< 1 Samuel 28 >

1 And it came to pass in those days, that the Philistines gathered their hosts together for warfare, to fight with Israel. And Achish said unto David, Know thou assuredly, that thou shalt go out with me in the host, thou and thy men.
Alò, li te vin rive nan jou sa yo ke Filisten yo te rasanble kan lame pa yo pou fè lagè, pou goumen kont Israël. Epi Akisch te di a David: “Konnen byensi ke ou va sòti avè m nan kan an, ou menm avèk mesye pa ou yo.”
2 And David said to Achish, Therefore thou shalt know what thy servant will do. And Achish said to David, Therefore will I make thee keeper of mine head for ever.
David te di a Akisch: “Se bon, ou va vin konprann sa ke sèvitè ou kapab fè.” Akisch te reponn a David: “Se bon, mwen va fè ou gad pèsonèl mwen pou tout lavi ou.”
3 Now Samuel was dead, and all Israel had lamented him, and buried him in Ramah, even in his own city. And Saul had put away those that had familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land.
Nan lè sa a Samuel te fin mouri, tout Israël te deja kriye pou li e te antere l Ramah, pwòp vil pa li. Epi Saül te fin retire nan peyi a tout kalite moun sila ki te konn rele mò yo ak divinò yo.
4 And the Philistines gathered themselves together, and came and pitched in Shunem: and Saul gathered all Israel together, and they pitched in Gilboa.
Konsa, Filisten yo te rasanble ansanm e te vin fè kan nan Sunem. Epi Saül te rasanble tout Israël ansanm pou yo te fè kan nan Guilboa.
5 And when Saul saw the host of the Philistines, he was afraid, and his heart trembled greatly.
Lè Saül te wè kan Filisten yo, li te pè e kè li te tranble anpil.
6 And when Saul inquired of the LORD, the LORD answered him not, neither by dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets.
Lè Saül te fè demann SENYÈ a, SENYÈ a pa t reponn li, ni nan rèv, ni avèk Orim, ni pa pwofèt yo.
7 Then said Saul unto his servants, Seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit, that I may go to her, and inquire of her. And his servants said to him, Behold, there is a woman that hath a familiar spirit at En-dor.
Alò, Saül te pale sèvitè li yo: “Chache pou mwen yon fanm ki konn pale ak mò, pou m kab ale kote li pou mande li kèk bagay.” Sèvitè li yo te di li: “Gade byen, gen yon fanm ki konn pale ak mò nan En-Dor.”
8 And Saul disguised himself, and put on other raiment, and went, he and two men with him, and they came to the woman by night: and he said, Divine unto me, I pray thee, by the familiar spirit, and bring me up whomsoever I shall name unto thee.
Alò, Saül te kache idantite li avèk lòt rad e te desann, li menm avèk de lòt mesye avèk li. Yo te vin kote fanm nan pandan nwit lan. Li te di: “Evoke fè monte pou mwen lespri la, souple, e mennen monte non moun sila ke m va nonmen pou ou a.”
9 And the woman said unto him, Behold, thou knowest what Saul hath done, how he hath cut off those that have familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land: wherefore then layest thou a snare for my life, to cause me to die?
Men fanm nan te di li: “Gade byen, ou konnen sa ke Saül te fè a, jan li te retire sila ki evoke mò avèk divinò nan peyi a. Alò poukisa w ap mete yon pèlen pou lavi mwen pou ou kab fè m mouri?”
10 And Saul sware to her by the LORD, saying, As the LORD liveth, there shall no punishment happen to thee for this thing.
Saul te fè ve a li ke: “Jan SENYÈ a viv la, p ap gen pinisyon k ap rive ou pou afè sila a.”
11 Then said the woman, Whom shall I bring up unto thee? And he said, Bring me up Samuel.
Alò, fanm nan te di: “Se kilès ke m ap fè monte pou ou a?” Epi li te di: “Mennen monte Samuel pou mwen.”
12 And when the woman saw Samuel, she cried with a loud voice: and the woman spake to Saul, saying, Why hast thou deceived me? for thou art Saul.
Lè fanm nan te wè Samuel, li te kriye fò avèk yon gwo vwa; epi fanm nan te pale avèk Saül e te di: “Poukisa ou te twonpe mwen? Paske se Saül ke ou ye.”
13 And the king said unto her, Be not afraid: for what seest thou? And the woman said unto Saul, I see a god coming up out of the earth.
Wa a te di li: “Pa pè; men se kisa ou wè?” Epi fanm nan te di Saül: “Mwen wè yon èt diven k ap monte sòti sou latè.”
14 And he said unto her, What form is he of? And she said, An old man cometh up; and he is covered with a robe. And Saul perceived that it was Samuel, and he bowed with his face to the ground, and did obeisance.
Li te di li: “Se ak kilès ke li sanble?” Epi li te di: “Yon granmoun k ap monte e li vlope nan yon manto.” Epi Saül te konnen ke se te Samuel. Li te bese avèk figi li atè pou te rann omaj.
15 And Samuel said to Saul, Why hast thou disquieted me, to bring me up? And Saul answered, I am sore distressed; for the Philistines make war against me, and God is departed from me, and answereth me no more, neither by prophets, nor by dreams: therefore I have called thee, that thou mayest make known unto me what I shall do.
Alò, Samuel te di a Saül: “Poukisa ou twouble m e mennen m monte?” Saül te reponn: “Mwen nan gwo pwoblèm anpil; paske Filisten yo ap fè lagè kont mwen, Bondye te kite mwen e Li pa reponn mwen ankò, ni pa pwofèt yo, ni nan rèv. Pou sa, mwen te rele ou, pou ou kapab fè m konnen kisa pou m fè.”
16 And Samuel said, Wherefore then dost thou ask of me, seeing the LORD is departed from thee, and is become thine adversary?
Samuel te di: “Poukisa konsa ou vin mande mwen, akoz SENYÈ a te kite ou e te devni lènmi ou?
17 And the LORD hath wrought for himself, as he spake by me: and the LORD hath rent the kingdom out of thine hand, and given it to thy neighbour, even to David.
SENYÈ a gen tan fè selon sa Li te pale nan mwen an. SENYÈ a fin chire wayòm nan soti nan men ou, e Li te bay li a vwazen ou an, a David menm.
18 Because thou obeyedst not the voice of the LORD and didst not execute his fierce wrath upon Amalek, therefore hath the LORD done this thing unto thee this day.
Kòmsi ou pa t obeyi SENYÈ a, e ou pa t fè gwo kòlè Li vin tonbe sou Amalek, konsa SENYÈ a te fè ou bagay sa a nan jou sa a.
19 Moreover the LORD will deliver Israel also with thee into the hand of the Philistines: and tomorrow shalt thou and thy sons be with me: the LORD shall deliver the host of Israel also into the hand of the Philistines.
Anplis SENYÈ a va, osi, bay Israël ansanm avèk ou menm nan men Filisten yo. Konsa, demen ou menm avèk fis ou yo va avèk mwen. Anverite, SENYÈ a va fè bay lame Israël la nan men a Filisten yo!”
20 Then Saul fell straightway his full length upon the earth, and was sore afraid, because of the words of Samuel: and there was no strength in him; for he had eaten no bread all the day, nor all the night.
Alò, Saül, lapoula, te tonbe atè nèt. Li te plen laperèz akoz pawòl a Samuel yo. Ni pa t gen fòs nan li, paske li pa t manje manje nan tout jou sa a, ni nan nwit lan.
21 And the woman came unto Saul, and saw that he was sore troubled, and said unto him, Behold, thine handmaid hath hearkened unto thy voice, and I have put my life in my hand, and have hearkened unto thy words which thou spakest unto me.
Fanm nan te rive bò kote Saül. Li te wè ke li te tèlman gen krent jiskaske li te sezi, e li te di li: “Gade byen, sèvant ou te obeyi a ou menm e mwen te pran lavi mwen nan men m pou te koute pawòl ke ou te pale mwen yo.
22 Now therefore, I pray thee, hearken thou also unto the voice of thine handmaid, and let me set a morsel of bread before thee; and eat, that thou mayest have strength, when thou goest on thy way.
Koulye a, pou sa, souple koute vwa sèvant ou an e kite mwen mete yon mòso pen devan ou. Manje pou ou kapab gen fòs lè ou pran chemen an.”
23 But he refused, and said, I will not eat. But his servants, together with the woman, constrained him; and he hearkened unto their voice. So he arose from the earth, and sat upon the bed.
Men li te refize. Li te di: “Mwen p ap manje.” Men sèvitè li yo te ankouraje li e li te koute yo. Konsa, li te leve sou tè a pou te chita sou kabann nan.
24 And the woman had a fatted calf in the house; and she hasted, and killed it; and she took flour, and kneaded it, and did bake unleavened bread thereof:
Fanm nan te gen yon jenn bèf gra nan kay la. Byen vit li te kòche li, li te pran farin, li te frape l fè bòl, e li te kwit li fè pen san ledven.
25 and she brought it before Saul, and before his servants; and they did eat. Then they rose up, and went away that night.
Li te mennen li devan Saül avèk sèvitè li yo e yo te manje. Apre yo te leve sòti menm nwit lan.

< 1 Samuel 28 >