< Colossians 1 >
1 From Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus, by the will of God, and from Timothy, also a follower of the Lord.
Sel Paul, sie mwet sap lun Christ Jesus ke sripen oakwuk lun God, oayapa sel Timothy, mwet wiasr in lulalfongi —
2 To Christ’s people at Colossae – the followers who are faithful to him: May God, our Father, bless you and give you peace.
Nu sin mwet lun God in acn Colossae, mwet wiasr su oaru in fahsr tukun Christ: Lela tuh God Papa tumasr Elan asot kulang ac misla nu suwos.
3 Whenever we pray we never fail to thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for you,
Pacl nukewa kut sang kulo nu sin God, Papa tumun Leum lasr Jesus Christ, ke kut pre keiwos.
4 now that we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have for all his people,
Tuh kut lohng tari ke lulalfongi lowos in Christ Jesus, ac ke lungse lowos nu sin mwet lun God nukewa.
5 because of the hope which is kept safe for you in heaven. Of this hope you heard long ago in the true message of the good news which reached you,
Ke kowos tufahna lohng kas pwaye ke Pweng Wo uh, kowos lohng ke finsrak se ma pweng se inge asot nu suwos. Ouinge lulalfongi ac lungse lowos uh oakwuki fin ma su kowos finsrak kac, su oan soanekowos inkusrao.
6 bearing fruit and growing, as it does, through all the world, just as it did among you from the very day that you heard of God’s loving kindness, and understood what that loving kindness really is.
Pweng wo uh tiana tui in ase mwe insewowo ac el fahsrelik nu fin faclu nufon, oana ma sikyak inmasrlowos, mutawauk ke len se emeet kowos tufahna lohng ke lungkulang lun God, ac mutawauk in kalem ke pwayeiya uh.
7 It is just what you learned from Epaphras, our dear fellow servant, who, as a minister of the Christ, faithfully represents us,
Kowos tuh lohng ke lungkulang lun God uh sel Epaphras, mwet kulansap kulo wiasr, su sie mwet orekma oaru lun Christ in aol kut inmasrlowos.
8 and who told us of the love with which the Spirit has inspired you.
El srumun nu sesr ke lungse su Ngun asot nu suwos.
9 And therefore we, from the very day that we heard this, have never ceased praying for you, or asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of the will of God, which comes through all true spiritual wisdom and insight.
Ke sripa se inge, ke pacl se kut tufahna lohng keiwos nwe misenge kut pre na keiwos, ac siyuk God Elan oru tuh kowos in arulana kalem ke ma lungse lal, ke etauk ac lalmwetmet nukewa su Ngun lal uh ase.
10 Then you will live lives worthy of the Master, and so please God in every way. Your lives will be fruitful in every kind of good action, and grow into a fuller knowledge of God;
Na kowos fah ku in moul fal nu ke ma lungse lun Leum, ac oru ma su akinsewowoyal pacl nukewa. Moul lowos uh ac ku in oswe kain orekma wo nukewa, ac kowos fah kapkapak in etauk lowos ke God.
11 you will be made strong at all points with a strength worthy of the power manifested in his glory – strong to endure with patience, and even with gladness, whatever may happen to you;
Lela God Elan akkeye kowos ke ku wolana lal, tuh kowos fah ku in mutangla ma nukewa ke mongfisrasr, ac kowos in engan
12 and you will give thanks to the Father who made you fit to share the lot which awaits Christ’s people in the realms of light.
ac sang kulo nu sin Papa, su oru tuh kut in fal in wi ipeis ke ma su El akoela nu sin mwet lal in tokosrai lun kalem.
13 For God has rescued us from the tyranny of darkness, and has removed us into the kingdom of his Son, who is the embodiment of his love,
El molikutla liki ku lun lohsr uh, ac uskutme nu in tokosrai lun Wen kulo natul.
14 and through whom we have found deliverance in the forgiveness of our sins.
Ke sripal kut aksukosokyeyukla, su kalmeya pa God El nunak munas nu sesr ke ma koluk lasr.
15 For Christ is the incarnation of the invisible God – firstborn and head of all creation;
Christ el oana luman God, su kut tia ku in liye, ac el pa Wounse, su fulat liki ma orekla nukewa.
16 for in him was created all that is in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible – angels and archangels and all the powers of heaven.
Tuh ke el, God El orala ma nukewa inkusrao ac fin faclu, ma liyeyuk ac ma tia ku in liyeyuk, weang pac ku lun ngun inge nukewa: leum, ac mwet kol, ac wal fulat ma oan yen engyeng uh. God El orala ma nukewa inkusrao, fin faclu, ac yen engyeng uh kacl ac nu sel.
17 All has been created through him and for him. He was before all things, and all things unite in him;
Christ el nuna oasr meet liki orekla ma nukewa, ac ma nukewa oakwuki wo in acn se ke sripal.
18 and he is the head of the church, which is his body. The firstborn from the dead, he is to the church the source of its life, that he, in all things, may stand first.
El pa sifen church, su pa manol, ac el pa sang kuiyen moul nu ke mano. El pa Wounse, su akmoulyeyukyak liki misa, tuh in el pa oemeet in ma nukewa.
19 For it pleased the Father that in him the divine nature in all its fulness should live,
God El sifacna sulela in akkalemye ouiyal sifacna ac ma pwaye nukewa kacl in Wen natul.
20 and through him to reconcile all things to himself (making peace by the shedding of Christ’s blood offered on the cross) – whether on earth or in heaven.
Ke ma inge, God El sulela in folokoneni ma orekla nukewa nu sel sifacna ke Wen natul. God El iwekutla nu sel ke srahn Wen natul ke el misa fin sakseng, ac ouinge God El folokoneni ma nukewa nu sel sifacna, ma inkusrao lucng ac fin faclu ten.
21 And it pleased God that you, once estranged from him and hostile towards him in your thoughts, intent only on wickedness –
Meet kowos muta loesla liki God, ac kowos mwet lokoalok lal ke sripen orekma koluk ac nunak koluk lowos.
22 but now he has reconciled you to himself by the sacrifice of Christ’s earthly body in death – it has pleased God that you should stand in his presence holy, pure, and blameless,
A inge, ke sripen misa in mano lun Wen natul, God El orala kowos mwet kawuk lac lal, tuh kowos in ku in tuku nu yorol ke mutal ac nasnas ac wangin mwatuwos.
23 if only you remain true to your faith, firm and immovable, never abandoning the hope held out in the good news to which you listened, which has been proclaimed among all created things under heaven, and of which I, Paul, was made an assistant.
Kowos enenu in sruokyana moul in lulalfongi lowos fin sie pwelung na ku ac pwaye, ac tia lela in mokleyukla kowos liki finsrak se kowos eis tari ke kowos lohng Wosasu. Nga, Paul, ekla sie mwet kulansap lun Wosasu se inge — Wosasu se ma fwackyuk nu sin mwet nukewa fin faclu.
24 Now at last I can rejoice in my sufferings on your behalf, and in my own person I supplement the afflictions endured by the Christ, for the sake of his body, the church;
Ac inge nga engan ke moul in keok luk keiwos, tuh ke sripen keok lun monuk, nga wi kasru in aksafyela ma lula ke keok lun Christ su el keok kac ke sripen mano se inge, su pa church.
25 of which I myself became a minister in virtue of the office with which God entrusted me for your benefit, to declare the message of God in all its fulness –
God El kuneyuwi tuh nga in sie mwet kulansap lun church. El ase kunokon se inge nu sik nga in oru in kasrekowos. Kunokon se inge pa in fahkak nufon ke kas lal,
26 that truth which has been hidden from former ages and generations. But now it has been revealed to God’s people, (aiōn )
su oana sie ma saok ma God El okanla liki fwil puspis somla, a inge El akkalemyela nu sin mwet lal. (aiōn )
27 to whom it was his pleasure to make known the surpassing glory of that hidden truth when proclaimed among the Gentiles – ‘Christ among you! Your hope of glory!’
God El kena tuh mwet lal in etu ma su El tia akkalemye meet — ma su arulana saok ac wolana, su El akoo nu sin mwet nukewa. Ac pa inge ma wolana se ma tia eteyuk meet: Christ el oasr in kowos, ac kowos in arulana etu lah kowos ac wi ipeis ke wolana lun God.
28 This is the Christ whom we proclaim, warning everyone, and instructing everyone, with all the wisdom that we possess, in the hope of bringing everyone into God’s presence perfected by union with Christ.
Ouinge kut fahkak Christ nu sin mwet nukewa. In etauk nukewa su oasr yorosr, kut srike in sensenkakin ac luti nu selos tuh kut fah ku in pwanma kais sie selos nu ye mutun God, oana sie mwet matula in nunak ac ma sefanna yurin Christ.
29 It is for that I toil, struggling with all the energy which he inspires and which works powerfully within me.
Nga orekma upa in ku in orala ma se inge, ac kwafeang in oru ma kunuk ke nga orekmakin ku lulap su Christ el ase nu sik, su orekma in nga.