< Jude 1 >

1 To those who, having received the call, have been loved by God the Father and protected by Jesus Christ, From Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ, and the brother of James.
U Yuda utumwe wa Yesu Kristu nu holo wakwe u Yakobo, hwa bhaala bhabhakwiziwe, bhabhagenwe nu Ngulubhi uisewitu na bhabhbabhehwelwe aje bhabhebha Yesu Kristi:
2 May mercy, peace, and love be yours in ever increasing measure.
uluseshelo nu lugano lusajilo lwonjezewe hulimwe.
3 Dear friends, while I was making every effort to write to you about our common salvation, I felt that I must write to you at once to encourage you to fight in defense of the faith that has once for all been entrusted to the keeping of Christ’s people.
Bhamwitu, nanabhombaga ebidii abhasimbile ahusu uwaushe witu tenti aja muulwelanilaje ulwitiho lwatapewilwe lumo wene hwa bhamwitishe.
4 For there have crept in among you certain godless people, whose sentence has long since been pronounced, and who make the mercy of God an excuse for profligacy, and disown our only lord and master, Jesus Christ.
Huli abhantu bhabhahwiyinjizizye shunuunu hulimwe abhantu bhabhabhehwele eshimanyilo aje bhalongwe abhantu bhasebhinza bhabhagaluzanya aminza abheshe mabhibhi na bhahukhana Ungulubhi Ugosi yalii mwene nu Yesu Kristi.
5 Now I want to remind you – but you already know it all – that, though the Lord delivered the people from Egypt, yet he afterward destroyed those who refused to believe in him;
Eshi ehwanza aje embakumbusye huje lumo mwamenye huje Ungulubhi abhukoye abhantu afume hu Misri nantele abhagojile mwidala bhala bhasiga bhahitishilaga.
6 and that even those angels, who did not keep to their appointed spheres, but left their proper homes, have been kept by him for the judgment of the great day in everlasting chains and black darkness. (aïdios g126)
Na malaika bhasigabhagutendeshe ukhalo gwabho Ungulubhi abhatanjile nabhapinye nabhatajile mwilendi elyenkisi bhagulila aje lyenze isiku elyalongwe hwi siku lila. (aïdios g126)
7 Like Sodom and Gomorrah and the towns near them, which gave themselves up to fornication, and fell into unnatural vice, these angels now stand out as a warning, undergoing, as they are, punishment in eternal fire. (aiōnios g166)
Neshi hu Sodoma na Gomora nekhaya zyazyazyu ngulile ensi eyo, zyope zyahwiunjile nembimbi zya hu Sodoma Ungulubhi azipembile nu wmoto zisimbilwe ezi aje zibheshifwani hulite aje guhweli umwoto hwabhaala bhasigabha. (aiōnios g166)
8 Yet in the same way these people, too, cherishing vain dreams, pollute our human nature, reject control, and malign the celestial beings.
Hwitiha izu lya Ngulubhi. Shashila bhalota enjozi, bhananganya amabele gabho, bhakhananu loongozi, bhayanga ilenga ezya Ngulubhi.
9 Yet even Michael, the archangel, when, in his dispute with the devil, he was arguing about the body of Moses, did not venture to charge him with maligning, but said merely ‘The Lord rebuke you!’
Lelo hata umalaika u Mikaeli ula uGosi nabhalwililanaga ubile gwa Musa, sigaalonjile humbibhi, ajile Ungulubhi adamile.
10 But these people malign whatever they do not understand; while they use such things as they know by instinct (like the animals that have no reason) for their own corruption.
Lelo abhantu ebha bhaleta ilenga atazyasigabhaziminye zila zyasagabhazime ehanu zyasigazi nenjele zimenye huje ehasehahwa nziwa ega ndiyo gagabhana ngenye.
11 Alas for them! They walk in the steps of Cain; led astray by Balaam’s love of gain, they plunge into sin, and meet their ruin through rebellion like Korah.
Palwao maana bhajendile idala lya Kaini, na fuatile unanzi wa Baalamu. Bhateejile munanzi wa Kora.
12 These are the people who are blots on your ‘love-feasts,’ when they feast together and provide without scruple for themselves alone. They are clouds without rain, driven before the winds; they are leafless trees without a vestige of fruit, dead through and through, torn up by the roots;
Abhantu ebha mawe musherehe zyenyu ezye lugano bhashelekela bilansoni, bhahwilisyabhebho, mabhengo gasigagaline mvula, gagaputwa ne haala, makwi gagapumbulushe, segali nu matunda, gafwiye habhili, gagasenyilwe amazi
13 they are wild sea waves, foaming with their own shame; they are ‘wandering stars,’ for which the blackest darkness has been reserved for ever. (aiōn g165)
Ebha mawimbi gamunsumbi gagali ni bwago gali ni bwago elyensoni zyabho ntondwe zyazizyungula shaaha ambao uwilu wao uwinkisi ubhehwelwe hwabhene wila na wila. (aiōn g165)
14 To these people, as to others, Enoch, the seventh in descent from Adam, declared – ‘See! The Lord has come with his hosts of holy ones around him,
U Enoko, muntu a saba na afume hwa Adamu kuwaga abhayanjile abhantu ebha ajile enyii! Ugosi ahwenza na bhantubhakwe maelufu na maelufu azelu umwoyo,
15 to execute judgment on all people, and to convict all godless people of all their godless acts, which in their ungodliness they have committed, and of all the harsh words which they have spoken against him, godless sinners that they are!’
aje alonje abhantubhonti na bheshe unanzi wa bhantu bonti bhasebhahumwogopa Ungulubhi nembombo zyonti zyabhabhombaga zyasenyinza nenongwa zyonti zyabhayangaga ehali.”
16 These people are always murmuring, and complaining of their lot; they follow where their passions lead them; they have arrogant words on their lips; and they flatter others for the sake of what they can get from them.
Ebha bhabhala bhabhalulumwa bhafuta enziliho zyao embibhi bhahwigamba tee bakho pela abhanje aje nkabhapataje efaida yabho.
17 But you should, dear friends, recall what was foretold by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ;
Lelo amwe bhamwitu mwizuha enongwa zyabhayanjile atumwe bha Yesu Kristi.
18 how they used to say to you – ‘As time draws to an end, there will be scoffers, who will be led by their godless passions.’
Bhayanjile aje ensikuezyahumalishilo bhayenza abhantu bhabhazihaki bhabhafuata enziliho zyao bhebhozyase zi nugulusu.”
19 These are the people – animal and unspiritual – who cause divisions.
Abhantu ebhabhabagulanyi bhatabhaliwa nenziliho embibhi sebha nu Mpepo ufinjile.
20 But you must, dear friends, build up your characters on the foundation of your most holy faith, pray under the guidance of the Holy Spirit,
Lelo amwe bhamwitu neshi shamuhwijenga mulweteshelo lwenyu ulwinza nala abhe huMpepo ufinjile,
21 and keep within the love of God, while waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, to bring you to eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
muhwitunze mulugano lwa Ngulubhi na muguule ulusaajilo lwa Gosi witu uYesu Kristi ulwa tipele uwomi wa wila na wila. (aiōnios g166)
22 To some show pity, because they are in doubt. ‘Drag them out of the fire,’ and save them.
Bhalangaji ensajili bhase bhahweteha shinza.
23 To others show pity, but with caution, hating the clothing polluted by their touch.
Bhokolaji abhanje bhabhalije bhali humwoto, hubuanji bhalangaji ulusajilo lwa Ngulubhi nezya Gosi witu uYesu Kristi, muguvitwaje numwena gwa gupahwile entavu nubile.
24 To him who is able to guard you from falling, and to bring you into his glorious presence, blameless and rejoicing –
Eshi hwa mwene Yabhajiye abhadime musahabombele yabhasabibisye aje mwemelele hwa mwine bila likosa nuluseshelo ulugosi,
25 to the one God, our Savior, be ascribed, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, glory, majesty, power, and dominion, as it was before time began, is now, and will be for all time to come. Amen. (aiōn g165)
eshi hwa Ngulubi mwene ashilile hwitawa lya Yesu Kristi ugosi witu, utuntumu nu ougosi, nikhone sazisele ensiku na sanuunu na wila na wila. Amina. (aiōn g165)

< Jude 1 >