< 1 Samuel 7 >

1 Then came the men of Kiriath-jearim and fetched up the ark of Yahweh, and brought it into the house of Abinadab, in the hill, —and, Eleazar his son, hallowed they, to guard the ark of Yahweh.
Enti Kiriat-Yearimfo begyee Awurade Apam Adaka no. Wɔde kɔɔ Abinadab fi a ɛda bepɔw nkyɛn baabi. Ɛhɔ na wodwiraa ne babarima Eleasar sɛ ɔnhwɛ so.
2 And so it was, that, from the day the ark came to dwell in Kiriath-jearim, the days multiplied, and became twenty years, —and all the house of Israel went mourning after Yahweh.
Apam Adaka no kyɛe yiye wɔ Kiriat-Yearim. Edii mfirihyia aduonu wɔ hɔ. Saa bere no Israel nyinaa twaa agyaadwo, efisɛ na ayɛ sɛ Awurade agyaw wɔn.
3 And Samuel spake unto all the house of Israel, saying, If, with all your heart, ye are returning unto Yahweh, then put away the gods of the foreigner out of your midst, and the Ashtoreths—and firmly set your heart towards Yahweh, and serve him, alone, that he may deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines.
Na Samuel ka kyerɛɛ Israelfo nyinaa se, “Sɛ mode mo koma nyinaa resan akɔ Awurade nkyɛn de a, ɛno de, montwe mo ho mfi ananafo anyame ne Astoret ahoni ho. Munsi mo adwene pi sɛ mobɛyɛ osetie ama Awurade, na monsom ɔno nko, na obegye mo afi Filistifo nsam.”
4 So the sons of Israel put away the Baals, and the Ashtoreths, —and served Yahweh, alone.
Enti Israelfo no too Baalim ne Astoret gui, som Awurade nko.
5 And Samuel said, Gather all Israel unto Mizpah, —that I may pray for you, unto Yahweh.
Afei, Samuel ka kyerɛɛ Israelfo no nyinaa se, “Mo nyinaa mommra Mispa, na memmɔ Awurade mpae mma mo.”
6 So they gathered themselves unto Mizpah, and drew water, and poured it out before Yahweh, and fasted on that day, and said, there, We have sinned against Yahweh. And Samuel judged the sons of Israel in Mizpah.
Enti wɔboaa wɔn ho ano wɔ hɔ. Na wɔn anyankamade mu no, wɔsaw nsu fi abura bi mu, na wohwie guu Awurade anim. Wodii abuada da no, na wɔkaa nokware sɛ wɔayɛ bɔne atia Awurade. Enti Mispa hɔ na Samuel bɛyɛɛ Israel so temmufo.
7 And, when the Philistines heard that the sons of Israel had gathered themselves together unto Mizpah, the lords of the Philistines went up against Israel, —and, when the sons of Israel heard it, they shrank with fear, from the face of the Philistines.
Bere a Filistifo sodifo no tee sɛ Israel nyinaa aboa wɔn ho ano wɔ Mispa no, wɔboaboaa wɔn asraafo ano, tu teɛe. Na Israelfo no tee sɛ Filistifo no rebɛn wɔn no, wɔn koma tuu yiye.
8 And the sons of Israel said unto Samuel, Do not turn in silence from us, from making outcry unto Yahweh our God, —that he would save us out of the hand of the Philistines.
Woguan toaa Samuel se, “Srɛ Awurade, yɛn Nyankopɔn, na onnye yɛn mfi Filistifo nsam.”
9 So Samuel took one sucking lamb, and offered it up, as an entire ascending-sacrifice unto Yahweh, —and Samuel made outcry unto Yahweh, for Israel, and Yahweh answered him.
Enti Samuel faa oguan ba a onnyinii de ne mua no bɔɔ ɔhyew afɔre maa Awurade. Ɔsrɛɛ Awurade maa Israelfo, na Awurade tiei.
10 And, when Samuel was offering up the ascending-sacrifice, the Philistines, drew near to fight against Israel, —but Yahweh thundered with a great noise throughout that day, over the Philistines, and confused them, and they were smitten before Israel.
Bere a Samuel gu so rebɔ ɔhyew afɔre no, Filistifo no baa sɛ wɔrebɛko. Nanso Onyankopɔn de aprannaa nne a emu yɛ duru yiye kasa fi soro, maa basabasayɛ sii Filistifo no mu, maa Israelfo no dii wɔn so nkonim.
11 And the men of Israel went forth out of Mizpah, and pursued the Philistines, —and smote them as far as under Beth-car.
Israel mmarima pam wɔn fi Mispa, kosii Bet-Kar, kunkum wɔn guu ɔkwan so.
12 And Samuel took a certain stone, and set it between Mizpah and Yeshanah, and called the name thereof Eben-ezer, —and said, Hitherto, hath Yahweh helped us.
Ɛnna Samuel faa ɔbo kɛse bi de sii Mispa ne Sen ntam. Na ɔtoo no din Ebeneser a ase ne “Ɔboa bo” na ɔkae se, “Ɛha na Awurade aboa yɛn abesi!”
13 So the Philistines were subdued, and, no more, came within the boundary of Israel, —and the hand of Yahweh was against the Philistines, all the days of Samuel.
Enti wodii Filistifo no so, na wɔantumi ammegye Israelfo nsase amfa wɔ bere tenten bi mu. Na Samuel nkwa nna mu nyinaa, Awurade nsa a ɛyɛ den no tiaa Filistifo.
14 And the cities which the Philistines had taken from Israel were restored to Israel, from Ekron even as far as Gath; even the boundaries thereof, did Israel rescue out of the hand of the Philistines, —thus came there to be peace between Israel and the Amorites.
Na Israel nkurow a ɛbɛn Ekron ne Gat no a na Filistifo no agyigye no. Wɔde asase a aka a Filistifo no agyigye no kaa ho. Ɛmaa asomdwoe baa Israel ne Amorifo ntam saa bere no.
15 And Samuel judged Israel, all the days of his life.
Samuel kɔɔ so yɛɛ Israel so temmufo ne nkwa nna a aka nyinaa.
16 And he used to take his journey, from year to year, and go round to Bethel, and Gilgal, and Mizpah, —and used to judge Israel, at all these places.
Afe biara, na otu kwan kyinkyin bu atɛn wɔ nʼasennii. Ofi ase wɔ Bet-El de kɔ Gilgal na wawie wɔ Mispa. Obuu Israelfo atɛn wɔ saa nkurow yi biara so.
17 And, his returning, was to Ramah, for, there, was his house, and, there, judged he Israel, —so he built there an altar unto Yahweh.
Afei, na ɔsan ba ne kurom Rama bedi nsɛm wɔ hɔ nso. Na Samuel sii afɔremuka wɔ Rama de maa Awurade.

< 1 Samuel 7 >