< 1 Chronicles 28 >

1 And David called together all the rulers of Israel, the rulers of tribes and the rulers of the courses who waited upon the king, —and the rulers of thousands and the rulers of hundreds, and the rulers over all the possessions and substance that belonged to the king and to his sons, with the courtiers and the heroes, even every hero of valour, unto Jerusalem.
Deviti'a maka Israeli kva vahetmima, mago mago naga nofite kvama hu vahetmima, kevure kevure'ma refkoma hunte sondia vahete kva vahetmima, 1tauseni'a sondia vahete'ene 100'a sondia vahetema kegavama hu'naza kva vahetmima, keonke fenoraminte'ma kegavama hu'naza vahetmima, afutmima'arema kegavama hu vahetmima, kini nemofo noma kegavama hu'nea vahetmima, hankavenentake sondia vahetmima maka zama trohu antahintahima eri'nea vahetmima, maka Jerusalemi kumate zamavare atru hu'ne.
2 Then David the king rose up on his feet, and said, Hear me, my brethren and my people, —As for me, it was near my heart, to build a house of rest for the ark of the covenant of Yahweh, and for the footstool of our God, and I made ready to build.
Ana huteno Deviti'a otino amanage huno zamasmi'ne, nafuhetane vahe'nimotanena kama antahiho, nagrama hankave antahintahima antahi'noana Ra Anumzamofo huhagerafi huvempage vogisire'ma Anumzamo'a aga tra'ma antenia no kinakure hu'na retrotrara hu'noe.
3 But, God, said to me, Thou shalt not build a house for my Name, —for, a man of war, thou art, and, blood, hast thou shed.
Hianagi Anumzamo'a amanage huno nasmi'ne, Devitiga kagra nagrima mono'ma hunante'za nagima erisgahu nona onkigahane. Na'ankure kagra harafa nekinka, rama'a vahe zamahenka korana eri taginane huno nasmi'ne.
4 Howbeit Yahweh, God of Israel, made choice of me, out of all of the house of my father, to become king over Israel unto times age-abiding, for, of Judah, had he made choice to be chief ruler, and, in the house of Judah, the house of my father, —and, among the sons of my father, with me, was he well-pleased, to make me king over all Israel;
Hagi Juda naga'mo Israeli vahepina vugota hugahie huno Ra Anumzamo'a huhampri'ne. Hagi Juda nagapina nenfa naga'mo vugota hugahie huno huhampri'ne. Hagi nenfa nagapintira nagriku Israeli vahe kinia manigahane huno nehuno, nagripinti'ma fore'ma hania mofavreramimo Israeli vahe kinia mani vava huno vugahie huno huhamprinante'ne.
5 and, from among all my sons, —for, many sons, hath Yahweh given me, —he hath made choice of Solomon my son, to sit upon the throne of the kingdom of Yahweh, over Israel.
Hagi Ra Anumzamo'a rama'a mofavrerami nami'neanagi, ana maka mofavrefintira Solomoni kinia mani'neno Israeli vahera kegava hugahie huno hu'ne.
6 And he said unto am, Solomon thy son—he, shall build my house, and my courts, —for I have made choice of him that he may be my son, and that, I, may be his father.
Hagi Ra Anumzamo'a amanage huno nasmi'ne, negamofo Solomoni'a Nagri nona negino, mono kuma'nianena tro hugahie. Na'ankure agra nenamofoza hanige'na, Nagra nefaza hugahue huno hu'ne.
7 So will I establish his kingdom, unto times age-abiding, —if he be strong, to do my commandments and my regulations, as at this day.
Hagi menima nehiaza huno Nagri kasegene tra kenema hankavetinoma avaririsiana, agri nagapintike mika knafina kinia forehu vava huno vugahie huno hu'ne.
8 Now, therefore, in the eyes of all Israel—the convocation of Yahweh, and in the ears of our God, Observe and seek all the commandments of Yahweh your God, —to the end that ye may possess the good land, —and suffer your sons after you to inherit it, unto times age-abiding.
E'ina hu'negu menina maka Israeli vahera, Ra Anumzamofo kevumota tamavufi Anumzamo'a nentahige'na amanage hu'na neramasmue, Ra Anumzana tamagri Anumzamofo kasegema kegava nehuta, avariri so'ema hanuta ama hentofa mopa erisantihareta mani'neta frinaku'ma hanuta mofavretamimofo zamisage'za, mofavretmimo'za erisantihare'za mani'za nevu'za, henkama frisu'za ana zanke hu'za vugahaze.
9 Thou, therefore, Solomon my son, Know thou the God of thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing soul, for, all hearts, doth Yahweh search, and, every devised purpose, doth he understand, —If thou seek him, He will be found of thee, but, if thou forsake him, He will cast thee off for ever.
Hagi mofavrenimoka, Solomoniga, negafa Anumzana kenka antahinka nehunka, maka kagu'areti'ene antahintahi ka'areti'ene hunka eri'zama'a erinto. Na'ankure Agra maka vahe'mofo antahi'zana refko huno negeno, agu'afima antahia antahintahia antahino keno nehie. Kagrama kagu'aretima hunka hakenka kesunka, Agrira kenka eri fore hugahane. Hianagi kagrama kamefima humisankeno'a, Agra kamefi hugamigahie.
10 See! now, that, Yahweh, hath made choice of thee, to build a house for a sanctuary—be strong and do!
Hagi menina antahi ankero, na'ankure Ra Anumzamo'a kagriku mono nona kigahane huno huhampri negante. Hagi hankanavetinka ana eri'zana erio.
11 Then gave David unto Solomon his son, the plan of the porch, and the recesses thereof, and the treasuries thereof, and the upper rooms thereof, and the inner chambers thereof, and the recess for the propitiatory;
Hagi ana nanekema huteno'a, anante Deviti'a ana noma kisia amema'ama tafete'ma krente'nea amema'a Solomonina ami'ne. Hagi ana tafetera, mono nomofo megia nonki, mono nonki, fenoma ante nonki, anaga kaziga nonki, agua nonki, asunku tra'ma me'nia nonki,
12 and the plan of all which had come by the spirit to be with him, for the courts of the house of Yahweh, and for all the rooms round about, —for the treasuries of the house of God, and for the treasuries of hallowed things;
megi'a Ra Anumzamofo mono kumamofo amema'ama krente'nea avontafera ami'ne. Hagi Ra Anumzamofo zagoma ante none, eri ruotgema hu'za Anumzamofoma eme amisaza zantmima ante nomofo amema'ama antahintahifima egeno retro'ma hunte'neana anante ami'ne.
13 and for the courses of the priests and the Levites, and for all the work of the service of the house of Yahweh, —and for all the utensils of the service of the house of Yahweh:
Hagi Deviti'a pristi vahe'ene Livae vahe'enema refkoma hanige'za eri'zama Ra Anumzamofo nompima eri'naza zama krente'nea avontafe'ene, Ra Anumzamofo nompima eri'zama erisaza zantmima krente'nea avontafe'enena ami'ne.
14 of gold, by weight, for the gold, for all manner of utensils for each several service, —for all manner of utensils of silver, by weight, for all manner of utensils for each several service;
Hagi mago mago ruotge zantmima tro'ma hania silvane, golimofo kna'a eri fatgo huno negeno krente'neana,
15 and a weight, for the lampstands of gold, and their lamps of gold, by the weight of each several lampstand, and the lamps thereof, —and for the lampstands of silver by weight, for each lampstand and the lamps thereof, according to the service of each several lampstand.
golire tavi azotane, lamuma tro'ma hania golimofo kna'ane, mago mago azankuna'ama tro'ma hania golimofo kna'ane eri fatgo nehuno, mago'mago azankunate'ma ante'nia lamu tavima tro'ma hanaza silvamofo kna'anena eri fatgo hu'ne.
16 And the gold [gave he] by weight for the tables for setting in array, for each several table, —and silver, for the tables of silver;
Hagi zo-ore bretima ante itama tro'ma hanaza golimofo kna'ane, silvaretima tro'ma hanaza itaramimofo kna'ane,
17 and the fleshhooks and the bowls and the cups, pure gold, —and for the goblets of gold, by weight for each several goblet, and for the goblets of silver, by weight for each several goblet;
goliretima troma hanaza foku'ma, tintafetamima, zuompama tro'ma hanaza kna'ane, silvaretima tro'ma hanaza zuompamofo kna'anena erifatgo hu'ne.
18 and, for the altar of incense, refined gold, by weight, —and, for the pattern of the chariot of the cherubim, gold, for them that were spreading out, and covering the ark of the covenant of Yahweh: —
Hagi mnanentake zama kremnama vu golire itama tro'ma hanaza amema'ane kna'ane, asunku tratema tro'ma huntenigeno zanagekonamo'ma rutareno Anumzamofo karisignama hania ankerontremofo amema'ane, ana ankeroma tro'ma hania golimofo kna'anena krenteteno ami'ne.
19 the whole in writing, From the hand of Yahweh upon me, to give understanding, —all the works of the pattern.
Hagi anante Deviti'a amanage hu'ne, ama ana maka zantmimofo amema'a, Ra Anumzamo'ma nasmia kante antena avontafepina krente'noe.
20 Then said David, unto Solomon his son, Be strong and bold, and act, thou mayest not fear nor be dismayed, —for, Yahweh, God, my God, will be with thee, he will not let thee go, neither will he forsake thee, until thou hast finished all the work of the service of the house of Yahweh.
Hagi Deviti'a nemofo Solomonina amanage huno asmi'ne, korora hunka kahirahikura osunka hankvetinka ama ana eri'zana erio. Korora huge kahirahikura osuo, Ra Anumzana, nagri Anumzamo'a kagrane manigahie. Agra noma vagama orenenifina amefira hugamige katregera osugahianki, kagrane mani'nenigenka noma'a ki vagaregahane.
21 And there are the courses of the priests and the Levites, for all the service of the house of God, —and, with thee, in all manner of work, is every willing, skilful man for any service, also the rulers and all the people, for all thine affairs.
Hagi antahio, pristi vahetamine Livae vahetmimo'za kazahu'za Anumzamofo nona kigahaze. Hagi maka ruzahu ruzahu eri'zama eri antahizama eri'naza vahetmimo'za kaza hu'za ana eri'zana enerinagenka, maka eri'za vaheka'ane, zamagra zamavesite'ma eri'zama eri vahe'mo'za kagria keka'a antahi'za eri'zana erigahaze. Hagi maka ugagota kva vahe'mo'zane, maka vahe'mo'zanena ke'ma hanana kea antahi'za ana eri'zana erigahaze.

< 1 Chronicles 28 >