< Psalms 27 >

1 [A Psalm] of David. The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
Thaburi ya Daudi Jehova nĩwe ũtheri wakwa na ũhonokio wakwa; ingĩgĩĩtigĩra ũ? Jehova nĩwe kĩĩhitho kĩa muoyo wakwa; ingĩkĩmakio nũũ?
2 When evil-doers came upon me to eat up my flesh, [even] mine adversaries and my foes, they stumbled and fell.
Rĩrĩa andũ arĩa ooru manjũkĩrĩra nĩguo matambuure nyama cia mwĩrĩ wakwa, o acio thũ ciakwa na arĩa marĩ muku na niĩ maatharĩkĩra-rĩ, marĩhĩngagwo makagũa.
3 Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, even then will I be confident.
O na mbũtũ cia ita ingĩndigiicĩria, ngoro yakwa ndĩngĩĩtigĩra; o na ingĩũkĩrĩrwo nĩ ita, ndingĩgĩa na nganja.
4 One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in his temple.
Ndĩ o ũndũ ũmwe njũũragia harĩ Jehova, na noguo thingataga: atĩ njikarage nyũmba ya Jehova matukũ mothe ma muoyo wakwa, ndĩĩonagĩre wega wa Jehova, na nduĩragie kĩrĩra ndĩ thĩinĩ wa hekarũ yake.
5 For in the day of trouble he shall keep me secretly in his pavilion: in the covert of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall lift me up upon a rock.
Nĩgũkorwo mũthenya wa thĩĩna-rĩ, akaangitĩra ndĩ hau gĩikaro-inĩ gĩake; nĩakahitha kĩĩgunyĩ-inĩ kĩa hema yake, na andũgamie igũrũ wa rwaro rwa ihiga.
6 And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me; and I will offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD.
Hĩndĩ ĩyo mũtwe wakwa nĩũkambarario igũrũ wa thũ iria iithiũrũrũkĩirie; nĩngaruta igongona ngĩanagĩrĩra na gĩkeno ndĩ hema-inĩ yake; nĩngainĩra Jehova na ndĩmũgooce.
7 Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me.
Wee Jehova, igua mũgambo wakwa rĩrĩa ndagũkaĩra; njiguagĩra tha na ũnjĩtĩkage.
8 [When thou saidst], Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, LORD, will I seek.
Ha ũhoro waku, ngoro yakwa yugaga atĩrĩ, “Rongoria ũthiũ wake!” Na niĩ ngoiga atĩrĩ, Wee Jehova, ũthiũ waku nĩguo ndĩ rongoragia.
9 Hide not thy face from me; put not thy servant away in anger: thou hast been my help; cast me not off, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation.
Ndũkaahithe ũthiũ waku, tiga kũingata ndungata yaku na marakara; Wee nĩwe ũtũũrĩte ũndeithagia. Ndũkandege kana ũndiganĩrie, Wee Ngai Mũhonokia wakwa.
10 For my father and my mother have forsaken me, but the LORD will take me up.
O na baba na maitũ mangĩndiganĩria, Jehova nĩakanyamũkĩra.
11 Teach me thy way, O LORD; and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.
Wee Jehova nyonagĩrĩria njĩra yaku, na ũngeragĩrie njĩra ĩrĩa nũngarũ, nĩ ũndũ wa thũ ciakwa.
12 Deliver me not over unto the will of mine adversaries: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty.
Ndũkaneane kũrĩ arĩa marĩ muku na niĩ, nĩgũkorwo aira a maheeni nĩmanjũkĩrĩire, makaheeha mĩheehũ ya kũnjĩka ũũru.
13 [I had fainted], unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.
Niĩ nĩnjĩtĩkĩtie ũũ: atĩ nĩngeyonera wega wa Jehova ndĩ bũrũri wa arĩa marĩ muoyo.
14 Wait on the LORD: be strong, and let thine heart take courage; yea, wait thou on the LORD.
Eterera o Jehova: gĩa na hinya na ũũmĩrĩrie ngoro, na weterere Jehova.

< Psalms 27 >