< 1 Peter 4 >

1 Forasmuch then as Christ suffered in the flesh, arm ye yourselves also with the same mind; for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin;
asmākaṁ vinimayēna khrīṣṭaḥ śarīrasambandhē daṇḍaṁ bhuktavān atō hētōḥ śarīrasambandhē yō daṇḍaṁ bhuktavān sa pāpāt mukta
2 that ye no longer should live the rest of your time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.
itibhāvēna yūyamapi susajjībhūya dēhavāsasyāvaśiṣṭaṁ samayaṁ punarmānavānām icchāsādhanārthaṁ nahi kintvīśvarasyēcchāsādhanārthaṁ yāpayata|
3 For the time past may suffice to have wrought the desire of the Gentiles, and to have walked in lasciviousness, lusts, winebibbings, revellings, carousings, and abominable idolatries:
āyuṣō yaḥ samayō vyatītastasmin yuṣmābhi ryad dēvapūjakānām icchāsādhanaṁ kāmakutsitābhilāṣamadyapānaraṅgarasamattatāghr̥ṇārhadēvapūjācaraṇañcākāri tēna bāhulyaṁ|
4 wherein they think it strange that ye run not with [them] into the same excess of riot, speaking evil of [you]:
yūyaṁ taiḥ saha tasmin sarvvanāśapaṅkē majjituṁ na dhāvatha, ityanēnāścaryyaṁ vijñāya tē yuṣmān nindanti|
5 who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead.
kintu yō jīvatāṁ mr̥tānāñca vicāraṁ karttum udyatō'sti tasmai tairuttaraṁ dāyiṣyatē|
6 For unto this end was the gospel preached even to the dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.
yatō hētō ryē mr̥tāstēṣāṁ yat mānavōddēśyaḥ śārīrikavicāraḥ kintvīśvarōddēśyam ātmikajīvanaṁ bhavat tadarthaṁ tēṣāmapi sannidhau susamācāraḥ prakāśitō'bhavat|
7 But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore of sound mind, and be sober unto prayer:
sarvvēṣām antimakāla upasthitastasmād yūyaṁ subuddhayaḥ prārthanārthaṁ jāgrataśca bhavata|
8 above all things being fervent in your love among yourselves; for love covereth a multitude of sins:
viśēṣataḥ parasparaṁ gāḍhaṁ prēma kuruta, yataḥ, pāpānāmapi bāhulyaṁ prēmnaivācchādayiṣyatē|
9 using hospitality one to another without murmuring:
kātarōktiṁ vinā parasparam ātithyaṁ kr̥ruta|
10 according as each hath received a gift, ministering it among yourselves, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God;
yēna yō varō labdhastēnaiva sa param upakarōtr̥, itthaṁ yūyam īśvarasya bahuvidhaprasādasyōttamā bhāṇḍāgārādhipā bhavata|
11 if any man speaketh, [speaking] as it were oracles of God; if any man ministereth, [ministering] as of the strength which God supplieth: that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, whose is the glory and the dominion for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōn g165)
yō vākyaṁ kathayati sa īśvarasya vākyamiva kathayatu yaśca param upakarōti sa īśvaradattasāmarthyādivōpakarōtu| sarvvaviṣayē yīśukhrīṣṭēnēśvarasya gauravaṁ prakāśyatāṁ tasyaiva gauravaṁ parākramaśca sarvvadā bhūyāt| āmēna| (aiōn g165)
12 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial among you, which cometh upon you to prove you, as though a strange thing happened unto you:
hē priyatamāḥ, yuṣmākaṁ parīkṣārthaṁ yastāpō yuṣmāsu varttatē tam asambhavaghaṭitaṁ matvā nāścaryyaṁ jānīta,
13 but insomuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings, rejoice; that at the revelation of his glory also ye may rejoice with exceeding joy.
kintu khrīṣṭēna klēśānāṁ sahabhāgitvād ānandata tēna tasya pratāpaprakāśē'pyānanandēna praphullā bhaviṣyatha|
14 If ye are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed [are ye]; because the [Spirit] of glory and the Spirit of God resteth upon you.
yadi khrīṣṭasya nāmahētunā yuṣmākaṁ nindā bhavati tarhi yūyaṁ dhanyā yatō gauravadāyaka īśvarasyātmā yuṣmāsvadhitiṣṭhati tēṣāṁ madhyē sa nindyatē kintu yuṣmanmadhyē praśaṁsyatē|
15 For let none of you suffer as a murderer, or a thief, or an evil-doer, or as a meddler in other men’s matters:
kintu yuṣmākaṁ kō'pi hantā vā cairō vā duṣkarmmakr̥d vā parādhikāracarccaka iva daṇḍaṁ na bhuṅktāṁ|
16 but if [a man suffer] as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God in this name.
yadi ca khrīṣṭīyāna iva daṇḍaṁ bhuṅktē tarhi sa na lajjamānastatkāraṇād īśvaraṁ praśaṁsatu|
17 For the time [is come] for judgment to begin at the house of God: and if [it begin] first at us, what [shall be] the end of them that obey not the gospel of God?
yatō vicārasyārambhasamayē īśvarasya mandirē yujyatē yadi cāsmatsvārabhatē tarhīśvarīyasusaṁvādāgrāhiṇāṁ śēṣadaśā kā bhaviṣyati?
18 And if the righteous is scarcely saved, where shall the ungodly and sinner appear?
dhārmmikēnāpi cēt trāṇam atikr̥cchrēṇa gamyatē| tarhyadhārmmikapāpibhyām āśrayaḥ kutra lapsyatē|
19 Wherefore let them also that suffer according to the will of God commit their souls in well-doing unto a faithful Creator.
ata īśvarēcchātō yē duḥkhaṁ bhuñjatē tē sadācārēṇa svātmānō viśvāsyasraṣṭurīśvasya karābhyāṁ nidadhatāṁ|

< 1 Peter 4 >