< John 7 >

1 After this, Jesus went about in Galilee, for he would not do so in Judea, because the religious authorities (in Jerusalem) were eager to put him to death.
Pambele uYesu atakaluta mufikaaja ifya mu kighavo ikya Galilaya, naakalondagha kuluta kukighavo ikya Yudea, u'wakuva aVayahudi vakalondagha kukum'buda.
2 When the Jewish Festival of Tabernacles was near,
Unsiki ughwa kikulukulu kya Vayahudi ikya fyeve, ghulyale piipi kufika.
3 his brothers said to him, “Leave this part of the country, and go into Judea, so that your disciples, as well as we, may see the work that you are doing.
Avanuuna va Yesu vakam'buula uYesu vakati, “Lino uvuuke apa, ulute kukighavo ikya Yudea kuuti avavingilili vaako vafyaghe ifidegho fyako fino ghuvomba.
4 For no one does a thing privately, if they are seeking to be widely known. Since you do these things, you should show yourself publicly to the world.”
Umuunhu juno ilonda kukagulika, naivomba imbombo saake kuvusyefu, lino ulwakuva ghuvomba isi sooni, ghuhufie kuvaanhu vooni.”
5 For even his brothers did not believe in him.
Avanuuna valyajovile enendiiki, ulwakuva voope navalyamwitiike.
6 “My time,” answered Jesus, “is not come yet, but your time is always here.
Pe uYesu akavavuula akati, “Unsiki ghwango ghukyale pifika, looli umue ndepoonu muluta amasiki ghooni.
7 The world cannot hate you, but it does hate me, because I testify that its ways are evil.
Avaanhu ava mu iisi muno navangavakalalile umue, looli vikung'halalila une, ulwakuva nikuvaavuula kuuti, sino vivoomba mbiivi.
8 Go yourselves up to the Festival; I am not going to this Festival yet, because my time has not yet come.”
Umue lutaghi kukikulukulu ikio; une naniluta ulwakuvaunsiki ghwango ghukyale pifika.
9 After telling them this, he stayed on in Galilee.
U Yesu ye ajovile aghuo akajigha mu kighavo ikya Galilaya.
10 But, when his brothers had gone up to the Festival, Jesus also went up – not publicly, but privately.
Neke avanuuna ye valutile ku kikulukulu, ghwope u Yesu akaluta, neke akaluta kisyefu, kisila kuhufia kuvaanhu. Kukikulukulu ukuo,
11 The authorities were looking for him at the Festival and asking ‘Where is he?’;
aVayahudi vakava vikumulonda u Yesu viposia kuvaanhu vitii, “Alikuughi?”
12 and there were many whispers about him among the people, some saying ‘He is a good man;’ others, ‘No! He is leading the people astray.’
Avaanhu vinga mulipugha lila. Vakava vikujovasia, vamo vitii, “Umuunhu ujuo nnofu.” Avange vitii, “Ndali, umuunhu ujuo isofia avaanhu.”
13 No one, however, spoke freely about him, because they were afraid of the authorities.
Neke nakwealyale umuunhu juno alyale ijova imhola saake pa vuvalafu, ulwakuva vakoghopagha aVayahudi.
14 About the middle of the Festival week, Jesus went up into the Temple Courts, and began teaching.
Pakate pa fighono ifya kikulukulu u Yesu akingila mu luviika ulwa nyumba inyimike ija kufunyila, akatengula kuvulanisia avaanhu.
15 The authorities were astonished. “How has this man got his learning,” they asked, “when he has never studied?”
Avayahudi vakava videgha vitii, “Umuunhu uju akaghwile ndaani isi, kisila kwimba?
16 So, in reply, Jesus said, “My teaching is not my own; it is his who sent me.
Pe pano U Yesu akavamula akati, “Imbulanisio soni nivulanisia na sango, looli sihumile kwa juno asung'hile.
17 If anyone has the will to do God’s will, they will find out whether my teaching is from God, or whether I speak on my own authority.
Umuunhu juno ilonda kuvomba isa vughane vusa Nguluve, ikagula kuuti imbulanisio isi sihumile Nguluve, nambe kuuti nijova muvutavulilua vwango juune.
18 The person who speaks on their own authority seeks honor for themselves; but the one who seeks the honor of him who sent him is sincere, and there is nothing false in him.
Umuunhu juno ijova muvutavulilya vwake jujuo, ilonda avaanhu vamug'hiniaghe. Neke umuunhu juno ilonda vamughiniaghe juno ansunghile, ujuo ijova isa kyang'haani, naijova isa vudesi.
19 Was not it Moses who gave you the Law? Yet not one of you obeys it! Why are you seeking to put me to death?”
U Moose naalyavapeliile umue indaghilo? Neke nakwalemambe jumo pakate palyumue juno ivingilila indaghilo isio. Lino kiki milonda pikumbuda?”
20 “You must be possessed by a demon!” the people exclaimed. “Who is seeking to put you to death?”
Avaantu mu lipugha lila vakamwamula vakati, “Uli ni lipepo uve. Ghwe veeni juno ilonda pikukubuda?”
21 “There was one thing I did,” replied Jesus, “at which you are all still wondering.
U Yesu akavamula akati, “Une nikavombile ikidegho kimo, umue mweni mukakenyemuka.
22 But that is why Moses has instituted circumcision among you – not, indeed, that it began with him, but with our ancestors – and that is why you circumcise even on a Sabbath.
U Moose alyalaghiile kuvomba ikivungo ikya kudumula ingola ija kidiimi avaana viinu. Ululaghilo uluo nalulyahumile kwa Moose, looli lulyahumile kuvakuulu viinu. Umue muvomba uluo nambe nambe kive kighono kya Sabati.
23 When a man receives circumcision on a Sabbath to prevent the Law of Moses from being broken, how can you be angry with me for making a man sound and well on a Sabbath?
Lino nave lukwitikisivua umwana kuvombelua ikivungo ikio mukighono ikya Sabati kuuti muleke kudeenya ululaghilo ulwa Moose, kiki mukung'halalila une. Kukunsosia umuunhu mu kighono ikya Sabati?
24 Do not judge by appearances; judge justly.”
Mulekaghe kuhiga umuunhu mulwa kulola pamaaso, looli muhighaghe mu vwakyang'haani.
25 At this some of the people of Jerusalem exclaimed, “Is not this the man who they are seeking to put to death?
Avaanhu vamonga ava mu likaaja ilya Yelusalemu vakava viposania vitii, Asi, umuunhu uju naghwe juno avalongosi va Vayahudi vilonda kukumbuda?
26 Yet here he is, speaking out boldly, and they say nothing to him! Is it possible that our leading men have really discovered that he is the Christ?
Lolagha ijova pa vuvalafu, neke avene naijova kimonga! Pamo aveene avolongosi vitii umuunhu uju lweli ghwe Kilisite!
27 Yet we know where this man is from; but, when the Christ comes, no one will be able to tell where he is from.”
Ukilisite iliiva ikwisa nakwale nambe muunhu juno ilikagula kuno ihumila! Umuunhu uju kuno ihumatukagwile.
28 Therefore, Jesus, as he was teaching in the Temple Courts, raised his voice and said, “Yes; you know me and you know where I am from. Yet I have not come on my own authority, but he who sent me may be trusted; and him you do not know.
U Yesu ye ajhighe ivulanisia mu luviika ulwa nyumba inyimike ija kufunyila, akajova fiijo akati, “Lweli umue mweni mung'haghwile une, kange mukaghwile kuno nihuma. Nambe mwiti mukagwile uluo,
29 I do know him, for it is from him that I have come, and he sent me as his messenger.”
une nanilisile mu vutavulilua vwango, ulwene juno asung'hile une ghwa kyang'haani, umue namunkagwile.
30 So they sought to arrest him; but no one touched him, for his time was not come yet.
Une ninkagwile ulwakuva nihumile kwa mwene, kange ghwe juno asung'hile. Pepano vakava vilonda kukunkola, neke nakwealyale umuunhu juno akaghela kukunkola, ulwakuva unsiki ghwake ughwa kukolua ghulyakyale kufika.
31 Many of the people, however, believed in him. “When the Christ comes,” they said, “will he give more signs of his mission than this man has given?”
Avaanhu vinga mu lipugha lila vakamwitika. Vakava vijova viiti, “Iliiva ikwisa uKiliste ilivomba ifidegho kukila fino avombile uju?”
32 The Pharisees heard the people whispering about him in this way, and so the chief priests and the Pharisees sent officers to arrest him;
Avafalisayi vakapulika ilipugha lya vaanhu vipwepa vwimila imhola sa Yesu, pe avavaha va vatekesi na Vafalisayi vakasuung'ha avasikali kuuti vankole.
33 at which Jesus said, “I will be with you but a little longer, and then I am going to him who sent me.
Pepano uYesu ajajova akati, “Niiva numue unsiki n'debe vuvule, neke pambele nigomoka kwa juno asun'ghile.
34 You will look for me, and you will not find me; and you will not be able to come where I will be.”
Mulikundoonda, neke namulikunyaagha, kange kuno niliiva, umue namungafike.”
35 “Where is this man going,” the people asked one another, “that we would not find him? Will he go to our countrymen abroad, and teach foreigners?
Pe aVayahudi vakava viposania viiti, “Umuunhu uju iluta kuughi kuno usue natunga mwaghe? Asi, iluya ku vano Vapalasiine vano nkate mu vaYunani na kukuvavulanisia avaYunani?
36 What does he mean by saying ‘You will look for me, and you will not find me; and you will not be able to come where I will be’?”
Asi, kwe kuti kiki pano iiti, 'Mulikundonda, neke namulikunyaagha, kange kuno niliiva umue namungafike?”
37 On the last and greatest day of the Festival, Jesus, who was standing by, exclaimed, “If anyone is thirsty, they should come to me and drink.
Ikighono ikya vusililo ikya kikulukulu kya fyeve, kino kilyale kighono kivaha, uYesu akiima akajova fiijo akati, “Umuunhu nave ali ni kyumilua, iise kulyune anyue.
38 From the heart of those who believe in me will flow, as is said in scripture, rivers of living water.”
Umuunhu juno ikunyitika une, iiva ndavule ghijova amalembe amimike kuuti, isaasa isa malenga amanya vwumi sidwivuka mu mwojo ghwake.
39 (By this he meant the Spirit, which those who had believed in him were to receive; for the Spirit had not yet come, because Jesus had not yet been exalted.)
Alyajovile uluo mu mhola ija mhepo uMwimike, juno avaanhu vano vikumwitika vilikumwupila pambele, unsiki ughuo, uNguluve alyakyale kukunsuung'ha umhepo ghwake, ulwakuva alyakyale kuhufia kuvaanu uvuvaha vwa Yesu.
40 Some of the people, when they heard these words, said, “This is certainly the Prophet!”;
Avaanhu vamonga mu lipugha lila ye vapuliike amasio aghuo, vakati, “Kyang'haani, umuunhu uju m'bili.”
41 others said, “the Christ!”; but some asked, “What! Does the Christ come from Galilee?
Vamonga vakati, “Umuunhu uju ghwe Kilisite.” Neke avange vakati, “Ndali, uKilisite ndepoonu ihuma ku Galilaya?
42 Is not it said in scripture that it is of the descendants of David, and from Bethlehem, the village to which David belonged, that the Christ is to come?”
Asi amalembe amimike naghiiti uKilisite ilihuma mu kikolo ikya ntwa u Daudi ku kikaaja ikya Bethelehemu, kikaaja kino alyale ikukukala untwa uDaudi?
43 So there was a sharp division among the people because of Jesus.
Pepano avaanhu vakalekeng'hana vivimila uYesu.
44 Some of them wanted to arrest him, and yet no one touched him.
Avaanu vamonga mu lipugha lila vakava vilonda kuku nkola, neke nakwealyale umuunhu juno akaghela kuku nkola.
45 When the officers returned to the chief priests and Pharisees, they were asked, “Why have you not brought him?”
Avasikali vala vakagomoka ku vavaha va vatekesi na kuVafalisayi, kisila kunkola uYesu. Avavaha vala vakavaposia vakati, “Kiki namunkolile na kukumuleeta?”
46 “No one ever spoke as he speaks!” they answered.
Avasikali vala vakamula vakati, “Naaghelile kuhumila umuunhu juno ijova ndavule umuunhu jula.
47 “What! Have you been led astray too?” the Pharisees replied.
Avafalisayi vakavaposia vakati, “Kwekuti najumue musyangilue?
48 “Have any of our leading men believed in him, or any of the Pharisees?
Asi ghwe veeni mu valongosi viitu nambe mu Vafalisayi juno amwitiike?
49 As for these people who do not know the Law – they are cursed!”
Ulwene avanu avuo avuo navasikagwile indaghilo sa moose, avuo vaghunilue.”
50 But one of their number, Nicodemus, who before this had been to see Jesus, said to them,
Pepano uNikodemu (umo mu valongosi va Vafalisayi, juno ikighono kimonga alyalutile kwa Yesu pakilo), akavaposia akati,
51 “Does our Law pass judgment on a person without first giving them a hearing, and finding out what they have been doing?”
“Asi indaghilo siitu sikwitikisia kukumhigha umuunhu kisila kumpulikisia na kukusitang'hania sino avombile?”
52 “Are you also from Galilee?” they retorted. “Search, and you will find that no prophet is to arise in Galilee!”
Aveene vakamwamula vakati, “Neke najuuve uhumile ku Galilaya? Londagha muMalembe amimike pekyaghukagula kuuti nakwale umbili juno ahumile ku Galilaya.”
53 And everyone went home

< John 7 >