< 1 Chronicles 29 >

1 Then said David the king unto all the convocation, Solomon my son, the one, of whom God hath made choice, is young and tender, —and, the work, is great, seeing that, not for man, is the palace, but for Yahweh Elohim.
Kenaka, mfumu Davide inati kwa gulu lonse: “Mwana wanga Solomoni amene Mulungu wamusankha ndi wamngʼono ndipo sadziwa zambiri. Ntchitoyi ndi yayikulu chifukwa nyumba yaufumuyi si ya munthu, koma ndi ya Yehova Mulungu.
2 And, with all my might, have I made preparation for the house of my God, the gold for the gold, and the silver for the silver, and the bronze for the bronze, the iron for the iron, and the wood for the wood, —and beryl stones and settings, stones coloured and particoloured, and all manner of precious stones and stones of white marble, in abundance.
Ine ndapereka ku ntchito ya Nyumba ya Mulungu zinthu zanga zonse, golide wopangira zinthu zagolide, siliva wopangira zinthu zasiliva ndi zitsulo zopangira zinthu zazitsulo, mkuwa wopangira zinthu zamkuwa ndi matabwa opangira zinthu zamatabwa komanso miyala yokongola ya onikisi yokongoletsera, miyala ya maonekedwe osiyanasiyana, ndi miyala yonse yosalala ndi miyala ya marabulo, zonsezi ndapereka zochuluka.
3 And yet further, because of my delighting in the house of my God, having a treasure of mine own in gold and silver, I have given for the house of my God, above and beyond all that I have prepared for the holy house:
Kupatulapo izi, ine modzipereka ku Nyumba ya Mulungu wanga, tsopano ndikupereka chuma changachanga cha golide ndi siliva ku Nyumba ya Mulungu wanga, kuwonjezera pa zimene ndapereka ku ntchito ya Nyumba ya Mulungu woyerayu:
4 three thousand talents of gold, of the gold of Ophir, —and seven thousand talents of refined silver, for overlaying the walls of the recesses.
Matani 100 agolide (golide wa ku Ofiri) ndi matani 240 a siliva woyengeka bwino wokutira makoma a nyumba,
5 Of gold for the gold, and of silver for the silver, and for all manner of work in the hand of artificers, —Who then is ready to offer willingly, by filling his hand to-day, unto Yahweh?
zinthu zagolide ndi zinthu zasiliva, ndiponso zinthu zonse zimene anthu aluso adzagwiritse ntchito. Tsopano ndani amene akufuna kudzipatulira yekha kwa Yehova lero?”
6 Then offered they willingly—the ancestral rulers and the rulers of the tribes of Israel, and the rulers of thousands and hundreds, even to the rulers of the work of the king;
Tsono atsogoleri a mabanja, akuluakulu a mafuko a Israeli, olamulira asilikali 1,000, ndi olamulira asilikali 100, ndiponso akuluakulu onse amene amayangʼanira ntchito ya mfumu anapereka mwaufulu.
7 and gave for the service of the house of God, of gold, five thousand talents and ten thousand drams, and, of silver, ten thousand talents, and, of bronze, eighteen thousand talents, —and, of iron, one hundred thousand talents.
Iwo anapereka ku ntchito ya Nyumba ya Mulungu matani 170 a golide, matani 340 a siliva, matani 620 a mkuwa ndi matani 3,400 a chitsulo.
8 And, every one with whom were found precious stones, gave to the treasure of the house of Yahweh, —unto the hand of Jehiel the Gershonite.
Aliyense amene anali ndi miyala yokongola anayipereka ku nyumba yosungiramo chuma cha Nyumba ya Yehova ndipo amene ankayangʼanira anali Yehieli Mgeresoni.
9 So the people rejoiced because they willingly offered, for, with a perfect heart, offered they willingly unto Yahweh, —moreover also, David the king, rejoiced with great joy.
Anthu anakondwa chifukwa cha kupereka mwaufulu kwa atsogoleri awo, pakuti anapereka kwa Yehova mwaufulu ndiponso ndi mtima wonse. Nayenso mfumu Davide anakondwera kwambiri.
10 Therefore did David bless Yahweh in the eyes of all the convocation, —and David said, Blessed art thou, O Yahweh, the God of Israel our father, from age even unto age.
Davide anatamanda Yehova pamaso pa gulu lonse, ponena kuti, “Mutamandidwe Inu Yehova Mulungu wa kholo lathu Israeli kuchokera muyaya mpaka muyaya.
11 Thine, O Yahweh, are Greatness, and Might, and Beauty, and Victory, and Majesty, nay! all in the heavens and in the earth, —thine, O Yahweh, is the kingdom, who art exalted above all, —as chief;
Wanu, Inu Yehova ndi ukulu ndi mphamvu, ulemerero ndiponso ufumu ndi kukongola. Pakuti zinthu zonse zakumwamba ndi pa dziko lapansi ndi zanu. Wanu, Inu Yehova ndi ufumu; Inu ndinu wokwezeka ndipo ndinu mtsogoleri wa zonse.
12 and, riches and honour, are from before thee, and, thou, art ruling over all, and, in thy hand, are power and might, —and, in thy hand, it is, to give greatness and strength unto any.
Chuma ndi ulemu zimachokera kwa Inu; Inu ndinu wolamulira zinthu zonse. Mʼdzanja lanu muli nyonga ndi mphamvu, kukweza ndi kupereka nyonga kwa onse.
13 Now, therefore, O our God, we are giving thanks unto thee, —and offering praise, unto thy beautiful Name.
Tsopano Mulungu wathu, ife tikukuthokozani ndi kutamanda dzina lanu laulemerero.
14 And yet, who am, I, and who are my people, that we should be able to offer willingly like this? for, from thee, is the whole, and, out of thine own hand, have we given unto thee;
“Koma ine ndine yani, ndipo anthu anga ndani, kuti tikupatsani mowolowamanja motere? Zinthu zonse zimachokera kwa Inu, ndipo ife takupatsani zomwe zimachokera mʼdzanja lanu.
15 for, sojourners, are we before thee, and strangers, like all our fathers, —like a shadow, are our days upon the earth, and there is no hope.
Ife ndife anthu osadziwika ndiponso alendo pamaso panu, monga analili makolo athu. Masiku anthu pa dziko lapansi ali ngati chithunzithunzi, wopanda chiyembekezo.
16 O Yahweh our God, all this abundance which we have prepared, to build thee a house for thy holy Name, out of thine own hand, it is, and, thine, is the whole.
Inu Yehova Mulungu wathu, zinthu zonse zimene tapereka kumangira Nyumba yanu zachokera mʼdzanja lanu ndipo zonsezi ndi zanu.
17 But I know, O my God, that, thou, art proving the heart, and, with uprightness, wilt thou be pleased, —I, in the uprightness of my heart, have willingly offered all these things, now, therefore, thy people who are found here, have I seen with joy, offering willingly unto thee.
Mulungu wanga, ine ndikudziwa kuti mumayesa mtima ndipo mumakondwera ndi anthu angwiro. Zinthu zonsezi ndapereka mwaufulu ndi cholinga chabwino. Ndipo tsopano ndaona ndi chimwemwe momwe anthu anu amene ali pano akuperekera mwaufulu kwa Inu.
18 O Yahweh, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, our fathers, oh guard this age-abidingly, as the devised purpose of the heart of thy people, —and establish thou their heart, unto thyself.
Inu Yehova Mulungu wa makolo athu Abrahamu, Isake ndi Israeli, mukhazikitse chofuna ichi mʼmitima ya anthu anu kwamuyaya, ndipo mukhazikitse mtima wokhulupirika kwa Inu.
19 Also, unto Solomon my son, give thou an undivided heart, to keep thy commandments, thy testimonies, and thy statutes, —to do the whole, and to build the palace for which I have prepared.
Ndipo mumupatse mwana wanga Solomoni mtima wodzipereka kwathunthu kwa Inu kuti asunge malamulo anu, zofuna ndi malangizo anu. Achite chilichonse pomanga nyumba yaufumu imene ine ndayipezera zofunika zonse.”
20 Then said David, unto all the convocation, Bless, I beseech you, Yahweh your God. So all the convocation blessed Yahweh, the God of their fathers, and did bend their heads and bow themselves down unto Yahweh, and unto the king;
Kenaka mfumu Davide inati kwa gulu lonse, “Tamandani Yehova Mulungu wanu.” Kotero onse anatamanda Yehova, Mulungu wa makolo awo ndipo anawerama pansi ndi kugona chafufumimba pamaso pa Yehova ndi mfumu.
21 and sacrificed unto Yahweh sacrifices, and caused to go up ascending-offerings unto Yahweh, on the morrow of that day, a thousand bullocks, a thousand rams, a thousand young sheep, and the drink-offerings thereof, —and sacrifices in abundance, for all Israel.
Mmawa mwake anthu anapereka nsembe zosiyanasiyana ndi nsembe zopsereza kwa Yehova; ngʼombe zamphongo 1,000, nkhosa zamphongo 1,000 ndi ana ankhosa 1,000, pamodzi ndi nsembe yachakumwa ndi nsembe zina zambiri zoperekera Aisraeli onse.
22 And so they did eat and drink before Yahweh on that day, with great joy, —and they, the second time, made Solomon son of David king, and anointed him unto Yahweh to be chief ruler, and Zadok to be priest.
Tsiku limeneli, iwo anadya ndi kumwa mosangalala pamaso pa Yehova ndipo anavomereza Solomoni mwana wa Davide kukhala mfumu yawo kachiwiri. Anamudzoza pamaso pa Yehova kukhala wolamulira wawo ndipo Zadoki anadzozedwa kukhala wansembe.
23 So Solomon took his seat upon the throne of Yahweh, as king, instead of David his father, and prospered, —and all Israel, hearkened unto him.
Ndipo Solomoni ankakhala pa mpando waufumu wa Yehova monga mfumu mʼmalo mwa Davide abambo ake. Iye analemera ndipo Aisraeli onse ankamumvera.
24 And, all the rulers, and the heroes, yea moreover all the sons of King David, gave a hand, under Solomon the king.
Akuluakulu onse a ankhondo ndi anthu amphamvu, pamodzinso ndi ana onse aamuna a mfumu Davide, analonjeza kumvera mfumu Solomoni.
25 And Yahweh magnified Solomon, exceedingly, before the eyes of all Israel, —and gave unto him a royal majesty, that had not been on any king before him, over Israel.
Yehova anamukweza kwambiri Solomoni pamaso pa Aisraeli onse ndi kumupatsa ulemerero waufumu umene sunapatsidwepo kwa mfumu ina iliyonse ya Israeli.
26 Thus, David son of Jesse, reigned over all Israel;
Davide mwana wa Yese anali mfumu ya Aisraeli onse.
27 and, the days that he reigned over Israel, were forty years, —in Hebron reigned he seven years, and in Jerusalem, reigned he, thirty-three.
Iye analamulira Israeli kwa zaka makumi anayi; zaka zisanu ndi ziwiri ali ku Hebroni ndi zaka 33 ali ku Yerusalemu.
28 And he died in a good old age, satisfied with days, riches and honour, —and Solomon his son reigned in his stead.
Iye anamwalira atakalamba kwambiri, atakhala ndi moyo wautali, chuma ndi ulemu. Solomoni mwana wake analowa ufumu mʼmalo mwake.
29 Now, the acts of David the king, first and last, behold them! written in the records of Samuel the seer, and in the records of Nathan the prophet, and in the records of Gad the seer:
Tsono zonse zimene mfumu Davide anachita, kuyambira pachiyambi mpaka pa mapeto, zalembedwa mʼbuku la mneneri Samueli, mʼbuku la mneneri Natani ndi mʼbuku la mneneri Gadi,
30 with all his reign, and his might, —and the times which passed over him, and over Israel, and over all the kingdoms of the lands.
pamodzi ndi tsatanetsatane wa mbiri ya ulamuliro wake ndi mphamvu zake, ndi zonse zomwe zinamuzungulira iye ndi Israeli ndiponso mafumu a mayiko ena onse.

< 1 Chronicles 29 >