< Romans 13 >

1 Let everyone obey the supreme authorities. For no authority exists except by the will of God, and the existing authorities have been appointed by God.
yuṣmākam ekaikajanaḥ śāsanapadasya nighno bhavatu yato yāni śāsanapadāni santi tāni sarvvāṇīśvareṇa sthāpitāni; īśvaraṁ vinā padasthāpanaṁ na bhavati|
2 Therefore the one who sets themself against the authorities is resisting God’s appointment, and those who resist will bring a judgment on themselves.
iti hetoḥ śāsanapadasya yat prātikūlyaṁ tad īśvarīyanirūpaṇasya prātikūlyameva; aparaṁ ye prātikūlyam ācaranti te sveṣāṁ samucitaṁ daṇḍaṁ svayameva ghaṭayante|
3 A good action has nothing to fear from rulers; a bad action has. Do you want to have no reason to fear the authorities? Then do what is good, and you will win their praise.
śāstā sadācāriṇāṁ bhayaprado nahi durācāriṇāmeva bhayaprado bhavati; tvaṁ kiṁ tasmān nirbhayo bhavitum icchasi? tarhi satkarmmācara, tasmād yaśo lapsyase,
4 For they are God’s servants appointed for your good. But, if you do what is wrong, you may well be afraid; for the sword they carry is not without meaning! They are God’s servants to inflict his punishments on those who do wrong.
yatastava sadācaraṇāya sa īśvarasya bhṛtyo'sti| kintu yadi kukarmmācarasi tarhi tvaṁ śaṅkasva yataḥ sa nirarthakaṁ khaṅgaṁ na dhārayati; kukarmmācāriṇaṁ samucitaṁ daṇḍayitum sa īśvarasya daṇḍadabhṛtya eva|
5 You are bound, therefore, to obey, not only through fear of God’s punishments, but also as a matter of conscience.
ataeva kevaladaṇḍabhayānnahi kintu sadasadbodhādapi tasya vaśyena bhavitavyaṁ|
6 This, too, is the reason for your paying taxes; for the officials are God’s officers, devoting themselves to this special work.
etasmād yuṣmākaṁ rājakaradānamapyucitaṁ yasmād ye karaṁ gṛhlanti ta īśvarasya kiṅkarā bhūtvā satatam etasmin karmmaṇi niviṣṭāstiṣṭhanti|
7 In all cases pay what is due from you – tribute where tribute is due, taxes where taxes are due, respect where respect is due, and honor where honor is due.
asmāt karagrāhiṇe karaṁ datta, tathā śulkagrāhiṇe śulkaṁ datta, aparaṁ yasmād bhetavyaṁ tasmād bibhīta, yaśca samādaraṇīyastaṁ samādriyadhvam; itthaṁ yasya yat prāpyaṁ tat tasmai datta|
8 Owe nothing to anyone except love; for they who love their neighbor have satisfied the Law.
yuṣmākaṁ parasparaṁ prema vinā 'nyat kimapi deyam ṛṇaṁ na bhavatu, yato yaḥ parasmin prema karoti tena vyavasthā sidhyati|
9 The commandments, ‘You must not commit adultery, you must not kill, you must not steal, you must not covet,’ and whatever other commandment there is, are all summed up in the words – ‘You must love your neighbor as you love yourself.’
vastutaḥ paradārān mā gaccha, narahatyāṁ mā kārṣīḥ, cairyyaṁ mā kārṣīḥ, mithyāsākṣyaṁ mā dehi, lobhaṁ mā kārṣīḥ, etāḥ sarvvā ājñā etābhyo bhinnā yā kācid ājñāsti sāpi svasamīpavāsini svavat prema kurvvityanena vacanena veditā|
10 Love never wrongs a neighbor. Therefore love fully satisfies the Law.
yataḥ prema samīpavāsino'śubhaṁ na janayati tasmāt premnā sarvvā vyavasthā pālyate|
11 This I say, because you know the crisis that we have reached, for the time has already come for you to rouse yourselves from sleep; our salvation is nearer now than when we accepted the faith.
pratyayībhavanakāle'smākaṁ paritrāṇasya sāmīpyād idānīṁ tasya sāmīpyam avyavahitaṁ; ataḥ samayaṁ vivicyāsmābhiḥ sāmpratam avaśyameva nidrāto jāgarttavyaṁ|
12 The night is almost gone; the day is near. Therefore let us be done with the deeds of darkness, and arm ourselves with the weapons of light.
bahutarā yāminī gatā prabhātaṁ sannidhiṁ prāptaṁ tasmāt tāmasīyāḥ kriyāḥ parityajyāsmābhi rvāsarīyā sajjā paridhātavyā|
13 Being in the light of day, let us live becomingly, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lust and licentiousness, not in quarreling and jealousy.
ato heto rvayaṁ divā vihitaṁ sadācaraṇam ācariṣyāmaḥ| raṅgaraso mattatvaṁ lampaṭatvaṁ kāmukatvaṁ vivāda īrṣyā caitāni parityakṣyāmaḥ|
14 No! Arm yourselves with the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, and spend no thought on your earthly nature, to satisfy its cravings.
yūyaṁ prabhuyīśukhrīṣṭarūpaṁ paricchadaṁ paridhaddhvaṁ sukhābhilāṣapūraṇāya śārīrikācaraṇaṁ mācarata|

< Romans 13 >