< 1 Samuel 30 >

1 And it came to pass, when David and his men came to Ziklag on the third day, that, the Amalekites, had made a raid into the South, and into Ziklag, and had smitten Ziklag, and burned it with fire;
Le ŋkeke etɔ̃ megbe esi David kple eƒe amewo ɖo wo nɔƒe le Ziklag du la me la, wokpɔ be Amalekitɔwo va ha du la, tɔ dzoe wòbi keŋkeŋkeŋ
2 and had taken captive the women and all who were therein, from small even unto great, they had not put one to death, —but had driven them forth, and gone their way.
eye wokplɔ woƒe nyɔnuwo kple wo viwo dzoe.
3 So, when David and his men came to the city, lo! it was burnt with fire, —and, their wives, and their sons, and their daughters, had been taken captive.
Esi David kple eƒe amewo kpɔ du la ƒe gbagbã kple nu si dzɔ ɖe wo srɔ̃wo kple wo viwo dzi la,
4 Then David and the people that were with him lifted up their voice, and wept, —until they had no more strength to weep.
wofa avi va se ɖe esime avifafa glo wo.
5 And, the two wives of David, had been taken captive, —Ahinoam, the Jezreelitess, and Abigail, wife of Nabal the Carmelite.
David srɔ̃ eveawo, Ahinoam tso Yezreel kple Abigail, Nabal ƒe ahosi, tso Karmel hã, nɔ ame siwo wokplɔ dzoe la dome.
6 And David was in sore distress, for the people had spoken of stoning him, because the souls of all the people were embittered, every man for his own sons and for his own daughters, —but David emboldened himself in Yahweh his God.
Nyadzɔdzɔ sia te ɖe David dzi ŋutɔ, vevietɔ esi David ƒe amewo nɔ nu xam le wo viwo ta la, wode asi gbɔgblɔ me be yewoawui. Ke David tsɔ Yehowa eƒe Mawu do ŋusẽ eɖokui.
7 Then said David to Abiathar the priest, son of Ahimelech, Do bring near me, I pray thee, the ephod. So Abiathar brought near the ephod, unto David.
David gblɔ na nunɔla Abiata, Ahimelek ƒe vi be wòatsɔ eƒe kɔmewu la vɛ eye Abiata wɔ ɖe edzi.
8 And David enquired of Yahweh, saying, Shall I pursue this troop? shall I overtake it? And he said unto him: Pursue, for thou shalt, overtake, and thou shalt, rescue.
David bia Yehowa be, “Mati wo yomea? Mate ŋu alé woa?” Yehowa gblɔ nɛ be, “Ɛ̃, dze wo yome; àxɔ miaƒe nu sia nu si wotsɔ dzoe la le wo si!”
9 So David went, he, and the six hundred men, who were with him, and they came in as far as the ravine of Besor, —where, they who had to be left behind, stayed.
David kple eƒe ame alafa adeawo va ɖo Besor tɔʋu la to, afi si ame aɖewo tsi
10 But David pursued, he. and four hundred men, —but the two hundred men stayed, because they were too wearied to cross over the ravine of Besor.
elabena ɖeɖi te ame alafa eve ŋu ale gbegbe be womate ŋu atso tɔʋu la o. Ke David kple ame alafa ene yi Amalekitɔwo yometiti dzi.
11 And they found an Egyptian in the field, and took him unto David, —and gave him food, and he did eat, and they gave him water to drink;
Wokpɔ Egipte ŋutsu aɖe le gbe me eye wokplɔe vɛ na David. Wona nui wòɖu eye wona tsii wòno.
12 and they gave him a piece of a cake of figs, and two cakes of raisins, and, when he had eaten, his spirit came back unto him, —for he had neither eaten food, nor drunk water, three days and three nights.
Wotsɔ gbotsetsebolo eve kple waintsetse ƒuƒu eve nɛ. Esi wòɖu nu siawo la, egbɔ agbe elabena meɖu naneke alo no tsi ŋkeke etɔ̃ kple zã etɔ̃ o.
13 Then David said to him—Whose art thou? and whence art thou? And he said, A young man of Egypt, am I, servant to an Amalekite, and my lord left me behind, because I fell sick, three days ago.
David biae be. “Ame kae nènye eye afi ka nètso?” Ɖekakpui la ɖo eŋu be, “Egiptetɔe menye heganye Amalekitɔ aɖe ƒe subɔla. Nye aƒetɔ gblẽm ɖi egbee nye ŋkeke etɔ̃lia eye nye lãme gblẽ.
14 As for us, we invaded the South of the Cherithites, and against that which pertaineth unto Judah, and against the South of Caleb, —and, Ziklag, burned we with fire.
Míede ɖaha Keretitɔwo ƒe dziehe kple Yuda ƒe anyigba kple Kaleb nyigba ƒe dziehe, míetɔ dzo Ziklag du la eye míetrɔ va yina.”
15 And David said unto him, Wilt thou bring me down unto this troop? And he said—Swear unto me by God, that thou wilt not put me to death, neither wilt thou surrender me into the hand of my lord, and I will bring thee down unto this troop.
David biae be, “Àte ŋu afia afi si woyi la mía?” Ɖekakpui la ɖo eŋu be, “Ne ètsɔ Mawu ƒe ŋkɔ ka atam nam be yemawum alo atsɔm ade asi na nye aƒetɔ o la, ekema makplɔ wò ayi wo gbɔe.”
16 So he brought him down, and lo! they were left to themselves over the face of all the land, —eating, and drinking, and dancing around, for all the great spoil which they had taken out of the land of the Philistines, and out of the land of Judah.
Ale ɖekakpui la kplɔ wo yi afi si Amalekitɔwo ƒu asaɖa anyi do. Wokaka ɖe gbedzi henɔ nu ɖum, nɔ nu nom eye wonɔ ɣe ɖum kple dzidzɔ le Filistitɔwo kple Yudatɔwo ƒe nu geɖe siwo wokpɔ ha la ta.
17 And David smote them, from the closing twilight even unto the evening of the next day, —and there escaped not of them a man, save four hundred young men who rode upon camels, and fled.
David kple eƒe amewo dze wo dzi eye wowu wo katã le zã ma me kple ŋufɔke. Wowu ame sia ame negbe ɖekakpui alafa ene siwo do kposɔwo la koe te ŋu si.
18 And David rescued all whom the Amalekites had taken, —his two wives also, did David rescue;
David xɔ nu sia nu si Amalekitɔwo ha. Exɔ srɔ̃a eveawo hã.
19 and there was nothing missing to them—whether small or great, whether spoil, or sons or daughters, or, any thing which they had taken unto themselves, —the whole, did David recover.
Naneke mebu o; woxɔ ɖevi kple tsitsi, ŋutsuvi kple nyɔnuvi kple nu sia nu si woha. Ale David xɔ nu sia nu gbɔe.
20 And David took all the flocks and the herds, —they drave them before those other cattle, and they said, This, is David’s spoil.
David ƒe amewo kplɔ Amalekitɔwo ƒe lãhawo dzoe eye wogblɔ na David be, “Esiawo katã nye wò ŋutɔ tɔ abe wò fetu ene.”
21 And David came unto the two hundred men, who had been too wearied to follow David, and whom they had suffered to remain at the ravine of Besor, —and they came forth to meet David, and to meet the people who were with him, and when David came near unto the people, they enquired of his success.
Esi wova ɖo Besor tɔʋu la to la, wodo go woƒe ame alafa eve siwo ŋu ɖeɖi te ale gbegbe be womete ŋu tso tɔʋu la yi kpli wo o. David do gbe na wo dzidzɔtɔe.
22 Then responded every man who was bad and abandoned, from among the men who had been with David, and said—Because they went not with me there shall not be given them of the spoil that we have rescued, —save, to every man, his wife and his children, let them put them forth, then, and go.
Ke gbevu aɖewo nɔ ame siwo de ɖawɔ aʋa la dome gblɔ be, “Ame siawo mede aʋa la kpli mí o eya ta womaxɔ afunyinuwo dometɔ aɖeke o. Ɖe asi le wo srɔ̃wo kple wo viwo ŋu na wo eye nàna woadzo.”
23 Then said David, Ye shall not do so, my brethren, —with that which Yahweh hath given to us, who hath preserved us, and delivered the troop that came against us into our hand.
Ke David gblɔ be, “Ao, nɔvinyewo, manyo nenema o! Yehowa na míele dedie eye míeɖu míaƒe futɔwo dzi.
24 Who indeed, could hearken unto you, in this mutter? Surely, like the share of him that went down into the battle, even, so, shall be the share of him that remained by the stores—alike, shall they share.
Ame kae alɔ̃ ɖe nya si gblɔm miele la dzi? Míama nuawo eye míama wo sɔsɔe, na ame siwo wɔ aʋa la kple ame siwo dzɔ míaƒe nuwo ŋu.”
25 And so it came to pass, from that day forward, that he appointed it, for a statute and for a custom unto Israel, until this day.
Tso gbe ma gbe dzi la, David wɔ numama alea wònye se kple kɔnu na Israelviwo katã va se ɖe egbe.
26 And, when David came to Ziklag, he sent of the spoil, unto the elders of Judah, unto his friends, saying, —Lo! for you, a blessing, out of the spoil of the enemies of Yahweh:
Esi wova ɖo Ziklag la, David ɖo afunyinu siwo woha la ƒe akpa aɖe ɖe Yuda ƒe ametsitsiwo. Eŋlɔ agbalẽ kpe ɖe eŋu be, “Esiawo nye nunana siwo mele ɖoɖom ɖe mi tso afunyinu siwo mekpɔ tso Yehowa ƒe futɔwo gbɔ la me.”
27 to them who were in Bethel, and to them who were in Ramoth of the South, and to them who were in Jattir,
Woɖo nunanawo ɖe ametsitsiwo tso du siawo me: Betel, Dziehe Ramot, Yatir,
28 and to them who were in Aroer, and to them who were in Siphmoth, and to them who were in Eshtemoa,
Aroer, Sifmɔt, Estemoa,
29 and to them who were in Racal, and to them who were in the cities of the Jerameelites, and to them who were in the cities of the Kenites,
Rakal, Yerameeltɔwo ƒe duwo, Kenitɔwo ƒe duwo,
30 and to them who were in Hormah, and to them who were in Cor-ashan, and to them who were in Athach,
Horma, Bor Asan, Atak,
31 and to them who were in Hebron, —and to all the places where David had been to and fro, he and his men.
kple Hebron. Eɖo nunana ɖe teƒe siwo eya kple eƒe amewo de.

< 1 Samuel 30 >