< Zechariah 10 >

1 Ask ye of the LORD rain in the time of the latter rain, [even of] the LORD that maketh lightnings; and he shall give them showers of rain, to every one grass in the field.
Hooyai Jehova oirie mbura hĩndĩ ya kĩmera kĩa mbere; Jehova nĩwe ũtũmaga kũgĩe matu ma mbura ya kĩhuhũkanio. Nĩoiragĩria andũ mbura, na akahe mũndũ o wothe irio cia mũgũnda.
2 For the teraphim have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie; and they have told false dreams, they comfort in vain: therefore they go their way like sheep, they are afflicted, because there is no shepherd.
Mĩhianano ya kũhooywo yaragia maheeni, ago moonaga cioneki itarĩ cia ma, maaragia ũhoro wa irooto itarĩ cia ma; kũhoorerania kwao no gwa tũhũ. Nĩ ũndũ ũcio andũ maturuuraga ta ngʼondu, makahinyĩrĩrĩka nĩ ũndũ wa kwaga mũrĩithi.
3 Mine anger is kindled against the shepherds, and I will punish the he-goats: for the LORD of hosts hath visited his flock the house of Judah, and shall make them as his goodly horse in the battle.
“Marakara makwa nĩmakanĩte nĩ ũndũ wa arĩithi, na niĩ nĩngaherithia atongoria acio; nĩgũkorwo Jehova Mwene-Hinya-Wothe nĩakamenyerera rũũru rwake, nĩruo andũ a nyũmba ya Juda, na atũme matuĩke ta mbarathi ĩgwĩtĩĩa ĩrĩ mbaara-inĩ.
4 From him shall come forth the corner stone, from him the nail, from him the battle bow, from him every exactor together.
Thĩinĩ wa Juda nĩgũkoima ũrĩa ũgaatuĩka ihiga rĩa koine, na kuuma kũrĩ we kuume higĩ cia kwamba hema, ningĩ kuume ũta wa mbaara, o na kuume mũndũ o wothe wa gwathana.
5 And they shall be as mighty men, treading down [their enemies] in the mire of the streets in the battle; and they shall fight, because the LORD is with them: and the riders on horses shall be confounded.
Marĩ hamwe magaatuĩka ta njamba cia ita irĩ hinya, marangĩrĩrie thũ ciao ndoro-inĩ ya njĩra hĩndĩ ya mbaara. Tondũ Jehova agaakorwo hamwe nao, makaarũa na mangʼaũranie ahaici a mbarathi.
6 And I will strengthen the house of Judah, and I will save the house of Joseph, and I will bring them again, for I have mercy upon them; and they shall be as though I had not cast them off: for I am the LORD their God, and I will hear them.
“Nĩngekĩra nyũmba ya Juda hinya, na honokie nyũmba ya Jusufu. Nĩngamacookia kwao, tondũ nĩndĩmaiguĩrĩire tha. Nao magaikara ta itarĩ ndaamarega, nĩgũkorwo niĩ nĩ niĩ Jehova Ngai wao, na nĩngamacookeria mahooya mao.
7 And [they of] Ephraim shall be like a mighty man, and their heart shall rejoice as through wine: yea, their children shall see it, and rejoice; their heart shall be glad in the LORD.
Andũ a Efiraimu magaatuĩka ta njamba cia ita, nacio ngoro ciao icanjamũke ta andũ manyuĩte ndibei. Ciana ciao nĩikoona ũndũ ũcio ikene; nacio ngoro ciao nĩigakenera Jehova.
8 I will hiss for them, and gather them; for I have redeemed them: and they shall increase as they have increased.
Nĩngameta ndĩmacookanĩrĩrie. Ti-itherũ nĩngamakũũra; nao nĩmakaingĩha o ta ũrĩa maarĩ mbere.
9 And I will sow them among the peoples; and they shall remember me in far countries: and they shall live with their children, and shall return.
O na ingĩkamaharaganĩria ndũrĩrĩ-inĩ, marĩ o kũu mabũrũri ma kũraya no makaandirikana. O, hamwe na ciana ciao nĩmakahonoka na macooke kwao.
10 I will bring them again also out of the land of Egypt, and gather them out of Assyria; and I will bring them into the land of Gilead and Lebanon; and [place] shall not be found for them.
Nĩngamacookia kuuma Misiri, na ndĩmacookanĩrĩrie kuuma Ashuri. Nĩngamarehe bũrũri wa Gileadi na wa Lebanoni, o nginya mage ũikaro ũngĩmaigana.
11 And he shall pass through the sea of affliction, and shall smite the waves in the sea, and all the depths of the Nile shall dry up: and the pride of Assyria shall be brought down, and the sceptre of Egypt shall depart away.
Magaatuĩkanĩria iria rĩa thĩĩna; makũmbĩ ma iria nĩmakahoorerio, nakuo kũrĩa Rũũĩ rwa Nili rũrikĩte nĩgũkahũa. Mwĩtĩĩo wa Ashuri nĩũkaharũrũkio, nayo thimbũ ya ũthamaki wa Misiri nĩĩkeherio.
12 And I will strengthen them in the LORD; and they shall walk up and down in his name, saith the LORD.
Nĩngamekĩra hinya ndĩmomĩrĩrie thĩinĩ wa Jehova, na thĩinĩ wa rĩĩtwa rĩake nĩmagetwara,” ũguo nĩguo Jehova ekuuga.

< Zechariah 10 >