ahibouve.
16 To-morrow, go ye down against them, for lo! there they are coming up by the ascent of Ziz, —and ye shall find them at the end of the ravine, facing the wilderness of Jeruel.
Jing nikho tengleh amahotoh kidou dingin konsuh jengun, amahohi Ziz lhangpanga hung kitol suhdiu ahi, chuteng leh nanghon amahochu Jeruel kom gammang gal paicham monga naki maito pidiu ahi.
17 It is not, for you, to fight in this matter, —take your station, stand still, and see the salvation of Yahweh with you, O Judah and Jerusalem, do not fear, nor be dismayed, to-morrow, go ye out to meet them, and, Yahweh, will be with you.
Nanghon hiche kisatna – a hi napan khel khel loudiu ahi, napan muncheh un kigol toh unlang dingdetnun chutileh nalahuva umjing Pakai mihuhdohna chu namu diu ahi, Vo Judah leh Jerusalem mite ho! Kicha hihbeh un lungkham najong neihih beh un, jingleh ama hotoh kidou dingin kondoh jengun ajeh chu Pakaiyin naum piovin ahi.
18 And Jehoshaphat bowed his head, with his face to the ground, —and, all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, fell down before Yahweh, prostrating themselves unto Yahweh.
Hichun Jehoshaphat tollah abohkhupmin, chuleh Judah hole Jerusalem ma cheng jouse aboh khupmun Pakai achibai taovin ahi
19 And Levites—of the sons of the Kohathites and of the sons of the Korahites, stood up to offer praise unto Yahweh, God of Israel, with an exceedingly loud voice.
HichunKohat chateleh Korahit chate adding dohun a o neicha sunsunnun Pakai avahchoi taovin ahi.
20 So they rose early in the morning, and went out to the wilderness of Tekoa, —and, as they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, Trust ye in Yahweh your God, and ye shall be trusted, Trust ye in his prophets, and ye shall prosper.
Hitichun Jingpi tahin athouvun Tekoa gammangah alut taove, hitachu ahung potdoh phatnun, Jehoshaphat adingin aseitai, Vo Judahteleh Jerusalemma chengten ngaijuvin, Pakai napathen chunguvah natahsannao ngamlhaovin chutileh nakiphudetdiu ahi. Athemgaoten nasei peh uchu tahsannun chutileh nalolhindiu ahi.”
21 And, when he had given counsel unto the people, he appointed such as should sing unto Yahweh, and offer praise with holy adorning, —as they should be going forth before the armed men, that they should be saying, O give thanks unto Yahweh, For, age-abiding, is his lovingkindness.
Aman mipihotoh akihoutoh jouvin, Lengpan lasa themhochu kinthenga akimanchah tenguleh avonngai houchu akivonsahin chuleh amahochu sepai ho masanga chun akijot sahin “Pakai chu vahchoi un, ajeh chu amingailutnahi tonsot ading ahi! atiove.
22 And, when they began to sing and to praise, Yahweh had set liers-in-wait against the sons of Ammon, Moab and Mount Seir, who were coming against Judah, and they were smitten.
Amahon hiche lachu asahphatnun Pakaiyin galmi hochu athehchehtaan ahi
23 Then rose up the sons of Ammon and Moab against the inhabitants of Mount Seir, to devote and to destroy, —and when they had made an end of the inhabitants of Seir, they helped to cut off, every man his neighbour.
Ammon galmite le Moab galmiten Edom galmihochu akisatpiovin asumang hel taovin ahi, hijoucun amaholeh amaho akisattouvin akithat gamtaovin ahi.
24 So when, Judah, came near the watch-tower of the wilderness, —they turned towards the multitude, and lo! there they were, dead bodies fallen to the earth, with none to escape.
Judah galmitechu neldigamma insang kisa – a – chu akaldoh uva avetnuva ahileh galmi hochu tolla achap jengun koimacha ahoidoha aumpouvin ahi.
25 And, when Jehoshaphat and his people came near to plunder the spoil of them, they found among them, in abundance, both riches and dead bodies and precious jewels, and they stripped off for themselves, beyond what they could carry away, —and they were three days plundering the spoil, for great it was.
Jehoshaphat leh amite chu galmite thilkeo hochu chomma ahunguleh mithi hochunga chun thil mantamtah tah leh thil manlutah tah songmantam jeng jong amu vin amahon apohlel setnin achomdoh un nithum jen achom chomjengun ahi.
26 And, on the fourth day, they assembled themselves in the vale of Beracah, for there they blessed Yahweh, —on this account, was the name of that place called The Vale of Beracah—unto this day.
Nilichan nan Berachah phaichammah akikhommuvin Pathen athangvahun ahi; hijehachu hiche phaicham lahchu tunigeijin Berachah akisahtaan ahi.
27 Then turned every man of Judah and Jerusalem, with, Jehoshaphat, at their head, to go again to Jerusalem with joy, —for Yahweh had caused them to rejoice over their enemies.
Jehoshaphat nin a sepai techu Jerusalem langah kipah tah in alepui tan ahi
28 So they came to Jerusalem, with harps and with lyres, and with trumpets, —unto the house of Yahweh.
Amahohi Jerusalem khopi lamah ahungun selangdah leh semjang ahin saijuvin sumkon amutnun Pakai houin lang ajontaove.
29 And it came to pass that, the dread of God, was upon all the kingdoms of the countries, -when they heard, that Yahweh had fought against the enemies of Israel.
Hichegamsungleh nammite hohin Pakaiyin Israel te galmiho jouse ajopeh taove ti ajahdoh phatnun kichatnan adimtaovin ahi
30 So the kingdom of Jehoshaphat was quiet, —for his God, gave him rest, round about.
Hitichun Jehoshaphat nin lungmong tahin vai ahommin Pathennin akimvel mitea kon in lung olna apetai.
31 Thus Jehoshaphat reigned over Judah, —thirty-five years old, was he when he began to reign, and, twenty-five years, reigned he in Jerusalem, and the, name of his mother, was Azubah, daughter of Shilhi.
Jehoshaphat hi Judah te lenga ahung panchun akum 35 alhingtaan ahi, Amahi Jerusalem man apansan kum 25 sungin vai anahommin ahi, anuhi Shilhi chanu Azubah ahi.
32 And he walked in the way of his father Asa, and turned not from it, —doing that which was right, in the eyes of Yahweh.
Amahin apa Asa chenadung juiyin achen apampet pon ahi, chuleh Pakai mitmun dihtahin anachonnin ahi
33 Howbeit, the high places, were not taken away, —for as yet, the people, had not fixed their heart unto the God of their fathers.
Ahinlah doihouna mun hochu asumang dehpon ahi, chuleh mipi honjong apu apateo Pathen houna – a alungthimmu aheilut hih laijuve.
34 But, the rest of the story of Jehoshaphat, first and last, lo! there it is written in the story of Jehu son of Hanani, which hath been added to the book of the Kings of Israel.
Jehoshaphat thilbol dangho jouse chu, akipatnapat achaina gei Hanani chapa Jehu thusim bu jihna – a chun akijihlut nin, hichehi Israel lengte thusim bu kijih lutna ahi
35 Yet, after this, did Jehoshaphat king of Judah join himself with Ahaziah king of Israel, —he, was lawless in his doings;
Hichejouhin Judah lengpa Jehoshaphat hin Israel lengpa thildihlou boljing Ahaziah toh anakivop min ahi
36 and he joined with him, to make ships to go unto Tarshish, —and they made ships in Ezion-geber,
Amahitoh ana kivop lhonnin Tarshish cheding kong ana semlhonnin Ezion Geber munnah ana koi lhonin ahi
37 Then prophesied, Eliezer son of Dodavahu of Mareshah, against Jehoshaphat, saying, —Because thou hast joined thyself with Ahaziah, Yahweh hath broken in pieces thy works. So the ships were wrecked, and were not able to go unto Tarshish.
Ahinlah Mareshah a um Dodavah chapa Eliezer in Jehoshaphat chung changah gaothu anaseijin nangman Ahaziah toh nakivop jeh'in nanatoh chu asubei sohtai ati. Hijouchun kongho jousejong Tarshish lammah achethei tapon ahi

< 2 Chronicles 20 >