< Acts 4 >

1 While Peter and John were still speaking to the people, the chief priest, with the officer in charge at the Temple and the Sadducees, came up to them,
And while thei spaken to the puple, the preestis and magistratis of the temple, and the Saduceis camen vpon hem, and soreweden,
2 much annoyed because they were teaching the people, and because, through Jesus, they were preaching the resurrection from the dead.
that thei tauyten the puple, and telden in Jhesu the ayenrisyng fro deth.
3 They arrested the apostles and, as it was already evening, had them placed in custody until the next day.
And thei leiden hondis on hem, and puttiden hem in to warde in to the morewe; for it was thanne euentid.
4 Many, however, of those who had heard the apostles’ message became believers in Christ, the number of the men alone amounting to about five thousand.
But manye of hem that hadden herd the word, bileueden; and the noumbre of men was maad fyue thousyndis.
5 The next day, a meeting of the leaders of the people, the elders, and the teachers of the Law was held in Jerusalem.
And amorewe it was don, that the princis of hem, and eldre men and scribis weren gadirid in Jerusalem;
6 There were present Annas the high priest, Caiaphas, John, Alexander, and all who were of High-Priestly rank.
and Annas, prince of preestis, and Caifas, and Joon, and Alisaundre, and hou manye euere weren of the kynde of preestis.
7 They had Peter and John brought before them, and questioned them. “By what power,” they asked, “Or in whose name have men like you done this thing?”
And thei settiden hem in the myddil, and axiden, In what vertue, ether in what name, han ye don this thing?
8 Then, Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said, “Leaders of the people and elders,
Thanne Petre was fillid with the Hooli Goost, and seide to hem, Ye pryncis of the puple, and ye eldre men, here ye.
9 since we are on our trial today for a kind act done to a helpless man, and are asked in what way the man here before you has been cured,
If we to dai be demyd in the good dede of a sijk man, in whom this man is maad saaf,
10 let me tell you all and all the people of Israel, that it is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified and whom God raised from the dead – it is, I say, by his name that this man stands here before you lame no longer.
be it knowun to you alle, and to al the puple of Israel, that in the name of Jhesu Crist of Nazareth, whom ye crucifieden, whom God reiside fro deth, in this this man stondith hool bifor you.
11 Jesus is ‘the stone which, scorned by you the builders, has yet become the corner stone.’
This is the stoon, which was repreued of you bildinge, which is maad in to the heed of the corner;
12 And salvation is in him alone; for there is no other name in the whole world, given to people, to which we must look for our salvation.”
and heelthe is not in ony othir. For nether other name vndur heuene is youun to men, in which it bihoueth vs to be maad saaf.
13 When the Council saw how boldly Peter and John spoke, and found that they were uneducated men of humble station, they were surprised, and realized that they had been companions of Jesus.
And thei siyen the stidfastnesse of Petre and of Joon, for it was foundun that thei weren men vnlettrid, and lewid men, and thei wondriden, and knewen hem that thei weren with Jhesu.
14 But, when they looked at the man who had been healed, standing there with them, they had nothing to say.
And thei siyen the man that was helid, stondinge with hem, and thei myyten no thing ayenseie.
15 So they ordered them out of court, and then began consulting together.
But thei comaundiden hem to go forth with out the counsel. And thei spaken togidere,
16 “What are we to do to these men?” they asked one another. “That a remarkable sign has been given through them is obvious to everyone living in Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it.
and seiden, What schulen we do to these men? for the signe is maad knowun bi hem to alle men, that dwellen at Jerusalem; it is opyn, and we moun not denye.
17 But, to prevent this thing from spreading further among the people, let us warn them not to speak in this name any more to anyone whatever.”
But that it be no more pupplischid in to the puple, manasse we to hem, that thei speke no more in this name to ony men.
18 So they called the apostles in, and ordered them not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus.
And thei clepiden hem, and denounsiden to hem, that on no maner thei schulden speke, nether teche, in the name of Jhesu.
19 But Peter and John replied, “Whether it is right, in the sight of God, to listen to you rather than to him – judge for yourselves,
But Petre and Joon answeriden, and seiden to hem, If it be riytful in the siyt of God to here you rather than God, deme ye.
20 for we cannot help speaking of what we have seen and heard.”
For we moten nedis speke tho thingis, that we han sayn and herd.
21 However, after further warnings, the Council set them at liberty, not seeing any safe way of punishing them, because of the people, for they were all praising God for what had occurred;
And thei manassiden, and leften hem, and foundun not hou thei schulden punische hem, for the puple; for alle men clarifieden that thing that was don in that that was bifalle.
22 for the man who was the subject of this miraculous cure was more than forty years old.
For the man was more than of fourty yeer, in which this signe of heelthe was maad.
23 After they had been set at liberty, the apostles went to their friends and told them what the chief priests and the elders had said to them.
And whanne thei weren delyuerid, thei camen to her felowis, and telden to hem, hou grete thingis the princis of preestis and the eldre men hadden seid to hem.
24 All who heard their story, moved by a common impulse, raised their voices to God in prayer: “Sovereign Lord, it is you who has made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything that is in them,
And whanne thei herden, with oon herte thei reiseden vois to the Lord, and seiden, Lord, thou that madist heuene and erthe, see, and alle thingis that ben in hem, which seidist bi the Hooli Goost,
25 and who, by the lips of our ancestor, your servant David, who spoke under the influence of the Holy Spirit, have said – ‘Why did the nations rage, and the peoples form vain designs?
bi the mouth of oure fadir Dauid, thi child, Whi hethen men gnastiden with teeth togidre, and the puplis thouyten veyn thingis?
26 The kings of the earth set their array, and its rulers gathered together, against the Lord and against his Christ.’
Kyngis of the erthe stoden nyy, and princis camen togidre `in to oon, ayens the Lord, and ayens his Crist.
27 There have indeed gathered together in this city against your holy servant Jesus, whom you has consecrated the Christ, not Herod and Pontius Pilate only, but the nations and the people of Israel besides –
For verili Eroude and Pounce Pilat, with hethene men, and puplis of Israel, camen togidre in this citee ayens thin hooli child Jhesu,
28 yet only to do what you, by your power and of your own will, did long ago destine to be done.
whom thou anoyntidist, to do the thingis, that thin hoond and thi counsel demyden to be don.
29 Now, therefore, Lord, mark their threats, and enable your servants, with all fearlessness, to tell your message,
And now, Lord, biholde in to the thretnyngis of hem, and graunte to thi seruauntis to speke thi word with al trist,
30 while you stretch out your hand to heal, and cause signs and wonders to take place through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”
in that thing that thou holde forth thin hond, that heelthis and signes and wondris be maad bi the name of thin hooli sone Jhesu.
31 When their prayer was ended, the place in which they were assembled was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to tell God’s message fearlessly.
And whanne thei hadden preyed, the place was moued, in which thei weren gaderid; and alle weren fillid with the Hooli Goost, and spaken the word of God with trist.
32 The whole body of those who had become believers in Christ were of one heart and mind. Not one of them claimed any of his goods as his own, but everything was held for the common use.
And of al the multitude of men bileuynge was oon herte and oon wille; nether ony man seide ony thingis of tho thingis that he weldide to be his owne, but alle thingis weren comyn to hem.
33 The apostles continued with great power to bear their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and God’s blessing rested on them all abundantly.
And with greet vertu the apostlis yeldiden witnessyng of the ayenrysyng of Jhesu Crist oure Lord, and greet grace was in alle hem.
34 Nor was there anyone in need among them, for all who were owners of land or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the sales
For nether ony nedi man was among hem, for how manye euere weren possessouris of feeldis, ether of housis, thei seelden, and brouyten the pricis of tho thingis that thei seelden,
35 and laid them at the apostles’ feet; and then everyone received a share in proportion to his wants.
and leiden bifor the feet of the apostlis. And it was departid to ech, as it was nede to ech.
36 A Levite of Cyprian birth, named Joseph, (who had received from the apostles the additional name of ‘Barnabas’ – which means ‘The Consoler,’)
Forsothe Joseph, that was named Barsabas of apostlis, that is to seie, the sone of coumfort, of the lynage of Leuy,
37 Sold a farm that belonged to him, and brought the money and laid it at the apostles’ feet.
a man of Cipre, whanne he hadde a feeld, seelde it, and brouyte the prijs, and leide it bifor the feet of apostlis.

< Acts 4 >