< James 3 >
1 Not many of you should become teachers, my friends, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly than others.
μη πολλοι διδασκαλοι γινεσθε αδελφοι μου ειδοτες οτι μειζον κριμα ληψομεθα
2 We often make mistakes, every one of us. Anyone who does not make mistakes when speaking is indeed a perfect person, able to bridle their whole body as well.
πολλα γαρ πταιομεν απαντες ει τις εν λογω ου πταιει ουτος τελειος ανηρ δυνατος χαλιναγωγησαι και ολον το σωμα
3 When we put bits into horses’ mouths to make them obey us, we change their course the rest of their bodies.
ιδου των ιππων τους χαλινους εις τα στοματα βαλλομεν προς το πειθεσθαι αυτους ημιν και ολον το σωμα αυτων μεταγομεν
4 Again, think of ships. Large as they are, and even when driven by fierce winds, they are guided by a very small rudder and steered in whatever direction the man at the helm may determine.
ιδου και τα πλοια τηλικαυτα οντα και υπο σκληρων ανεμων ελαυνομενα μεταγεται υπο ελαχιστου πηδαλιου οπου αν η ορμη του ευθυνοντος βουληται
5 So is it with the tongue. Small as it is, it is a great boaster. Think how a tiny spark may set the largest forest ablaze!
ουτως και η γλωσσα μικρον μελος εστιν και μεγαλαυχει ιδου ολιγον πυρ ηλικην υλην αναπτει
6 And the tongue is like a spark. It is a world of unrighteousness among the parts of our body. It contaminates the whole body; it sets the whole course of our existence on fire, and is itself set on fire by the flames of Gehenna. (Geenna )
και η γλωσσα πυρ ο κοσμος της αδικιας ουτως η γλωσσα καθισταται εν τοις μελεσιν ημων η σπιλουσα ολον το σωμα και φλογιζουσα τον τροχον της γενεσεως και φλογιζομενη υπο της γεεννης (Geenna )
7 For while all kinds of animals, birds and reptiles and sea creatures can be tamed and have been tamed by humans,
πασα γαρ φυσις θηριων τε και πετεινων ερπετων τε και εναλιων δαμαζεται και δεδαμασται τη φυσει τη ανθρωπινη
8 no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless plague! It is charged with deadly poison!
την δε γλωσσαν ουδεις δυναται ανθρωπων δαμασαι ακατασχετον κακον μεστη ιου θανατηφορου
9 With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made ‘in God’s likeness.’
εν αυτη ευλογουμεν τον θεον και πατερα και εν αυτη καταρωμεθα τους ανθρωπους τους καθ ομοιωσιν θεου γεγονοτας
10 From the very same mouth come blessings and curses! My friends, it is not right that this should be so.
εκ του αυτου στοματος εξερχεται ευλογια και καταρα ου χρη αδελφοι μου ταυτα ουτως γινεσθαι
11 Does a spring give both good and bad water from the same source?
μητι η πηγη εκ της αυτης οπης βρυει το γλυκυ και το πικρον
12 Can a fig tree, my friends, bear olives? Or a vine bear figs? No, nor can a brackish well give good water.
μη δυναται αδελφοι μου συκη ελαιας ποιησαι η αμπελος συκα ουτως ουδεμια πηγη αλυκον και γλυκυ ποιησαι υδωρ
13 Who among you claims to be wise and intelligent? They should show that their actions are the outcome of a good life lived in the humility of true wisdom.
τις σοφος και επιστημων εν υμιν δειξατω εκ της καλης αναστροφης τα εργα αυτου εν πραυτητι σοφιας
14 But if you harbor bitter envy and a spirit of rivalry in your hearts, do not boast or deny the truth.
ει δε ζηλον πικρον εχετε και εριθειαν εν τη καρδια υμων μη κατακαυχασθε και ψευδεσθε κατα της αληθειας
15 That is not the wisdom which comes from above; no, it is earthly, animalistic, demonic.
ουκ εστιν αυτη η σοφια ανωθεν κατερχομενη αλλ επιγειος ψυχικη δαιμονιωδης
16 For where envy and rivalry exist, there you will also find disorder and all kinds of bad, worthless actions.
οπου γαρ ζηλος και εριθεια εκει ακαταστασια και παν φαυλον πραγμα
17 But the wisdom from above is, before everything else, pure; then peace-loving, gentle, open to conviction, rich in compassion and good deeds, and free from partiality and insincerity.
η δε ανωθεν σοφια πρωτον μεν αγνη εστιν επειτα ειρηνικη επιεικης ευπειθης μεστη ελεους και καρπων αγαθων αδιακριτος και ανυποκριτος
18 Justice is the harvest peacemakers will reap from seeds sown in a spirit of peace.
καρπος δε της δικαιοσυνης εν ειρηνη σπειρεται τοις ποιουσιν ειρηνην