< Luke 23 >

1 Then they all rose in a body and led Jesus before Pilate.
Umilundo wihi ukimika, ukamutwale uYesu pantongeela ang'wa Pilato.
2 And they began to accuse him, “This is a man whom we found misleading our people, preventing them from paying taxes to the Emperor, and giving out that he himself is ‘Christ, a king.’”
Ikandya kumuumbilya inkani, akazelunga, kumuhangile umuntu yu ukumunkonga ihi itu, wenda agilya iantu aleke kupumya impia kung'wa kaisari, hangi wenda hinga kina nuanso Kristo, Mtemi.
3 “Are you the king of the Jews?” Pilate asked him. “It is true,” replied Jesus.
Pilato akamkolya, akahunga, Uewe wintemi Wayahudi? uYesu akasusha akalunga, ingi wewe ukulanga iti.
4 But Pilate, turning to the chief priests and the people, said, “I do not see anything to find fault with in this man.”
Upilato akamuila ukuhani numukulu a mitunda, shakuona igazo nila muntu uyu.
5 But they insisted, “He is stirring up the people by his teaching all through Judea; he began with Galilee and has now come here.”
Ingi nianso ikalunga, wenda asongeela iantu, wenda amanyisa kuuyahundi ihi, kandilya kugalilaya ni tungili ukoti hapa.
6 Hearing this, Pilate asked if the man was a Galilean;
Upilato nai wija, akakaelya kina Umuntu uyu ang'wa waku Galilaya.
7 and, having satisfied himself that Jesus came under Herod’s jurisdiction, he sent him to Herod, who also was at Jerusalem at the time.
Naiwalinga kina aukoli mutemi wang, wa Herode, akamutwala kung'wa Herode, imatungo nanso nung'wenso aukoli kuyerusalemu imahiko nanso.
8 When Herod saw Jesus, he was exceedingly pleased, for he had been wanting to see him for a long time, having heard a great deal about him; and he was hoping to see some sign given by him.
Uherode naiwamuona Yesu, akalowa, kunsoko autakile kumuona siku idu. Aiwija ulukumo lakwe, akalowa aone ata ikuilwa ling'wi nilikitung'wa nung'wenso.
9 So he questioned him at some length, but Jesus made no reply.
Uherode akamukolya uYesu nkani yidu, Uyesu singa akasusha kintu kihi.
10 Meanwhile the chief priests and the teachers of the Law stood by and vehemently accused him.
Iakuhani niakulu palung'wi niandiki akimika kuautaki ukazimusemela.
11 And Herod, with his soldiers, treated Jesus with scorn; he mocked him by throwing a gorgeous robe around him, and then sent him back to Pilate.
Uherode palung'wi nia hami akwe, ikmutukila nukumumda, nukumutagala inguo ninza uYesu sunga ikamususha kung'wa Pilato.
12 And Herod and Pilate became friends that very day, for before that there had been ill-will between them.
Herode nu Pilato ikatula ikihumbashuya kandilya uluhiku lulo, [ntongeela apa ng'wanso aialemanilye].
13 So Pilate summoned the chief priests, and the leading men, and the people,
Upilato akaitanga iakuhani niakulu nilongeeli niamilundo na antu.
14 and said to them, “You brought this man before me charged with misleading the people; and yet, for my part, though I examined him before you, I did not find this man to blame for any of the things of which you accuse him;
Akaaila mandetela umuntu uyu, anga muntu nuiatongeela awa niyituma imabi, hangi gozi namukolekelya pa ntongeela anyu, singa naona igazo ku muntu uyu ku nkani yihi inazamenda musemela nuinso.
15 nor did Herod either; for he has sent him back to us. And, as a fact, he has not done anything deserving death;
Kutile, ang'wi Herode, kunsoko wamususha kitaitu, inangi kutile kintu kihi nikibi naiwitumile nakihumile kutule apegwe ulamulwa wa nsha.
16 so I will have him scourged, and then release him.”
Kululo kumupa ulamulwa nukumutunguila.
Itungili, Upilato ukumulekela mutungwa ung'wi kua yahudi matungo na mahiku aulumbiili.
18 But they began to shout as one man, “Kill this fellow, but release Barabbas for us.”
Ingi ihi akazogolya palung'wi, akazelunga,''Muheje uyu, hangi kuluguilye ubaraba.''
19 (Barabbas was a man who had been put in prison for a riot that had broken out in the city and for murder.)
Ubaraba ai muntu nauikilwe kukitungo kunsoko au sambo mukisali palung'wi nuubulagi.
20 Pilate, however, wanting to release Jesus, called to them again;
Upilato akaila hangi, ndalwe kumuleka uYesu.
21 but they kept calling out, “Crucify, crucify him!”
Kululo nianso akakulya iyogo agigwe agigwe.
22 “Why, what harm has this man done?” Pilate said to them for the third time. “I have found nothing in him for which he could be condemned to death. So I will have him scourged, and then release him.”
Akaakolya katatu, akaila umuntu uyu witumile mabiki? Naulya igazo nilihumile kumutwala muulamutwa wa nshaakwe, kululo ingankondye kupumya uulamulwa kumulekela.
23 But they persisted in loudly demanding his crucifixion; and their clamor gained the day.
Akitwita kua ngulu, akalowa agig'wa, induli yao ikampembeselya upilato.
24 Pilate decided that their demand should be granted.
Upilato akaaila mitumi anganimuonee.
25 He released the man who had been put in prison for riot and murder, as they demanded, and gave Jesus up to be dealt with as they pleased.
Akamutunguila uyu nautungilwe kukitingo kunsoko akusingizeeligwa kituma ubi nu kubalaga. Uyu naumuloilwe, akamupunya uYesu amitumile nialoilwe.
26 And, as they were leading Jesus away, they laid hold of Simon from Cyrene, who was on his way in from the country, and they put the cross on his shoulders, for him to carry it behind Jesus.
Naiakumuheja ikamuamba muntu ung'wi, Simoni Mkirene, naupimie kumugunda, ikamutika ikota la mpanga amutyale uYesu.
27 There was a great crowd of people following him, many being women who were beating their breasts and wailing for him.
Milundo mkulu nuantu, niasungu idu naiahumilwe ikinya uwayi nukuhongeelya kunsoko akwe, ai amutyatile.
28 So Jesus turned and said to them, “Women of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.
Akaa pilukila akaaila, Ananso niamu Yerusalemu, leki kundiili unene, iliili unyenye niana anyu.
29 A time, I tell you, is coming, when it will be said – ‘Happy are the women who are barren, and those who have never borne children or nursed them!’
Goza imahiku apembilye,''niazelunga, akembetwa iagumba ni nda nishayiluga nimaele aya nisinga aiankilye.
30 At that time people will begin to say to the mountains ‘Fall on us,’ and to the hills ‘Cover us.’
Pang'wanso azetula maila imalugulu, kugwili, ana malugulu kukunikili.
31 If what you see is done while the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?”
Ang'wi akituma nkanizizi mu mti nutotu ukatula uli mu mti nuwumo?
32 There were two others also, criminals, led out to be executed with Jesus.
Intunja abiili hangi niansambo aiatwawe palung'wi nung'wenso ende abulagwe.
33 When they had reached the place called ‘The Skull,’ there they crucified Jesus and the criminals, one on the right, and one on the left.
Naipaka apo niitangwa ing'ang'a Iitwe, ikatula maja palung'wi niasambo, ung'wi mukono nuakigiha numuya mukono nua kikima.
34 Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them; they do not know what they are doing.” His clothes they divided among them by casting lots.
Uyesu akahinga, Tata alekole kunsoko shangaalikile niakituma. Nienso ikaku ialo ahume kugalana imyenda akwe.
35 Meanwhile the people stood looking on. Even the leading men said with a sneer, “He saved others, let him save himself, if he is God’s Christ, his chosen one.”
Iantu ainukile akazeagozeeye kunu iatemi akazemumela, akazelunga, aiwiaguna niangizeo, itungili nigune nung'wenso, ang'wi nuanso Kristo wang'wi, Itunda, naushaguwe.
36 The soldiers, too, came up in mockery, bringing him common wine,
Iahomi neonso ikamudalaha, Ikamuhugeela ikamupa inkungu.
37 and saying as they did so, “If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself.”
Ikalunga, ang'wi uewe wimu temi wayahudi igune uewe.
38 Above him were the words – ‘THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.’
Aikikoli hangi kilingasiilyo migulya akwe naikiandikilwe, ''UYU NGWENSO MUTEMI WAYAHUDI”.
39 One of the criminals who were hanging beside Jesus railed at him. “Aren’t you the Christ? Save yourself and us,” he said.
Ung'wi wa Sambo naukagigwa akamutuhila akalunga, uewe wi Kristo? Iguno uewe nu sese.
40 But the other rebuked him. “Haven’t you,” he said, “any fear of God, now that you are under the same sentence?
Ingi gwa umuya akasusha, akamukenela akalunga, uewe shumogopile ne Itunda? nuewe ukoli mulamulwa wuwo wuwo?
41 And we justly so, for we are only reaping our deserts, but this man has not done anything wrong.
Use kukoli kutai, Kunsoko usese kusingiilya iko nikimpyani ni ntendo yitie ingi umuntie uyu shawitumile anga kintu kihi nikibi.
42 Jesus,” he went on, “do not forget me when you have come to your kingdom.”
Hangi akongeelya, Yesu unkimbuke nukingila mutemi wako.
43 And Jesus answered, “I tell you, this very day you will be with me in Paradise.”
Uyesu akamuila, huila kuila ilelo iyi ukutula palung'wi nunene kuparadiso.
44 It was nearly midday, when a darkness came over the whole country, lasting until three in the afternoon,
Ainugee kutula matungo mutandatu, ihe ihi ikakunikilwa ni kiti sunga imatungo kenda ikapika.
45 the sun being eclipsed; and the Temple curtain was torn down the middle.
Uwelu wa lyoa ukalima, sunga ung'wenda nuitekeelo ukatamuka pakati kandiilya migulya.
46 Then Jesus, with a loud cry, said, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” And with these words he expired.
Akalila kua luli lukulu, Uyesu akalunga, Tata mumikono nako, namiika inkolo ane, naiwaligitya aya akasha.
47 The Roman centurion, on seeing what had happened, praised God, exclaiming, “This must have been a good man!”
Matungo uakida naiwaona ayo naitumilwe akamukolya Itunda akalunga, itai uyu ai muntu wa tai.
48 All the people who had collected to see the sight watched what occurred, and then went home beating their breasts.
Matungo umilundo wa antu naiazile palung'wi kihenga naiaona ayo naitumilwe, ikasuka akaze kuaga ikue yao.
49 All the friends of Jesus had been standing at a distance, with the women who accompanied him from Galilee, watching all this.
Ingi gwa iahumba uya akwe, niasunga ikamutatya kupuma kugalilaya, akimika kuli akazegoza ayo naitumilwe.
50 Now there was a man of the name of Joseph, who was a member of the Council, and who bore a good and upright character.
Goza aukoli muntu nai witangwa Yusufu nai muntu wianza, Muntu muza nuatai.
51 (This man had not assented to the decision and action of the Council.) He belonged to Arimathea, a town in Judea, and lived in expectation of the kingdom of God.
[Akili kigombya ni ntendo yao, ] kupuma Armathaya kisali ka kiyahudi uo naizaulindie utemi wang'wi Tunda.
52 He now went to see Pilate, and asked for the body of Jesus;
Umuntu uyu, akamuhugeela upilato, akalompa apeng'we umuili wang'wa Yesu.
53 and, when he had taken it down, he wrapped it in a linen sheet, and laid him in a tomb cut out of stone, in which no one had yet been buried.
Akausimya hangi akaukumba isanda akauka mukibiila naikimbihiimbilwe mungwe, omo naizakili muntu wihi kuikwa.
54 It was the Preparation day, and just before the Sabbath began.
luhiku la kunonelya ni Sabato ahugeela.
55 The women who had accompanied Jesus from Galilee followed, and saw the tomb and how the body of Jesus was laid,
Iasungu, naiazile kupuma Kugalilaya, aiamulyatile ikibiila nu muili wakwe naiulalikigwe.
56 and then went home, and prepared spices and perfumes. During the Sabbath they rested, as directed by the commandment.
Akasuka ikatula nonelya imakuta nakunyunkilya. Sunga luhiku la sabato akasupya anga naiza malagiilyo ao.

< Luke 23 >