< 1 Timothy 6 >
1 Let, as many as are servants under a yoke, be counting, their own masters, worthy, of all honour, lest, the name of God and the teaching, be defamed.
Wale wote walio chini ya nira kama watumwa wawachukulie mabwana zao kama wenye heshima zote, wanatakiwa kufanya hivyo ili jina la Mungu na mafundisho yasitukanwe.
2 They, however, that have believing masters, let them not despise them, because they are, brethren but, the more, be doing them service, because, believing and beloved, are they who, from the good workmanship, receive advantage. These things, be teaching, and exhorting: —
Watumwa wenye mabwana waaminio wasiwadharau kwa sababu wao ni ndugu. Badala yake, wawatumikie zaidi. Kwa sababu mabwana wanaosaidiwa kazi zao ni waamini na wanapendwa. Fundisha na kuyatangaza mambo haya.
3 If anyone doth otherwise teach, and doth not adhere to healthful discourses—those of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the teaching that is, according to godliness,
Iwapo mtu fulani anafundisha kwa upotovu na hayapokei maelekezo yetu yenye kuaminika, ambayo ni maneno ya Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo, iwapo hawalikubali fundisho liongozalo kwenye utauwa.
4 He is beclouded, knowing, nothing, rightly, but is diseased about questionings, and word-battles—out of which spring envy, strife, defamations, wicked surmising,
Mtu huyo anajivuna na hajui chochote. Badala yake, ana vurugu na mabishano juu ya maneno. Maneno haya huzaa wivu, ugomvi, matukano, shuku mbaya,
5 incessant quarrellings of men wholly corrupt in their mind and bereft of the truth, —supposing godliness to be, a means of gain!
na vurugu za mara kwa mara kati ya watu wenye akili zilizoharibika. Wanaiacha kweli. Wanafikiri kwamba utauwa ni njia ya kuwa matajiri”
6 Now it is a great means of gain—godliness, with a sufficiency of one’s own;
Sasa utauwa na kuridhika ni faida kubwa.
7 For, nothing, brought we into the world, neither, to take anything out, are we able; —
Kwa maana hatukuja na chochote duniani. Wala hatuwezi kuchukua chochote kutoka duniani.
8 And, having sustenance and covering, we shall be content;
Badala yake, tutosheke na chakula na mavazi.
9 But, they who are determined to be rich, fall into temptation, and a snare, and many foolish and hurtful covetings, the which, sink men into ruin and destruction, —
Sasa hao watakao kuwa na mali huanguka katika majaribu, katika mtego. Huanguka katika upumbavu mwingi na tamaa mbaya, na katika kitu chochote kinachowafanya watu wazame katika maangamizi na uharibifu.
10 For, a root of all the vices, is the love of money, which, some, being eager for, have been seduced from the faith, and have pierced, themselves, about with many pangs.
Kwa kuwa kupenda fedha ni chanzo cha aina zote za uovu. Watu ambao hutamani hiyo, wamepotoshwa mbali na imani na wamejichoma wenyewe kwa huzuni nyingi.
11 But, thou, O man of God! from these things, flee! and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, meekness;
Lakini wewe mtu wa Mungu, yakimbie mambo hayo. Fuata haki, utauwa, uaminifu, upendo, usitahimilivu, na upole.
12 Be contesting the noble contest of the faith, —lay hold of the age-abiding life—unto which thou wast called, and didst make the noble confession before many witnesses. (aiōnios )
Piga vita vizuri vya imani. Shikilia uzima wa milele ulioitiwa. Ilikuwa ni kwa sababu hii kwamba ulitoa ushuhuda mbele ya mashahidi wengi kwa kile kilicho chema. (aiōnios )
13 I charge thee, before God, who engendereth life in all things, and Christ Jesus, who, before Pontius Pilate, witnessed the noble confession,
Nakupa amri hii mbele za Mungu, anayesababisha vitu vyote kuishi, na mbele ya Yesu Kristo, aliyenena iliyo kweli kwa Pontio Pilato:
14 That thou keep the commandment without spot, free from reproach, until the forthshining of our Lord Jesus Christ—
itunze amri kwa ukamilifu, pasipo mashaka, hadi ujio wa Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo.
15 Which, in its own fit times, the happy and only Potentate will shew—the King of them that reign, and Lord of them that wield lordship,
Mungu atadhihirisha ujio wake kwa wakati sahihi- Mungu, Mbarikiwa, nguvu pekee, Mfalme anayetawala, Bwana anayeongoza.
16 Who alone hath immortality, dwelling in light unapproachable, —Whom no man hath seen—nor can see: unto whom, be honour and might age-abiding. Amen. (aiōnios )
Peke yake anaishi milele na akaaye katika mwanga usiokaribiriwa. Hakuna mtu awezaye kumwona wala awezaye kumtazama. Kwake iwe heshima na uweza wa milele. Amina. (aiōnios )
17 Upon them who are rich in the present age, lay thou charge—not to be high-minded, nor to have set their hope on, riches’, uncertainty, —but on God, who offereth us all things richly for enjoying, (aiōn )
Waambie matajiri katika ulimwengu huu wasijivune, na wasitumaini katika utajiri, ambao siyo wa uhakika. Badala yake, wanapaswa kumtumaini Mungu. Ambaye hutupatia utajiri wote wa kweli ili tufurahie. (aiōn )
18 To be doing good, to be rich in noble works, to be, generous in giving, ready for fellowship, —
Waambie watende mema, watajirike katika kazi njema, wawe wakarimu, na utayari wa kutoa.
19 Treasuring up for themselves a good foundation for the future, that they may lay hold on the life [which is life] indeed.
Katika njia hiyo watajiwekea msingi mzuri kwa mambo yajayo, ili kwamba waweze kushika maisha halisi.
20 O Timothy! that which hath been entrusted, do thou guard, avoiding the profane pratings and oppositions of falsely named knowledge, —
Timotheo, linda kile ulichopewa. Jiepushe na majadiliano ya kipumbavu na mabishano yenye kujipinga ambayo kwa kwa uongo huitwamaarifa.
21 Which, some professing, concerning the faith, have missed the mark! Favour be with you.
Baadhi ya watu huyatangaza mambo haya, na hivyo wameikosa imani. Neema na iwe pamoja nawe.