< Psalms 109 >
1 For the leader. Of David, a psalm. O God whom I praise, keep not silence;
Ne molči, oh Bog moje hvale,
2 for their wicked mouths they have opened against me, they speak to me with tongues that are false,
kajti usta zlobnih in usta varljivcev so odprta proti meni; zoper mene so govorili z lažnivim jezikom.
3 they beset me with words of hatred, and fight without cause against me.
Obkrožili so me tudi z besedami sovraštva in brez razloga so se borili zoper mene.
4 My love they requite with hostility, while for them I lift up my prayer.
Zaradi moje ljubezni so moji nasprotniki, toda sebe izročam molitvi.
5 Evil for good they reward me, and hatred for my love.
Nagradili so me [z] zlom za dobro in sovražijo me zaradi moje ljubezni.
6 “Set over him one who is godless,” they say, “an opponent at his right hand.
Nad njim postavi zlobnega človeka in naj Satan stoji na njegovi desnici.
7 From his trial let him come forth guilty, may his prayer be counted as sin.
Ko bo sojen, naj bo obsojen in njegova molitev naj postane greh.
8 Grant that his days may be few, that his office be seized by another.
Njegovih dni naj bo malo; in drug naj prevzame njegovo službo.
9 Grant that his children be fatherless, and that his wife be a widow.
Naj bodo njegovi otroci brez očeta in njegova žena vdova.
10 Up and down may his children go begging, expelled from their desolate home.
Naj bodo njegovi otroci nenehno potepuhi in [naj] beračijo. Svoj kruh naj iščejo tudi izven svojih zapuščenih krajev.
11 May all that he owns be seized by the creditor may strangers plunder the fruits of his toil.
Naj izsiljevalec zgrabi vse, kar ima in tujci naj oplenijo njegov trud.
12 “May none extend to him kindness, or pity his fatherless children.
Naj ne bo nikogar, da mu nakloni usmiljenje; niti naj ne bo nikogar, da podpre njegove osirotele otroke.
13 His descendants be doomed to destruction! Blotted out be his name in one generation!
Njegovo potomstvo naj bo iztrebljeno, in v naslednjem rodu naj bo njihovo ime izbrisano.
14 May his father’s guilt be remembered, and his mother’s sin not blotted out:
Naj krivičnost njegovih očetov ne bo pozabljena pri Gospodu in greh njegove matere naj ne bo izbrisan.
15 on record always before the Lord, and his memory root from the earth;
Naj bodo nenehno pred Gospodom, da bi spomin nanje lahko odrezal z zemlje.
16 for he gave no thought to show kindness, but pursued the poor and the needy, drove the downhearted to death.
Zato ker se ni spomnil, da pokaže usmiljenje, temveč je preganjal ubogega in pomoči potrebnega moža, da mogoče celó ubije potrtega v srcu.
17 “May the curses he loved light upon him, may the blessings he loathed be afar.
Kakor je ljubil prekletstvo, tako naj le-to pride nadenj. Kakor se ni razveseljeval v blagoslavljanju, tako naj bo le-to daleč od njega.
18 Like a garment he clothed him with curses; may they pierce to his inwards like water, and cling to his bones like oil.
Kakor se je oblačil s prekletstvom, podobno kakor s svojo obleko, tako naj le-to pride v njegovo notranjost kakor voda in kakor olje v njegove kosti.
19 Let them be like the robe he wraps round him, like the belt he wears every day.”
Naj bo to kakor obleka, ki ga pokriva in namesto pasu, s katerim je nenehno opasan.
20 Be this the reward of my adversaries, of those who speak evil against me.
Naj bo to nagrada mojim nasprotnikom od Gospoda in tistim, ki govorijo zlo zoper mojo dušo.
21 But you, Lord my God, be true to your name, deal kindly with me; in your gracious kindness save me.
Toda ti delaj zame, oh Bog, Gospod, zaradi svojega imena; osvobodi me, ker je tvoje usmiljenje dobro.
22 For I am poor and needy, and my heart is wounded within me.
Kajti jaz sem ubog in pomoči potreben in moje srce je ranjeno znotraj mene.
23 I am gone like a lengthening shadow, I am shaken off like a locust.
Odhajal sem kakor senca, ko se ta zmanjšuje; kakor leteča kobilica sem premetavan sem ter tja.
24 My knees totter from fasting, my flesh is shrivelled and spare.
Moja kolena so šibka zaradi posta in mojemu mesu manjka mastnosti.
25 They heap insults upon me: when they see me, they shake their head.
Postal sem jim tudi graja; ko so pogledali name, so stresali svoje glave.
26 Help me, O Lord my God, and save me in your kindness.
Pomagaj mi, oh Gospod, moj Bog, oh reši me glede na svoje usmiljenje,
27 Teach them that this is your hand, and your own doing, O Lord.
da bodo lahko vedeli, da je to tvoja roka, da si ti, Gospod, to storil.
28 Let them curse, if only you bless. Put my assailants to shame, and make your servant glad.
Naj preklinjajo, toda ti blagoslavljaj. Ko vstanejo, naj bodo osramočeni, toda tvoj služabnik naj se veseli.
29 My opponents be clothed with dishonor, and wrapped in a robe of shame.
Naj bodo moji nasprotniki oblečeni s sramoto in naj se kakor z ogrinjalom pokrijejo s svojo lastno zmedenostjo.
30 I give thanks to you, Lord, with loud voice, I give praise in the midst of the throng;
S svojimi usti bom silno hvalil Gospoda; da, hvalil ga bom med množico.
31 for he stands by the poor, at his right hand, to save them from those who condemn them.
Kajti stal bo ob desnici ubogega, da ga reši pred tistimi, ki obsojajo njegovo dušo.