< Matthew 26 >

1 When Jesus had finished teaching all of that, he said to his disciples,
KI itŭnĭstsiu, Jesus otaiksĭste'poattosĕsts am'ŏsts epo'awsĭsts, itŭn'ĭstsiuax otŭsksĭnĭmatsax,
2 “You know that in two days time the Festival of the Passover will be here; and that the Son of Man is to be given up to be crucified.”
Kĭtsksĭnipuau aisto'kŭssi ksĭstsiku'ĭsts ak'itstsiu passover, ki Nĭn'au okka'i itaumŭts'kau mŏk'ĭtsiksĭstoxŏsi.
3 Then the chief priests and the elders of the people met in the house of the high priest, who was called Caiaphas,
Omŭk'atoiapiekuax, ki aisĭnakix, ki matap'pix otsĭn'aimoauax itŭmitŭpaumooiau sp'a'toiapiekuŭn Caiaphas oko'aii.
4 and plotted together to arrest Jesus by stealth and put him to death;
Ki ai'sĭtsĭpsattseiau mŏk'anistokotsisĭmmiotoŏsauaie Jesus, ki mŏk'itsenitŏsauaie.
5 but they said, “Not during the Festival, or the people may riot.”
Ki an'iau, pinĭts'tsĭs oye'tani ĭstsiksĭs'tsikui ŏkskakŭmĭstsikĭniau matap'pix.
6 After Jesus had reached Bethany, and while he was in the house of Simon the leper,
Jesus otsitau'pĭssi Bethany, Simon leper oko'ai otsitsĭpsts'taupĭssi,
7 a woman came up to him with an alabaster jar of very costly perfume, and poured the perfume on his head as he sat at the table.
Ake'ua itoto'aie, ipa'tŭkkiu alabaster atŭxak'sin puye' itsŭp'patomaie, akai'ĭnxkĭmasiuaie, ki otau'yisaie itsita'suyĭnĭnmaie otokŏn'iaie.
8 The disciples were indignant at seeing this. “What is this waste for?” they exclaimed.
Ki otŭksĭnĭmats'ax otsĭnĭs'saxaie, ĭstse'tŭkkiax, ki an'iau mauk'etsĭnikatopi?
9 “It could have been sold for a large sum, and the money given to poor people.”
Am'ok ipum'atotopi ĭs'taiekekaiĭxkĭmasiuopi, ki kĭm'atapsix ĭs'tauokotauopiauaie.
10 “Why are you troubling the woman?” Jesus said, when he noticed it. “For this is a beautiful deed that she has done to me.
Jesus otokh'tsĭmsi, an'ĭstsiuax, kumauk'sauaiksĭxinoauaiisksĭx ake'uă ŏkh'siu nitapĭstutu'yipi.
11 You always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me.
Ksĕsto'au, kĭmatapsix kitŭsk'sauopoksemokoaiau; ki nĕsto'a kimat'ŭsksauopoksemokipuaua.
12 In pouring this perfume on my body, she prepares me for my burial.
Am'ok puye' nostŭm'i otsĭta'suyĭnĭssi itsĭstuts'imaie mŏkĭtsopuiapĭstutuyĭssi nŏkitak'itsasi.
13 I tell you, wherever, in the whole world, this good news is proclaimed, what this woman has done will be told in memory of her.”
Kitau'mŭnĭstopuau am'oi ŏkhs'itsĭniksĭnni amianĭstan'ĭstopi kŏnŭs'ksŏkkumă, am'ok, am'o ake'uă otap'ĭstutsipi ak'ŭtanĭstomaie, mŏk'ĭtŭsksĭnoŏsi.
14 It was then that one of the Twelve, named Judas Iscariot, made his way to the chief priests,
Na'tsikoputsix, tuks'kŭmă, anĭstau Judas Iscariot, itappo omŭk'atoiapiekuax,
15 and said “What are you willing to give me, if I betray Jesus to you?” The Priests counted him out thirty pieces of silver as payment.
Ki an'iu, tsanĭstap'pi kitak'okokipuaii, ki nitakitŭp'omutskau ksĕsto'au? Ki nitsi'tuyiauaie niĭp'pii ksĭxĭx'kĭmĭx.
16 So from that time Judas looked for an opportunity to betray Jesus.
Ki annik' itot'apsatsim mŏk'itamŭtskŏsaie.
17 On the first day of the Festival of the unleavened bread, the disciples came up to Jesus, and said, “Where do you wish us to make preparations for you to eat the Passover?”
Ke'tani kŭt'taikopŭtstsii, ĭstotom'iksĭs'tsikui, ŭsksĭnĭmats'ax itoto'iau Jesus, ki an'ĭstsiauaie, Tse'a kit'stapa kŏk'sopuiapĭstutosĭnan kŏk'kĭtsoyĭsi passover?
18 “Go into the city to a certain man,” he answered, “and say to him ‘The teacher says – My time is near. I will keep the Passover with my disciples at your house.’”
Ki an'iu ĭs'tapuk akap'ioyĭs, ki om'ŭmă nĭn'auŭmă anĭstok', Nin'a, an'iu, nitsiksĭstsikum'i aststsi'u: koko'ai nitŭs'ksĭnĭmatsax nitak'opoksoyimaiau passover.
19 The disciples did as Jesus directed them, and prepared the Passover.
Ki ŭsksĭnĭmats'ax manĭstan'ĭstopiax itan'ĭsttutsĭmiax; ki itso'poŭtsĭstutsĭmiau passover.
20 In the evening Jesus took his place with the twelve disciples,
Ki otau'tŭkkusi, ipokitau'pimiuax na'tsikoputsix.
21 and, while they were eating, he said, “I tell you that one of you will betray me.”
Ki otau'yĭsau, an'iu, kitau'mŭnĭstopuau tuks'kŭmă ksĕsto'au kĭtakaumŭts'kauki.
22 In great grief they began to say to him, one by one, “Can it be I, Master?”
Ki eks'kaiĭkikĭn'etŭkkiau, ki ikŏnau'mŭtŭpanĭstsiauaie, Nin'a nĕsto'akats?
23 “The one who dipped his bread beside me in the dish,” replied Jesus, “is the one who will betray me.
Ki an'iu, annŏk okĭt'sĭs nitopoksĭstapĭmakemauok kos'i nitakaumŭts'kauk.
24 True, the Son of Man must go, as scripture says of him, yet alas for that man by whom the Son of Man is being betrayed! For that man it would be better never to have been born!”
Nin'au okku'i itanĭsts'itappo nitsĭn'awpi: ak'itŭpokapiu annŏk' nĭn'auŏk imŭts'kaiuŏk Nĭn'au okku'i! Kŭt'taipokaiiuopi annŏk' nĭn'auŏk, ĭs'taŏkhsiuopi.
25 Judas, who was betraying him, turned to him and said, “Can it be I, Rabbi?” “It is,” answered Jesus.
Judas anni'ĭsk itse'mŭtskaukisk, itŭm'anĭstsiuaie, Nin'a nĕsto'akats? An'ĭstsiuaie, kitan'i.
26 While they were eating, Jesus took some bread, and, after saying the blessing, broke it and, as he gave it to his disciples, said, “Take it and eat it; this is my body.”
Ki otau'yĭsau Jesus ito'tsĭmaie ke'tani ki itatsĭm'ĭstutsĭmaie, ki itaumin'ĭmaie, kĭ ikotsiu'ax ŭsksĭnĭmats'ax, ki an'iu, Matsĭk', oyik'; am'oiauk nostŭm'i.
27 Then he took a cup, and, after saying the thanksgiving, gave it to them, with the words, “Drink from it, all of you;
Ki mat'tuyiuaie kos'i ki thanks ikotŭk'kiu, ki ikotsiu'ax, ki an'iu kŏnai'sĭmattok;
28 for this is my covenant blood, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
Am'okauk nitsa'apŭn, mananĭsts'etoksĭnni itŭp'itsiu itsai'kimskau akai'tappix otsauum'itsitappiisuauĕsts mŏk'sinĭsĕsts.
29 I tell you that I will never, after this, drink of this juice of the grape, until that day when I will drink it new with you in the kingdom of my Father.”
Ki kitan'ĭstopuau nimatakŭtsĭmattopa am'ok mĭniokke sauomo'pokitsipstsĭmattomĭnaniki manĭs'si nin'a ots'ĭnnaĭisĭnni.
30 They then sang a hymn, and went out to the Mount of Olives.
Ki otinik'sau natoi'ĭniksĭnni itŭp'sŭxiau nitum'moyi Olives.
31 Then Jesus said to them, “Even you will all fall away from me tonight. Scripture says – ‘I will strike down the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.’
Jesus itŭm'anĭstsiuax, nĕsto'a kĭtak'okŏnŭsskĭmskŭkipuau annok'ă koko'ikă: tŭk'ka, sĭn'aip, nitak'auaiakiau annŏk' ŭsks'kŭmiuŏk emŭk'ikĭnax, ki ot'omŭkikĭnauăsĭnna ĭsto'mŭkikĭnax akŭneto'iau.
32 But, after I have risen, I will go before you into Galilee.”
Aiksistatsipuau'eniki kitakitŭpotoma'topuau Galilee.
33 “If everyone else falls away from you,” Peter answered, “I will never fall away!”
Peter an'istsiuaie, ikŭm'okŏnŭstsskĭmskŭkĭssau ksĕsto'a, nimat'akĭstsskĭmskŭkipa.
34 “I tell you,” replied Jesus, “that this very night, before the cock crows, you will disown me three times!”
Jesus an'ĭstsiuaie, kitau'mŭnĭsto, Annok' koko'ik otsauomit'awkkumsi nipuau'ă nioks' kai kitakani kimatsksĭnok'ipa.
35 “Even if I must die with you,” Peter exclaimed, “I will never disown you!” All the disciples spoke in the same way.
Peter an'ĭstsiuaie ŏkskakŭmopoks'eniop, nimat'akanipa kimatsksĭnopa; neto'i ikŏnau'aniiax ŭsksĭnĭmats'ax.
36 Then Jesus came with them to a garden called Gethsemane, and he said to his disciples, “Sit down here while I go and pray over there.”
Jesus itŭmitŭpopokomiuax Gethsemane an'ĭstop, ki an'ĭstsiuax otŭsksĭnĭmatsax, annom' stau'pik, nitakittappo omim' nŏkĭtŭt'tsĭmoiikasi.
37 Taking with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, he began to show signs of sadness and deep distress of mind.
Ki mat'tuyiuax Peter, ki Zebedee otsĭstok'iokuyix, ki itaumŭtŭpĭkikĭn'etukki ki itau'mŭtŭpeikapitsitau.
38 “I am sad at heart,” he said, “sad even to death; wait here and watch with me.”
Itŭm'anĭstsiuax nitsitŭpĭkikĭnetukki e'ĭnsĭnni: annom' stau'pik, ki ŏk'itŭskskatŭkkiop.
39 Going on a little further, he threw himself on his face in prayer. “My Father,” he said, “if it is possible, let me be spared this cup; only, not as I will, but as you will.”
Ki pa'tsiĭstŭpaatsiuax, ki ĭsstokopi'u ostoksĭs', ki itŭt'tsĭmoiikau ki an'iu, Nin'a, ikŭm'okotsitstsĭssi am'oi kos'a ŭnnianistĭs'tŭpipotoŏssi; nimatakitsitan'ats, ksĕsto'a kitak'itsitan.
40 Then he came to his disciples, and found them asleep. “What!” he said to Peter, “could none of you watch with me for one hour?
Ki matskitoto'ax otŭsksĭnimats'ax, ki ikon'oyiuax oto'kaniax, ki an'ĭstsiuaie Peter, Awx'ats? Kikŭttaukotŭskskŭmmokipa tuks'kai itai'ksĭstsikumiopi?
41 Watch and pray so that you don’t fall into temptation. True, the spirit is eager, but human nature is weak.”
Mokŏk'etsĭk ki a'tsĭmoiikak, kŏkstaitsipĭssuai ĭssaks'ksĭnŭksĭnni; sta'aw itsitsi'tatomaie ki ĭx'isakuyi matsi'uats.
42 Again, a second time, he went away, and prayed. “My Father,” he said, “if I cannot be spared this cup, but must drink it, your will be done!”
Ki mats'ĭstapu ki itŭt'tsĭmoiikau, ki an'iu, Nĭn'a, am'oi kos'a sauomot'aisĭmmieniki sauomĭs'tŭpipotomokoeniki, kĭtak'itsitan.
43 And coming back again he found them asleep, for their eyes were heavy.
Ki mat'oto ki mat'okonoyiuax otsok'asax: tŭk'ka ĭssoksĭm'au oŏps'puauax.
44 So he left them, and went away again, and prayed a third time, again saying the same words.
Ki itskĭtsiuax, ki mats'ĭstapu, ki nioks'kai itŭt'tsĭmoiikau, ki netoi' au'aniu.
45 Then he came to the disciples, and said, “Sleep on now, and rest yourselves. Look – my time is close at hand, and the Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of wicked people.
Itŭm'itotoiax otŭsksĭnĭmats'ax ki an'ĭstsĭuax okak' annok, ki issĭk'sĭstsikok: sat'sik aststsiu' itai'ksĭstsikumiopix, ki Nin'au okku'i itŭp'aumŭtskau sauum'itsitappix otsu'auĕsts.
46 Up, and let us be going. Look! My betrayer is close at hand.”
Nipuak', ŏkittăppau'op: annŏk' nitakaumŭts'kaukŏk aststsiu'.
47 And, while he was still speaking, Judas, who was one of the Twelve, came in sight; and with him was a great crowd of people, with swords and clubs, sent from the chief priests and elders of the people.
Ki otsa'kiai epuyĭssi, Sat'sik, Judas, na'tsikoputsix tuks'kŭmă ito'to ki akai'tappix ipokom'iauaie inus'stoanix ki sŏksĭs'tsĭsts ipa'tŭkkix, itototoiau omŭk'atoiapiekuax ki matap'pix otsĭn'aimoauax.
48 Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them. “The man whom I kiss,” he had said, “will be the one; arrest him.”
Ki annŏk' imŭts'kaĭuŏkaie ikotsiu'ax apsto'sinni, ki an'iu, annŏk' nitak'sĭnnauskippauŏk, an'nŏkauk: mi'eenok.
49 So he went up to Jesus at once, and exclaimed, “Welcome, Rabbi!” and kissed him;
Ki ikŏm'itoto Jesus, ki aniu, Hail, Nin'a; ki itsĭn'nauskĭppiuaie.
50 at which Jesus said to him, “Friend, do what you have come for.” The men went up, seized Jesus, and arrested him.
Ki Jesus an'ĭstsiuaie, Napi'ă, kumauk'sipuksipuksĭks? Itŭmitoto'iauaie ki een'iauaie Jesus, ki mat'tuyiauaie.
51 Suddenly one of those who were with Jesus stretched out his hand, and drew his sword, and striking the high priest’s servant, cut off his ear.
Ki sat' sit, anniks'isk ipokom'iskaie Jesus, tuks'kŭma itsitŭpikĭns'tsakiuaie otsĭn'usstoan itsau'tuyiuaie, ki sp'a'toiapiekuŭn tuks'kŭmi otap'automok ot'auaiakiokaie, ki kŏk'sĭnĭmaie okhtok'ĭsaie.
52 “Sheathe your sword,” Jesus said, “for all who draw the sword will be put to the sword.
Jesus itŭm'anĭstsiuaie, kitsĭn'usstoană otsits'tsipi ĭststsi'ĭs; anniks'ĭsk matap'pixk mat'tuyixk inus'stoan, inus'stoan itax'enittaiau.
53 Do you think that I cannot ask my Father for help, when he would at once send to my aid more than twelve legions of angels?
Kit'stapa nŏkŭttokotsitŭp'atsĭmoiikani nin'ă, ki annok' nŏk'okuyĭssi otsĭtsksĭstsikoputsix legionix otatsĭm'otokatatsix?
54 But in that case how would the scriptures be fulfilled, which say that this must be?”
Tsa akokototŭmunĭstsĭstutsipa natoi'sĭnaksĭsts, mŏk'itŭnĭstsĭssi?
55 Jesus at the same time said to the crowds, “Have you come out, as if after a robber, with swords and clubs, to take me? I have sat teaching day after day in the Temple Courts, and yet you did not arrest me.”
Neto'ik itai'ksĭstsikumiopik Jesus an'ĭstsiuax akai'tappix, kikŭt'anĭstsipuksipa'akipuaua kanĭst'sitappopuau kŏmos'iepĭtsi annŏk' pa'tŭkkiuŏk inus'stoax ki sŏksĭs'tsĭsts, kŏk'otoksuai? Anĭs'tsiksĭstsikuĭsts kitopokau'pimopuau omŭk'atoiapioyĭs kŏkŭsksĭnĭmats'opuau ki kimatseen'okipuauă.
56 The whole of this occurred in fulfillment of the prophetic scriptures. Then the disciples all forsook him and fled.
Ki am'ostsk ikŏnaiĭstutsipi mŏks'enŭpanĭstosau prophetix osĭnak'suauĕsts. Ikŏnŭsksĭnĭmatsax itŭm'skĭttsiiau ki ai'tsĭmmutaiau.
57 Those who had arrested Jesus took him to Caiaphas, the high priest, where the teachers of the Law and elders had assembled.
Ki anniks'isk een'ixkaie Jesus itŭpĭpiauaie Caiaphas, sp'atoiapiekuŭn, itomoi'piawpiau ai'sĭnakix ki omŭks'ĭmix nĭn'ax.
58 Peter followed him at a distance as far as the high priest’s courtyard, to see the outcome.
Ki Peter piaapŭtsitŭpa'tseuaie sp'atoiapiekuŭn oko'ai, kiitsipim' ki ipokau'pimiuax ap'otŭkkix mŏkitokŏnai'nĭsi.
59 Meanwhile the chief priests and the whole of the High Council were trying to get such false evidence against Jesus, as would warrant putting him to death,
Annok', omŭk'atoiapiekuax ki omŭks'imix nĭn'ax ki ikŏnau'kŏkitsĭmax, ĭstŭp'iksĭstapenŭpanĭssĭnni ap'satsĭmiau mŏks'enitŏsauaie Jesus;
60 but they did not find any, although many came forward with false evidence. Later on, however, two men came forward and said,
Ki matokonim'axau; otsito'tosax akai'tappix aiksĭstapenŭpanix, matokonĭm'axau. Sako'okhtsim ito'toĭau na'tsitappiix ai'tapksĭsenŭpanix,
61 “This man said ‘I am able to destroy the Temple of God, and to build it in three days.’”
Ki an'iau, am'o nin'au an'iu nitokot'opŭksĭnip Ap'istotok'iuă otatoi'apioyis ki nitokot'sokapĭstutsip nioks'kai ksĭstsiku'i.
62 Then the high priest stood up, and said to Jesus, “Have you no answer? What is this evidence which these men are giving against you?”
Ki Sp'atoi'apiekuŭn itsipuau', ki an'ĭstsiuaie, kitakstaie'puyipa? Tsanĭstapiu'a am'ox kitse'nŭpanipiau?
63 But Jesus remained silent. The high priest said to him, “I order you, by the living God, to tell us whether you are the Christ, the Son of God.”
Ki Jesus matsepuyiu'ats. Ki Sp'atoi'apiekuŭn mat'anĭstsiuaie, kita'tauŭnĭsto Ӑp'istotokiua ipai'tappiiuă, kŏk'aniksĭnan ikŭm'ŭmeniki Christ, Ap'ĭstotokiuă okku'i.
64 “It is true,” Jesus answered, “Moreover I tell you all that hereafter you will see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of the Almighty, and coming on the clouds of the heavens.”
Jesus an'istsiuaie, kitsemŭniani; ki kitan'ĭsto sako'okhtsim kitaks'ĭnoauai'ĭni Nin'au okku'i, otsitau'pĭssi otŭmap'sĭnni ĭstset'otsĭsi ki umutsipuk'sipusi Spots'im ĭstsisoksĭs'tsikuĭsts.
65 Then the high priest tore his robes. “This is blasphemy!” he exclaimed. “Why do we want any more witnesses? You have just heard his blasphemy!
Sp'atoi'apiekuŭn itŭmai'pinotsĭmĕsts otsĭstotos'ĭsts ki an'iu, itŭpepo'atomaie Ap'ĭstotokiuă; nitak'otsikipĭnana stsik'ix e'ĕnŭpanix? Sat'sik, kikai'okhtoauau oksĭs'tapinikŏttsimani.
66 What is your decision?” They answered, “He deserves death.”
Tsa kit'stapuauă? An'iau, mŏks'eĭnsi.
67 Then they spat in his face, and struck him, while others dealt blows at him, saying as they did so,
Itŭm'itaisokuttŭttsiauaie ostoksĭs'aie, ki oto'auĕsts itsĭtauaiak'iauaie: ki stsĭk'ix omi'tsĭxikĭnstspuauĕsts itsĭtauaiak'iauaie.
68 “Now play the prophet for us, you Christ! Who was it that struck you?”
Ki an'iau, ksĕsto'a Christ e'ĕnŭpanikĭnan, Tŭkka' kĭtauaiak'ioka?
69 Peter, meanwhile, was sitting outside in the courtyard; and a maidservant came up to him, and exclaimed, “Why, you were with Jesus the Galilean!”
Annok' Peter sauauts'im itau'piu, ĭstokĭtsĭm'i pĭstots'im: ki ake'kuŭn itoto'aie, ki an'iu, ksĕsto'a kitopokom'au Jesus Galilee ĭstsitappim'i.
70 But Peter denied it before them all. “I do not know what you mean,” he replied.
Ki paiot'anĭstsiuax matap'pix nimatsksĭnoau'ats nimatsksĭnipa kitan'ipi
71 When he had gone out into the gateway, another maid saw him, and said to those who were there, “This man was with Jesus of Nazareth!”
Ki otsitŭp'sŭxsi kĭtsĭm'iapioyĭs, stsĭk'i ake'kuŭn nan'nuyenaie ki an'ĭstsiuax anniks'isk matap'pixk itau'pixk, ani'o nin'au nokŭt'opoksimiuaie Jesus, Nazareth istsitappim'i.
72 Again he denied it with an oath, “I do not know the man!”
Ki mata'toŭniu, ki an'iu, nimatsksĭn oau'ats nĭn'au.
73 But soon afterward those who were standing by came up and said to Peter, “You also are certainly one of them; why, even your way of speaking proves it!”
Ki otai'pĭstsĭksisŭmmosi anniks'ĭsk itai'puyixk itoto'iauaie, ki an'ĭstsiauaie Peter, E'mŭniu, ksĕsto'akauk tuks'kŭmă: kitse'poawsĭsts kitse'ĕnŭpaniki.
74 Then Peter said, “I swear that I do not know the man! May God punish me if I am lying!” At that moment a cock crowed;
Itŭmaumŭtŭpipako'sĭnepuyiu, ki itaumŭtŭpŭtau'ŭniu, nimats'ksĭnoau'ats nĭn'au. Ki nipuau'ă sokĭt'okumiu.
75 and Peter remembered the words which Jesus had said – ‘Before a cock has crowed, you will disown me three times’; and he went outside, and wept bitterly.
Ki Peter ĭsksĭnĭm'aie Jesus ote'poawsinniaie, annik' itanĭs'tsiuaie, otsauomokh'kumsi nipuau'a nioks'kai kitak'ani kimatsksĭnokĭpats. Ki itsŭx'iu, ki itsok'auasainiu.

< Matthew 26 >