< 1 Timothy 5 >
1 An elderly man, do not thou reprimand, but beseech him, as [though he were thy] father, —younger men, as brothers,
Kaua e whakatupehupehu ki te kaumatua; engari ata korerotia atu ano he matua; ko nga taitamariki hoki ano he teina;
2 Elderly women, as mothers, younger women, as sisters, in all chastity.
Ko nga ruruhi ano he whaea; ko nga wahine taitamariki ano he tuahine, i runga i nga whakaaro ma katoa.
3 Widows, honour thou—who indeed are widows: —
Whakahonoretia nga pouaru, ara nga tino pouaru.
4 Howbeit, if, any widow, hath, children or grandchildren, let them be learning—first, unto their own house, to be shewing reverence, and, returns, to be making unto their progenitors; for, this, is acceptable before God;
Ki te mea ia he tamariki, he mokopuna ranei a tetahi pouaru, kia whakaakona ratou i te tuatahi kia whakaaro tika ki to ratou whare ake, kia utua hoki ta nga matua; he mea pai hoki tenei, he mea e manakohia ana i te aroaro o te Atua.
5 But, she who is indeed a widow, and is left alone, hath turned her hope towards God, and is giving attendance unto the supplications and the prayers, night and day, —
Na ko te tino pouaru, ko te mea mokemoke, e tumanako ana ia ki te Atua, e mau tonu ana ki nga inoi, ki nga karakia, i te po, i te ao.
6 Whereas, she that runneth riot, while living, is, dead:
Ko te pouaru ia e whai ana ki nga ahuareka a te tinana he tupapaku ia, ahakoa ora.
7 And, these things, be giving in charge, that, without reproach, they may be;
Akona atu enei mea, kei ekengia ratou e te kupu.
8 If, however, anyone, for his own, and specially them of his household, taketh not forethought, his faith, hath he denied, and is worse, than one without faith!
Engari ki te kore tetahi e whakaaro ki ona ake, a ki te hunga rawa ano o tona whare, kua whakakahoretia e ia te whakapono, a he kino atu tana i ta te tangata whakaponokore.
9 Let, a widow, be put on the list—having become, not less than sixty years old, one man’s, wife,
Kaua tetahi e whakaurua ki te rarangi o nga pouaru i te mea kahore ano ona tau i ona tekau, hei te wahine i tuturu ki te tane kotahi,
10 In noble works, being well-attested; —if she hath nourished children, if she hath shewn hospitality, if, saints feet, she hath washed, if, them who were in tribulation, she hath succoured, if, in every good, work she hath followed on:
Hei te mea e whakaaetia ana ana mahi pai; mehemea ia i whakatupu tamariki, mehemea ia i atawhai manuhiri, mehemea i horoi i nga waewae o te hunga tapu, mehemea i manaaki i te hunga e tukinotia ana, mehemea ia i whai ki nga mahi pai katoa.
11 But, younger widows, decline thou; for, as soon as they wax wanton against the Christ, to marry, are they determined, —
Ko nga pouaru taitamariki ia me whakarere; ki te tupu hoki to ratou whakaaro poauau takahi i ta te Karaiti, ka hiahia ki te marena;
12 Having, as sentence, —that, their first faith, they have set at nought;
Ka tau te he ki a ratou, no te mea kua whakarerea e ratou to ratou whakapono tuatahi.
13 At the same time, to be idlers, are they learning, going about from house to house; and, not only idlers, but, gossips, also, and, busybodies, —saying the things they ought not,
Ka ako ano hoki ratou ki te noho mangere, ki te haereere noa ki tetahi whare, ki tetahi whare: a ehara i te mea ko te mangere kau, he mate korerorero ano ia to ratou, he pokanoa ki ta tera, ki ta tera, ko ta ratou e korero ai ko nga mea e kore e tika.
14 I am minded, therefore, that, the younger ones, marry, bear children, be mistress of the house, —giving, no single occasion, unto the opposer, as a cause, of reviling;
Koia ahau ka mea ai kia marena nga pouaru taitamariki, kia whanau tamariki, kia tohutohu i nga mea o te whare, kia kaua e hoatu ki te hoariri tetahi take tawai:
15 For, already, some have turned aside after Satan:
Kua tahuri ke nei hoki etahi ki te whai i a Hatana.
16 If any, believing woman, hath widows, let her be giving them succour, and not suffer the assembly to be burdened, —that, them who are indeed widows, it may itself succour.
Ki te mea he pouaru a tetahi tangata whakapono, a tetahi wahine whakapono ranei, mana ano ratou e atawhai, kaua hoki te hahi e whakataimahatia; ko ana hoki e atawhai ai ko nga tino pouaru.
17 Let, the well presiding elders, of double honour, be accounted worthy, especially they who toil in discourse and teaching;
Kia nui ake te honore mo nga kaumatua e tohutohu pai ana; engari rawa ia mo te hunga ko ta ratou nei mahi ko te kupu, ko te whakaako.
18 For the scripture saith—A threshing ox, shalt thou not muzzle, and—Worthy, is the workman, of his hire.
E mea ana hoki te karaipiture, Kaua e whakamokatia te mangai o te kau patu witi: me tenei hoki, Ka tika te utu mo te kaimahi.
19 Against an elder, entertain not, an accusation, except at, [the mouth of] two, or three, witnesses;
Kaua e whakarongo ki te whakawa mo te kaumatua, kia puta ra ano i nga mangai o etahi kaiwhakaatu tokorua, tokotoru ranei.
20 But, them who are sinning, before all, do thou reprove, that, the rest also, may have, fear: —
Ko te hunga hara riria i te aroaro o te katoa, kia mataku ai hoki era atu.
21 I adjure thee, before God, and Christ Jesus, and the chosen messengers, that, these things, thou observe, apart from prejudgment, doing, nothing, by partiality.
Ko taku kupu nui tenei ki a koe i te aroaro o te Atua, o Karaiti Ihu hoki, a o nga anahera whiriwhiri, puritia enei mea, kaua e pokaia he tikanga, kaua e mahi i runga i te whakahoa.
22 Hands, suddenly, upon no one, lay, neither have fellowship with sins of strangers: thyself, keep, chaste: —
Kei hohoro te whakapa i nga ringaringa ki tetahi tangata, kaua ano e uru ki nga hara o te tangata ke: kia mau tou harakore.
23 No longer, be a water-drinker, but, of a little wine, make use, because of thy stomach and thy, frequent, sicknesses.
Kati tou inu wai; engari hei te waina mau, kia iti, hei mea mo tou puku, mo ou mate e honohono na.
24 Some men’s sins, are, openly evident, leading on into judgment, with some, however, they even follow after;
Ko nga hara o etahi tangata marama noa ake, e haere ana i mua ki te whakawakanga; ko o etahi ia e whai mai ana i muri i a ratou.
25 In the same way, the noble works also, are openly evident, —and, they that are otherwise, cannot be hid.
Waihoki ko nga mahi pai e marama noa ake ana; a, ko nga mea e rere ke ana e kore e taea te huna.