< Galatians 3 >

1 Foolish Galatians! Who has been enchanting you – you before whose eyes Jesus Christ was depicted on the cross?
O nespametni Galati! kdo vas je obajal, da resnici ne verujete, kterim se je pred očmi Jezus Kristus opisal, med vami na križ razpet?
2 Here is the one thing that I want to find out from you – Did you receive the Spirit as the result of obedience to Law, or of your having listened with faith?
To samo hočem izvedeti od vas, jeli ste z deli postave duha prejeli ali s poslušanjem vere?
3 Can you be so foolish? After beginning with what is spiritual, do you now end with what is external?
Tako ste nespametni? počenši z duhom sedaj z mesom dokončujete?
4 Did you go through so much to no purpose? – if indeed it really was to no purpose!
Toliko ste zastonj pretrpeli? če bi bilo le tudi zastonj.
5 He who supplies you abundantly with his Spirit and endows you with such powers – does he do this as the result of obedience to Law? Or as the result of your having listened with faith?
Kteri vam torej daje duha in dela moči v vas, jeli to dela z deli postave ali s poslušanjem vere?
6 It is just as it was with Abraham – he had faith in God, and his faith was regarded by God as righteousness.
Kakor se veli: "Abraham je veroval Bogu in zaračunilo se mu je za pravico."
7 You see, then, that those whose lives are based on faith are the sons of Abraham.
Znajte tedaj, da so tisti, kteri so iz vere, sinovi Abrahamovi.
8 And scripture, foreseeing that God would pronounce the Gentiles righteous as the result of faith, foretold the good news to Abraham in the words – ‘Through you all the Gentiles will be blessed.’
Pismo pa naprej videvši, da z vero opravičuje pogane Bog, oznanilo je naprej Abrahamu: "V tebi se bodo blagoslovili vsi pogani."
9 And, therefore, those whose lives are based on faith share the blessings bestowed on the faith of Abraham.
Tako se tisti, kteri so iz vere, blagoslavljajo z vernim Abrahamom.
10 All who rely on obedience to Law are under a curse, for scripture says – ‘Cursed is everyone who does not abide by all that is written in the book of the Law, and do it.’
Kajti kterikoli so iz del postave, pod kletvijo so; kajti pisano je: Preklet vsak, kdor ne ostane v vsem, kar je pisano v knjigi postave, da naj storí.
11 Again, it is evident that no one is pronounced righteous before God through Law, for we read – ‘Through faith the righteous will find life.’
Da se pa v postavi nikdor ne opravičuje pred Bogom, očitno je, zakaj: "Pravični bo iz vere živel."
12 But the Law is not based on faith; no, its words are – ‘Those who practice these precepts will find life through them.’
A postava ni iz vere, nego: "Človek, kteri je to storil, živel bo v tem."
13 Christ ransomed us from the curse pronounced in the Law, by taking the curse on himself for us, for scripture says – ‘Cursed is anyone who is hanged on a tree.’
Kristus nas je odkupil iz kletve postave postavši za nas kletev, (kajti pisano je: "Preklet vsak, kdor visi na drevesu.")
14 And this he did that the blessing given to Abraham might be extended to the Gentiles through their union with Jesus Christ; that so, through our faith, we also might receive the promised gift of the Spirit.
Da pride med pogane blagoslov Abrahamov v Kristusu Jezusu, da prejmemo obljubo duha po veri.
15 To take an illustration, friends, from daily life – No one sets aside even an agreement between two people, when once it has been confirmed, nor do they add conditions to it.
Bratje, po človeku govorim: Nikdor človečje potrjene zaveze ne zameče ali jej kaj pridaja.
16 Now it was to Abraham that the promises were made, ‘and to his offspring.’ It was not said ‘to his offsprings,’ as if many persons were meant, but the words were ‘to your offspring,’ showing that one person was meant – and that was Christ.
Abrahamu pa so se dale obljube in semenu njegovemu. Ne pravi: "In semenom," kakor za več njih, nego kakor za enega: "In semenu tvojemu," kteri je Kristus.
17 My point is this – An agreement already confirmed by God cannot be canceled by the Law, which came four hundred and thirty years later, so as to cause the promise to be set aside.
To pa pravim: zaveze, ktero je najprej potrdil Bog na Kristusa, črez štiri sto in trideset let dana postava ne preklicuje, da se odpravi obljuba.
18 If our heritage is the result of Law, then it has ceased to be the result of a promise. Yet God conferred it on Abraham by a promise.
Kajti če je iz postave dedščina, ni več iz obljube. Abrahamu je pa po obljubi podaril Bog.
19 What, then, you ask, was the use of the Law? It was a later addition, to make people conscious of their wrongdoings, and intended to last only until the coming of that offspring to whom the promise had been made; and it was delivered through angels by a mediator.
Čemu torej postava? Za voljo prestopov se je pridodala, dokler ne pride seme, komur je obljuba dana, in naredili so jo angelji v roki posrednika.
20 Now mediation implies more than one person, but God is one only.
Ali posrednik ni enega, Bog pa je eden.
21 Does that set the Law in opposition to God’s promises? Heaven forbid! For, if a Law had been given capable of bestowing life, then righteousness would have actually owed its existence to Law.
Jeli je torej postava proti obljubam Božjim? Bog ne daj! kajti ko bi se dala postava, ktera bi bila mogoča oživiti, zares bi bila iz vere pravica.
22 But the words of scripture represent the whole world as being in bondage to sin, so that the promised blessing, dependent, as it is, on faith in Jesus Christ, may be given to those who have faith in him.
Ali zaprlo je pismo vse pod greh, da bi se obljuba iz vere Jezusa Kristusa dala tem, kteri verujejo.
23 Before the coming of faith, we were kept under the guard of the Law, in bondage, awaiting the faith that was destined to be revealed.
Predno je pa vera prišla, varovali smo se pod postavo zaprti za vero, ktera se je imela razodeti.
24 Thus the Law has proved a guide to lead us to Christ, in order that we may be pronounced righteous as the result of faith.
Tako je bila postava voditeljica naša do Kristusa, da se z vero opravičimo.
25 But now that faith has come we no longer need a guide.
A ko je vera prišla, več nismo pod voditeljico.
26 For you are all sons of God, through your faith in Christ Jesus.
Kajti vsi ste sinovi Božji po veri v Kristusu Jezusu,
27 For all of you who were baptized into union with Christ clothed yourselves with Christ.
Kajti kterikoli ste se v Kristusa pokrstili, Kristusa ste oblekli.
28 All distinctions between Jew and Greek, slave and free, male and female, have vanished; for in union with Christ Jesus you are all one.
Ni tu Juda ne Grka; ni tu sužnja ne svobodnega; ni tu možkega ne ženske; kajti vi vsi ste eden v Kristusu Jezusu.
29 And, since you belong to Christ, it follows that you are Abraham’s offspring and, under the promise, sharers in the inheritance.
Če ste pa vi Kristusovi, tedaj ste Abrahamovo seme in po obljubi dediči.

< Galatians 3 >