< Luke 6 >

1 One Sabbath Jesus was walking through cornfields, and his disciples were picking the ears of wheat, and rubbing them in their hands, and eating them.
Siku moja ya Sabato, Yesu alikuwa anapita katika mashamba ya ngano, na wanafunzi wake wakaanza kukwanyua masuke ya ngano, wakaondoa punje zake kwa mikono, wakala.
2 “Why are you doing what it is not allowable to do on the Sabbath?” asked some of the Pharisees.
Baadhi ya Mafarisayo wakawauliza, “Mbona mnafanya jambo ambalo si halali siku ya Sabato?”
3 Jesus’ answer was, “Haven’t you read even of what David did, when he was hungry, he and his companions –
Yesu akawajibu, “Je, hamjasoma jinsi alivyofanya Daudi pamoja na wenzake wakati walipokuwa na njaa?
4 That he went into the house of God, and took the consecrated bread and ate it, and gave some to his companions, though only the priests are allowed to eat it?”
Yeye aliingia ndani ya nyumba ya Mungu, akachukua ile mikate iliyowekwa mbele ya Mungu, akala na kuwapa wenzake. Kisheria, ni makuhani tu peke yao ndio walioruhusiwa kula mikate hiyo.”
5 Then Jesus added, “The Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath.”
Hivyo akawaambia, “Mwana wa Mtu ni Bwana wa Sabato.”
6 On another Sabbath Jesus went into the synagogue and taught; and there was a man there whose right hand was withered.
Siku nyingine ya Sabato, Yesu aliingia katika sunagogi, akafundisha. Mle ndani mlikuwa na mtu ambaye mkono wake wa kuume ulikuwa umepooza.
7 The teachers of the Law and the Pharisees watched Jesus closely, to see if he would work cures on the Sabbath, so that they might find a charge to bring against him.
Walimu wa Sheria na Mafarisayo walitaka kupata kisingizio cha kumshtaki Yesu na hivyo wakawa wanangojea waone kama angemponya mtu siku ya Sabato.
8 Jesus, however, knew what was in the their minds, and said to the man whose hand was withered, “Stand up and come out into the middle.” The man stood up;
Lakini Yesu alijua mawazo yao, akamwambia yule mwenye mkono uliopooza, “Inuka, simama katikati.” Yule mtu akaenda akasimama katikati.
9 and Jesus said to them, “I ask you, is it allowable to do good on the Sabbath – or harm? To save a life, or let it perish?”
Kisha Yesu akawaambia, “Nawaulizeni, je, ni halali siku ya Sabato kutenda jambo jema au kutenda jambo baya; kuokoa maisha au kuyaangamiza?”
10 Then, looking around at them all, he said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” The man did so; and his hand had become sound.
Baada ya kuwatazama wote waliokuwa pale, akamwambia yule mtu, “Nyosha mkono wako.” Naye akafanya hivyo, na mkono wake ukawa mzima tena.
11 But the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees were mad with rage, and consulted together what they could do to Jesus.
Lakini wao wakakasirika sana, wakajadiliana jinsi ya kumtendea Yesu maovu.
12 Now about that time, Jesus went out, up the hill, to pray, and spent the whole night in prayer to God.
Siku moja Yesu alikwenda mlimani kusali, akakesha huko usiku kucha akimwomba Mungu.
13 When day came, he summoned his disciples, and chose twelve of them, whom he also named ‘apostles.’
Kesho yake aliwaita wanafunzi wake, na miongoni mwao akachagua kumi na wawili ambao aliwaita mitume:
14 They were Simon (whom Jesus also named Peter), and his brother Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew,
Simoni (ambaye Yesu alimpa jina Petro) na Andrea ndugu yake, Yakobo na Yohane, Filipo na Bartholomayo,
15 Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Simon known as the Zealot,
Mathayo na Thoma, Yakobo wa Alfayo na Simoni (aliyeitwa Zelote),
16 Judas son of James, and Judas Iscariot, who proved a traitor.
Yuda wa Yakobo na Yuda Iskarioti ambaye baadaye alikuwa msaliti.
17 Afterward Jesus came down the hill with them and took his stand on a level place. With him were a large crowd of his disciples, and great numbers of people from the whole of Judea, Jerusalem, and the coast district of Tyre and Sidon,
Baada ya kushuka mlimani pamoja na mitume, Yesu alisimama mahali palipokuwa tambarare. Hapo palikuwa na kundi kubwa la wanafunzi wake na umati wa watu waliotoka pande zote za Yudea na Yerusalemu na pwani ya Tiro na Sidoni. Wote walifika kumsikiliza Yesu na kuponywa magonjwa yao.
18 who had come to hear him and to be restored to health. Those, too, who were troubled with foul spirits were cured;
Aliwaponya pia wote waliokuwa wanasumbuliwa na pepo wachafu.
19 and everyone in the crowd was trying to touch him, because a power went out from him which restored them all.
Watu wote walitaka kumgusa, kwa maana nguvu ilikuwa inatoka ndani yake na kuwaponya wote.
20 Then, raising his eyes and looking at his disciples, Jesus said: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.
Yesu akawageukia wanafunzi wake, akasema: “Heri ninyi mlio maskini, maana Ufalme wa Mungu ni wenu.
21 Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.
Heri ninyi mnaosikia njaa sasa, maana baadaye mtashiba. Heri ninyi mnaolia sasa, maana baadaye mtacheka kwa furaha.
22 Blessed are you when people hate you, and when they expel you from among them, and insult you, and reject your name as an evil thing – because of the Son of Man.
“Heri yenu ninyi iwapo watu watawachukia, watawatenga, watawatukana na kuwaharibieni jina kwa ajili ya Mwana wa Mtu!
23 Then indeed you may be glad and dance for joy, for be sure that your reward in heaven will be great; for that is what their ancestors did to the prophets.
Wakati hayo yatakapotokea, furahini na kucheza, maana hakika tuzo lenu ni kubwa mbinguni. Kwa maana wazee wao waliwatendea manabii vivyo hivyo.
24 But alas for you who are rich, for you have had your comforts in full.
Lakini ole wenu ninyi mlio matajiri, maana mmekwisha pata faraja yenu.
25 Alas for you who are sated now, for you will hunger. Alas for you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep.
Ole wenu ninyi mnaoshiba sasa, maana baadaye mtasikia njaa. Ole wenu ninyi mnaocheka kwa furaha sasa, maana baadaye mtaomboleza na kulia.
26 Alas for you when everyone speaks well of you; for this is what their ancestors did to the false prophets.
Ole wenu ninyi iwapo watu wote wanawasifu, maana wazee wao waliwafanyia manabii wa uongo vivyo hivyo.
27 But to you who hear I say – love your enemies, show kindness to those who hate you,
“Lakini nawaambieni ninyi mnaonisikiliza: wapendeni adui zenu, watendeeni mema wale wanaowachukieni.
28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who insult you.
Watakieni baraka wale wanaowalaani, na waombeeni wale wanaowatendea vibaya.
29 When someone gives one of you a blow on the cheek, offer the other cheek as well; and, when anyone takes away your cloak, do not keep back your coat either.
Mtu akikupiga shavu moja mgeuzie na la pili. Mtu akikunyang'anya koti lako mwachie pia shati lako.
30 Give to everyone who asks of you; and, when anyone takes away what is yours, do not demand its return.
Yeyote anayekuomba mpe, na mtu akikunyang'anya mali yako usimtake akurudishie.
31 Do to others as you wish them to do to you.
Watendeeni wengine kama mnavyotaka wawatendee ninyi.
32 If you love only those who love you, what thanks will be due to you? Why, even the outcast love those who love them!
“Na ikiwa mnawapenda tu wale wanaowapenda ninyi, je, mtapata tuzo gani? Hakuna! Kwa maana hata wenye dhambi huwapenda wale wanaowapenda wao.
33 For, if you show kindness only to those who show kindness to you, what thanks will be due to you? Even the outcast do that!
Tena, kama mkiwatendea mema wale tu wanaowatendeeni mema, mtapata tuzo gani? Hata wenye dhambi hufanya vivyo hivyo!
34 If you lend only to those from whom you expect to get something, what thanks will be due to you? Even the outcast lend to the outcast in the hope of getting as much in return!
Na kama mnawakopesha wale tu mnaotumaini watawalipeni, je, mtapata tuzo gani? Hata wenye dhambi huwakopesha wenye dhambi wenzao ili warudishiwe kima kilekile!
35 But love your enemies, and show them kindness, and lend to them, never despairing. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the thankless and the bad.
Ila nyinyi wapendeni adui zenu, na kuwatendea mema; kopesheni bila kutazamia malipo, na tuzo lenu litakuwa kubwa, nanyi mtakuwa watoto wa Mungu aliye juu. Kwa maana yeye ni mwema kwa wale wasio na shukrani na walio wabaya.
36 Learn to be merciful – even as your Father is merciful.
Muwe na huruma kama Baba yenu alivyo na huruma.
37 Do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
“Msiwahukumu wengine, nanyi hamtahukumiwa; msiwalaumu wengine, nanyi hamtalaumiwa; wasameheni wengine, nanyi mtasamehewa.
38 Give, and others will give to you. A generous measure, pressed and shaken down, and running over, will they pour into your lap; for the standard you use will be the standard used for you.”
Wapeni wengine wanavyohitaji, nanyi mtapewa. Naam, mtapokea mikononi mwenu kipimo kilichojaa, kikashindiliwa na kusukwasukwa hata kumwagika. Kwa maana kipimo kilekile mnachotumia kwa wengine ndicho ambacho Mungu atatumia kwenu.”
39 Then, speaking in parables, Jesus said, “Can one blind person guide another? Will they not both fall into a ditch?
Akawaambia mfano huu: “Je, kipofu anaweza kumwongoza kipofu mwenzake? La! Wote wataanguka shimoni.
40 A student is not above their teacher; yet every finished student will be like their teacher.
Mwanafunzi hamshindi mwalimu wake, lakini kila mwanafunzi akisha hitimu huwa kama mwalimu wake.
41 And why do you look at the speck of sawdust in someone’s eye, while you pay no attention at all to the plank of wood in your own?
Unawezaje kukiona kibanzi kilicho katika jicho la mwenzio, usione boriti iliyo katika jicho lako mwenyewe?
42 How can you say to your friend ‘Friend, let me take out the speck in your eye,’ while you yourself do not see the plank in your own? Hypocrite! Take out the plank from your own eye first, and then you will see clearly how to take out the speck in your friend’s.
Au, unawezaje kumwambia mwenzako, Ndugu, ngoja nikuondoe kibanzi katika jicho lako, na huku huioni boriti iliyoko katika jicho lako mwenyewe? Mnafiki wewe! Toa kwanza boriti iliyoko jichoni mwako, na hivyo utaona sawasawa kiasi cha kuweza kuondoa kibanzi kilicho katika jicho la ndugu yako.
43 There is no such thing as a good tree bearing worthless fruit, or, on the other hand, a worthless tree bearing good fruit.
“Mti mwema hauzai matunda mabaya, wala mti mbaya hauzai matunda mazuri.
44 For every tree is known by its own fruit. People do not gather figs off thorn bushes, nor pick a bunch of grapes off a bramble.
Watu huutambua mti kutokana na matunda yake. Ni wazi kwamba watu hawachumi tini katika michongoma, wala hawachumi zabibu katika mbigili.
45 A good person, from the good stores of their heart, brings out what is good; while a bad person, from their bad stores, brings out what is bad. For what fills someone’s heart will rise to their lips.
Mtu mwema hutoa yaliyo mema kutoka katika hazina bora iliyo moyoni mwake; na mtu mbaya hutoa yaliyo mabaya katika hazina mbaya iliyo moyoni mwake, kwa maana mtu huongea kutokana na yale yaliyojaa moyoni mwake.
46 Why do you call me ‘Master! Master!’ and yet fail to do what I tell you?
“Mbona mwaniita Bwana, Bwana, na huku hamtimizi yale ninayosema?
47 Everyone who comes to me and listens to my teaching and acts on it – I will show you to whom they may be compared.
Nitawapeni mfano unaofaa kuonyesha alivyo yeyote yule anayekuja kwangu, akasikia maneno yangu na kuyatimiza:
48 They may be compared to a person building a house, who dug, and went deep, and laid the foundation on the rock. Then, when a flood came, the river swept down on that house, but had no power to shake it, because it had been built well.
Huyo anafanana na mtu ajengaye nyumba, ambaye amechimba chini na kuweka msingi wake juu ya mwamba; kukatokea mafuriko ya mto, mkondo wa maji ukaipiga nyumba ile, lakini haukuweza kuitikisa, kwa sababu ilikuwa imejengwa imara.
49 But those who have listened and not acted on what they have heard may be compared to a person who built a house on the ground without any foundation. The river swept down on it, and the house immediately collapsed; and great was the crash that followed.”
Lakini yeyote anayesikia maneno yangu lakini asifanye chochote, huyo anafanana na mtu aliyejenga nyumba juu ya udongo, bila msingi. Mafuriko ya mto yakatokea, mkondo wa maji ukaipiga nyumba ile, ikaanguka na kuharibika kabisa!”

< Luke 6 >