< Job 25 >

1 Then answered Bildad the Shuhite, and said,
Alò, Bildad, Shouachyen an te reponn:
2 Dominion and fear are with him; he maketh peace in his high places.
Tout pouvwa ak lakrent apatyen a Sila ki etabli lapè nan wotè Li yo.
3 Is there any number of his armies? and upon whom doth not his light arise?
Èske fòs kantite sòlda Li yo kab kontwole? Epi sou kilès ke limyè Li pa leve?
4 How then can man be just with God? or how can he be clean that is born of a woman?
Konsa, se kijan yon nonm kapab dwat devan Bondye? Oswa, kijan sila ki te fèt de fanm nan kapab vin pwòp?
5 Behold, even the moon hath no brightness, and the stars are not pure in his sight:
Nan zye pa Li, menm lalin pa klè, ni zetwal yo pa pwòp,
6 How much less man, that is a worm! and the son of man, which is a worm!
Konbyen, anmwens lòm, yon vè, ak fis la a lòm nan, vè a menm nan!

< Job 25 >