< Romans 6 >
1 What are we to say, then? Are we to continue to sin, in order that God’s loving kindness may be multiplied?
Zizan ki tre ngye? Kita lah tre chachuu ni du ndindi kagon?
2 Heaven forbid! We became dead to sin, so how can we go on living in it?
Ana taba ti naki na. Ba ti ni he da tre ndi kita wa ki kwu nimi lah tre, kita cigaba sun nimi ma?
3 Or can it be that you do not know that all of us, who were baptized into union with Christ Jesus, in our baptism shared his death?
Bina toh ndi bi wa ba ngla ba nimi Almasihu Yesu ba ngla ba hra nimi kwu ma na?
4 Consequently, through sharing his death in our baptism, we were buried with him; so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by a manifestation of the Father’s power, so we also may live a new life.
Ba rju ta ni'u, na ngla nimi kwu ma. Nakima ahe na Almasihu a lunde ni be nimi ninkon Iti Ma. Nakima i kita me ki zren nimi rayuwa i sa'a ma.
5 If we have become united with him by the act symbolic of his death, surely we will also become united with him by the act symbolic of his resurrection.
Naki inde ki si he ni'u nimi kamani ikwu ma, i ki sun ni'u har ni kamani lunde ma.
6 We recognize the truth that our old self was crucified with Christ, in order that the body, the stronghold of sin, might be rendered powerless, so that we should no longer be slaves to sin.
Naki a ki toh ndi ba kpa u ni kunkro, ichiche ndji u mbu i ni'u ma don duba wu kpa u lahtre. Wa i ahe don kina ta hi nimi bautar lahtre.
7 For the man who has so died has been pronounced righteous and released from sin.
Duk wa a kwu ba you ni matayin nitu ndindi nitu lahtre.
8 And our belief is, that, as we have shared Christ’s death, we will also share his life.
Naki ki kwu ni Almasihu ndi kpa njanji, iki sun ni wu
9 We know, indeed, that Christ, having once risen from the dead, will not die again. Death has power over him no longer.
Ki he ni toh ndi ba nzu Almasihu rju ni be, nakima ana lah ikub ngana, ikwu na he ni gbengblen nitu na.
10 For the death that he died was a death to sin, once and for all. But the life that he now lives, he lives for God.
Na ikwu wa a ti ni lahtre, ati kpu riri nitu wawuu. Nzren wa asi zren, asi zren niIrji.
11 So let it be with you – regard yourselves as dead to sin, but as living for God, through union with Christ Jesus.
Nakima bi yi me, bika bah tumbi ni matsayin bi kwu ni lahtre, aman bi wa ba he vri ni Irji ni mi Almasihu Yesu.
12 Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal bodies and compel you to obey its cravings.
Naki bika na no lahtre gbengblen ni mi kpambi na har ndi woh tre ni sun kpa.
13 Do not offer any part of your bodies to sin, in the cause of unrighteousness, but once for all offer yourselves to God (as those who, though once dead, now have life), and devote every part of your bodies to the cause of righteousness.
Na vu gham kpa mbi no lahtre nitu ikpi u du wa njanji na he na. Naki bika no Irji tumbi ni vri ni kwu. Bika vu ngham kpambi no Irji nitu ikpi du u njanji.
14 For sin will not lord it over you. You are living under the reign, not of Law, but of love.
Na no lahtre nkon ni tumbi na, bina he nimi doka na, naki nimi ndindi bi he.
15 What follows, then? Are we to sin because we are living under the reign of love and not of Law? Heaven forbid!
To se ngyeh kika ti lahtre don kina he nimi doka na, ama ni ndindi, ana taba he naki na.
16 Surely you know that when you offer yourselves as servants, to obey anyone, you are the servants of the person whom you obey, whether the service be a service to sin which leads to death, or a service to duty which leads to righteousness.
Bina toh ndi bi ban tumbi no nitu igran, ni wu bi gran? Wa i ahi najinji, inde bi gran ni lahtre, wa ani nji yi hi ni kwu, ko naki igran ni wo tre ni nji hi ni ndindi.
17 God be thanked that, though you were once servants of sin, yet you learned to give hearty obedience to that form of doctrine under which you were placed.
Naki ma ingyiri a he ni Irji, don ni sen bina gran lahtre, ama bi yi biyaya nimi suron mbi irin koh koyarwa wa ba noyi.
18 Set free from the control of sin, you became servants to righteousness.
Ba kpa yi chuwo ni mi bautar lahtre, nda kma yi ti gran bi ndindi.
19 I can but speak as people do because of the weakness of your earthly nature. Once you offered every part of your bodies to the service of impurity, and of wickedness, which leads to further wickedness. Now, in the same way, offer them to the service of righteousness, which leads to holiness.
Misi tre ni yi na ndji wa a ku nyere ni nanma kpa ni yin. Na yadda bika ban nghan kpambi ga ti rji na bi meme du, nakima zizan bika ban ngham kpambi ni tu gran ndindi.
20 While you were still servants of sin, you were free as regards righteousness.
Naki ma itoh wa bi hi gran lahtre, bi yi wa ba kpa yi chuwo ni ndindi.
21 But what were the fruits that you reaped from those things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of such things is death.
Ni toh kima ahi amfani ngye bi samu nitu ndu wa zizan'a bi si klu shan ba? Nakima sakamaki bi ya indu hi kwu.
22 But now that you have been set free from the control of sin, and have become servants to God, the fruit that you reap is an ever increasing holiness, and the end eternal life. (aiōnios )
Naki zizan wa ba kpa yi chuwo ni lahtre, nda kma yi ti gran Irji, amfani ma, wawu hi tsarkakewar mbi. Sakamanko ki hi ivri u se kakle. (aiōnios )
23 The wages of sin are death, but the gift of God is eternal life, through union with Christ Jesus, our Lord. (aiōnios )
Nakima sakamako lahtre hi kwu, ama kyauta Irji ahi ivri u se kakle nimi Almasihu Yesu. (aiōnios )