< Acts 5 >
1 There was, however, a man named Ananias, who, with his wife Sapphira, sold some property,
Zvino mumwe murume ainzi Ananiasi, pamwe chete nomukadzi wake Safira, akatengesawo chikamu chepfuma yake.
2 and, with her connivance, kept back some of the proceeds. He brought only a part and laid it at the apostles’ feet.
Mukadzi wake achinyatsozvizivawo, akazvikamurira chimwe chikamu chemari, asi yakasara akauya nayo akaiisa pamberi pavapostori.
3 “Ananias,” Peter exclaimed, “how is it that Satan has so taken possession of your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit, and kept back a part of the money paid for the land?
Ipapo Petro akati, “Ananiasi, Satani azadzireiko mwoyo wako kudai, kuti usvike pakureva nhema kuMweya Mutsvene uye wazvikamurira imwe mari yawawana pakutengesa munda?
4 While it was unsold, was not it your own? And after it was sold, was not the money at your own disposal? How did you come to think of such a thing? You have lied, not to people, but to God!”
Ko, wakanga usiri wako here usati watengeswa? Uye shure kwokunge wautengesa, mari yakanga isiri yako here? Chiiko chakaita kuti ufunge kuita chinhu chakadai? Hauna kureva nhema kuvanhu asi kuna Mwari.”
5 As Ananias heard these words, he fell down and expired; and everyone who heard of it was appalled.
Ananiasi akati anzwa izvi, akawira pasi akabva afa. Uye kutya kukuru kwakabata vose vakanga vanzwa zvakanga zvaitika.
6 The young men got up, and, winding the body in a sheet, carried it out and buried it.
Ipapo majaya akaswedera, akaputira muviri wake, akamutakura akaenda naye kunze vakandomuviga.
7 After an interval of about three hours his wife came in, not knowing what had happened.
Shure kwamaawa anenge matatu mukadzi wake akasvikopinda, asingazivi zvakanga zvaitika.
8 “Is it true,” Peter asked, addressing her, “that you sold your land for such a sum?” “Yes,” she answered, “we did.”
Petro akamubvunza akati, “Ndiudze, uyu ndiwo here mutengo wamakawana, iwe naAnaniasi, pamunda?” Iye akati, “Hongu, ndiwoyu mutengo.”
9 Then Peter said, “How did you come to agree to provoke the Spirit of the Lord? Listen! The footsteps of those who have buried your husband are at the door; and they will carry you out too.”
Petro akati kwaari, “Matenderana seiko kuti muedze Mweya waShe? Tarira! Tsoka dzamajaya aviga murume wako dziri pamukova, uye vachakutakura newewo.”
10 Instantly Sapphira fell down at Peter’s feet and expired. On coming in, the young men found her dead; so they carried her out and buried her by her husband’s side.
Pakarepo akawira pasi, patsoka dzake akabva afa. Ipapo majaya akapinda uye akamuwana afa, akamutakura akaenda naye kunze akandomuviga parutivi pomurume wake.
11 The whole church and all who heard of these events were appalled.
Kutya kukuru kwakabata kereke yose navose vakanzwa zvinhu izvi.
12 Many signs and wonders continued to occur among the people, through the instrumentality of the apostles, whose custom it was to meet all together in the Colonnade of Solomon;
Vapostori vakaita zviratidzo zvizhinji nezvishamiso pakati pavanhu. Uye vatendi vose vaiwanzosangana pamwe chete muBiravira raSoromoni.
13 but of the rest no one ventured to join them. On the other hand, the people were full of their praise,
Hakuna munhu akatsunga kubatana navo kunyange zvazvo vakanga vachikudzwa zvikuru navanhu.
14 and still larger numbers, both of men and women, as they became believers in the Lord, were added to their number.
Zvisinei zvazvo, varume vazhinji navakadzi vakatenda kuna She uye vakawedzera uwandu.
15 The consequence was that people would bring out their sick even into the streets, and lay them on mattresses and mats, in the hope that, as Peter came by, at least his shadow might fall on someone of them.
Nokuda kwaizvozvo, vanhu vakauya navairwara munzira dzomumisha vakavaradzika pamibhedha napahukwe vachiitira kuti mumvuri waPetro uwire pane vamwe vavo paainge ava kupfuura napavari.
16 Besides this, the inhabitants of the towns around Jerusalem flocked into the city, bringing with them their sick and those who were troubled by foul spirits; and they were cured everyone.
Vanhu vazhinji zhinji vaibva mumaguta akapoteredza Jerusarema vakaunganawo, vakauya navarwere vavo navaya vaitambudzwa nemweya yakaipa, uye vose vakaporeswa.
17 At this the high priest was roused to action, and he and all his supporters (who formed the party of the Sadducees), moved by jealousy,
Ipapo muprista mukuru navamwe vose vaaiva navo, avo vakanga vari nhengo dzebato ravaSadhusi, vakazadzwa negodo.
18 arrested the apostles, and had them placed in custody.
Vakasunga vapostori vakavaisa mujeri.
19 An angel of the Lord, however, opened the prison doors at night and led them out.
Asi mutumwa waShe akauya usiku akazarura mukova wejeri akavabudisa,
20 “Go,” he said, “and stand in the Temple Courts, and tell the people the whole message of this new life.”
akati, “Endai, mundomira muzvivanze zvetemberi, mugoudza vanhu mashoko ose oupenyu hutsva uhu.”
21 When they heard this, they went at daybreak into the Temple Courts, and began to teach. The high priest and his party, on their arrival, summoned the High Council, including all the leaders of the people among the Israelites, and sent to the jail to fetch the apostles.
Vakapinda mutemberi mangwanani, sezvavakanga vaudzwa, vakatanga kudzidzisa vanhu. Muprista mukuru navamwe vake vakati vasvika, vakaunganidza Dare Guru ramakurukota, ungano yose yavakuru, vakatumira vanhu kuti vandotora vapostori kujeri.
22 But, when the officers got there, they did not find them in the prison; so they returned and reported that,
Asi vabati vakati vasvika pajeri, vakawana vasimo. Saka vakadzokera vakasvikoti,
23 while they had found the jail barred securely and the guards posted at the doors, yet, on opening them, they had not found anyone inside.
“Tawana jeri rakanyatsozarirwa, navarindi vamire pamikova; asi patazarura, hatina kuwana munhu mukati.”
24 When the officer in charge at the Temple and the chief priests heard their story, they were perplexed about the apostles and as to what all this would lead to.
Vakati vanzwa chiziviso ichi, mukuru wavarindi vetemberi navaprista vakuru vakakanganisika, vachishaya kuti chii chaizoitika.
25 Presently, however, someone came and told them, that the men whom they had put in prison were actually standing in the Temple Courts, teaching the people.
Ipapo mumwe akasvika akati, “Tarirai! Varume vamakaisa mujeri vamire mutemberi vachidzidzisa vanhu.”
26 Then, the officer went with his men and fetched the apostles – without using violence, for they were afraid of being stoned by the people –
Paakazvinzwa, mukuru wavarindi akabva aenda navabati vake akandouya navapostori. Havana kuzviita nokumanikidza, nokuti vaitya kuti vanhu vangavatake namabwe.
27 and then brought them before the Council. The high priest demanded an explanation from them.
Vakati vauya navapostori, vakavamisa pamberi peDare Guru kuti vabvunzwe nomuprista mukuru.
28 “We gave you strict orders,” he said, “not to teach in this name. Yet you have actually flooded Jerusalem with your teaching, and you want to make us responsible for the death of this man.”
Akati, “Takakurayirai zvakasimba kuti murege kudzidzisa muzita iri. Asi mazadza Jerusarema rose nedzidziso yenyu uye munoda kuti tive nemhosva yeropa romurume uyu.”
29 To this Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than people.
Petro navamwe vapostori vakapindura vachiti, “Tinofanira kuteerera Mwari kukunda vanhu!
30 The God of our ancestors raised Jesus, whom you put to death by hanging him on a cross.
Mwari wamadzibaba edu akamutsa Jesu kubva kuvakafa uyo wamakaita kuti aurayiwe nokumuturika pamuti.
31 It is this Jesus whom God has exalted to his right hand, to be a guide and a Savior, to give Israel repentance and forgiveness of sins.
Mwari akamusimudzira kuruoko rwake rworudyi soMuchinda noMuponesi kuti ape kutendeuka nokuregererwa kwezvivi kuvaIsraeri.
32 And we are witness to the truth of this, and so is the Holy Spirit – the gift of God to those who obey him.”
Isu tiri zvapupu zvezvinhu izvi, uyewo noMweya Mutsvene wakapiwa naMwari kuna avo vanomuteerera.”
33 The members of the Council became frantic with rage on hearing this, and were for putting the apostles to death.
Vakati vanzwa izvi, vakashatirwa uye vakada kuvauraya.
34 But Gamaliel, a Pharisee, who was a Doctor of the Law and who was held in universal respect, rose in the Council, and directed that the men should be taken out of court for a little while.
Asi mumwe muFarisi ainzi Gamarieri, mudzidzisi womurayiro, uyo aikudzwa navanhu vose, akasimuka pakati pedare akarayira kuti vanhu vambobudiswa panze kwechinguvana.
35 He then said, “People of Israel, take care as to what you intend to do with these men.
Ipapo akati kwavari, “Imi varume veIsraeri, nyatsofungai pamusoro pezvamuri kuda kuita kuvanhu ava.
36 For not long ago Theudas appeared, professing to be somebody, and was joined by a body of some four hundred men. But he was killed; and all his followers scattered and dwindled away.
Munguva yakapfuura, kwakambova naTudhasi aizviti iye munhu mukuru, uye varume vanenge mazana mana vakamutevera. Akaurayiwa, vose vaimutevera vakaparadzirwa, uye zvikaguma zvava pasina.
37 After him, Judas the Galilean appeared at the time of the census, and induced people to follow him; yet he, too, perished and all his followers were dispersed.
Shure kwake, Judhasi weGarirea akambovapowo pamazuva okuverengwa kwavanhu akatungamirira boka ravanhu mune zvokupanduka. Naiyewo akaurayiwa, uye vose vaimutevera vakaparadzirwa.
38 And, in this present case, my advice to you is not to interfere with these men, but to leave them alone, for, if their designs and their work are merely of human origin, they will come to an end;
Naizvozvo, panyaya iyi ndinokurayirai kuti: Regai vanhu ava vakadaro! Regai vaende! Nokuti kana kufunga kwavo kuri kwomunhu, kuchaguma.
39 but, if they are of divine origin, you will be powerless to put an end to them – or else you may find yourselves fighting against God!”
Asi kana kuchibva kuna Mwari, hamungagoni kukonesa vanhu ava; muchazoona kuti muri kurwa naMwari.”
40 The Council followed his advice, and, calling the apostles in, had them flogged, and then, after cautioning them not to speak in the name of Jesus, set them free.
Kutaura kwake kwakavadzikamisa. Vakadana vapostori kuti vapinde vakaita kuti varohwe. Ipapo vakavarayira kuti varege kutaura muzita raJesu, uye vakavaregedza.
41 But the apostles left the Council, rejoicing that they had been thought worthy to suffer disgrace for that name;
Vapostori vakabva paDare Guru, vachifara nokuda kwokuti vakanga vanzi vakafanira kutambudzwa nokunyadziswa nokuda kweZita iri.
42 and never for a single day, either in the Temple Courts or in private houses, did they cease to teach, or to tell the good news of Jesus, the Christ.
Zuva rimwe nerimwe havana kumborega kudzidzisa nokuparidza shoko rakanaka vari mutemberi nomudzimba nedzimba kuti Jesu ndiye Kristu.