< 2 Chronicles 17 >

1 And Jehoshaphat his son reigned in his stead, —and strengthened himself against Israel;
आसाका छोरा यहोशापात तिनको ठाउँमा राजा भए । यहोशापातले इस्राएलको विरूद्ध आफैलाई मजबुत बनाए ।
2 and put forces in all the fortified cities of Judah, —and set garrisons in the land of Judah, and in the cities of Ephraim, which Asa his father had captured.
तिनले यहूदाका किल्‍ला भएका सबै सहरमा फौज राखे, र यहूदाभरि र तिनका पिता आसाले कब्‍जा गरेका एफ्राइमका सहरहरूमा रक्षाको निम्‍ति छाउनीहरू राखे ।
3 And it came to pass, that, Yahweh, was with Jehoshaphat, —because he walked in the first ways of David his father, and sought not unto the Baalim;
परमप्रभु यहोशापातसँग हुनुहुन्थ्यो किनकि तिनी आफ्‍ना पिता दाऊदले देखाएका उदाहरणअनुसार सुरु-सुरुमा हिंडे, र बालको खोजी गरेनन् ।
4 for, unto the God of his father, he sought, and, in his commandments, he walked, —and not according to the doing of Israel.
बरू, तिनले आफ्‍ना पिताका परमेश्‍वरमा भरोसा गरे, र तिनका आज्ञाहरूमा चले, इस्राएलका व्‍यवहारअनुसार होइन ।
5 Therefore did Yahweh establish the kingdom in his hand, and all Judah gave a present unto Jehoshaphat, —and he came to have riches and honour, in abundance.
यसरी परमप्रभुले तिनको हातमा शासन स्थापित गर्नुभयो । सारा यहूदाले यहोशापातलाई कर तिरे । तिनीसित धन-सम्‍पत्ति र ख्‍याति प्रशस्‍त थियो ।
6 And his heart was encouraged, in the ways of Yahweh, —and he, yet further, took away the high places and the Sacred Stems, out of Judah.
तिनको हृदय परमप्रभुका मार्गमा समर्पित थिए । तिनले यहूदाबाट डाँडाका थानहरू र अशेरा देवीका मूर्तिहरू हटाउने काम पनि गरे ।
7 And, in the third year of his reign, he sent to his rulers, even to Ben-hail and to Obadiah and to Zechariah, and to Nethanel, and to Micaiah, —that they were to teach throughout the cities of Judah;
आफ्‍नो राजकालको तेस्रो वर्षमा तिनले आफ्‍ना अधिकारीहरू बेन-हेल, ओबदिया, जकरिया, नतनेल र मीकायालाई यहूदाका सहरहरूमा शिक्षा दिनलाई पठाए ।
8 and, with them, Levites, Shemaiah and Nethaniah and Zebadiah and Asahel and Shemiramoth and Jehonathan, and Adonijah and Tobijah and Tob-adonijah, Levites, —and, with them, Elishama and Jehoram, priests;
तिनीहरूसँग लेवीहरू शमायाह, नतन्‍याह, जबदियाह, असाहेल, शमीरामोत, यहोनातान, अदोनियाह, तोबियाह र तोब-अदोनियाह, र तिनीहरूसँग पुजारी एलीशामा र यहोराम थिए ।
9 and they taught throughout Judah, and, with them, was the book of the law of Yahweh, —so they went round throughout all the cities of Judah, and taught the people.
तिनीहरूले आफूसित परमप्रभुका व्‍यवस्‍थाको पुस्‍तक लिएर यहूदामा सिकाए । तिनीहरू यहूदाका सबै सहरमा गए र मानिसहरूका माझमा सिकाए ।
10 And it came to pass, that, the dread of Yahweh, was upon all the kingdoms of the countries, that were round about Judah, —and they warred not against Jehoshaphat.
यहूदाको वरिपरि भएका सबै राज्‍यहरूमा परमप्रभुको भय पर्‍यो, जसले गर्दा उनीहरूले यहोशापातको विरुद्धमा युद्ध गरेनन्‌ ।
11 And, from among the Philistines, were they bringing in unto Jehoshaphat a present, and silver as tribute, —even the Arabians, were bringing in unto him flocks, seven thousand seven hundred rams, and seven thousand seven hundred he-goats.
पलिश्‍तीमध्‍ये कसैले यहोशापातकहाँ करको रूपमा उपहारहरू र चाँदीको ल्‍याए । अरबीहरूले तिनका निम्‍ति पनि सात हजार सात सय भेडा र सात हजार सात सय बोकाहरू ल्‍याए ।
12 And so it came to pass that, Jehoshaphat, went on waxing surpassingly great, —and he built, throughout Judah, fortresses and cities for store;
यहोशापात धेरै शक्तिशाली भए । तिनले यहूदामा किल्‍लाहरू र भण्‍डार राख्‍ने सहरहरू बनाए ।
13 and, much business, had he, throughout the cities of Judah, —but, the men of war, the heroes of valour, were in Jerusalem.
यहूदाका सहरहरूमा तिनीसँग प्रशस्‍त खानेकुरा बलिया, र यरूशलेममा बलिया र शक्तिशाली मानिस सिपाहीहरू थिए ।
14 And, these, are the numbers of them, by their ancestral house, —To Judah, pertained rulers of thousands, Adnah the chief, and, with him, mighty men of valour, three hundred thousand;
तिनीहरू आआफ्‍नो पिताका घरानाअनुसार सूचिकृत गरिएका दलहरू यी नै थिएः यहूदाबाट हजारका फौज पतिहरू, फौज पति अदनाह र तिनका साथमा तीन लाख योद्धाहरू ।
15 and, under his direction, was Jehohanan the chief, —and, with him, two hundred and eighty thousand;
तिनीपछि फौज पति येहोहानान र तिनका साथमा दुई लाख असी हजार मानिसहरू।
16 and, under his direction, Amasiah son of Zichri, who willingly offered himself unto Yahweh, —and, with him, two hundred thousand heroes of valour.
तिनीपछि जिक्रीका छोरा अमसिया, जसले स्वेच्छाले परमप्रभुका सेवाको निम्ति आफूलाई समर्पित गरे । अनि तिनीसँग दुई लाखको योद्धाहरू ।
17 And, out of Benjamin, a hero of valour, Eliada, —and, with him, armed with bow and buckler, two hundred thousand;
बेन्‍यामीनबाटः एक जना शक्तिशाली व्यक्ति एल्‍यादा, र तिनका साथमा धनु र ढालले सुसज्‍जित भएका दुई लाखको फौज ।
18 and, under his direction, Jehozabad, —and, with him, a hundred and eighty thousand, equipped for war.
तिनीपछि यहोजाबाद, र तिनका साथमा युद्धको निम्ति तयार भएका एक लाख असी हजारको फौज ।
19 These, were they who were waiting upon the king, —besides those whom the king placed in the fortified cities, throughout all Judah.
यिनीहरू यहूदाका किल्‍ला भएका सहरहरूमा राजाले राखेकाबाहेकका थिए ।

< 2 Chronicles 17 >