< 1 Samuel 21 >

1 Then came David to Nob, unto Ahimelech, the priest, —and Ahimelech trembled when he met David, and said unto him—Why art thou, alone, and, no man, with thee?
Hagi Nopu kumate pristi ne' Ahimelekintega Deviti'a vu'ne. Hagi Ahimeleki'a Deviti'ma negeno'a antri nehuno, Nahigenka kavega vahera ovarenka kagrakera neane.
2 And David said unto Ahimelech the priest—The king, hath charged me with a matter, and hath said unto me—Let, no man, know aught of the business on which I am sending thee, and with which I have charged thee, —But, unto the young men, have I appointed, such and such a place.
Higeno Deviti'a ana pristi nera kenona hunteno, Kini ne'mo'a mago'a eri'zanke hunanteno anage hu'ne, Amama hugantoa zamofo kea mago'mo'a ontahino huno hu'ne. Hagi sondia vaheni'a huzamante'noanki'za emanihoma huzamante'nore emani'nenage'na vugahue.
3 Now, therefore, what is there under thy hand? Five loaves, give thou into my hand, —or, whatever can be found.
Hagi mago'a ne'zama ante'nenunka 5fu'a breti kona namige, mago'a ne'zama me'neniana amne namigahane.
4 And the priest answered David, and said, There is no common bread under my hand, —but, hallowed bread, there is, if the young men have kept themselves, at least from women.
Hianagi Pristi ne'mo'a Devitina kenona hunteno, Nagra mago'a amane bretia onte'noanki, ruotage'ma hu'nea bretige me'neanki sondia vahekamo'zama ama kenage'ma a'nenema omase'nesnagenka amane ome zami'nanke'za negahaze.
5 And David answered the priest and said to him—Of a truth, women, have been withheld from us, of late, through my coming out, and the wallets of the young men have become hallowed, —while [the bread], itself, is in a manner common, and the more so since, to-day, [there are other loaves] to be hallowed, in the vessel.
Higeno Deviti'a kenona'a amanage huno asami'ne, Kagesa ontahio, maka zupa hate'ma nevuta sondia vahe'nimo'za a'nanenena nomasazanki'za agru hu'naze. Ana hu'neankita menina e'nonana ruotge eri'zante enonankita, agru hu'none.
6 So the priest gave him hallowed [bread], —because there was there no bread, save the Presence-Bread, which had to be removed from before Yahweh, to put hot bread, on the day when it should be taken away.
Hagi ne'zana omanegeno ana pristi ne'mo'a seli mono nompima Ra Anumzamofo avugama amuhoma hu'nea bretima erinenteno, zasi'ma hia ruotge bretima eri ante'neana Devitina eri ami'ne (Matiu 12:3-4, Maki 2:25-26, Luku 6:3).
7 Now, in that very place, was a man of the servants of Saul, on that day, detained before Yahweh, whose name, was Doeg the Edomite, —chief of the shepherds that belonged unto Saul.
Hagi ana zupa ana seli mono nompina Idomu ne' Doekie nehaza ne' Soli bulimakao afute kegavama nehaza vahe'mokizmi ugota kva ne'mo ofa hu'naku umani'neno negegeno, ana zana pristi ne'mo'a hu'ne.
8 Then said David to Ahimelech, See whether there is here, under thy hand, a spear or a sword? for, neither my sword, nor my other weapons, did I take in my hand, for, the king’s business, was, urgent.
Hagi Deviti'a amanage huno Ahimelekinkura hu'ne, Bainati kazinknone kevenena ontenampi? Kini nemo'a ame hunka vuo hige'na bainati kazinknone kevenena e'ori e'noe.
9 And the priest said: The sword of Goliath the Philistine, whom thou didst smite in the vale of Elah, lo! that, is wrapped up in a cloth, behind the ephod, if, that, thou wilt take to thee, take it, for there is no other, save that, here. And David said—There is none, like it, give it me.
Hagi pristi ne'mo'a asamino, Magore huno omaneneanki Filistia ne' Goliatima Ela agupofima ahe'nana nemofo bainati kazinke me'ne. Tavravefi antegafite'na pristi vahe'mo'zama zamamizare'ma nentaniza kukenamofo amefi antogeno me'ne. Hagi kagrama erinaku'ma hanunka erio huno higeno, Deviti'a kenona huno, Mago'a bainati kazimo'a amanahura osu'neanki amne erinamio.
10 Then arose David, and fled, that day, from the face of Saul, —and came in unto Achish, king of Gath.
Hagi ana knazupa Deviti'a Solinku kore huno freno Gati kini ne' Akisinte vu'ne.
11 And the servants of Achish said unto him, Is not, this, David, king of the land? Was it not, of this man, that they kept responding in the dances, saying, Saul, hath smitten his, thousands, but, David, his, tens of thousands?
Hianagi Akisi eri'za vahe'mo'za Deviti'ma nege'za, Ama nera kini ne' Devitimpi, avoma re'za zagamema nehu'za, Soli'a 1 tauseni'a vahe zamahegeno, Deviti'a 10 tauseni'a vahe zamahe'ne hu'zama hu'naza nere hu'za hu'naze.
12 And David laid up these words in his heart, —and feared greatly, because of Achish king of Gath.
Hagi ana nanekema Deviti'ma nentahino'a Gati kini ne' Akisi'ma ahe zankura tusi'a koro hu'ne.
13 So he feigned himself mad, in their sight, and raged in their hand, —and struck against the doors of the gate, and let his spittle run down upon his beard.
Ana hu'negu Devitia ana kini ne'ene eri'za vahe'amokizmi zamavufina haviza huno negi vahe sampreno ufre kafantera azanu avona negreno, agipintira agrena ampritregeno agi azokatega zuzu huno afra afra hu'ne.
14 Then said Achish unto his servants, —Lo! ye can see, a madman playing his pranks, wherefore should ye bring him in, unto me?
Hagi kini ne' Akisi'ma negeno'a amanage huno eri'za vahe'a zamasami'ne, Na'a higeta tamagra neginagi vahera avreta nagritega e'naze?
15 Lacking of madmen, am I that ye should bring in this one to play his mad pranks, unto me? Shall, this, one enter my household?
Hagi rama'a amanahu negi vahera mani'nazanki'na, na'a hanige'na noni'afina atre'nugeno manigahie? Nehuno Akisi'a atregeno Deviti'a vu'ne.

< 1 Samuel 21 >