< Micah 5 >

1 Now shalt thou gather thyself in troops, O daughter of troops: he hath laid siege against us: they shall smite the judge of Israel with a rod upon the cheek.
成群的民哪,現在你要聚集成隊; 因為仇敵圍攻我們, 要用杖擊打以色列審判者的臉。
2 But thou, Beth-lehem Ephrathah, which art little to be among the thousands of Judah, out of thee shall one come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting.
伯利恆的以法他啊, 你在猶大諸城中為小, 將來必有一位從你那裏出來, 在以色列中為我作掌權的; 他的根源從亙古,從太初就有。
3 Therefore will he give them up, until the time that she which travaileth hath brought forth: then the residue of his brethren shall return unto the children of Israel.
耶和華必將以色列人交付敵人, 直等那生產的婦人生下子來。 那時掌權者其餘的弟兄 必歸到以色列人那裏。
4 And he shall stand, and shall feed [his flock] in the strength of the LORD, in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God: and they shall abide; for now shall he be great unto the ends of the earth.
他必起來,倚靠耶和華的大能, 並耶和華-他上帝之名的威嚴, 牧養他的羊群。 他們要安然居住; 因為他必日見尊大,直到地極。
5 And this [man] shall be [our] peace: when the Assyrian shall come into our land, and when he shall tread in our palaces, then shall we raise against him seven shepherds, and eight principal men.
這位必作我們的平安。 當亞述人進入我們的地境, 踐踏宮殿的時候, 我們就立起七個牧者, 八個首領攻擊他。
6 And they shall waste the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod in the entrances thereof: and he shall deliver us from the Assyrian, when he cometh into our land, and when he treadeth within our border.
他們必用刀劍毀壞亞述地 和寧錄地的關口。 亞述人進入我們的地境踐踏的時候, 他必拯救我們。
7 And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many peoples as dew from the LORD, as showers upon the grass; that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.
雅各餘剩的人必在多國的民中, 如從耶和華那裏降下的露水, 又如甘霖降在草上; 不仗賴人力,也不等候世人之功。
8 And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the nations, in the midst of many peoples, as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep: who, if he go through, treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and there is none to deliver.
雅各餘剩的人必在多國多民中, 如林間百獸中的獅子, 又如少壯獅子在羊群中。 他若經過就必踐踏撕裂, 無人搭救。
9 Let thine hand be lifted up above thine adversaries, and let all thine enemies be cut off.
願你的手舉起,高過敵人! 願你的仇敵都被剪除!
10 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the LORD, that I will cut off thy horses out of the midst of thee, and will destroy thy chariots:
耶和華說:到那日, 我必從你中間剪除馬匹, 毀壞車輛,
11 and I will cut off the cities of thy land, and will throw down all thy strong holds:
也必從你國中除滅城邑, 拆毀一切的保障,
12 And I will cut off witchcrafts out of thine hand; and thou shalt have no [more] soothsayers:
又必除掉你手中的邪術; 你那裏也不再有占卜的。
13 and I will cut off thy graven images and thy pillars out of the midst of thee; and thou shalt no more worship the work of thine hands.
我必從你中間除滅雕刻的偶像和柱像, 你就不再跪拜自己手所造的。
14 and I will pluck up thine Asherim out of the midst of thee: and I will destroy thy cities.
我必從你中間拔出木偶, 又毀滅你的城邑。
15 And I will execute vengeance in anger and fury upon the nations which hearkened not.

< Micah 5 >