< 1 Samuel 9 >

1 Now there was a man of Benjamin, whose name, was Kish—son of Abiel, son of Zeror, son of Becorath, son of Aphiah, son of a Benjamite, —a mighty man of valour;
Ɔbarima ɔdefo bi a odi mu tenaa ase a na ne din de Kis na ofi Benyamin abusua mu. Na ɔyɛ Abiel babarima, na ne nena ne Seror a ofi Bekorat fi ne Afia abusua mu.
2 and, he, had a son, whose name, was Saul, a choice young man and of noble appearance, and there was not a man of the sons of Israel, more noble than he, —from his shoulders and upwards, was he taller than any of the people.
Na ne babarima Saulo ho yɛ fɛ yiye sen obiara wɔ Israel. Na ɔware sen obiara fi ne mmati kosi ne ti so wɔ asase no so.
3 Now there had gone astray asses belonging to Kish, Saul’s father, —so Kish said unto Saul his son—I pray thee, take with thee one of the young men, and arise—go, seek the asses.
Da bi Kis mfurum yerae, na ɔka kyerɛɛ Saulo se, “Fa asomfo no mu baako, na wo ne no nkɔhwehwɛ mfurum no.”
4 And he passed through the hill country of Ephraim, and passed through the land of Shalishah, but they found them not, —then passed they through the land of Shaalim, and they were not there, then passed he through the land of the Benjamites, but they found them not.
Enti Saulo faa asomfo no mu baako. Wɔkɔfaa Efraim bepɔw asase, Salisa asase, Saalim fam ne Benyamin asase nyinaa so, nanso wɔanhu mfurum no baabiara.
5 They, had come into the land of Zuph when, Saul, said to his young man who was with him, Come! and let us return; lest my father leave off [caring] for the asses, and be concerned for us.
Na woduu Suf mansin mu no, Saulo ka kyerɛɛ ɔsomfo a ɔka ne ho no se, “Bra, ma yɛnsan nkɔ faako a yefi bae, na ebia, mʼagya agyae mfurum no ho dwene, ɔredwen yɛn ho mmom.”
6 And he said to him: Lo! I pray thee, a man of God, [liveth] in this city, and, the man, is held in honour, all that he saith, surely cometh to pass. Now, let us go thither; peradventure he may tell us our way, whereon we should have gone.
Nanso ɔsomfo no buae se, “Manya adwene bi, Onyame nipa bi te kurow yi mu a wobu no yiye. Na asɛm biara a ɔbɛka nso ba mu. Ma yɛnkɔ ne hɔ mprempren ara, ebia obetumi akyerɛ yɛn faako a ɛsɛ sɛ yɛfa.”
7 Then said Saul to his young man: Behold, if we go, what shall we bring the man, for, the bread, hath failed from our sacks, and, present, there is none to bring to the man of God, —what is there with us?
Saulo buaa no se, “Yenni hwee a yebetumi de akyɛ saa ɔbarima no, yɛn nnuan mpo asa, yenni biribiara a yɛde bɛma no.”
8 And the young man again answered Saul, and said—Lo! there is found in my hand, the fourth part of a shekel of silver, —which thou canst give to the man of God, and he will tell us our way.
Ɔsomfo no buaa no bio se, “Hwɛ! Mewɔ dwetɛ gram abiɛsa. Yebetumi de ama no, na yɛahwɛ nea ebesi.”
9 Beforetime, in Israel, thus, said a man when he went to enquire of God, Come and let us go as far as the seer, —for, the prophet of to-day, used to be called, beforetime, the seer.
(Saa bere no, sɛ nnipa rekobisa Onyankopɔn hɔ ade a, wɔka se, “Momma yenkobisa adehuni” efisɛ saa bere no na wɔfrɛ adiyifo adehuni.)
10 And Saul said unto his young man, Good, is thy word, come! let us go! So they went unto the city, where the man of God was.
Saulo penee so ka kyerɛɛ ne somfo no se, “Eye, ma yɛnsɔ nhwɛ!” Enti wosii mu kɔɔ kurow a Onyame nipa wɔ mu no so.
11 They were going up the ascent of the city, when they found young women, coming out to draw water, —so they said unto these, Is, the seer, in this place?
Wɔreforo bepɔw bi akɔ kurow no mu no, wohyiaa mmabaa bi a wɔrekɔsaw nsu, na Saulo ne ne somfo no bisaa wɔn se, “Adehuni no wɔ ha nnɛ?”
12 And the young women answered them and said: He is, lo! before you now, even as, to-day, hath he entered the city, for the people have a sacrifice, to-day, in the high place.
Wobuae se, “Ɔwɔ mo anim. Monka mo ho, nnɛ ara a waba yɛn kurow yi mu efisɛ ɔmanfo rebɛbɔ afɔre wɔ bepɔw no so hɔ.
13 As ye enter the city, so, shall ye surely find him, ere yet he shall go up to the high place to eat, for the people will not eat until he hath come, for, he, doth bless the sacrifice, after that, will they eat who have been bidden. Now, therefore, go up, for, about this very time, shall ye surely find him.
Monka mo ho nkɔto no, ansa na waforo akɔ bepɔw no so akodidi. Nnipa no mfi ase nnidi kosi sɛ obehyira aduan no so.”
14 So they went up into the city. As they were entering into the midst of the city, lo! Samuel, coming out over against them, to ascend the high place.
Enti wɔkɔɔ kurow no mu. Na wɔrewura apon no mu no, na Samuel ani kyerɛ wɔn so a ɔrekɔforo bepɔw no.
15 Now, Yahweh, had unveiled the ear of Samuel, —one day before Saul came, saying:
Na Awurade aka akyerɛ Samuel da a atwa mu no se,
16 About this time to-morrow, will I send unto thee, a man out of the land of Benjamin, whom thou shalt anoint, to be leader over my people Israel, and he shall save my people, out of the hand of the Philistines, —for I have looked upon the oppression, because their outcry hath come in unto me.
“Ɔkyena sesɛɛ, mɛsoma obi afi Benyamin asase so. Sra no ngo, na ɔmmɛyɛ me nkurɔfo Israelfo kannifo. Obegye wɔn afi Filistifo nsam. Mede ahummɔbɔ ahwɛ me nkurɔfo, na mate wɔn sufrɛ.”
17 And, when, Samuel, beheld Saul, Yahweh, answered him, Lo! the man, of whom I said unto thee, Here, is one shall control my people.
Bere a Samuel huu Saulo ara pɛ, Awurade kae se, “Oyi ne ɔbarima a mekaa ne ho asɛm kyerɛɛ wo no. Ɔno na obedi me nkurɔfo so no.”
18 And Saul drew near unto Samuel, in the midst of the gate, —and said—I pray thee, do tell me, where is the house of the seer?
Saulo kɔɔ Samuel nkyɛn wɔ abɔntenpon no ano kobisaa no se, “Wubetumi akyerɛ me baabi a ɔdehufo no fi wɔ ana?”
19 And Samuel answered Saul, and said—I, am, the seer! Go up before me, to the high place, so shall ye eat with me, to-day, —and I will let thee go in the morning, and, all that is in thy heart, will I tell thee.
Samuel buae se, “Mene ɔdehufo no. Di mʼanim kan wɔ bepɔw no so, kɔ faako a wɔbɔ afɔre hɔ, na yɛn nyinaa bedidi wɔ hɔ. Anɔpa, mɛkyerɛ wo nea wopɛ sɛ wuhu, na magya wo kwan.
20 And, as for the asses that went astray from thee three days ago, do not regard them, for they are found, —but to whom belongeth all that is desirable in Israel? is it not to thee, and to all the house of thy father?
Na mfurum a wɔyeraa nnɛnnansa no, mma wɔn ho asɛm nhaw wo koraa, efisɛ wɔahu wɔn. Na mepɛ sɛ meka kyerɛ wo se, Israel anidaso nyinaa yɛ wo ne wo fifo.”
21 Then answered Saul, and said—Am not I, a man of Benjamin, of the smallest of the tribes of Israel, and [is not], my family, the poorest of all the families of the tribe of Benjamin? Wherefore, then, hast thou spoken unto me of such a thing as this?
Saulo buae se, “So mimfi Benyamin a ɛyɛ abusua ketewa koraa wɔ mmusuakuw no mu. Na me fi nso nyɛ ketewa koraa wɔ Benyamin afi no nyinaa mu. Na adɛn nti na woka eyi kyerɛ me?”
22 And Samuel took Saul and his young man, and brought them into the guest-chamber, —and gave them a place at the head of them who were bidden, they being about thirty persons.
Enti Samuel de Saulo ne ne somfo no baa asa so hɔ. Ɔma wɔtenaa wɔn a wɔato nsa afrɛ wɔn no pon ti, de hyɛɛ wɔn anuonyam wɔ nnipa dodow bɛyɛ sɛ aduasa no anim.
23 And Samuel said to the cook, Set on the portion that I gave thee, —of which I said unto thee, Put it by thee.
Samuel ka kyerɛɛ osoodoni no se, “Fa nam sin a mede maa wo no bra, nea wɔde asie ama nea wɔrehyɛ no anuonyam no.”
24 And the cook took up the shoulder, and that which was upon it, and placed it before Saul, and said—Lo! the part reserved! Set it before thee [and] eat, for, unto the time appointed, hath it been kept for thee, since the time that I said, The people, have I bidden. So Saul did eat with Samuel, on that day.
Enti osoodoni no de ba bɛtoo Saulo anim. Samuel kae se, “Di nea wɔde asi wʼanim no. Mede sie maa wo ansa na mereto nsa afrɛ afoforo yi.” Enti Saulo ne Samuel didii.
25 And, when they had come down from the high place into the city, he spread a couch for Saul upon the house-top, and he lay down.
Aponto no akyi a wɔsan baa kurow no mu no, Samuel de Saulo kɔɔ atifi dan mu kosiesie nnabea maa no.
26 And it came to pass, at the uprisings of the dawn, that Samuel called unto Saul on the house-top, saying, Arise! that I may send thee away. So Saul arose, and they two, he and Samuel, went forth abroad.
Ade kyee anɔpa no, Samuel kɔɔ Saulo nkyɛn kɔfrɛɛ no se, “Sɔre! Anka ɛsɛ sɛ saa bere yi wonam kwan so.” Enti Saulo siesiee ne ho na ɔne Samuel nyinaa bɔɔ mu fii fie hɔ.
27 As they were going down the end of the city, Samuel, said unto Saul—Bid the young man, that he pass on before us, (and he passed on) but, thou, stand still where thou art, that I may let thee hear the word of God.
Woduu kurotia no, Samuel ka kyerɛɛ Saulo sɛ ɔnsoma ne somfo no nni wɔn kan. Ɔsomfo no kɔe no, Samuel kae se, “Tena ha, efisɛ Onyankopɔn de nkra sononko bi ama me a, ɛsɛ sɛ meka kyerɛ wo.”

< 1 Samuel 9 >