< Amos 5 >
1 Listen to the words of the funeral song I am singing for you, Israel:
Poslušajte to besedo, ki jo vzdigujem zoper vas, celó žalostinko, oh Izraelova hiša.
2 Fallen, no more to rise, is the virgin Israel! Hurled down upon her own soil she lies, with no one to lift her up!
Devica Izrael je padla, ne bo več vstala, zapuščena je na svoji zemlji, tam ni nikogar, ki bi jo vzdignil.
3 For the Lord God says this: The city that marches out with a thousand soldiers has only a hundred left, and the one that marches out with a hundred has only ten left.
Kajti tako govori Gospod Bog: »Mestu, ki je šlo ven po tisoč, jih preostane sto in tistemu, ki je šlo naprej po sto, jih preostane deset, Izraelovi hiši.«
4 For the Lord says this to Israel: Seek me and live,
Kajti tako govori Gospod Izraelovi hiši: »Iščite me in boste živeli,
5 But do not seek Bethel, do not enter Gilgal, do not go over to Beer-sheba. For Gilgal will enter exile, and Bethel will go to destruction.
toda ne iščite Betela niti ne vstopajte v Gilgál in ne prečkajte v Beeršébo, kajti Gilgál bo zagotovo šel v ujetništvo in Betel bo prišel v nič.
6 Seek the Lord and live, or he will cast fire on the house of Joseph, and it will devour and there will be no one to quench it for Bethel.
Iščite Gospoda in boste živeli, da ne izbruhne kakor ogenj v Jožefovi hiši in jo použije in tam ne bo nikogar, da bi jo gasil v Betelu.
7 You who turn judgment to bitter wormwood, and cast righteousness into the dirt:
Vi, ki prevračate sodbo v grenkobo in opuščate pravičnost na zemlji,
8 He who made the Pleiades and Orion, who turns deep darkness into dawn, who darkens day again into night, who summons the waters of the sea, and pours them out on the earth’s surface, the Lord is his name!
iščite njega, ki določa sedem zvezd in Orion in obrača senco smrti v jutro in dan mrači z nočjo, ki kliče po vodah morja in jih izliva na obličje zemlje, Gospod je njegovo ime,
9 He causes destruction to burst over the strong. He brings devastation on the fortress.
ki jača oplenjenega zoper močnega, tako da bo oplenjeni prišel zoper trdnjavo.
10 You who hate the arbiters at the city gate, and abhor anyone who speaks the truth:
Sovražijo tistega, ki graja v velikih vratih in prezirajo tistega, ki govori iskreno.
11 Because you trample on the weak, and tax their grain, although you have built houses of hewn stone, you will not live in them, although you have planted charming vineyards, you will not drink their wine.
Ker kakor je torej vaše mendranje nad revnim in vi od njega jemljete bremena žita; zgradili ste hiše iz klesanega kamna, toda ne boste prebivali v njih; sadili ste prijetne vinograde, toda ne boste pili vina od njih.
12 For I know how many are your crimes, and how great are your sins! You persecutors of the righteous, takers of bribes! You deny the poor their justice at the city gate.
Kajti jaz poznam vaše mnogotere prestopke in vaše mogočne grehe; stiskajo pravičnega, jemljejo podkupnino in v velikih vratih revne odvračajo od njihove pravice.
13 It would be wise to keep quiet in such an evil time.
Zato bo v tem času razsoden molčal, kajti to je hud čas.
14 Seek good and not evil, that you may live, so the Lord, God of hosts, may be with you, as you have claimed he is.
Iščite dobro in ne zla, da boste lahko živeli in tako bo Gospod, Bog nad bojevniki, z vami, kakor ste govorili.
15 Hate evil and love good, establish justice at the city gate. Perhaps the Lord, the God of hosts, will be gracious to a surviving remnant of Joseph.
Sovražite zlo in ljubite dobro in vzpostavite sodbo v velikih vratih. Morda bo Gospod, Bog nad bojevniki, milostljiv Jožefovemu preostanku.«
16 Therefore the Lord, the God of hosts, says: In all the public squares there will be wailing, in every street the sound of mourning. They will summon the farmers to mourning, and professional mourners to wailing.
Zato Gospod, Bog nad bojevniki, Gospod, tako govori: »Tarnanje bo na vseh ulicah in na vseh glavnih cestah bodo govorili: ›Ojoj! Ojoj!‹ in poklicali bodo poljedelca, da žaluje in tiste, ki so vešči objokovanja, da tarnajo.
17 In all vineyards there will be lamenting, when I pass through your midst, says the Lord.
In v vseh vinogradih bo tarnanje, kajti jaz pojdem skozte, « govori Gospod.
18 Fools who long for the day of the Lord! What does the day of the Lord mean to you? It is darkness, and not light.
»Gorje vam, ki si želite Gospodovega dneva! Čemu vam bo to? Dan Gospodov je tema in ne svetloba.
19 It is as when one flees from a lion, and is attacked by a bear, as when one reaches home, leans his hand on the wall, and a snake bites him.
Kakor če je človek pobegnil pred levom in ga je srečal medved; ali odšel v hišo in svojo roko naslonil na zid in ga je pičila kača.
20 Won’t the Lord’s day be darkness and not light, murky darkness without a ray of light in it?
Mar ne bo Gospodov dan tema in ne svetloba? Celo zelo temen in nobenega svetlikanja v njem?
21 I hate, I despise your feasts, I will not smell the savor of your festivals,
Sovražim, preziram vaše praznične dni in nočem povonjati vaših slovesnih zborov.
22 I will not be pleased with your burnt offerings, your grain offerings, I will not accept the peace offerings of your fattened calves.
Čeprav mi darujete žgalne daritve in jedilne daritve, jih ne bom sprejel niti se ne bom oziral na mirovne daritve vaših debelih živali.
23 Spare me the noise of your songs, I will not listen to the melody of your lyres.
Šum svojih pesmi vzemi proč od mene, kajti ne bom poslušal melodije tvojih lir.
24 But let justice roll on as a flood of waters, and righteousness like an unfailing stream.
Temveč naj sodba teče dol kakor vode in pravičnost kakor mogočen vodotok.
25 Was it only sacrifices and grain offerings you brought me during the forty years in the wilderness, Israel?
Mar ste mi darovali klavne daritve in jedilne daritve štirideset let v divjini, oh hiša Izraelova?
26 But now you will lift up your “king” Sikkuth and “star god” Kiyyun, your idols which you have made for yourselves,
Toda nosili ste šotor svojega Moloha in Kijúna, svojih podob, zvezdo svojega boga, kar ste si naredili zase.
27 as I drive you into exile beyond Damascus, says the Lord, whose name is the God of hosts.
Zatorej vam bom povzročil, da greste v ujetništvo onkraj Damaska, « govori Gospod, čigar ime je Bog nad bojevniki.