< Psalms 19 >

1 For the leader. A psalm of David. The heavens declare God’s glory, the sky tells what his hands have done.
Ho an’ ny mpiventy hira. Salamo nataon’ i Davida. Ny lanitra mitory ny voninahitr’ Andriamanitra; ary ny habakabaka manambara ny asan’ ny tànany.
2 Day tells it to day, night reveals it to night,
Ny andro samy miteny amin’ ny andro mandimby azy, ary ny alina samy manolo-pahalalana amin’ ny alina mandimby azy.
3 without speaking, without words; without the sound of voices.
Tsy misy teny na fiteny anefa; tsy re izay feony.
4 But through all the world their voice carries their words to the ends of the earth. He has pitched a tent for the sun in the sky,
Efa nivoaka ho any amin’ ny tany rehetra ny famolainany, ary ny teniny dia mihatra amin’ ny faran’ izao rehetra izao. Trano-lay ho an’ ny masoandro no nataony teo aminy;
5 it comes out like a bridegroom from his bridal chamber, it joyfully runs its course like a hero.
Ary ny masoandro dia tahaka ny mpampaka-bady mivoaka avy ao an-trano fandriany; sady mifaly tahaka ny lehilahy matanjaka mihazakazaka amin’ ny alehany izy.
6 From one end of the heavens it rises, and around it runs to the other, and nothing hides from its heat.
Any amin’ ny faravodilanitra ny fiposahany, ary ny alehany dia hatramin’ ny farany koa, ka tsy misy takona amin’ ny hafanany.
7 The law of the Lord is perfect, renewing life. The decrees of the Lord are trusty, making the simple wise.
Tsy misy tsiny ny lalàn’ i Jehovah, mamelombelona ny fanahy; mahatoky ny teni-vavolombelon’ i Jehovah, mahahendry ny kely saina.
8 The behests of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart. The command of the Lord is pure, giving light to the eyes.
Mahitsy ny fandidian’ i Jehovah, mahafaly ny fo; madio ny didin’ i Jehovah, mampahazava ny maso.
9 The fear of the Lord is clean, it endures forever. The Lord’s judgments are true and right altogether.
Madio ny fahatahorana an’ i Jehovah, maharitra mandrakizay; marina ny fitsipik’ i Jehovah, eny, mahitsy avokoa.
10 More precious are they than gold – than fine gold in plenty, and sweeter they are than honey, that drops from the comb.
Irina noho ny volamena ireny, eny, noho ny tena volamena betsaka aza; ary mamy noho ny tantely, eny, noho ny tantely mitete avy amin’ ny tohotra.
11 By them is your servant warned; who keeps them has rich reward.
Ary ny mpanomponao dia hazavain’ ireny; amin’ ny fitandremana azy misy valiny lehibe.
12 Who can know their flaws? Absolve me from those I know not.
Raha ny fahatsontsana, dia iza re no mahalala izany? ataovy tsy manan-tsiny aho ny amin’ izay ota tsy fantatra.
13 Keep your servant from wilful sins – from falling under their sway: then blameless and clear will I be from great offense.
Arovy ny mpanomponao tsy ho azon’ ny ota sahisahy; aoka tsy hanapaka ahy izany; dia ho marina tokoa aho ka tsy hanan-tsiny ny amin’ izay fahadisoana lehibe.
14 May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing to you, Lord, my rock and redeemer.
Aoka ny tenin’ ny vavako sy ny fisainan’ ny foko samy hankasitrahana eo imasonao, Jehovah ô, Vatolampiko sy Mpanavotra ahy.

< Psalms 19 >