< Acts 1 >

1 The first account which I drew up, Theophilus, dealt with all that Jesus did and taught from the very first,
Tofilosa, Yesussay oothanasine tammarissanas oykidayssa wursia ta nes koyro maxaafan xaafadis.
2 down to that day on which he was taken up to heaven, after he had, by the help of the Holy Spirit, given instructions to the apostles whom he had chosen.
Hessika izi pude denththa gaalas gakkanaas ba doorida kitidaytas xiillo ayana baggara izi isttas immida azazoko.
3 With abundant proofs, he showed himself to them, still living, after his death; appearing to them from time to time during forty days, and speaking of all that related to the kingdom of God.
Izi daro waye be7idappe guye istakko shiqidi hayqope denddanayssa haytannitas daroo markkara qonccisishe oydu tamu gaalas gakkanaas isttas gaalas galas beetishe Xoossa kawootetha gish yootides.
4 And once, when he had gathered them together, he charged them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait there for the fulfillment of the Father’s promise – “that promise,” he said, “of which you have heard me speak;
Isttara isife maadan uttidishe istta hizzgi azazides “Yerussalamepe kezoppite, gido attin ta intes yootishin inte siydayssa ta aaway immida uhaaththaayssa naagitte.
5 for, while John baptized with water, you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit before many days have passed.”
Yanissay haththan xaamaqqides shin inte qass guuththa wodeppe guye xiillo ayanan xammaqistana.
6 So, when the apostles had met together, they asked Jesus this question – “Master, is this the time when you intend to re-establish the kingdom for Israel?”
Isttika issibolla shiqetti uttidishe “Godo! isiraelista kawootethi zaarada hai essane?” gi oychchida.
7 His answer was, “It is not for you to know times or hours, for the Father has reserved these for his own decision;
Izika isttas “aaway ba sheenen woththida wode errooy intes immetibeeyna.
8 but you will receive power, when the Holy Spirit will have descended on you, and will be witnesses for me not only in Jerusalem, but throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Gido attin xiillo Ayanay inte bolla wodhdhida wode inte wolliiqa ekkana, Yerussalamenika Yudanika Sammariyanika wursoson biita gaxxa gakkanaas inte tas markkata gidana” gides.
9 No sooner had Jesus said this than he was caught up before their eyes, and a cloud received him from their sight.
Hessa gi yootidape guye istti xeellishin pude salo denddides, salo sharayika istta ayfepe iza genththides.
10 While they were still gazing up into the heavens, as he went, suddenly two men, clothed in white, stood beside them,
Izi biishin istti iza tish histi pude salo xeelishin booththa mayo mayida namm7u asati qoponnita istta achchan eqqidi;
11 and said, “People of Galilee, why are you standing here looking up into the heavens? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into the heavens, will come in the same way in which you have seen him go into the heavens.”
“inteno Galila asato! inte pude salo xeellishe hayssan aazas eqqidetii? Haysi inte maatappe pude salo dennidishin inte beeyza Yesussay salo keezishin inte beeyda mala hessaththoka izi simmi yaana” gida.
12 Then the apostles returned to Jerusalem from the hill called Olivet, which is about three quarters of a mile from the city.
Hessafe guye Dabirezayite giza zumma bollafe wodhdhid Yerusalame simmida, he zummayka yerussalameppe issi killo mittire mala hakkes.
13 When they reached Jerusalem, they went to the upstairs room, where they were staying. There were there Peter, John, James, and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas the son of James.
Gede kaatamayo gellida wode kase ba diza keeththa fooqe bolla keziida, heyttikka Phixxirossa, Yanissa, Yaqoobe, Inddarassa, Philliphossa, Toomassa, Barttelomossa, Matossa, Illifossa na Yaqoobe, ba bagga maddizade geetettiza Simmonane yaqoobe na Yuuda.
14 They all united in devoting themselves to prayer, and so did some women, and Mary, the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.
Heyti wurikka maccashatappe Yesussa aayoo marammira hessathokka iza ishshatara issi wozinnan issi bolla qanxxontta minni woossida.
15 About this time, at a meeting of the Lord’s followers, when there were about a hundred and twenty present, Peter rose to speak.
He gaallasatan Phixxirossay xeistane namm7u tammu ammaniza asa giidon eqqiddi.
16 “Friends,” he said, “it was necessary that the prediction of scripture should be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit made by the lips of David about Judas, who acted as guide to the men who arrested Jesus,
Hizzgides “ta ishshato! Yesussa oykkida asata kaalleth oyththida, yuda gish xiillo ayanay kassetidi dawute dunnan hasa7iida geesha maxaafa qaalay polistanas koshiza gishiko.
17 for he was one of our number and had his part allotted him in this work of ours.”
Izikka nuuppe issade mala taybeettidi hayssa ha oosozan gellanas exxa demmides.
18 (This man had bought a piece of land with the price of his treachery; and, falling heavily, his body had burst open, and all his bowels protruded.
Shin hayssadey ba iitta ooson demmida miishshan gade shammides. Hennikka ba liiphon gufanni kunnidin iza asatathay giidofe phalliqeti wodhdhides; iza maraccey biita bolla zazetides.
19 This became known to everyone living in Jerusalem, so that the field came to be called, in their language, ‘Akeldama,’ which means the ‘Field of Blood.’)
Hesikka yerussalamen diza asas wursios siyetides. Biitaykka istta qaalara “akeelidama” geetetides; Birishechayika suththa biita gusa.
20 “For in the book of Psalms,” Peter continued, “it is said – ‘Let his home become desolate, and let no one live in it’; and also – ‘His office let another take.’
Gujjidikka Phixxirossay “mazzimmure maaxaafan (iza biittay mela atto, iza biittan assi doopo qassekka iza dannatethi hara assi eekko) geeteti xaafetides.
21 Therefore, from among the men who have been with us all the time that Jesus, our Master, went in and out among us –
Hessa gish Goda Yesusay nunara diza wode wurson nunara isife dizayta gidofe nu issade dorannas koshshes.
22 from his baptism by John down to that day on which he was taken from us – someone must be found to join us as a witness of his resurrection.”
Hesikka Yanisa xiinqqateppe ha simmin Yesussay nuppe shakeetidi dendi bana gakkanaas nunara dizade gidannas beeses. Gasoykka ha asatappe issadey nunara Yesussa denththas markka gidana koshshes” gides.
23 So they put forward two men, Joseph called Barsabbas, whose other name was Justus, and Matthias;
Hessa gish Barissabasa woykko Yosixxossa geetettiza Yosehaaththaonne Matiyassa namm7ata shishshidi;
24 and they offered this prayer – “Lord, who reads all hearts, show which of these two men you have chosen
Hizzgi wossida “Godo! Ne asa wurso wozina errassa, hayta namm7ata giidofe ne oona doridakko issade nuna beessa.
25 to take the place in this apostolic work, which Judas has abandoned, to go to his proper place.”
Yuuday yeggi bidason ha ooththa ooththanadene haware gidanade ne doora” gida.
26 Then they drew lots between them; and, the lot having fallen to Matthias, he was added to the number of the eleven apostles.
Hessafe exxa yeggin exxay Maatiyassas keezides. Izikka taammane issi hawaristara isife tayibeetides.

< Acts 1 >