< 1 Timothy 4 >

1 Howbeit, the Spirit, expressly saith—that, in later seasons, some will revolt from the faith, giving heed unto seducing spirits, and unto teachings of demons—
Sasa Roho anasema waziwazi kwamba katika nyakati zijazo baadhi ya watu wataiacha imani na kuwa makini kusikiliza roho zidanganyazo na mafundisho ya kipepo yatakayofundishwa
2 in hypocrisy, speaking falsehood, [of demons] cauterised in their own conscience, —
katika uongo na unafiki. Dhamiri zao zitabadilishwa.
3 Forbidding to marry, [commanding] to abstain from foods which, God, created to be received with thanksgiving by them who believe and personally know the truth;
Watawazuia kuoa na kupokea vyakula ambavyo Mungu aliviumba vitumiwe kwa shukrani miongoni mwao waaminio na wenye kuijua kweli.
4 Because, every creature of God, is good, and nothing to be cast away, if, with thanksgiving, it be received, —
Kwa sababu kila kitu ambacho Mungu amekiumba ni chema. Hakuna ambacho tunapokea kwa shukrani kinastahili kukataliwa.
5 For it is hallowed by the word of God and intercession,
Kwa sababu kinatakaswa kupitia neno la Mungu na kwa njia ya maombi.
6 These things, submitting to the brethren, thou shall be, a noble, minister of Christ Jesus, nourishing thyself with the words of the faith, and of the noble teaching which thou hast closely studied.
Kama utayaweka mambo haya mbele ya ndugu, utakuwa mtumishi mzuri wa Yesu Kristo. Kwa sababu umestawishwa kwa maneno ya imani na kwa mafundisho mazuri ambayo umeyafuata.
7 But, from the profane and old-wives’ stories, excuse thyself, and be training thyself unto godliness;
Lakini zikatae hadithi za kidunia ambazo zinapendwa na wanawake wazee. Badala yake, jifunze mwenyewe katika utaua.
8 For, the bodily training, for little, is profitable, whereas, godliness, for all things is profitable, —having, promise, of life—the present and the coming.
Kwa maana mazoezi ya mwili yafaa kidogo, bali utauwa wafaa sana kwa mambo yote. Hutunza ahadi kwa maisha ya sasa na yale yajayo.
9 Faithful, the saying! and, of all acceptance, worthy;
Ujumbe huu ni wakuaminiwa na unastahili kukubaliwa kabisa.
10 For, to this end, are we toiling and contending, because we have set our hope on a Living God, Who is Saviour of all men—specially, of such as believe.
Kwa kuwa ni kwa sababu hii tunataabika na kufanya kazi kwa bidii sana. Kwa kuwa tunao ujasiri katika Mungu aliye hai, ambaye ni Mwokozi wa watu wote, lakini hasa kwa waaminio.
11 Be giving these things in charge, and be teaching: —
Uyaseme na kuyafundisha mambo haya.
12 Let, no one, despise, thy youth, but, an ensample, become thou of the faithful, —in discourse, in behaviour, in love, in faith, in chastity.
Mtu yeyote asiudharau ujana wako. Badala yake, uwe mfano kwa wote waaminio, katika usemi, mwenendo, upendo, uaminifu, na usafi.
13 While I am coming, be giving heed—to the reading, to the exhorting, to the teaching:
Mpaka nitakapokuja, dumu katika kusoma, katika kuonya, na katika kufundisha.
14 Be not careless of the gift of favour, that is in thee, which was given thee through means of prophesying, along with a laying on of the hands of the eldership.
Usiipuuze karama iliyomo ndani yako, ambayo ulipewa kupitia unabii, kwa kuwekewa mikono na wazee.
15 These things, be thy care, in these things, be thou, that, thine advancement, may be, manifest, unto all:
Uyajali mambo haya. Ishi katika hayo ili kukua kwako kuwe dhahiri kwa watu wote. Zingatia sana mwenendo wako na mafundisho.
16 Be giving heed to thyself, and to thy teaching, —abide still in them; for, this doing, both, thyself, shalt thou save, and them that hearken to thee.
Dumu katika mambo haya. Maana kwa kufanya hivyo utajiokoa mwenyewe na wale wanaokusikiliza.

< 1 Timothy 4 >