< 1 Kings 3 >

1 And Solomon contracted an alliance with Pharaoh king of Egypt, —and took the daughter of Pharaoh, and brought her into the city of David, until he had made an end of building his own house, and the house of Yahweh, and the wall of Jerusalem, round about.
Salomon se sprijatelji s faraonom, kraljem egipatskim: oženi se kćerju faraonovom i uvede je u Davidov grad dokle ne dovrši gradnju svoga dvora, Hrama Jahvina i zidova oko Jeruzalema.
2 Save only, that the people were sacrificing in the high places, —because there had not been built a house unto the Name of Yahweh, until those days,
Narod je pak prinosio žrtve na uzvišicama, jer još nije bio sagrađen do toga vremena dom imenu Jahvinu.
3 Solomon loved Yahweh, by walking in the statutes of David his father, —save only, that, in the high places, he himself, was sacrificing and offering incense.
A Salomon je ljubio Jahvu: ravnao se prema naredbama svoga oca Davida, samo je prinosio klanice i kađenice na uzvišicama.
4 So then the king went to Gibeon, to sacrifice there, for, that, was the great high place, —a thousand ascending-sacrifices, did Solomon offer up on that altar.
Kralj ode u Gibeon da prinese žrtvu, jer ondje bijaše najveća uzvišica. Salomon prinese tisuću paljenica na tom žrtveniku.
5 In Gibeon, Yahweh appeared unto Solomon, in a dream by night, —and God said, Ask, what I shall give thee.
U Gibeonu se Jahve javi Salomonu noću u snu. Bog reče: “Traži što da ti dadem.”
6 Then said Solomon—Thou, didst deal, with thy servant David my father, in great lovingkindness, according as he walked before thee, in truth and in righteousness and in uprightness of heart, with thee, —and thou hast kept, for him, this great lovingkindness, that thou hast given unto him a son, to sit upon his throne, as it is this day.
Salomon odgovori: “Veoma si naklon bio svome sluzi Davidu, mome ocu, jer je hodio pred tobom u vjernosti, pravednosti i poštenju srca svoga; i sačuvao si mu tu veliku milost i dao si da jedan od njegovih sinova sjedi na njegovu prijestolju.
7 Now, therefore, O Yahweh my God, thou, hast made thy servant king, instead of David my father, —and, I, am but a little child, I know not how to go out and come in.
Sada, o Jahve, Bože moj, ti si učinio kraljem slugu svoga na mjesto moga oca Davida, a ja sam još sasvim mlad te još ne znam vladati.
8 And, thy servant, is in the midst of thy people, whom thou hast chosen, —a numerous people, that cannot be numbered or summed up, for multitude.
Tvoj je sluga usred naroda koji si izabrao; naroda brojnog, koji se ne da izbrojiti ni popisati.
9 Wilt thou, then, give unto thy servant, a heart that hearkeneth, to judge thy people, to discern between good and bad, —for who is able to judge this thine honoured people?
Podaj svome sluzi pronicavo srce da može suditi tvom narodu, razlikovati dobro od zla, jer tko bi mogao upravljati tvojim narodom koji je tako velik!”
10 And the thing was good in the eyes of the Lord, —that Solomon had asked this thing;
Bijaše milo Jahvi što je Salomon to zamolio.
11 And God said unto him—Because thou hast asked this thing, and hast not asked for thyself many days, nor asked for thyself riches, nor asked the lives of thine enemies, —but hast asked for thyself discernment, in hearing a cause,
Zato mu Jahve reče: “Jer si to tražio, a nisi iskao ni duga života, ni bogatstva, ni smrti svojih neprijatelja, nego pronicavost u prosuđivanju pravice,
12 lo! I have done according to thy word, —lo! I have given unto thee a wise and discerning heart, so that, like thee, hath been none, before thee, and, after thee, shall rise up none, like thee.
evo ću učiniti po riječima tvojim: dajem ti srce mudro i razumno, kakvo nije imao nitko prije tebe niti će ga imati itko poslije tebe,
13 Moreover also, what thou hast not asked, have I given unto thee, both riches and honour, —so that there hath been none, like thee, among the kings, all thy days.
ali ti dajem i što nisi tražio: bogatstvo i slavu kakve nema nitko među kraljevima.
14 And, if thou wilt walk in my ways, by keeping my statutes, and my commandments, as, David thy father, walked, then will I lengthen out thy days.
I ako budeš stupao mojim putovima i budeš se držao mojih zakona i zapovijedi, kao što je činio tvoj otac David, umnožit ću tvoje dane.”
15 And Solomon awoke, and lo! it was a dream. So he entered into Jerusalem, and stood before the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and caused to go up ascending-sacrifices and offered peace-offerings, and made a banquet for all his servants.
Salomon se probudi, i gle: bijaše to san. On se vrati u Jeruzalem i stade pred Kovčeg saveza Jahvina; prinese paljenice i žrtve pričesnice i priredi gozbu svim slugama svojim.
16 Then, came there in two unchaste women, unto the king, —and stood before him.
Tada dođoše dvije bludnice kralju i stadoše preda nj.
17 And the one woman said—Pardon, my lord! I and this woman, dwell in one house, —and I gave birth to a child near her, in the house.
I reče jedna žena: “Dopusti, gospodaru moj! Ja i ova žena u istoj kući živimo i ja sam rodila kraj nje u kući.
18 And it came to pass, the third day after I bare, that, this woman also, gave birth to a child, —we two, being together, there was no stranger with us in the house, none but we two in the house.
A trećega dana poslije moga porođaja rodi i ova žena. Bile smo zajedno i nikoga stranog s nama; samo nas dvije u kući.
19 And this woman’s son died in the night, —because she overlaid it.
Jedne noći umrije sin ove žene jer bijaše legla na njega.
20 Then arose she, in the middle of the night, and took my son from beside me, while thy handmaid was sleeping, and laid it in her own besom, —but, her dead son, laid she in, my, bosom.
I ustade ona usred noći, uze moga sina o boku mojem, dok je tvoja sluškinja spavala, i stavi ga sebi u naručje, a svoga mrtvog sina stavi kraj mene.
21 And, when I arose in the morning, to give suck unto my child, lo! it was dead! but, when I looked at it narrowly in the morning, lo! it was not, my son that I had borne.
A kad ujutro ustadoh da podojim svoga sina, gle: on mrtav! I kad sam pažljivije pogledala, razabrah: nije to moj sin koga sam ja rodila!”
22 Then said the other woman—Nay! but, my son, is the, living, and, thy son, the, dead. But, this, one kept on saying—Nay, verily! but, thy son, is the, dead, and, my son, the, living. Thus spake they before the king.
Tada reče druga žena: “Ne, nije tako. Moj je sin onaj živi, a tvoj je onaj koji je mrtav!” A prva joj odvrati: “Nije istina! Tvoj je sin onaj koji je mrtav, a moj je onaj koji živi!” I tako se prepirahu pred kraljem.
23 Then said the king, The one woman, is saying, This, is, my son, the one that liveth, and, thy son, is, the one that is dead, —and, the other, is saying, Nay! but, thy son, is, the dead one, and, my son, the, living.
A kralj onda progovori: “Ova kaže: 'Ovaj živi moj je sin, a onaj mrtvi tvoj'; druga pak kaže: 'Nije, nego je tvoj sin mrtav, a moj je onaj živi.'
24 And the king said—Bring me a sword! So they brought a sword before the king.
Donesite mi mač!” naredi kralj. I donesoše mač pred kralja,
25 Then said the king, Divide the living child, in twain, —and give half to the one, and half to the other.
a on reče: “Rasijecite živo dijete nadvoje i dajte polovinu jednoj, a polovinu drugoj.”
26 Then spake the woman, whose was the living child, unto the king—for tender became her compassions over her son—so she said—Pardon, my lord! Give, her, the living child, and do not, kill, it. But the other kept on saying—Neither mine, nor thine, shall it be, divide it.
Tada ženu, majku živog djeteta, zabolje srce za sinom i povika ona kralju: “Ah, gospodaru! Neka se njoj dade dijete, samo ga nemojte ubijati!” A ona druga govoraše: “Neka ne bude ni meni ni tebi: rasijecite ga!”
27 Then responded the king, and said—Give, her, the living child, ye shall not, kill, it, —she, is its mother.
Onda progovori kralj i reče: “Dajte dijete prvoj, nipošto ga ne ubijajte! Ona mu je majka.”
28 And all Israel heard of the judgment which the king had delivered, and they stood in awe before the king, —for they saw, that, the wisdom of God, was in him, to execute justice.
Sav je Izrael čuo presudu koju je izrekao kralj i poštovali su kralja, jer su vidjeli da je u njemu božanska mudrost u izricanju pravde.

< 1 Kings 3 >