< Joshua 6 >

1 (NOW Jericho was straitly shut up because of the children of Israel: none went out, and none came in.)
Rĩu-rĩ, itũũra rĩu rĩa Jeriko rĩahingĩtwo biũ nĩ ũndũ wa andũ a Isiraeli. Gũtirĩ mũndũ woimaga nja kana agatoonya kuo.
2 And the LORD said unto Joshua, See, I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the king thereof, and the mighty men of valour.
Nake Jehova akĩĩra Joshua atĩrĩ, “Nĩneanĩte itũũra rĩĩrĩ rĩa Jeriko moko-inĩ maku, o hamwe na mũthamaki wakuo, o na njamba cia hinya ciakuo.
3 And ye shall compass the city, all the men of war, going about the city once. Thus shalt thou do six days.
Thiũrũrũkai itũũra rĩu inene hamwe na andũ anyu othe a ita riita rĩmwe. Mwĩke ũguo mĩthenya ĩtandatũ.
4 And seven priests shall bear seven trumpets of rams’ horns before the ark: and the seventh day ye shall compass the city seven times, and the priests shall blow with the trumpets.
Na athĩnjĩri-Ngai mũgwanja matongorie ithandũkũ rĩa kĩrĩkanĩro, makuuĩte macoro mũgwanja mathondeketwo na hĩa cia ndũrũme. Mũthenya wa mũgwanja-rĩ, mũgaathiũrũrũka itũũra rĩu maita mũgwanja, nao athĩnjĩri-Ngai mathiĩ makĩhuhaga macoro.
5 And it shall be, that when they make a long blast with the ram’s horn, and when ye hear the sound of the trumpet, all the people shall shout with a great shout; and the wall of the city shall fall down flat, and the people shall go up every man straight before him.
Rĩrĩa mũkaigua mahuha macoro na mũgambo mũnene, ĩra andũ othe makaanĩrĩra na rĩanĩrĩra inene mũno; naruo rũthingo rwa itũũra rĩu nĩrũkamomoka, nao andũ othe matoonye itũũra rĩu, o mũndũ athiĩte na mbere na kũrĩa arorete.”
6 And Joshua the son of Nun called the priests, and said unto them, Take up the ark of the covenant, and let seven priests bear seven trumpets of rams’ horns before the ark of the LORD.
Nĩ ũndũ ũcio, Joshua mũrũ wa Nuni agĩĩta athĩnjĩri-Ngai, akĩmeera atĩrĩ, “Oyai ithandũkũ rĩa kĩrĩkanĩro kĩa Jehova, na mũreke athĩnjĩri-Ngai mũgwanja thĩinĩ wanyu makuue macoro mũgwanja ma hĩa cia ndũrũme, matongorie ithandũkũ rĩu.”
7 And they said unto the people, Pass on, and compass the city, and let the armed men pass on before the ark of the LORD.
Nake agĩatha andũ akĩmeera atĩrĩ, “Thiĩi mbere! Mũthiĩ mũthiũrũrũkĩirie itũũra, andũ arĩa meeohete indo cia mbaara matongorie ithandũkũ rĩa kĩrĩkanĩro kĩa Jehova.”
8 And it was so, that when Joshua had spoken unto the people, the seven priests bearing the seven trumpets of rams’ horns before the LORD passed on, and blew with the trumpets: and the ark of the covenant of the LORD followed them.
Rĩrĩa Joshua aarĩkirie kwarĩria andũ, na athĩnjĩri-Ngai acio mũgwanja maakuuĩte macoro marĩa mũgwanja ma hĩa cia ndũrũme magĩthiĩ marĩ mbere ya Jehova, makĩhuhaga macoro mao, narĩo ithandũkũ rĩa kĩrĩkanĩro kĩa Jehova rĩkĩmarũmĩrĩra.
9 And the armed men went before the priests that blew the trumpets, and the rearward went after the ark, [the priests] blowing with the trumpets as they went.
Nacio thigari iria ciarĩ na indo cia mbaara igĩthiĩ itongoretie athĩnjĩri-Ngai acio maahuhaga macoro, nacio thigari ingĩ ikĩrũmĩrĩra ithandũkũ rĩa kĩrĩkanĩro kuuma na thuutha. Hĩndĩ ĩyo yothe macoro no maahuhagwo.
10 And Joshua commanded the people, saying, Ye shall not shout, nor let your voice be heard, neither shall any word proceed out of your mouth, until the day I bid you shout; then shall ye shout.
No rĩrĩ, Joshua nĩathĩte andũ akameera atĩrĩ, “Mũtikananĩrĩre na mũgambo wa mbaara, o na kana mũreke mĩgambo yanyu ĩiguo, o na mũtikoige ũndũ o na ũrĩkũ nginya mũthenya ũrĩa ngamwĩĩra mwanĩrĩre. Hĩndĩ ĩyo nĩguo mũkaanĩrĩra!”
11 So he caused the ark of the LORD to compass the city, going about it once: and they came into the camp, and lodged in the camp.
Nĩ ũndũ ũcio akiuga ithandũkũ rĩu rĩa kĩrĩkanĩro kĩa Jehova rĩkuuo, rĩthiũrũrũkio itũũra-inĩ rĩu inene, riita rĩmwe. Andũ magĩcooka kambĩ na makĩraara kuo ũtukũ ũcio.
12 And Joshua rose early in the morning, and the priests took up the ark of the LORD.
Rũciinĩ rũrũ rũngĩ, Joshua agĩũkĩra tene, nao athĩnjĩri-Ngai makĩoya ithandũkũ rĩu rĩa kĩrĩkanĩro kĩa Jehova.
13 And the seven priests bearing the seven trumpets of rams’ horns before the ark of the LORD went on continually, and blew with the trumpets; and the armed men went before them; and the rearward came after the ark of the LORD, [the priests] blowing with the trumpets as they went.
Nao athĩnjĩri-Ngai arĩa mũgwanja makuuĩte macoro mũgwanja ma hĩa cia ndũrũme magĩthiĩ na mbere, makinyũkĩtie matongoretie ithandũkũ rĩa kĩrĩkanĩro kĩa Jehova o makĩhuhaga macoro. Thigari iria ciarĩ na indo cia mbaara ikĩmatongoria, nacio thigari ingĩ ikĩrũmĩrĩra ithandũkũ rĩa kĩrĩkanĩro kĩa Jehova kuuma na thuutha, o macoro makĩgambaga.
14 And the second day they compassed the city once, and returned into the camp: so they did six days.
Nĩ ũndũ ũcio mũthenya wa keerĩ magĩthiũrũrũka itũũra rĩu inene riita rĩmwe, magĩcooka kambĩ. Meekire ũguo mĩthenya ĩtandatũ.
15 And it came to pass on the seventh day, that they rose early at the dawning of the day, and compassed the city after the same manner seven times: only on that day they compassed the city seven times.
Mũthenya wa mũgwanja-rĩ, magĩũkĩra ruoro rũgĩtema na magĩthiũrũrũka itũũra rĩu maita mũgwanja o ta ũrĩa meekaga mĩthenya ĩyo ĩngĩ, tiga atĩ mũthenya ũcio, maathiũrũrũkire itũũra rĩu inene maita mũgwanja.
16 And it came to pass at the seventh time, when the priests blew with the trumpets, Joshua said unto the people, Shout; for the LORD hath given you the city.
Nao makĩrĩthiũrũrũka riita rĩa mũgwanja-rĩ, rĩrĩa athĩnjĩri-Ngai maahuhire macoro, Joshua akĩĩra andũ atĩrĩ, “Anĩrĩrai mũno! Nĩgũkorwo Jehova nĩamũheete itũũra rĩĩrĩ!
17 And the city shall be devoted, even it and all that is therein, to the LORD: only Rahab the harlot shall live, she and all that are with her in the house, because she hid the messengers that we sent.
Itũũra rĩĩrĩ inene na kĩndũ kĩrĩa gĩothe kĩrĩ thĩinĩ warĩo nĩikwamũrĩrwo Jehova, cianangwo. No Rahabu ũrĩa mũmaraya wiki, na andũ arĩa othe marĩ hamwe nake thĩinĩ wa nyũmba yake, mekũhonokio, tondũ nĩahithire athigaani arĩa twatũmĩte.
18 And ye, in any wise keep yourselves from the devoted thing, lest when ye have devoted it, ye take of the devoted thing; so should ye make the camp of Israel accursed, and trouble it.
Na rĩrĩ, mwĩmenyererei mũtikahutie indo icio ciamũrĩtwo cia kũniinwo, nĩgeetha mũtikerehere mwanangĩko nĩ ũndũ wa kuoya kĩndũ o na kĩrĩkũ gĩacio. Mũngĩcihutia nĩmũgatũma kambĩ ya Isiraeli ĩtuĩke ya kũniinwo, na mũmĩrehere thĩĩna.
19 But all the silver, and gold, and vessels of brass and iron, are holy unto the LORD: they shall come into the treasury of the LORD.
Betha yothe na thahabu, na indo cia gĩcango na kĩgera, nĩ nyamũrĩre Jehova na no nginya ciigwo kĩgĩĩna-inĩ gĩake.”
20 So the people shouted, and [the priests] blew with the trumpets: and it came to pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, that the people shouted with a great shout, and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city.
Rĩrĩa coro wahuhirwo, andũ makĩanĩrĩra, na rĩrĩa andũ maaiguire mũgambo wa coro, makĩanĩrĩra rĩanĩrĩra inene, naruo rũthingo rũkĩmomoka; nĩ ũndũ ũcio o mũndũ o mũndũ agĩtoonya itũũra rĩu, na makĩrĩtunyana.
21 And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, both young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword.
Nao makĩamũrĩra Jehova itũũra rĩu, na makĩananga kĩndũ o gĩothe kĩrĩa kĩarĩ muoyo kuo na rũhiũ rwa njora, arũme na andũ-a-nja, andũ ethĩ na akũrũ, na ngʼombe, na ngʼondu, na ndigiri.
22 And Joshua said unto the two men that had spied out the land, Go into the harlot’s house, and bring out thence the woman, and all that she hath, as ye sware unto her.
Joshua akĩĩra andũ arĩa eerĩ maathiĩte gũthigaana bũrũri ũcio atĩrĩ, “Thiĩi mũtoonye nyũmba ya mũtumia ũrĩa mũmaraya, mũmuumie nja hamwe na andũ ao othe, o ta ũrĩa mwamwĩrire na mwĩhĩtwa.”
23 And the young men the spies went in, and brought out Rahab, and her father, and her mother, and her brethren, and all that she had, all her kindred also they brought out; and they set them without the camp of Israel.
Nĩ ũndũ ũcio aanake acio maarĩ athigaani magĩtoonya na makiumia Rahabu na nja, hamwe na ithe na nyina, na ariũ a nyina na andũ ao othe. Magĩkiumia andũ a nyũmba yake othe, makĩmaiga handũ kũu nja ya kambĩ ya Isiraeli.
24 And they burnt the city with fire, and all that was therein: only the silver, and the gold, and the vessels of brass and of iron, they put into the treasury of the house of the LORD.
Magĩcooka magĩcina itũũra rĩu inene rĩothe, na kĩrĩa gĩothe kĩarĩ thĩinĩ warĩo, no betha na thahabu, na indo cia gĩcango na cia kĩgera, magĩciiga kĩgĩĩna-inĩ kĩa nyũmba ya Jehova.
25 But Rahab the harlot, and her father’s household, and all that she had, did Joshua save alive; and she dwelt in the midst of Israel, unto this day; because she hid the messengers, which Joshua sent to spy out Jericho.
No rĩrĩ, Joshua nĩahonokirie Rahabu ũrĩa mũmaraya, hamwe na andũ a nyũmba yake na andũ ao othe, tondũ nĩahithire andũ arĩa Joshua aatũmĩte magathigaane Jeriko nake atũũranagia na andũ a Isiraeli nginya ũmũthĩ.
26 And Joshua charged them with an oath at that time, saying, Cursed be the man before the LORD, that riseth up and buildeth this city Jericho: with the loss of his firstborn shall he lay the foundation thereof, and with the loss of his youngest son shall he set up the gates of it.
Ihinda o ro rĩu, Joshua akĩĩhĩtithia andũ acio na mwĩhĩtwa, akiuga atĩrĩ, “Kũgwatwo nĩ kĩrumi maitho-inĩ ma Jehova-rĩ, nĩ mũndũ ũrĩa ũkaageria gwaka itũũra rĩĩrĩ inene rĩa Jeriko rĩngĩ: “Mũndũ ũrĩa ũgaaka mĩthingi ya itũũra rĩĩrĩ, nĩagakuĩrwo nĩ mũriũ wake wa irigithathi; na akĩrũgamia ihingo cia itũũra rĩĩrĩ, akuĩrwo nĩ mũriũ wake wa kĩhinga-nda.”
27 So the LORD was with Joshua; and his fame was in all the land.
Nĩ ũndũ ũcio Jehova agĩkorwo arĩ hamwe na Joshua, nayo ngumo yake ĩkĩhunja kũndũ guothe bũrũri ũcio.

< Joshua 6 >